sheetui --help
will print out help for the command line tags.
Currently this will print out:
Usage: sheetui [OPTIONS] <WORKBOOK>
-l, --locale-name <LOCALE_NAME> [default: en]
-t, --timezone-name <TIMEZONE_NAME> [default: America/New_York]
--log-input <LOG_INPUT>
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Currently we only support the ironcalc xlsx features for spreadsheet. I plan to handle csv import and export at some point. I also might support other export formats as well but for the moment just csv and it's variants such as tsv are in the roadmap.
The sheetui user interface is loosely inspired by vim. It is a modal interface
that is entirely keyboard driven. At nearly any time you can type Alt-h
get some context sensitive help.