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File metadata and controls

1864 lines (1550 loc) · 90.9 KB

IELE Execution

IELE is a register-based abstract machine over some simple opcodes. Most of the opcodes are "local" to the execution state of the machine, but some of them must interact with the world state. This file only defines the local execution operations. A separate will eventually be created to describe the remainder of the transaction protocol.

requires "data.k"
requires "iele-syntax.k"
requires "iele-gas.k"
requires "well-formedness.k"

    imports STRING
    imports IELE-DATA
    imports IELE-COMMON


We've broken up the configuration into two components; those parts of the state that mutate during execution of a single transaction and those that are static throughout. In the comments next to each cell, we explain the purpose of the cell.

    configuration <k/>                                               // Current computation
                  <s/>                                               // Current strategy
                  <exit-code exit=""> 1 </exit-code>                 // Exit code of interpreter process
                  <mode> $MODE:Mode </mode>                          // Execution mode: VMTESTS or NORMAL
                  <schedule> $SCHEDULE:Schedule </schedule>          // Gas Schedule: DEFAULT or ALBE
                  <checkGas> true </checkGas>                        // Enables/disables gas check in test driver


                  // IELE Specific
                  // =============


                    // Mutable during a single transaction
                    // -----------------------------------

                    <output>        .Ints </output>                  // Return registers of current call frame
                    <callStack>     .List </callStack>               // Inter-contract call stack
                    <interimStates> .List </interimStates>           // Checkpointed network state for rollback
                    <substateStack> .List </substateStack>           // Checkpointed substate for rollback

                    // A single contract call frame
                    // ----------------------------
                      // The loaded state of a IELE program
                      // ----------------------------------
                          <function multiplicity="*" type="Map">
                            <funcId>       deposit </funcId>         // The name of the function
                            <nparams>      0       </nparams>        // The number of parameters of the function
                            <instructions> (.Instructions .LabeledBlocks):Blocks </instructions> // The blocks of the function
                            <jumpTable>    .Map    </jumpTable>      // Map from jump label to blocks, for branch instruction
                            <nregs>        0       </nregs>          // Number of registers used by this function
                        <funcIds>     .Set </funcIds>                // Set of all names of functions in <functions> cell
                        <funcLabels>  .Map </funcLabels>             // Map of integer function IDS to all function names in the <functions> cell
                        <exported>    .Set </exported>               // Set of all names of functions defined with define public
                        <programSize> 0    </programSize>            // Size in bytes of currently loaded contract
                        <contractCode> .Contract </contractCode>     // Disassembled entire contract
                      <callDepth>    0          </callDepth>         // Inter-contract call stack depth
                      <localCalls>   .List      </localCalls>        // Intra-contract call stack

                      // I_*
                      <id>        0     </id>                         // Currently executing contract
                      <caller>    0     </caller>                     // Contract that called current contract
                      <callData>  .Ints </callData>                   // Copy of register arguments
                      <callValue> 0     </callValue>                  // Value in funds passed to contract

                      // \mu_*
                      <regs>          .Array  </regs>                 // Current values of registers
                      <localMem>      .Map    </localMem>             // Current values of local memory
                      <peakMemory>    0       </peakMemory>           // Maximum memory used so far in call frame
                      <currentMemory> 0       </currentMemory>        // Current memory used in call frame
                      <fid>           deposit </fid>                  // Name of currently executing function
                      <gas>           0       </gas>                  // Current gas remaining
                      <previousGas>   0       </previousGas>          // Gas remaining prior to last decrease

                      <static> false </static>                        // Whether the call frame came from a staticcall

                    // A_* (execution substate)
                      <selfDestruct> .Set  </selfDestruct>            // Set of contract ids that were destroyed by this transaction
                      <logData>  .List </logData>                     // Log entries for this transaction
                      <refund>       0     </refund>                  // Refund for this transaction

                    // Immutable during a single transaction
                    // -------------------------------------

                    <gasPrice> 0 </gasPrice>                          // Price of gas for this transaction
                    <origin>   0 </origin>                            // Sender of current transaction

                    // I_H* (block information)
                    <beneficiary>      0          </beneficiary>      // Miner of current block
                    <difficulty>       0          </difficulty>       // Difficulty of current block
                    <number>           0          </number>           // Number of current block
                    <gasLimit>         0          </gasLimit>         // Gas limit of current block
                    <gasUsed>          0          </gasUsed>          // Gas used by current block
                    <timestamp>        0          </timestamp>        // Timestamp of current block
                    <blockhash>         .List     </blockhash>        // List of previous block's hashes


                  // IELE Network Layer
                  // ==================


                    // Accounts Record
                    // ---------------

                    <activeAccounts> .Set </activeAccounts> // Set of keys in the accounts cell.
                      <account multiplicity="*" type="Map">
                        <acctID>   0          </acctID>     // ID of account
                        <balance>  0          </balance>    // Balance of funds in account
                        <code>     #emptyCode </code>       // Disassembled contract of account
                        <storage>  .Map       </storage>    // Permanent storage of account (for sload/sstore)
                        <nonce>    0          </nonce>      // Nonce of account

                    // Transactions Record
                    // -------------------

                    <txOrder>   .List </txOrder>            // Order of transactions in block
                    <txPending> .List </txPending>          // Remaining transactions in block

                      <message multiplicity="*" type="Map">
                        <msgID>      0          </msgID>              // Unique ID of transaction
                        <txNonce>    0          </txNonce>            // Nonce of transaction (not checked)
                        <txGasPrice> 0          </txGasPrice>         // Gas price of transaction
                        <txGasLimit> 0          </txGasLimit>         // Gas limit of transaction
                        <sendto>     .Account   </sendto>             // Destination of transaction (.Account for account creation)
                        <func>       deposit    </func>               // Function to call by transaction
                        <value>      0          </value>              // Value in funds to transfer by transaction
                        <from>       0          </from>               // Sender of transaction
                        <data>       .WordStack </data>               // Arguments to function called by transaction
                        <args>       .Ints      </args>


    syntax IELESimulation
    syntax Mode
    syntax Schedule
    syntax Contract ::= "#emptyCode"
 // --------------------------------

Uninitialized Accounts

An account to which code has never been deployed has a size in bytes of zero, but contains an implicit public function @deposit which takes no arguments, returns no values, and does nothing. This function exists to allow accounts to receive payment even if they do not have a contract deployed to them. Note that a contract can forbid payments by refusing to declare the @deposit function, and explicitly raising an exception if any of its entry points are invoked with a balance transfer.

Note that the syntax used in the following #emptyCode macro is desugared IELE syntax, where contracts have a size in bytes metadata attachment (!0 here) and argument lists are replaced with an integer value representing arity (0 here).

    syntax IeleName ::= "Main" [token]
                      | "iele.Wallet" [token]
    syntax ContractDefinition ::= "contract" IeleName "!" /* size in bytes */ Int /* byte string */ String "{" TopLevelDefinitions "}" /* when desugared to include the code size */
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #emptyCode => contract iele.Wallet !0 "" { define public @deposit ( 0 ) { ret .NonEmptyOperands .Instructions .LabeledBlocks } } .Contract [macro]


The network state is closely based on the EVM blockchain, with the state mainly consisting of information on a set of accounts, and funds being held by accounts rather than following the Bitcoin "UTXO" model.

Accounts are divided into smart contracts, which accept calls and disburse funds according only to their code, and simple wallets which can receive deposits but contain no smart contract code, and are operated by a person off-chain system holding a corresponding private key.

There is no clear division in the address space between smart contracts and wallets, but it is intended to be impossible for a smart contract to exist at an address for which anybody knows a corresponding private key, so that clients of that contract can be sure that its funds will only be used according to the contract code.

When calling a function on an account, the caller may include funds to be given to the receiver. In the syntax of the call instruction this quantity comes after the send keyword. This is also the only way to transfer funds between accounts. To allow sending funds to simple wallets, those accounts act as if they have a single public function named deposit which takes no arguments and immediately returns successfully when called (thus keeping any funds which were sent).

To allow people to set up a simple wallet without needing to send any blockchain transactions, we need to allow deposit to be called on accounts that have never previously been mentioned on the blockchain. In this case the account is initialized as an "empty" account, which has a balance but no contract code.

A complication is that a call to deposit can create such an "empty account" at the address where a new smart contract will later be created, because it is sometimes feasible to predict the addresses of new contracts. The prevent this from being a possible denial of service attack, we allow the new smart contract to be created anyway in this case, setting up its code an persistent storage and inheriting any funds which were already held at that address. This is a bit unfortunate but it doesn't compromise the security guarantee that a smart contract account never exists at an address for which anybody knows a private key.

    imports IELE-CONSTANTS


The callStack cell stores a list of previous VM execution states.

  • #pushCallStack saves a copy of VM execution state on the callStack.
  • #popCallStack restores the top element of the callStack.
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#pushCallStack"
 // --------------------------------------
    rule <k> #pushCallStack => . ... </k>
         <callFrame> FRAME </callFrame>
         <callStack> (.List => ListItem(<callFrame> FRAME </callFrame>)) ... </callStack>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#popCallStack"
 // -------------------------------------
    rule <k> #popCallStack => . ... </k>
         <callFrame> _ => FRAME </callFrame>
         <callStack> (ListItem(<callFrame> FRAME </callFrame>) => .List) ... </callStack>

The interimStates cell stores a list of previous world states.

  • #pushWorldState stores a copy of the current accounts at the top of the interimStates cell.
  • #popWorldState restores the top element of the interimStates.
  • #dropWorldState removes the top element of the interimStates.
    syntax Accounts ::= "{" AccountsCell "|" Set "}"
 // ------------------------------------------------

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#pushWorldState"
 // ---------------------------------------
    rule <k> #pushWorldState => .K ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
         <accounts> ACCTDATA </accounts>
         <interimStates> (.List => ListItem({ <accounts> ACCTDATA </accounts> | ACCTS })) ... </interimStates>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#popWorldState"
 // --------------------------------------
    rule <k> #popWorldState => .K ... </k>
         <interimStates> (ListItem({ <accounts> ACCTDATA </accounts> | ACCTS }) => .List) ... </interimStates>
         <activeAccounts> _ => ACCTS </activeAccounts>
         <accounts> _ => ACCTDATA </accounts>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#dropWorldState"
 // ---------------------------------------
    rule <k> #dropWorldState => . ... </k> <interimStates> (ListItem(_) => .List) ... </interimStates>

The substateStack cell stores a list of previous substate logs.

  • #pushSubstate stores a copy of the current substate at the top of the substateStack cell.
  • #popSubstate restores the top element of the substateStack.
  • #dropSubstate removes the top element of the substateStack.
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#pushSubstate"
 // -------------------------------------
    rule <k> #pushSubstate => .K ... </k>
         <substate> SUBSTATE </substate>
         <substateStack> (.List => ListItem(<substate> SUBSTATE </substate>)) ... </substateStack>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#popSubstate"
 // ------------------------------------
    rule <k> #popSubstate => .K ... </k>
         <substate> _ => SUBSTATE </substate>
         <substateStack> (ListItem(<substate> SUBSTATE </substate>) => .List) ... </substateStack>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#dropSubstate"
 // -------------------------------------
    rule <k> #dropSubstate => .K ... </k> <substateStack> (ListItem(_) => .List) ... </substateStack>

Simple commands controlling exceptions provide control-flow.

  • #end is used to indicate the (non-exceptional) end of execution.
  • #exception is used to indicate exceptional states (it consumes any operations to be performed after it).
  • #revert is used to indicate the contract terminated with the revert instruction (exceptional return with error message, refunding gas).
    syntax KItem ::= Exception
    syntax Exception ::= "#exception" Int | "#end" | "#revert" Int
 // --------------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> EX:Exception ~> (_:Int    => .)      ... </k>
    rule <k> EX:Exception ~> (_:Instruction => .) ... </k>
    rule <k> EX:Exception ~> (_:Blocks => .)      ... </k>
    rule <k> EX:Exception ~> (_:InternalOp => .)  ... </k>

    syntax Int ::= "FUNC_NOT_FOUND"
                 | "FUNC_WRONG_SIG"
                 | "CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND"
                 | "USER_ERROR"
                 | "OUT_OF_GAS"
                 | "ACCT_COLLISION"
                 | "OUT_OF_FUNDS"
                 | "CALL_STACK_OVERFLOW"
                 | "CONTRACT_INVALID"
 // ------------------------------------
    rule FUNC_NOT_FOUND      => 1 [macro]
    rule FUNC_WRONG_SIG      => 2 [macro]
    rule CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND  => 3 [macro]
    rule USER_ERROR          => 4 [macro]
    rule OUT_OF_GAS          => 5 [macro]
    rule ACCT_COLLISION      => 6 [macro]
    rule OUT_OF_FUNDS        => 7 [macro]
    rule CALL_STACK_OVERFLOW => 8 [macro]
    rule CONTRACT_INVALID    => 9 [macro]

Description of registers.

  • Registers begin with %
  • Registers are evaluated using heating to the values they contain.
  • #regRange(N) generates the registers 0 to N-1.

    syntax KResult ::= Constant
 // ---------------------------
    rule <k> % REG:Int => REGS [ REG ] ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs> <typeChecking> false </typeChecking>

    syntax KResult ::= Ints
 // -----------------------
    rule isKResult(.Operands) => true

    syntax Ints ::= lookupRegisters(Operands, Array) [function]
 // -----------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> % REG:Int , OPS => lookupRegisters(% REG, OPS, REGS) ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs> <typeChecking> false </typeChecking>
    rule lookupRegisters(% REG:Int, OPS, REGS) => getInt(REGS [ REG ]) , lookupRegisters(OPS, REGS)
    rule lookupRegisters(.Operands, _) => .Ints

    syntax LValues ::= #regRange ( Int ) [function]
                     | #regRange ( Int , Int ) [function, klabel(#regRangeAux)]
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #regRange(N) => #regRange(0, N)
    rule #regRange(_, 0) => .LValues
    rule #regRange(N, 1) => % N , .LValues
    rule #regRange(N, M) => % N , #regRange(N +Int 1, M -Int 1) [owise]

Execution Step

When an instruction reaches the top of the K cell, we first heat its registers, then compute gas cost, then execute the instruction itself.

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#exec" Instruction
                        | "#gas" "[" Instruction "]" 
 // ------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> OP:Instruction => #gas [ #addr?(OP) ] ~> #exec #addr?(OP) ... </k> requires isKResult(OP)

The following types of instructions do not require any register heating.

    syntax KResult ::= AssignInst
    syntax KResult ::= JumpInst

Some instructions require an argument to be interpreted as an address (modulo 160 bits) or a memory cell (modulo 256 bits), so the #addr? function performs that check.

    syntax Instruction ::= "#addr?" "(" Instruction ")" [function]
 // --------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #addr?(REG = call @iele.balance(W))                                => REG = call @iele.balance(#addr(W))
    rule #addr?(REG = call @iele.extcodesize(W))                            => REG = call @iele.extcodesize(#addr(W))
    rule #addr?(REG1 , REG2 = copycreate W0 (REGS1) send W1)                => REG1 , REG2 = copycreate #addr(W0) (REGS1) send W1
    rule #addr?(selfdestruct W)                                             => selfdestruct #addr(W)
    rule #addr?(REGS1 = call LABEL at W0 (REGS2) send W1 , gaslimit W2)     => REGS1 = call LABEL at #addr(W0) (REGS2) send W1 , gaslimit W2
    rule #addr?(REGS1 = staticcall LABEL at W0 (REGS2) gaslimit W1)         => REGS1 = staticcall LABEL at #addr(W0) (REGS2) gaslimit W1
    rule #addr?(REG = calladdress LABEL at W0)                              => REG = calladdress LABEL at #addr(W0)
    rule #addr?(REG = load CELL, OFFSET, WIDTH)                             => REG = load chop(CELL), OFFSET, WIDTH
    rule #addr?(REG = load CELL)                                            => REG = load chop(CELL)
    rule #addr?(store VALUE, CELL, OFFSET, WIDTH)                           => store VALUE, chop(CELL), OFFSET, WIDTH
    rule #addr?(store VALUE, CELL)                                          => store VALUE, chop(CELL)
    rule #addr?(REG = sha3 CELL)                                            => REG = sha3 chop(CELL)
    rule #addr?(log CELL)                                                   => log chop(CELL)
    rule #addr?(log CELL, ARGS)                                             => log chop(CELL), ARGS
    rule #addr?(OP)                                                         => OP [owise]

Internal Operations

  • #loadAccount_ allows declaring a new empty account with the given address (and assumes the rounding to 160 bits has already occured). If the account already exists with non-zero nonce or non-empty code, an exception is thrown. Otherwise, if the account already exists, the storage is cleared.
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#loadAccount" Int
                        | "#initAccount" Int
 // ----------------------------------------
    rule <k> #initAccount ACCT => #exception ACCT_COLLISION ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCT  </acctID>
           <code>   CODE  </code>
           <nonce>  NONCE </nonce>
      requires CODE =/=K #emptyCode orBool NONCE =/=K 0

    rule <k> #initAccount ACCT => . ... </k>
           <acctID>  ACCT       </acctID>
           <code>    #emptyCode </code>
           <nonce>   0          </nonce>
           <storage> _ => .Map  </storage>

    rule <k> (.K => #loadAccount ACCT) ~> #initAccount ACCT ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
      requires notBool ACCT in ACCTS
    rule <k> #loadAccount ACCT => . ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS (.Set => SetItem(ACCT)) </activeAccounts>
           ( .Bag
          => <account>
               <acctID>    ACCT       </acctID>
      requires notBool ACCT in ACCTS
  • #lookupStorage loads the <storage> cell with the storage value for a particular key in the account.
    syntax InternalOp ::= #lookupStorage ( Int , Int )
 // --------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #lookupStorage(ACCT, INDEX) => . ... </k>
           <acctID>  ACCT    </acctID>
           <storage> STORAGE </storage>
      requires INDEX in_keys(STORAGE)
    rule <k> #lookupStorage(ACCT, INDEX) => . ... </k>
           <acctID>  ACCT                              </acctID>
           <storage> STORAGE => STORAGE [ INDEX <- 0 ] </storage>
      requires notBool INDEX in_keys(STORAGE)
  • #lookupCode loads the <code> cell with the code for a particular account.
    syntax InternalOp ::= #lookupCode ( Int )
 // -----------------------------------------
  • #transferFunds moves money from one account into another, creating the destination account if it doesn't exist.
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#transferFunds" Int Int Int
 // --------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #transferFunds ACCTFROM ACCTTO VALUE => . ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCTFROM </acctID>
           <balance> ORIGFROM => ORIGFROM -Int VALUE </balance>
           <acctID> ACCTTO </acctID>
           <balance> ORIGTO => ORIGTO +Int VALUE </balance>
      requires ACCTFROM =/=K ACCTTO andBool VALUE <=Int ORIGFROM

    rule <k> #transferFunds ACCTFROM ACCTTO VALUE => #exception OUT_OF_FUNDS ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCTFROM </acctID>
           <balance> ORIGFROM </balance>
      requires VALUE >Int ORIGFROM

    rule <k> (. => #loadAccount ACCTTO) ~> #transferFunds ACCTFROM ACCTTO VALUE ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
           <acctID> ACCTFROM </acctID>
           <balance> ORIGFROM </balance>
      requires ACCTFROM =/=K ACCTTO andBool notBool ACCTTO in ACCTS andBool VALUE <=Int ORIGFROM

    rule <k> #transferFunds ACCT ACCT VALUE => . ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> ORIGFROM </balance>
      requires VALUE <=Int ORIGFROM

Instruction Execution Cycle

  • #execute loads the code of the currently-executing function into the k cell, where it executes until the function returns. It is an exception if we try to execute a function that does not exist.
module IELE
    imports IELE-GAS

    syntax KItem ::= "#execute"
 // ---------------------------
    rule <k> #execute => CODE                      ... </k> <fid> FUNC </fid> <funcId> FUNC </funcId> <instructions> CODE </instructions>

Execution follows a simple cycle where first the state is checked for exceptions, then if no exceptions will be thrown the opcode is run.

  • If we reach the end of the function, we execute an implicit ret void instruction.
    rule <k> .LabeledBlocks => ret .NonEmptyOperands .Instructions .LabeledBlocks ... </k>
         <typeChecking> false </typeChecking>
  • The rule for sequential composition checks if the instruction is exceptional, runs it if not, then executes the next instruction (assuming the instruction doesn't execute a transfer of control flow).
    rule <k> OP::Instruction OPS::Instructions BLOCKS::LabeledBlocks
          => #exceptional? [ OP ] ~> OP
          ~> OPS BLOCKS
         <typeChecking> false </typeChecking>

When execution reaches the end of a block, we fall through to the immediately next block.

    rule <k> .Instructions BLOCKS::LabeledBlocks => BLOCKS ... </k>
         <typeChecking> false </typeChecking>

Exceptional Ops

Some checks if an opcode will throw an exception are relatively quick and done up front.

  • #exceptional? checks if the operator is invalid.
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#exceptional?" "[" Instruction "]"
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #exceptional? [ OP ] => #invalid? [ OP ] ~> #static? [ OP ] ~> #negativeCall? [ OP ] ... </k>
  • #invalid? checks if it's the designated invalid opcode.
    syntax K ::= "#invalid?" "[" Instruction "]" [function]
 // -------------------------------------------------------
    rule #invalid? [ _ = call @iele.invalid(.Operands) ] => #exception USER_ERROR
    rule #invalid? [ OP ] => . [owise]
  • #static? determines if the opcode should throw an exception due to the static flag (i.e., an attempt to change state inside a contract called with staticcall)
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#static?" "[" Instruction "]"
 // ----------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #static? [ OP ] => .                     ... </k>                     <static> false </static>
    rule <k> #static? [ OP ] => .                     ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs> <static> true  </static> requires notBool #changesState(OP, REGS)
    rule <k> #static? [ OP ] => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs> <static> true  </static> requires         #changesState(OP, REGS)

    syntax Bool ::= #changesState ( Instruction , Array ) [function]
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #changesState(log _, _) => true
    rule #changesState(log _ , _, _) => true
    rule #changesState(sstore _ , _, _) => true
    rule #changesState(_ = call _ at _ (_) send % VALUE , gaslimit _, REGS) => true requires REGS [ VALUE ] =/=K 0
    rule #changesState(_ , _ = create _ (_) send _, _) => true
    rule #changesState(_ , _ = copycreate _ (_) send _, _) => true
    rule #changesState(selfdestruct _, _) => true
    rule #changesState(...) => false [owise]
  • #negativeCall? throws an exception if we are making a contract call with negative value or gas limit.
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#negativeCall?" "[" Instruction "]"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #negativeCall? [ OP ] => . ... </k> requires notBool isAccountCallInst(OP) andBool notBool isCreateInst(OP)

    rule <k> #negativeCall? [ _     = call       _ at _ ( _ ) send % REG1 , gaslimit % REG2 ] => #if getInt(REGS [ REG1 ]) <Int 0 orBool getInt(REGS [ REG2 ]) <Int 0 #then #exception USER_ERROR #else . #fi ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs>

    rule <k> #negativeCall? [ _     = staticcall _ at _ ( _ ) gaslimit % REG ] => #if getInt(REGS [ REG ]) <Int 0 #then #exception USER_ERROR #else . #fi ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs>
    rule <k> #negativeCall? [ _ , _ = create     _ ( _ ) send % REG ]          => #if getInt(REGS [ REG ]) <Int 0 #then #exception USER_ERROR #else . #fi ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs>
    rule <k> #negativeCall? [ _ , _ = copycreate _ ( _ ) send % REG ]          => #if getInt(REGS [ REG ]) <Int 0 #then #exception USER_ERROR #else . #fi ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs>

Substate Log

After executing a transaction, it's necessary to have the effect of the substate log recorded.

  • #finalizeTx makes the substate log actually have an effect on the state.
    syntax InternalOp ::= #finalizeTx ( Bool )
                        | #deleteAccounts ( List )
 // ----------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #finalizeTx(true) => . ... </k>
         <selfDestruct> .Set </selfDestruct>

    rule <k> #finalizeTx(false => true) ... </k>
         <mode> VMTESTS </mode>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <refund> BAL => 0 </refund>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> CURRBAL => CURRBAL +Int BAL </balance>

    rule <k> (.K => #loadAccount MINER) ~> #finalizeTx(_)... </k>
         <mode> NORMAL </mode>
         <beneficiary> MINER </beneficiary>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
      requires notBool MINER in ACCTS

    rule <k> #finalizeTx(false => true) ... </k>
         <mode> NORMAL </mode>
         <txPending> ListItem(_) => .List ... </txPending>

    rule <k> (. => #deleteAccounts(Set2List(ACCTS))) ~> #finalizeTx(true) ... </k>
         <selfDestruct> ACCTS => .Set </selfDestruct>
      requires size(ACCTS) >Int 0

    rule <k> #deleteAccounts(ListItem(ACCT) ACCTS) => #deleteAccounts(ACCTS) ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ... (SetItem(ACCT) => .Set) </activeAccounts>
           ( <account>
               <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
          => .Bag

    rule #deleteAccounts(.List) => .

IELE Programs

Lists of instructions form functions in a contract.

IELE Instructions

Each subsection has a different class of instructions. Organization is based roughly on what parts of the execution state are needed to compute the result of each operator.

Invalid Operator

We use an explicit call to @iele.invalid both for marking the designated invalid operator and for garbage bytes in the input program. Executing the INVALID instruction results in an exception.

Register Manipulations

Some operators don't calculate anything, they just manipulate the state of registers.

  • Assigning an integer to a register is used to load immediate values into registers.

  • Assigning one register to another copies the value of the source register into the destination.

  • #loads loads a list of integers into a list of registers. It is an exception if the number of values do not match.

    rule <k> #exec REG = W:Int => #load REG W ... </k>

    rule <k> #exec REG1 = % REG2 => #load REG1 getInt( REGS [ REG2 ] ) ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#load" LValue Int
                        | "#load" Int Int Int [klabel(#loadAux)]
 // ------------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #load % REG VALUE => #load REG VALUE getInt(REGS [ REG ]) ... </k> <regs> REGS </regs>
    rule <k> #load REG VALUE OLD => . ... </k> <regs> REGS => REGS [ REG <- VALUE ] </regs> <currentMemory> CURR => CURR -Int intSize(OLD) +Int intSize(VALUE) </currentMemory>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#loads" LValues Ints
 // -------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #loads (REG , REGS) (VALUE , VALUES) => #load REG VALUE ~> #loads REGS VALUES ... </k>
    rule <k> #loads .LValues     .Ints            => .K                                    ... </k>
    rule <k> #loads (REG , REGS) .Ints            => #exception FUNC_WRONG_SIG             ... </k>
    rule <k> #loads .LValues     (VALUE , VALUES) => #exception FUNC_WRONG_SIG             ... </k>

Local Memory

These operations are getters/setters of the local execution memory.

  • REG = load CELL, OFFSET, WIDTH loads WIDTH bytes starting at OFFSET in the specified memory CELL into REG, interpreted as a signed integer.
  • REG = load CELL loads the entire value in CELL into REG, interpreted as a signed integer.
  • REG = store VALUE, CELL, OFFSET, WIDTH stores VALUE into the specified memory CELL at OFFSET, interpreting it modulo 256^WIDTH.
  • REG = store VALUE, CELL stores VALUE into the specified memory CELL, overwriting the previous value of the entire cell.
    rule <k> #exec REG = load CELL , OFFSET , WIDTH => #load REG Bytes2Int(LM [ OFFSET .. WIDTH ], LE, Unsigned) ... </k>
         <localMem>... CELL |-> LM ...</localMem>

    rule <k> #exec _ = load CELL , _ , _ ... </k>
         <localMem> LM (.Map => CELL |-> .Bytes) </localMem>
      requires notBool CELL in_keys(LM)

    rule <k> #exec REG = load CELL => #load REG Bytes2Int(LM, LE, Signed) ... </k>
         <localMem>... CELL |-> LM ...</localMem>

    rule <k> #exec store VALUE , CELL , OFFSET , WIDTH => . ... </k>
         <localMem>... CELL |-> (LM => LM [ OFFSET := Int2Bytes(chop(WIDTH), twos(chop(WIDTH), VALUE), LE) ]) </localMem>

    rule <k> #exec store _ , CELL , _ , _ ... </k>
         <localMem> LM (.Map => CELL |-> .Bytes) </localMem>
      requires notBool CELL in_keys(LM)

    rule <k> #exec store VALUE , CELL => . ... </k>
         <localMem> LM => LM [ CELL <- Int2Bytes(VALUE, LE, Signed) ] </localMem>


Expression calculations are simple and don't require anything but the arguments from the regs to operate.

  • REG = iszero W performs boolean negation on W.

  • REG = not W performs bitwise negation on W.

  • REG = add W0, W1 performs arbitrary-precision addition on W0 and W1.

  • REG = sub W0, W1 performs arbitrary-precision subtraction on W0 and W1.

  • REG = mul W0, W1 performs arbitrary-precision multiplication on W0 and W1.

  • REG = div W0, W1 performs arbitrary-precision t-division on W0 and W1. It is an exception to divide by zero.

  • REG = mod W0, W1 performs arbitrary-precision t-modulus on W0 and W1. It is an exception to modulus by zero.

  • REG = exp W0, W1 performs arbitrary-precision exponentiation on W0 and W1. It is an exception to exponentiate by a negative number.

  • REG = addmod W0, W1, W2 performs addition of W0 and W1 modulo W2. It is an exception to modulus by zero.

  • REG = mulmod W0, W1, W2 performs multiplication of W0 and W1 modulo W2. It is an exception to modulus by zero.

  • REG = expmod W0, W1, W2 performs exponentiation of W0 and W1 modulo W2. It is an exception to exponentiate by a negative number or modulus by zero.

  • REG = log2 W performs the floored logarithm base 2 of W. It is an exception to compute the logarithm of 0 or of a negative number.

  • REG = and W0, W1 performs bitwise AND on W0 and W1.

  • REG = or W0, W1 performs bitwise inclusive OR on W0 and W1.

  • REG = xor W0, W1 performs bitwise exclusive OR on W0 and W1.

  • REG = shift W0, W1 performs bitwise shifting of W0 by W1 bits. If W1 is positive, a left shift occurs; if W1 is negative, a right shift occurs.

  • REG = cmp lt W0, W1 computes if W0 is less than W1.

  • REG = cmp le W0, W1 computes if W0 is less than or equal to W1.

  • REG = cmp gt W0, W1 computes if W0 is greater than W1.

  • REG = cmp ge W0, W1 computes if W0 is greater than or equal to W1.

  • REG = cmp eq W0, W1 computes if W0 is equal to W1.

  • REG = cmp ne W0, W1 computes if W0 is not equal to W1.

    rule <k> #exec REG = iszero 0 => #load REG 1      ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = iszero W => #load REG 0      ... </k> requires W =/=K 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = not W    => #load REG ~Int W ... </k>

    rule <k> #exec REG = add W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 +Int W1  ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = mul W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 *Int W1  ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = sub W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 -Int W1  ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = div W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 /Int W1  ... </k> requires W1 =/=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = div W0 ,  0 => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = exp W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 ^Int W1  ... </k> requires W1 >=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = exp W0 , W1 => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k> requires W1 <Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = mod W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 %Int W1  ... </k> requires W1 =/=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = mod W0 ,  0 => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k>

    rule <k> #exec REG = addmod W0 , W1 , W2 => #load REG (W0 +Int W1) %Int W2 ... </k> requires W2 =/=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = addmod W0 , W1 ,  0 => #exception USER_ERROR          ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = mulmod W0 , W1 , W2 => #load REG (W0 *Int W1) %Int W2 ... </k> requires W2 =/=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = mulmod W0 , W1 ,  0 => #exception USER_ERROR          ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = expmod W0 , W1 , W2 => #load REG powmod(W0,W1,W2)     ... </k> requires W2 =/=Int 0 andBool (W1 >=Int 0 orBool gcdInt(W0, W2) ==Int 1)
    rule <k> #exec REG = expmod W0 , W1 ,  0 => #exception USER_ERROR          ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = expmod W0 , W1 , W2 => #exception USER_ERROR          ... </k> requires W1 <Int 0 andBool gcdInt(W0, W2) =/=Int 1

    rule <k> #exec REG = byte  INDEX , W => #load REG byte(chop(INDEX), W)       ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = sext  WIDTH , W => #load REG signextend(chop(WIDTH), W) ... </k> requires W >=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = sext  WIDTH , W => #exception USER_ERROR                ... </k> requires W <Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = twos  WIDTH , W => #load REG twos(chop(WIDTH), W)       ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = bswap WIDTH , W => #load REG bswap(chop(WIDTH), W)      ... </k> requires W >=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = bswap WIDTH , W => #exception USER_ERROR                ... </k> requires W <Int 0

    rule <k> #exec REG = log2 W => #load REG log2Int(W)  ... </k> requires W >Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = log2 W => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k> requires W <=Int 0

    rule <k> #exec REG = and   W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 &Int W1   ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = or    W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 |Int W1   ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = xor   W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 xorInt W1 ... </k>
    rule <k> #exec REG = shift W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 <<Int W1 ... </k> requires W1 >=Int 0
    rule <k> #exec REG = shift W0 , W1 => #load REG W0 >>Int (0 -Int W1) ... </k> requires W1 <Int 0

    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp lt W0 , W1 => #load REG 1 ... </k>  requires W0 <Int   W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp lt W0 , W1 => #load REG 0 ... </k>  requires W0 >=Int  W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp le W0 , W1 => #load REG 1 ... </k>  requires W0 <=Int  W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp le W0 , W1 => #load REG 0 ... </k>  requires W0 >Int   W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp gt W0 , W1 => #load REG 1 ... </k>  requires W0 >Int   W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp gt W0 , W1 => #load REG 0 ... </k>  requires W0 <=Int  W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp ge W0 , W1 => #load REG 1 ... </k>  requires W0 >=Int  W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp ge W0 , W1 => #load REG 0 ... </k>  requires W0 <Int   W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp eq W0 , W1 => #load REG 1 ... </k>  requires W0 ==Int  W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp eq W0 , W1 => #load REG 0 ... </k>  requires W0 =/=Int W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp ne W0 , W1 => #load REG 1 ... </k>  requires W0 =/=Int W1
    rule <k> #exec REG = cmp ne W0 , W1 => #load REG 0 ... </k>  requires W0 ==Int  W1


The sha3 instruction computes the keccak256 hash of an entire memory cell.

    rule <k> #exec REG = sha3 MEMINDEX => #load REG keccak(LM) ... </k>
         <localMem>... MEMINDEX |-> LM ...</localMem>

Local State

These operators make queries about the current execution state.

  • REG = call @iele.gas() returns the gas remaining after executing the current instruction.
  • REG = call @iele.gasprice() returns the gas price of the transaction. This will be removed when we migrate to Cardano.
  • REG = call @iele.gaslimit() returns the gas limit of the current block.
  • REG = call @iele.beneficiary() returns the account who receives payment for mining the current transaction.
  • REG = call @iele.timestamp() returns the time stamp of the current block.
  • REG = call @iele.number() returns the block number of the current block.
  • REG = call @iele.difficulty() returns the difficulty of the current block. This will be removed when we migrate to Cardano.
  • REG = call @iele.address() returns the address of the currently executing account.
  • REG = call @iele.origin() returns the original sender of the current transaction.
  • REG = call @iele.caller() returns the caller of the current contract call.
  • REG = call @iele.callvalue() returns the value transfer of the current contract call.
  • REG = call @iele.msize() returns the current peak memory usage of the current contract call.
  • REG = call @iele.codesize() returns the size in bytes of the currently executing contract.
  • REG = call @iele.blockhash(N) returns the hash of the block header of the Nth previous block.
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.gas      ( .Ints )  => #load REG (GAVAIL /Int Sgasdivisor < SCHED >) ... </k> <gas> GAVAIL </gas> <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.gasprice ( .Ints )  => #load REG GPRICE ... </k> <gasPrice> GPRICE </gasPrice>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.gaslimit ( .Ints )  => #load REG GLIMIT ... </k> <gasLimit> GLIMIT </gasLimit>

    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.beneficiary ( .Ints )  => #load REG CB   ... </k> <beneficiary> CB </beneficiary>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.timestamp   ( .Ints )  => #load REG TS   ... </k> <timestamp> TS </timestamp>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.number      ( .Ints )  => #load REG NUMB ... </k> <number> NUMB </number>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.difficulty  ( .Ints )  => #load REG DIFF ... </k> <difficulty> DIFF </difficulty>

    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.address   ( .Ints )  => #load REG ACCT ... </k> <id> ACCT </id>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.origin    ( .Ints )  => #load REG ORG  ... </k> <origin> ORG </origin>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.caller    ( .Ints )  => #load REG CL   ... </k> <caller> CL </caller>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.callvalue ( .Ints )  => #load REG CV   ... </k> <callValue> CV </callValue>

    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.msize    ( .Ints ) => #load REG (MU <<Int 3) ... </k> <peakMemory> MU </peakMemory>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.codesize ( .Ints ) => #load REG SIZE         ... </k> <programSize> SIZE </programSize>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.blockhash ( N ) => #load REG #if N >=Int HI orBool HI -Int 256 >Int N orBool N <Int 0 #then 0 #else #parseHexWord(Keccak256(Int2String(N))) #fi ... </k> <number> HI </number> <mode> VMTESTS </mode>
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.blockhash ( N ) => #load REG #blockhash(HASHES, N, HI -Int 1, 0) ... </k> <number> HI </number> <blockhash> HASHES </blockhash> <mode> NORMAL </mode>

    syntax Int ::= #blockhash ( List , Int , Int , Int ) [function]
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #blockhash(_, N, HI, _) => 0 requires N >Int HI orBool N <Int 0
    rule #blockhash(_, _, _, 256) => 0
    rule #blockhash(ListItem(0) _, _, _, _) => 0
    rule #blockhash(ListItem(H) _, N, N, _) => H
    rule #blockhash(ListItem(_) L, N, HI, A) => #blockhash(L, N, HI -Int 1, A +Int 1) [owise]

Branch and Local Call

The br instruction jumps to a specified label, either unconditionally, or if its argument is nonzero.

The call instruction for local calls (i.e. the form which does not specify an account, value, or gas limit), calls a function in the current contract. The called function executes in the same contract call frame (i.e. with the same value, gas limit, and memory), but with a fresh set of local registers. When execution of the callee reaches a ret instruction, control returns to the instruction following the call, and local registers are restored.

    rule <k> _:IeleName : INSTRS BLOCKS::LabeledBlocks => INSTRS BLOCKS ... </k>
         <typeChecking> false </typeChecking>

    rule <k> #exec br LABEL ~> _:Blocks => CODE ... </k> <fid> FUNC </fid> <function>... <funcId> FUNC </funcId> <jumpTable> ... LABEL |-> CODE </jumpTable> </function>

    rule <k> #exec br I:Int , LABEL ~> _:Blocks => CODE ... </k> <fid> FUNC </fid> <function>... <funcId> FUNC </funcId> <jumpTable> ... LABEL |-> CODE </jumpTable> </function> requires I =/=K 0
    rule <k> #exec br 0, LABEL          => .    ... </k>

    syntax LocalCall ::= "{" Blocks "|" IeleName "|" LValues "|" Array "}"
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    rule <k> #exec RETURNS = call @ LABEL ( ARGS ) ~> OPS:Blocks => #loads #regRange(#sizeRegs(ARGS)) ARGS ~> #execute ... </k>
         <fid> FUNC => LABEL </fid>
         <regs> REGS => .Array </regs>
         <localCalls> .List => ListItem({ OPS | FUNC | RETURNS | REGS }) ... </localCalls>
      requires notBool isIeleBuiltin(LABEL)

    rule <k> #exec _ = call (IDX:Int => @ LABEL) ( ARGS ) ... </k>
         <funcLabels> ... IDX |-> LABEL ... </funcLabels>
         <funcId> LABEL </funcId>
         <nparams> NPARAMS </nparams>
      requires #sizeRegs(ARGS) ==Int NPARAMS

    rule <k> #exec _ = call IDX:Int ( _ ) => #exception FUNC_NOT_FOUND ...</k>
         <funcLabels> LBLS </funcLabels>
      requires notBool IDX in_keys(LBLS)

    rule <k> #exec _ = call IDX:Int ( ARGS ) => #if LABEL ==K init andBool SCHED =/=K ALBE #then FUNC_NOT_FOUND #else #exception FUNC_WRONG_SIG #fi ... </k>
         <funcLabels> ... IDX |-> LABEL ... </funcLabels>
         <funcId> LABEL </funcId>
         <nparams> NPARAMS </nparams>
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
      requires #sizeRegs(ARGS) =/=Int NPARAMS orBool (LABEL ==K init andBool SCHED =/=K ALBE)

    syntax Bool ::= isIeleBuiltin(IeleName) [function]
 // --------------------------------------------------
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.invalid) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.gas) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.gasprice) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.gaslimit) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.beneficiary) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.timestamp) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.number) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.difficulty) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.address) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.origin) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.caller) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.callvalue) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.msize) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.codesize) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.blockhash) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.balance) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.extcodesize) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.ecrec) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.sha256) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.rip160) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin( => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.ecadd) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.ecmul) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin(iele.ecpairing) => true
    rule isIeleBuiltin( ... ) => false [owise]

ret and revert

  • ret returns the values contained in the specified list of registers to the caller. If we are executing inside a previous local call, the contract call frame persists unchanged, and only the instruction position and local register are affected. If we are executing at the top-level local call of a contract call frame, we return to the contract call's caller.
  • revert returns the value of the single specified register to the contract call's caller, but signifies that the contract has failed, which rolls back state changes and returns an error code to the caller.
    rule <k> #exec ret VALUES => #end ... </k>
         <output> _ => VALUES </output>
         <localCalls> .List </localCalls>

    rule <k> #exec ret VALUES ~> _:Blocks => #registerDeltas(RETURNS, VALUES) ~> #loads RETURNS VALUES ~> OPS ... </k>
         <fid> _ => FUNC </fid>
         <regs> _ => REGS </regs>
         <localCalls> ListItem({ OPS | FUNC | RETURNS | REGS }) => .List ... </localCalls>

    rule <k> #exec revert VALUE => #revert VALUE ... </k>
         <output> _ => .Ints </output>

Log Operations

During execution of a transaction some things are recorded in the substate log. This is a right cons-list of SubstateLogEntry (which contains the account ID along with the specified portions of the wordStack and localMem).

The log instruction logs an entire memory cell to the substate log with zero to four log topics.

    syntax SubstateLogEntry ::= "{" Int "|" List "|" Bytes "}" [klabel(logEntry)]
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #exec log MEMINDEX                     => #log MEMINDEX .List
    rule #exec log MEMINDEX , W0                => #log MEMINDEX ListItem(chop(W0))
    rule #exec log MEMINDEX , W0 , W1           => #log MEMINDEX ListItem(chop(W0)) ListItem(chop(W1))
    rule #exec log MEMINDEX , W0 , W1 , W2      => #log MEMINDEX ListItem(chop(W0)) ListItem(chop(W1)) ListItem(chop(W2))
    rule #exec log MEMINDEX , W0 , W1 , W2 , W3 => #log MEMINDEX ListItem(chop(W0)) ListItem(chop(W1)) ListItem(chop(W2)) ListItem(chop(W3))

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#log" Int List
 // -------------------------------------
    rule <k> #log MEMINDEX TOPICS => . ... </k>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <localMem>... MEMINDEX |-> LM ...</localMem>
         <logData> ... (.List => ListItem({ ACCT | TOPICS | LM })) </logData>

Network Ops

Operators that require access to the rest of the IELE network world-state can be taken as a first draft of a "blockchain generic" language.

Account Queries

  • REG = call @iele.balance(ACCT) returns the balance of the specified account (zero if the account does not exist).
  • REG = call @iele.extcodesize(ACCT) returns the code si of the specified account (zero if the account does not exist).
  • REG = calladdress NAME at ACCT returns the function pointer pointing to the function named NAME on the specified account (zero if the function does not exist)
    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.balance ( ACCT ) => #load REG BAL ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> BAL </balance>

    rule <k> (.K => #loadAccount ACCT) ~> #exec REG = call @iele.balance ( ACCT ) ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
      requires notBool ACCT in ACCTS

    rule <k> #exec REG = call @iele.extcodesize ( ACCT ) => #load REG #contractSize(CODE, #mainContract(CODE)) ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <code> CODE </code>
       requires CODE =/=K .Contract

    rule <k> (.K => #lookupCode(ACCT)) ~> #exec _ = call @iele.extcodesize ( ACCT ) ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <code> .Contract </code>

    rule <k> (.K => #loadAccount ACCT) ~> #exec _ = call @iele.extcodesize ( ACCT ) ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
      requires notBool ACCT in ACCTS

    rule <k> (.K => #loadAccount ACCT) ~> #exec _ = calladdress _ at ACCT ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
      requires notBool ACCT in ACCTS

    rule <k> (.K => #lookupCode(ACCT)) ~> #exec _ = calladdress _ at ACCT ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <code> .Contract </code>

    rule <k> #exec REG = calladdress @ NAME at ACCT => #load REG #callAddress(CODE, #mainContract(CODE), NAME) ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <code> CODE </code>
       requires CODE =/=K .Contract

Account Storage Operations

These operations interact with the account storage.

  • REG = sload INDEX loads the word at INDEX from the account storage.
  • sstore VALUE, INDEX stores the VALUE at INDEX in the account storage.
    rule <k> #exec REG = sload INDEX => #load REG VALUE ... </k>
         <id> ACCT </id>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <storage> ... INDEX |-> VALUE ... </storage>

    rule <k> #exec sstore VALUE , INDEX => . ... </k>
         <id> ACCT </id>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <storage> ... (INDEX |-> (OLD => VALUE)) ... </storage>
         <refund> R => R +Int Rsstoreset < SCHED > *Int maxInt(0, intSize(OLD) -Int intSize(VALUE)) </refund>
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>

Call Operations

The various call* (and other inter-contract control flow) operations will be desugared into these InternalOps.

-   `#checkCall` checks that the current account has the balance necessary to invoke the contract call, and that the contract call stack depth limit has not been reached.
-   `#call_____` takes the calling account, the account to execute as, the account whose code should execute, the gas limit, the amount to transfer, the function to call, and the arguments.
-   `#callWithCode______` takes the calling account, the accout to execute as, the code to execute (as a map), the gas limit, the amount to transfer, the function to call, and the arguments.
-   `#return__` is a placeholder for the calling program, specifying where to place the returned data in registers.

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#checkCall" Int Int Int
                        | "#call" Int Int Constant Operand Int Ints Bool [strict(4)]
                        | "#callWithCode" Int Int ProgramCell Constant Int Int Ints Bool
                        | "#mkCall" Int Int ProgramCell IeleName Int Int Ints Bool
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #checkCall ACCT VALUE GCAP ~> #call _ _ _ GLIMIT _ _ _ => #refund GLIMIT ~> #pushCallStack ~> #pushWorldState ~> #pushSubstate ~> #exception (#if VALUE >Int BAL #then OUT_OF_FUNDS #else CALL_STACK_OVERFLOW #fi) ... </k>
         <callDepth> CD </callDepth>
         <output> _ => .Ints </output>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> BAL </balance>
      requires VALUE >Int BAL orBool CD >=Int 1024

     rule <k> #checkCall ACCT VALUE GCAP => . ... </k>
         <callDepth> CD </callDepth>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> BAL </balance>
      requires notBool (VALUE >Int BAL orBool CD >=Int 1024)

          => #callWithCode ACCTFROM ACCTTO #precompiled FUNC GLIMIT VALUE ARGS STATIC
      requires ACCTTO ==Int #precompiledAccount

         <acctID> ACCTTO </acctID>
         <code> CODE </code>
      requires ACCTTO =/=Int #precompiledAccount andBool CODE =/=K .Contract

    rule <k> (.K => #lookupCode(ACCT)) ~> #call _ ACCT _ _ _ _ _ ... </k>
         <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
         <code> .Contract </code>
      requires ACCT =/=Int #precompiledAccount

    rule <k> (.K => #loadAccount ACCT) ~> #call _ ACCT _ _ _ _ _ ... </k>
         <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts>
      requires ACCT =/=Int #precompiledAccount andBool notBool ACCT in ACCTS

      => #pushCallStack ~> #pushWorldState ~> #pushSubstate
      ~> #transferFunds ACCTFROM ACCTTO VALUE

    rule #callWithCode ACCTFROM ACCTTO <program>... <funcLabels> LBLS </funcLabels> ...</program> IDX:Int GLIMIT VALUE ARGS STATIC
      => #pushCallStack ~> #pushWorldState ~> #pushSubstate ~> #exception FUNC_NOT_FOUND
      requires notBool IDX in_keys(LBLS)

    rule #callWithCode ACCTFROM ACCTTO (<program>... <funcLabels>... IDX |-> FUNC </funcLabels> ...</program> #as CODE) IDX:Int GLIMIT VALUE ARGS STATIC
      => #pushCallStack ~> #pushWorldState ~> #pushSubstate
      ~> #transferFunds ACCTFROM ACCTTO VALUE

          => #initVM(ARGS) ~> #initFun(FUNC, #sizeRegs(ARGS), false)
         <callDepth> CD => CD +Int 1 </callDepth>
         <callData> _ => ARGS </callData>
         <callValue> _ => VALUE </callValue>
         <id> _ => ACCTTO </id>
         <gas> _ => GLIMIT </gas>
         <caller> _ => ACCTFROM </caller>
         (<program> _ </program> => CODE:ProgramCell)
         <static> OLDSTATIC:Bool => OLDSTATIC orBool STATIC </static>

The VM starts out with empty memory, output, registers, and local call stack. If the function being called is not public, does not exist, or has the wrong number of arguments, an exception is raised.

    syntax KItem ::= #initVM ( Ints )
                   | #initFun ( IeleName , Int , Bool )
 // ---------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #initVM(ARGS) => #loads #regRange(#sizeRegs(ARGS)) ARGS ... </k>
         <currentMemory> _ => 0      </currentMemory>
         <peakMemory>    _ => 0      </peakMemory>
         <output>        _ => .Ints  </output>
         <regs>          _ => .Array </regs>
         <localMem>      _ => .Map   </localMem>
         <localCalls>    _ => .List  </localCalls>

    rule <k> #initFun(LABEL, _, false) => #exception FUNC_NOT_FOUND ... </k>
         <exported> FUNCS </exported>
         <funcIds> LABELS </funcIds>
      requires notBool LABEL in FUNCS
               andBool LABEL in LABELS

    rule <k> #initFun(LABEL, _, _) => #exception (#if SIZE ==Int 0 #then CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND #else FUNC_NOT_FOUND #fi) ... </k>
         <funcIds> LABELS </funcIds>
         <programSize> SIZE </programSize>
      requires notBool LABEL in LABELS

    rule <k> #initFun(LABEL, NARGS, _) => #exception FUNC_WRONG_SIG ... </k>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <funcId> LABEL </funcId>
         <nparams> NPARAMS </nparams>
      requires NARGS =/=Int NPARAMS

    rule <k> #initFun(LABEL, NARGS, ISCREATE:Bool) => #if EXECMODE ==K VMTESTS #then #end #else #execute #fi ... </k>
         <mode> EXECMODE </mode>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <funcIds> ... SetItem(LABEL) </funcIds>
         <exported> FUNCS </exported>
         <fid> _ => LABEL </fid>
         <nregs> REGISTERS </nregs>
         <currentMemory> _ => REGISTERS </currentMemory>
         <peakMemory> _ => REGISTERS </peakMemory>
         <funcId> LABEL </funcId>
         <nparams> NPARAMS </nparams>
      requires (LABEL in FUNCS orBool ISCREATE) andBool (NPARAMS ==Int NARGS)

    syntax KItem ::= "#return" LValues LValue
 // -----------------------------------------
    rule <k> #exception STATUS ~> #return _ REG
          => #popCallStack ~> #popWorldState ~> #popSubstate ~> #registerDelta(REG, 1) ~> #load REG STATUS
         <output> _ => .Ints </output>

    rule <k> #revert OUT ~> #return _ REG
           => #popCallStack
           ~> #popWorldState
           ~> #popSubstate
           ~> #registerDelta(REG, intSize(OUT))
           ~> #load REG OUT ~> #refund GAVAIL
         <gas> GAVAIL </gas>

    rule <mode> EXECMODE </mode>
         <k> #end ~> #return REGS REG
          => #popCallStack
          ~> #if EXECMODE ==K VMTESTS #then #popWorldState #else #dropWorldState #fi
          ~> #dropSubstate
          ~> #registerDelta(REG, 1)
          ~> #registerDeltas(REGS, OUT)
          ~> #load REG 0 ~> #refund GAVAIL ~> #if EXECMODE ==K VMTESTS #then .K #else #loads REGS OUT #fi
         <output> OUT </output>
         <gas> GAVAIL </gas>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#refund" Operand [strict]
 // -----------------------------------
    rule <k> #refund G:Int => . ... </k> <gas> GAVAIL => GAVAIL +Int G </gas>

For each call* operation, we make a corresponding call to #call and a state-change to setup the custom parts of the calling environment.

    rule <k> #exec REG , REGS = call LABEL at ACCTTO ( ARGS ) send VALUE , gaslimit GCAP
          => #checkCall ACCTFROM VALUE GCAP
          ~> #call ACCTFROM ACCTTO LABEL Ccallgas(SCHED, #accountEmpty(ACCTTO), GCAP *Int Sgasdivisor < SCHED >, GAVAIL, VALUE, #sizeLVals(REGS), Ccallarg(SCHED, ARGS)) VALUE ARGS false
          ~> #return REGS REG
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCTFROM </id>
         <previousGas> GAVAIL </previousGas>

    rule <k> #exec REG , REGS = staticcall LABEL at ACCTTO ( ARGS ) gaslimit GCAP
          => #checkCall ACCTFROM 0 GCAP
          ~> #call ACCTFROM ACCTTO LABEL Ccallgas(SCHED, #accountEmpty(ACCTTO), GCAP *Int Sgasdivisor < SCHED >, GAVAIL, 0, #sizeLVals(REGS), Ccallarg(SCHED, ARGS)) 0 ARGS true
          ~> #return REGS REG
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCTFROM </id>
         <previousGas> GAVAIL </previousGas>

Account Creation/Deletion

  • #create____ transfers the endowment to the new account and triggers the execution of the initialization code.
  • #codeDeposit_ checks the result of initialization code and whether the code deposit can be paid, indicating an error if not.
  • #checkCreate checks that the account has sufficient balance for the balance transfer, that the call depth limit is not reached, and increments the nonce of the creator account.
    syntax InternalOp ::= "#create" Int Int Int Int Contract Ints
                        | "#mkCreate" Int Int Contract Int Int Ints
                        | "#checkCreate" Int Int
                        | "#checkContract" Contract
                        | "#finishTypeChecking"
    syntax Contract ::= "#illFormed"
 // --------------------------------
    rule <k> #checkCreate ACCT VALUE ~> #create _ _ GAVAIL _ _ _ => #refund GAVAIL ~> #pushCallStack ~> #pushWorldState ~> #pushSubstate ~> #exception (#if VALUE >Int BAL #then OUT_OF_FUNDS #else CALL_STACK_OVERFLOW #fi) ... </k>
         <callDepth> CD </callDepth>
         <output> _ => .Ints </output>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> BAL </balance>
      requires VALUE >Int BAL orBool CD >=Int 1024

    rule <k> #checkCreate ACCT VALUE => . ... </k>
         <mode> EXECMODE </mode>
         <callDepth> CD </callDepth>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> BAL </balance>
           <nonce> NONCE => #if EXECMODE ==K VMTESTS #then NONCE #else NONCE +Int 1 #fi </nonce>
      requires notBool (VALUE >Int BAL orBool VALUE <Int 0 orBool CD >=Int 1024)

    rule <k> #checkContract CONTRACT => CONTRACT ~> #finishTypeChecking ... </k>
         (_:WellFormednessCell => 
           <typeChecking> true </typeChecking>
           <well-formedness-schedule> SCHED </well-formedness-schedule>
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
    rule <k> #finishTypeChecking => . ... </k>
         <typeChecking> _ => false </typeChecking>

    rule <k> . => #illFormed ... </k>
         <typeChecking> true </typeChecking>
         <s> #STUCK() => . ...</s>

    rule <k> #illFormed ~> (K:KItem => .) ... </k>
      requires K =/=K #finishTypeChecking

    rule <k> #illFormed ~> #finishTypeChecking ~> #create _ _ GAVAIL _ _ _ => #refund GAVAIL ~> #pushCallStack ~> #pushWorldState ~> #pushSubstate ~> #exception CONTRACT_INVALID ... </k>
         <typeChecking> true => false </typeChecking>

      => #pushCallStack ~> #pushWorldState ~> #pushSubstate
      ~> #initAccount ACCTTO
      ~> #transferFunds ACCTFROM ACCTTO VALUE

    rule <mode> EXECMODE </mode>
          => #initVM(ARGS) ~> #initFun(init, #sizeRegs(ARGS), true)
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCT => ACCTTO </id>
         <gas> OLDGAVAIL => GAVAIL </gas>
         (<program> _ </program> => #loadCode(CODE))
         <caller> _ => ACCTFROM </caller>
         <callDepth> CD => CD +Int 1 </callDepth>
         <callData> _ => .Ints </callData>
         <callValue> _ => VALUE </callValue>
           <acctID> ACCTTO </acctID>
           <nonce> NONCE => NONCE +Int 1 </nonce>

    syntax Contract ::= #subcontract ( Contract , IeleName ) [function]
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #subcontract ( (contract NAME ! _ _ { _ } #as CONTRACT) _, NAME ) => CONTRACT .Contract
    rule #subcontract ( CONTRACT CONTRACTS, NAME ) => CONTRACT #subcontract(CONTRACTS, NAME) [owise]

    syntax KItem ::= "#codeDeposit" Int Int Contract LValue LValue Bool
                   | "#mkCodeDeposit" Int Int Contract LValue LValue Bool
                   | "#finishCodeDeposit" Int Contract LValue LValue Bool
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #exception STATUS ~> #codeDeposit _ _ _ REG _ NEW:Bool => #popCallStack ~> #popWorldState ~> #popSubstate ~> #if NEW #then STATUS #else #registerDelta(REG, 1) ~> #load REG STATUS #fi ... </k> <output> _ => .Ints </output>
    rule <k> #revert OUT ~> #codeDeposit _ _ _ REG _ NEW:Bool => #popCallStack ~> #popWorldState ~> #popSubstate ~> #if NEW #then #refund GAVAIL ~> OUT #else #registerDelta(REG, intSize(OUT)) ~> #refund GAVAIL ~> #load REG OUT #fi ... </k>
         <gas> GAVAIL </gas>

    rule <mode> EXECMODE </mode>
         <k> #end ~> #codeDeposit ACCT LEN CODE STATUS ACCTOUT NEW => #mkCodeDeposit ACCT LEN CODE STATUS ACCTOUT NEW ... </k>

    rule <k> #mkCodeDeposit ACCT LEN CODE STATUS ACCTOUT NEW:Bool
          => #if EXECMODE ==K VMTESTS orBool notBool NEW #then . #else Gcodedeposit < SCHED > *Int LEN ~> #deductGas #fi
          ~> #finishCodeDeposit ACCT CODE STATUS ACCTOUT NEW
         <mode> EXECMODE </mode>
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <output> .Ints </output>

    rule <k> #finishCodeDeposit ACCT CODE STATUS ACCTOUT NEW:Bool
          => #popCallStack ~> #if EXECMODE ==K VMTESTS #then #popWorldState #else #dropWorldState #fi ~> #dropSubstate
          ~> #if NEW #then #refund GAVAIL ~> 0 #else #registerDelta(STATUS, 1) ~> #registerDelta(ACCTOUT, 3) ~> #refund GAVAIL ~> #load STATUS 0 ~> #load ACCTOUT ACCT #fi
         <mode> EXECMODE </mode>
         <gas> GAVAIL </gas>
         <output> _ => ACCT , .Ints </output>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <code> _ => CODE </code>

    rule <k> #exception STATUS ~> #finishCodeDeposit _ _ REG _ NEW:Bool => #popCallStack ~> #popWorldState ~> #popSubstate ~> #if NEW #then STATUS #else #registerDelta(REG, 1) ~> #load REG STATUS #fi ... </k>
  • create will attempt to #create the named contract using the initialization code and cleans up the result with #codeDeposit.
  • copycreate will attempt to #create a copy of the contract at the specified address using the initialization code and cleans up the result with #codeDeposit
    rule <k> #exec STATUS , ACCTOUT = create NAME ( ARGS ) send VALUE
          => #checkCreate ACCT VALUE
          ~> #create ACCT #newAddr(ACCT, NONCE) #if Gstaticcalldepth << SCHED >> #then GAVAIL #else #allBut64th(GAVAIL) #fi VALUE #subcontract(CODE, NAME) ARGS
          ~> #codeDeposit #newAddr(ACCT, NONCE) #contractSize(CODE, NAME) #subcontract(CODE, NAME) STATUS ACCTOUT false
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <gas> GAVAIL => #if Gstaticcalldepth << SCHED >> #then 0 #else GAVAIL /Int 64 #fi </gas>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <nonce> NONCE </nonce>
         <contractCode> CODE </contractCode>

    rule <k> #exec STATUS , ACCTOUT = copycreate ACCTCODE ( ARGS ) send VALUE
          => #checkCreate ACCT VALUE
          ~> #create ACCT #newAddr(ACCT, NONCE) #if Gstaticcalldepth << SCHED >> #then GAVAIL #else #allBut64th(GAVAIL) #fi VALUE CODE ARGS
          ~> #codeDeposit #newAddr(ACCT, NONCE) #contractSize(CODE, #mainContract(CODE)) CODE STATUS ACCTOUT false
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <gas> GAVAIL => #if Gstaticcalldepth << SCHED >> #then 0 #else GAVAIL /Int 64 #fi </gas>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <nonce> NONCE </nonce>
           <acctID> ACCTCODE </acctID>
           <code> CODE </code>
         requires ACCT =/=Int ACCTCODE andBool CODE =/=K .Contract

    rule <k> (.K => #lookupCode(ACCTCODE)) ~> #exec _ , _ = copycreate ACCTCODE ( _ ) send _ ... </k>
           <acctID> ACCTCODE </acctID>
           <code> .Contract </code>

    rule <k> #exec STATUS , ACCTOUT = copycreate ACCT ( ARGS ) send VALUE
          => #checkCreate ACCT VALUE
          ~> #create ACCT #newAddr(ACCT, NONCE) #if Gstaticcalldepth << SCHED >> #then GAVAIL #else #allBut64th(GAVAIL) #fi VALUE CODE ARGS
          ~> #codeDeposit #newAddr(ACCT, NONCE) #contractSize(CODE, #mainContract(CODE)) CODE STATUS ACCTOUT false
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <gas> GAVAIL => #if Gstaticcalldepth << SCHED >> #then 0 #else GAVAIL /Int 64 #fi </gas>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <nonce> NONCE </nonce>
           <code> CODE </code>

    rule <k> (.K => #loadAccount ACCT) ~> #exec _ , _ = copycreate ACCT ( _ ) send _ ... </k> <activeAccounts> ACCTS </activeAccounts> requires notBool ACCT in ACCTS

selfdestruct marks the current account for deletion and transfers funds out of the current account. Self destructing to yourself, unlike a regular transfer, destroys the balance in the account, irreparably losing it.

    rule <k> #exec selfdestruct ACCTTO => #transferFunds ACCT ACCTTO BALFROM ~> #end ... </k>
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <selfDestruct> SDS (.Set => SetItem(ACCT)) </selfDestruct>
         <refund> RF => #if ACCT in SDS #then RF #else RF +Int Rselfdestruct < SCHED > #fi </refund>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> BALFROM </balance>
         <output> _ => .Ints </output>
      requires ACCT =/=Int ACCTTO

    rule <k> #exec selfdestruct ACCT => #end ... </k>
         <schedule> SCHED </schedule>
         <id> ACCT </id>
         <selfDestruct> SDS (.Set => SetItem(ACCT)) </selfDestruct>
         <refund> RF => #if ACCT in SDS #then RF #else RF +Int Rselfdestruct < SCHED > #fi </refund>
           <acctID> ACCT </acctID>
           <balance> BALFROM => 0 </balance>
         <output> _ => .Ints </output>

Precompiled Contract

  • #precompiled is a placeholder for the pre-compiled contracts at addresses 1.
    imports IELE-DATA

    syntax Int ::= "#precompiledAccount" [function]
 // -----------------------------------------------
    rule #precompiledAccount => 1

    syntax ProgramCell ::= "#precompiled" [function]
 // ------------------------------------------------
    rule #precompiled =>
             <function> <funcId> iele.ecrec     </funcId> <instructions> ECREC     .Instructions .LabeledBlocks </instructions> <nparams> 4 </nparams> ... </function>
             <function> <funcId> iele.sha256    </funcId> <instructions> SHA256    .Instructions .LabeledBlocks </instructions> <nparams> 2 </nparams> ... </function>
             <function> <funcId> iele.rip160    </funcId> <instructions> RIP160    .Instructions .LabeledBlocks </instructions> <nparams> 2 </nparams> ... </function>
             <function> <funcId>        </funcId> <instructions> ID        .Instructions .LabeledBlocks </instructions> <nparams> 1 </nparams> ... </function>
             <function> <funcId> iele.ecadd     </funcId> <instructions> ECADD     .Instructions .LabeledBlocks </instructions> <nparams> 4 </nparams> ... </function>
             <function> <funcId> iele.ecmul     </funcId> <instructions> ECMUL     .Instructions .LabeledBlocks </instructions> <nparams> 3 </nparams> ... </function>
             <function> <funcId> iele.ecpairing </funcId> <instructions> ECPAIRING .Instructions .LabeledBlocks </instructions> <nparams> 3 </nparams> ... </function>
             1 |-> iele.ecrec
             2 |-> iele.sha256
             3 |-> iele.rip160
             4 |->
             5 |-> iele.ecadd
             6 |-> iele.ecmul
             7 |-> iele.ecpairing
  • @iele.ecrec performs ECDSA public key recovery.
  • @iele.sha256 performs the SHA2-256 hash function.
  • @iele.rip160 performs the RIPEMD-160 hash function.
  • is the identity function (copies input to output).
  • @iele.ecadd is the BN128 elliptic curve addition function.
  • @iele.ecmul is the BN128 elliptic curve scalar multiplication function.
  • @iele.ecpairing is the BN128 elliptic curve pairing check function.
    syntax Instruction ::= PrecompiledOp
    syntax KResult ::= PrecompiledOp

    syntax PrecompiledOp ::= "ECREC"
 // --------------------------------
    rule <k> #exec ECREC => #end ... </k>
         <callData> HASH , V , R , S , .Ints </callData>
         <output> _ => #ecrec(#sender(Bytes2String(Int2Bytes(32, HASH, BE)), V, Bytes2String(Int2Bytes(32, R, BE)), Bytes2String(Int2Bytes(32, S, BE)))) </output>
         requires HASH >=Int 0 andBool V >=Int 0 andBool R >=Int 0 andBool S >=Int 0

    rule <k> #exec ECREC => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k>
         <callData> HASH , V , R , S , .Ints </callData>
         requires notBool (HASH >=Int 0 andBool V >=Int 0 andBool R >=Int 0 andBool S >=Int 0)

    syntax Ints ::= #ecrec ( Account ) [function]
 // ---------------------------------------------
    rule #ecrec(.Account) => -1 , .Ints
    rule #ecrec(N:Int)    =>  N , .Ints

    syntax PrecompiledOp ::= "SHA256"
 // ---------------------------------
    rule <k> #exec SHA256 => #end ... </k>
         <callData> LEN , DATA , .Ints </callData>
         <output> _ => #parseHexWord(Sha256(Bytes2String(Int2Bytes(LEN, DATA, BE)))), .Ints </output>
         requires LEN >=Int 0 andBool DATA >=Int 0

    rule <k> #exec SHA256 => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k>
         <callData> LEN , DATA , .Ints </callData>
         requires notBool (LEN >=Int 0 andBool DATA >=Int 0)

    syntax PrecompiledOp ::= "RIP160"
 // ---------------------------------
    rule <k> #exec RIP160 => #end ... </k>
         <callData> LEN , DATA , .Ints </callData>
         <output> _ => #parseHexWord(RipEmd160(Bytes2String(Int2Bytes(LEN, DATA, BE)))), .Ints </output>
         requires LEN >=Int 0 andBool DATA >=Int 0

    rule <k> #exec RIP160 => #exception USER_ERROR ... </k>
         <callData> LEN , DATA , .Ints </callData>
         requires notBool (LEN >=Int 0 andBool DATA >=Int 0)

    syntax PrecompiledOp ::= "ID"
 // -----------------------------
    rule <k> #exec ID => #end ... </k>
         <callData> DATA </callData>
         <output> _ => DATA </output>

    syntax PrecompiledOp ::= "ECADD"
 // --------------------------------
    rule <k> #exec ECADD => #ecadd((X1, Y1), (X2, Y2)) ... </k>
         <callData> X1 , Y1 , X2 , Y2 , .Ints </callData>

    syntax InternalOp ::= #ecadd(G1Point, G1Point)
 // ----------------------------------------------
    rule #ecadd(P1, P2) => #exception USER_ERROR
      requires notBool isValidPoint(P1) orBool notBool isValidPoint(P2)
    rule <k> #ecadd(P1, P2) => #end ... </k> <output> _ => #point(BN128Add(P1, P2)) </output>
      requires isValidPoint(P1) andBool isValidPoint(P2)

    syntax PrecompiledOp ::= "ECMUL"
 // --------------------------------
    rule <k> #exec ECMUL => #ecmul((X, Y), S) ... </k>
         <callData> X , Y , S , .Ints </callData>

    syntax InternalOp ::= #ecmul(G1Point, Int)
 // ------------------------------------------
    rule #ecmul(P, S) => #exception USER_ERROR
      requires notBool isValidPoint(P)
    rule <k> #ecmul(P, S) => #end ... </k> <output> _ => #point(BN128Mul(P, S)) </output>
      requires isValidPoint(P)

    syntax Ints ::= #point(G1Point) [function]
 // ------------------------------------------
    rule #point((X, Y)) => X , Y , .Ints

    syntax PrecompiledOp ::= "ECPAIRING"
 // ------------------------------------
    rule <k> #exec ECPAIRING => #ecpairing(.List, .List, Int2Bytes(chop(LEN) *Int 64, G1, LE), Int2Bytes(chop(LEN) *Int 128, G2, LE), LEN) ... </k>
         <callData> LEN, G1, G2, .Ints </callData>

    syntax InternalOp ::= #ecpairing(List, List, Bytes, Bytes, Int)
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule (.K => #checkPoint) ~> #ecpairing((.List => ListItem((Bytes2Int(G1 [ 0 .. 32 ], BE, Unsigned), Bytes2Int(G1 [ 32 .. 32 ], BE, Unsigned))::G1Point)) _, (.List => ListItem((Bytes2Int(G2 [ 32 .. 32 ], BE, Unsigned) x Bytes2Int(G2 [ 0 .. 32 ], BE, Unsigned) , Bytes2Int(G2 [ 96 .. 32 ], BE, Unsigned) x Bytes2Int(G2 [ 64 .. 32 ], BE, Unsigned)))) _, G1 => G1 [ 64 .. lengthBytes(G1) ], G2 => G2 [ 128 .. lengthBytes(G2) ], LEN => LEN -Int 1)
      requires LEN >Int 0
    rule <k> #ecpairing(A, B, _, _, 0) => #end ... </k>
         <output> _ => bool2Word(BN128AtePairing(A, B)) , .Ints </output>

    syntax InternalOp ::= "#checkPoint"
 // -----------------------------------
    rule (#checkPoint => .) ~> #ecpairing(ListItem(AK::G1Point) _, ListItem(BK::G2Point) _, _, _, _)
      requires isValidPoint(AK) andBool isValidPoint(BK)
    rule #checkPoint ~> #ecpairing(ListItem(AK::G1Point) _, ListItem(BK::G2Point) _, _, _, _) => #exception USER_ERROR
      requires notBool isValidPoint(AK) orBool notBool isValidPoint(BK)

IELE Program Representations

The following code processes a Contract and loads it into the <program> cell.

    imports IELE-COMMON

    // when type checking contracts
    rule contract NAME ! _ _ { DEFS } => contract NAME { DEFS }

    syntax FunctionParameters ::= Int /* when desugared to just the number of parameters */

    syntax ProgramCell ::= #loadCode ( Contract ) [function]
                         | #loadCode ( Contract , Contract ) [klabel(#loadCodeAux), function]
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #loadCode(contract _ ! _ _ { _ } CONTRACTS, CONTRACT) => #loadCode(CONTRACTS, CONTRACT)
      requires CONTRACTS =/=K .Contract
    rule #loadCode(contract _ ! SIZE _ { DEFS }, CONTRACT)
      => #loadDeclarations(DEFS,
           <functions> .Bag </functions>
           <funcIds> .Set </funcIds>
           <funcLabels> .Map </funcLabels>
           <programSize> SIZE </programSize>
           <exported> .Set </exported>
           <contractCode> CONTRACT </contractCode>
         </program>, 1)
     rule #loadCode(CONTRACT) => #loadCode(CONTRACT, CONTRACT)

    syntax ProgramCell ::= #loadDeclarations ( TopLevelDefinitions , ProgramCell , Int ) [function]
                         | #loadFunction  ( TopLevelDefinitions , Blocks , ProgramCell , IeleName , FunctionCell , Int ) [function]
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #loadDeclarations(define @ NAME ( NARGS:Int ) { BLOCKS } FUNCS, <program> PROG </program>, IDX)
      => #loadFunction(FUNCS, BLOCKS, <program> PROG </program>, NAME, <function> <funcId> NAME </funcId> <nparams> NARGS </nparams> ... </function>, IDX)
    rule #loadDeclarations(define public @ NAME ( NARGS:Int ) { BLOCKS } FUNCS, <program> <exported> EXPORTS </exported> REST </program>, IDX)
      => #loadFunction(FUNCS, BLOCKS, <program> <exported> SetItem(NAME) EXPORTS </exported> REST </program>, NAME, <function> <funcId> NAME </funcId> <nparams> NARGS </nparams> ... </function>, IDX)
    rule #loadDeclarations(external contract _ FUNCS, <program> PROG </program>, IDX)
      => #loadDeclarations(FUNCS, <program> PROG </program>, IDX)
    rule #loadDeclarations(.TopLevelDefinitions, <program> PROG </program>, _) => <program> PROG </program>

    rule #loadFunction(FUNCS, BLOCKS, <program> PROG <functions> REST </functions> <funcIds> NAMES </funcIds> <funcLabels> LBLS </funcLabels> </program>, NAME, <function> FUNC <instructions> _ </instructions> <jumpTable> _ </jumpTable> <nregs> _ </nregs> </function>, IDX)
      => #loadDeclarations(FUNCS, <program> PROG <funcIds> NAMES SetItem(NAME) </funcIds> <funcLabels> LBLS #if NAME =/=K init #then IDX |-> NAME #else .Map #fi </funcLabels> <functions> REST <function> FUNC <instructions> BLOCKS </instructions> <jumpTable> #computeJumpTable(BLOCKS) </jumpTable> <nregs> #computeNRegs(BLOCKS) </nregs> </function> </functions> </program>, #if NAME ==K init #then IDX #else IDX +Int 1 #fi)

    syntax IeleName ::= #mainContract ( Contract )                       [function]
    syntax Int ::= #contractSize ( Contract , IeleName )                 [function]
    syntax String ::= #contractBytes ( Contract )                        [function, klabel(contractBytes)]
                    | #contractBytes ( Contract , IeleName )             [function, klabel(#contractBytesAux)]
    syntax Int ::= #callAddress ( Contract , IeleName , IeleName )       [function]
                 | #callAddress ( TopLevelDefinitions , IeleName , Int ) [function, klabel(#callAddressAux)]
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #mainContract(contract NAME ! _ _ { _ }) => NAME
    rule #mainContract(contract _ ! _ _ { _ } REST) => #mainContract(REST) [owise]

    rule #contractSize(contract NAME ! SIZE _ { _ } _, NAME) => SIZE
    rule #contractSize(contract _ ! _ _ { _ } REST, NAME) => #contractSize(REST, NAME) [owise]

    rule #callAddress(contract NAME ! _ _ { FUNCS } _, NAME, FUNC) => #callAddress(FUNCS, FUNC, 1)
    rule #callAddress(contract _ ! _ _ { _ } REST, NAME, FUNC) => #callAddress(REST, NAME, FUNC) [owise]
    rule #callAddress(define public @ NAME ( _ ) { _ } REST, NAME, IDX) => IDX
    rule #callAddress(define @init ( _ ) { _ } REST, FUNC, IDX) => #callAddress(REST, FUNC, IDX)
    rule #callAddress(define @ NAME ( _ ) { _ } REST, FUNC, IDX) => #callAddress(REST, FUNC, IDX +Int 1)
      requires NAME =/=K init
    rule #callAddress(define public @ NAME ( _ ) { _ } REST, FUNC, IDX) => #callAddress(REST, FUNC, IDX +Int 1)
      requires NAME =/=K FUNC
    rule #callAddress(_::TopLevelDefinition REST, FUNC, IDX) => #callAddress(REST, FUNC, IDX) [owise]
    rule #callAddress(.TopLevelDefinitions, _, _) => 0
    rule #contractBytes(CONTRACT) => #contractBytes(CONTRACT, #mainContract(CONTRACT))
      requires CONTRACT =/=K .Contract
    rule #contractBytes(.Contract) => ""
    rule #contractBytes(contract NAME ! _ BYTES { _ } _, NAME) => BYTES
    rule #contractBytes(contract _ ! _ _ { _ } REST, NAME) => #contractBytes(REST, NAME) [owise]

    syntax Map ::= #computeJumpTable ( Blocks )             [function]
                 | #computeJumpTable ( Blocks , Map , Set ) [function, klabel(#computeJumpTableAux)]
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #computeJumpTable(BLOCKS) => #computeJumpTable(BLOCKS, .Map, .Set)

    rule #computeJumpTable(.LabeledBlocks, JUMPS, _) => JUMPS

    rule #computeJumpTable(LABEL : INSTRS BLOCKS, JUMPS, LABELS) => #computeJumpTable(BLOCKS, JUMPS [ LABEL <- INSTRS BLOCKS ], LABELS SetItem(LABEL)) requires notBool LABEL in LABELS
    rule #computeJumpTable(_::LabeledBlock BLOCKS, JUMPS, LABELS) => #computeJumpTable(BLOCKS, JUMPS, LABELS) [owise]
    rule #computeJumpTable(_::UnlabeledBlock BLOCKS, JUMPS, LABELS) => #computeJumpTable(BLOCKS, JUMPS, LABELS) [owise]

    syntax Int ::= #registers ( Instruction ) [function]
                 | #registers ( LValues ) [function, klabel(registersLValues)]
                 | #registers ( Operands ) [function, klabel(registersOperands)]
    syntax Int ::= #computeNRegs ( Blocks )       [function]
                 | #computeNRegs ( Blocks , Int ) [function, klabel(#computeNRegsAux)]
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule #computeNRegs(BLOCKS) => #computeNRegs(BLOCKS, 0)

    rule #computeNRegs(.LabeledBlocks, NREGS) => NREGS
    rule #computeNRegs(LABEL : INSTRS BLOCKS, REGS) => #computeNRegs(INSTRS BLOCKS, REGS)
    rule #computeNRegs(INSTR INSTRS::Instructions BLOCKS::LabeledBlocks, NREGS) => #computeNRegs(INSTRS BLOCKS, maxInt(#registers(INSTR) +Int 1, NREGS))
    rule #computeNRegs(.Instructions BLOCKS, REGS) => #computeNRegs(BLOCKS, REGS)

    rule #registers(% R1 = _:Int) => R1
    rule #registers(% R1 = % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(% R1 = load % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(% R1 = load % R2, % R3, % R4) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, maxInt(R3, R4)))
    rule #registers(store % R1, % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(store % R1, % R2, % R3, % R4) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, maxInt(R3, R4)))
    rule #registers(% R1 = sload % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(sstore % R1, % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(% R1 = iszero % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(% R1 = not % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(% R1 = log2 % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(% R1 = add % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = mul % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = sub % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = div % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = exp % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = mod % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = addmod % R2, % R3, % R4) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, maxInt(R3, R4)))
    rule #registers(% R1 = mulmod % R2, % R3, % R4) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, maxInt(R3, R4)))
    rule #registers(% R1 = expmod % R2, % R3, % R4) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, maxInt(R3, R4)))
    rule #registers(% R1 = byte % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = sext % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = twos % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = bswap % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = and % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = or % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = xor % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = shift % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = cmp _ % R2, % R3) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, R3))
    rule #registers(% R1 = sha3 % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(br _) => -1
    rule #registers(br % R1, _) => R1
    rule #registers(R1 = call @ _ ( R2 )) => maxInt(#registers(R1), #registers(R2))
    rule #registers(R1 = call @ _ at % R2 ( R3 ) send % R4, gaslimit % R5) => maxInt(#registers(R1), maxInt(R2, maxInt(#registers(R3), maxInt(R4, R5))))
    rule #registers(R1 = staticcall @ _ at % R2 ( R3 ) gaslimit % R4) => maxInt(#registers(R1), maxInt(R2, maxInt(#registers(R3), R4)))
    rule #registers(R1 = call % R3 ( R2 )) => maxInt(R3, maxInt(#registers(R1), #registers(R2)))
    rule #registers(R1 = call % R6 at % R2 ( R3 ) send % R4, gaslimit % R5) => maxInt(#registers(R1), maxInt(R2, maxInt(#registers(R3), maxInt(R4, maxInt(R5, R6)))))
    rule #registers(% R1 = calladdress _ at % R2) => maxInt(R1, R2)
    rule #registers(R1 = staticcall % R5 at % R2 ( R3 ) gaslimit % R4) => maxInt(#registers(R1), maxInt(R2, maxInt(#registers(R3), maxInt(R4, R5))))
    rule #registers(ret R1::NonEmptyOperands) => #registers(R1)
    rule #registers(revert % R1) => R1
    rule #registers(log % R1) => R1
    rule #registers(log % R1, R2) => maxInt(R1, #registers(R2))
    rule #registers(% R1, % R2 = create _ ( R3 ) send % R4) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, maxInt(#registers(R3), R4)))
    rule #registers(% R1, % R2 = copycreate % R3 ( R4 ) send % R5) => maxInt(R1, maxInt(R2, maxInt(R3, maxInt(#registers(R4), R5))))
    rule #registers(selfdestruct % R1) => R1

    rule #registers(% REG, REGS::LValues) => maxInt(REG, #registers(REGS))
    rule #registers(% REG, REGS::Operands) => maxInt(REG, #registers(REGS))
    rule #registers(.LValues) => -1
    rule #registers(.Operands) => -1
