- Fork this repository under your own account
- Clone the forked repository to your computer
- Create a
file so generated files won't be committed - Commit your progress frequently and with descriptive commit messages
- All your answers and solutions should go in this repository
- You can use any resource online, but please work individually
- Don't just copy-paste your answers and solutions, use your own words instead.
- Don't push your work to GitHub until your mentor announces that the time is up
The application is accepted if:
- The solution works according to specification [1p each]
- The solution follows styleguide [1p]
- Has proper error handling where the specification says it [1p each]
- Has the correct loops, methods, filters [1p each]
- The code is clean, without unnecessary repetition, and with descriptive names [1p each]
- You commit frequently with descriptive commit messages [1p]
[add your answer here]
1: signature
2: return type
3: method name
4: argument type
5: argument variable
6: local variable
7: method body
8: return statement
[add your answer here] The constructor is a code in class that initializes an object. When creating a new instance of an object, the constructor is called by saying "new" before the object type. If a constructor is not provided when implementing a class, Java generates a default constructor. A constructor can also make the object be able to take arguments.