BaseParams |
Base parameters for a number of methods. |
BatchEmbedContentsRequest |
Params for calling GenerativeModel.batchEmbedContents() |
BatchEmbedContentsResponse |
Response from calling GenerativeModel.batchEmbedContents(). |
CitationMetadata |
Citation metadata that may be found on a GenerateContentCandidate. |
CitationSource |
A single citation source. |
Content |
Content type for both prompts and response candidates. |
ContentEmbedding |
A single content embedding. |
CountTokensRequest |
Params for calling GenerativeModel.countTokens() |
CountTokensResponse |
Response from calling GenerativeModel.countTokens(). |
EmbedContentRequest |
Params for calling GenerativeModel.embedContent() |
EmbedContentResponse |
Response from calling GenerativeModel.embedContent(). |
EnhancedGenerateContentResponse |
Response object wrapped with helper methods. |
FunctionCall |
A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values. |
FunctionCallingConfig |
FunctionCallPart |
Content part interface if the part represents FunctionResponse. |
FunctionDeclaration |
Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the [OpenAPI 3.0 specification]( Included in this declaration are the function name and parameters. This FunctionDeclaration is a representation of a block of code that can be used as a Tool by the model and executed by the client. |
FunctionDeclarationSchema |
Schema for parameters passed to FunctionDeclaration.parameters. |
FunctionDeclarationSchemaProperty |
Schema is used to define the format of input/output data. Represents a select subset of an OpenAPI 3.0 schema object. More fields may be added in the future as needed. |
FunctionDeclarationsTool |
A FunctionDeclarationsTool is a piece of code that enables the system to interact with external systems to perform an action, or set of actions, outside of knowledge and scope of the model. |
FunctionResponse |
The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model. This should contain the result of a [FunctionCall] made based on model prediction. |
FunctionResponsePart |
Content part interface if the part represents FunctionResponse. |
GenerateContentCandidate |
A candidate returned as part of a GenerateContentResponse. |
GenerateContentRequest |
Request sent to generateContent endpoint. |
GenerateContentResponse |
Individual response from GenerativeModel.generateContent() and GenerativeModel.generateContentStream(). generateContentStream() will return one in each chunk until the stream is done. |
GenerateContentResult |
Result object returned from generateContent() call. |
GenerateContentStreamResult |
Result object returned from generateContentStream() call. Iterate over stream to get chunks as they come in and/or use the response promise to get the aggregated response when the stream is done. |
GenerationConfig |
Config options for content-related requests |
GenerativeContentBlob |
Interface for sending an image. |
InlineDataPart |
Content part interface if the part represents an image. |
ModelParams |
Params passed to GoogleGenerativeAI.getGenerativeModel(). |
PromptFeedback |
If the prompt was blocked, this will be populated with blockReason and the relevant safetyRatings . |
RequestOptions |
Params passed to GoogleGenerativeAI.getGenerativeModel(). |
SafetyRating |
A safety rating associated with a GenerateContentCandidate |
SafetySetting |
Safety setting that can be sent as part of request parameters. |
StartChatParams |
Params for GenerativeModel.startChat(). |
TextPart |
Content part interface if the part represents a text string. |
ToolConfig |
Tool config. This config is shared for all tools provided in the request. |