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".eslintignore": "# don't ever lint node_modules\r\nnode_modules\r\n# don't lint build output (make sure it's set to your correct build folder name)\r\ndist\r\nlib\r\n# don't lint nyc coverage output\r\ncoverage\r\n\r\nrollup.config.js\r\n",
".eslintrc.cjs": "const disableSonarjs = 1;\r\nconst importantOnly = 0;\r\nconst excludeDocs = 1;\r\nconst keepDebug = 1;\r\n\r\nconst nonImportantWarning = !importantOnly ? 2 : 0;\r\nconst nonImportantError = !importantOnly ? 1 : 0;\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = {\r\n root: true,\r\n parser: \"@typescript-eslint/parser\",\r\n plugins: [\"@typescript-eslint\", \"eslint-plugin-tsdoc\", \"jsdoc\", \"eslint-plugin-import\", \"react-hooks\", !importantOnly && !disableSonarjs && \"sonarjs\"].filter(\r\n (item) => typeof item === \"string\",\r\n ),\r\n extends: [\r\n \"eslint:recommended\",\r\n \"plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended\",\r\n\t\t\"plugin:react-hooks/recommended\",\r\n !importantOnly && !disableSonarjs && \"plugin:sonarjs/recommended\",\r\n \"prettier\",\r\n ].filter((item) => typeof item === \"string\"),\r\n rules: {\r\n \"no-undef\": 0,\r\n \"no-prototype-builtins\": 0,\r\n \"no-useless-escape\": 0,\r\n \"no-empty\": 0,\r\n \"no-constant-condition\": 0,\r\n \"no-inner-declarations\": 0,\r\n \"no-case-declarations\": 0,\r\n \"import/extensions\": [\r\n \"error\",\r\n \"ignorePackages\",\r\n {\r\n js: \"ignorePackages\",\r\n },\r\n ],\r\n \"import/no-default-export\": 1,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/ban-types\": 0,\r\n \"jsdoc/require-jsdoc\": excludeDocs ? 0 : nonImportantError,\r\n \"jsdoc/require-description\": excludeDocs ? 0 : nonImportantError,\r\n \"prefer-const\": 0,\r\n\r\n \"tsdoc/syntax\": 1,\r\n // \"require-jsdoc\": [\"error\", {\r\n // \"require\": {\r\n // \"FunctionDeclaration\": true,\r\n // \"MethodDefinition\": true,\r\n // \"ClassDeclaration\": true,\r\n // \"ArrowFunctionExpression\": false,\r\n // \"FunctionExpression\": false\r\n // }\r\n // }],\r\n ...(!importantOnly && !disableSonarjs\r\n ? {\r\n \"sonarjs/cognitive-complexity\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-redundant-jump\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-small-switch\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-unused-collection\": nonImportantError,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-collapsible-if\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/prefer-immediate-return\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-duplicate-string\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-nested-switch\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-nested-template-literals\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-gratuitous-expressions\": 0,\r\n \"sonarjs/no-one-iteration-loop\": 0,\r\n }\r\n : {}),\r\n \"no-unused-labels\": nonImportantError,\r\n \"no-debugger\": keepDebug ? 0 : nonImportantError,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain\": 0,\r\n\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias\": 0,\r\n \"no-ex-assign\": 0,\r\n \"@typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures\": 0,\r\n },\r\n};\r\n",
".pnpmfile.cjs": "// Put this file into your projects hastyData.\n// This will enable yarn's you package.json/restrictions for common use cases (not all!) cases.\n//\n// Author: Yuri Yaryshev, Moscow, Russia\n//\n// Unlicense\n//\n// This is free and unencumbered software released into the dist domain.\n// Any use of this file is hereby granted.\n// No warranty or obligations of any kind are provided by author.\n// http://unlicense.org/\n\nlet path = require(\"path\");\nlet fs = require(\"fs\");\n\nlet packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(\"package.json\", \"utf-8\"));\nlet resolutions = packageJson.resolutions;\nif (packageJson.plainDependencies)\n resolutions = Object.assign(packageJson.dependencies, packageJson.devDependencies, packageJson.resolutions);\n\nif (packageJson.noResolution) for (let nr of packageJson.noResolution) delete resolutions[nr];\n\nif (resolutions && packageJson.resolutionStr)\n for (let k in resolutions) if (!packageJson.resolutionStr.includes(k)) delete resolutions[k];\n\nlet resolutionsArray = [];\nfor (let k in resolutions) {\n const r = resolutions[k];\n resolutionsArray.push(` ${k} ${r}`);\n}\nconsole.log(`Using pnpmfile resolutions\\n\\t`, resolutionsArray.join(\"\\n\"));\n\ntry {\n const { ymultirepoRemap } = require(\"../local_packages_list\");\n module.exports = {\n hooks: {\n readPackage,\n },\n };\n\n function readPackage(p, context) {\n //console.log(`in readPackage\\n${JSON.stringify(p, undefined, ' ')}\\n\\n\\n`);\n //console.log(`context\\n${JSON.stringify(context, undefined, ' ')}\\n\\n\\n`);\n ymultirepoRemap(p, context);\n // if (p.dependencies)\n // for (let k in p.dependencies) {\n // const override = resolutions[k];\n // //console.log(` MAYBE overriden dependency ${k} ${p.dependencies[k]} -> ${override}, ${override && p.dependencies[k] !== override}`);\n // if (override && p.dependencies[k] !== override) {\n // console.log(` overriden dependency ${k} ${p.dependencies[k]} -> ${override}`);\n // p.dependencies[k] = override;\n // }\n // }\n return p;\n }\n} catch (e) {\n if (e.code === \"MODULE_NOT_FOUND\" && e.message.includes(\"local_packages_list\")) {\n console.warn(`.pnpmfile.cjs couldn't open local_packages_list - no hooks started!`);\n } else console.error(e);\n module.exports = {};\n}\n",
"api-extractor.json": "/**\r\n * Config file for API Extractor. For more info, please visit: https://api-extractor.com\r\n */\r\n{\r\n \"$schema\": \"https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from. This provides a way for\r\n * standard settings to be shared across multiple projects.\r\n *\r\n * If the path starts with \"./\" or \"../\", the path is resolved relative to the folder of the file that contains\r\n * the \"extends\" field. Otherwise, the first path segment is interpreted as an NPM package name, and will be\r\n * resolved using NodeJS require().\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: none\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"\"\r\n */\r\n // \"extends\": \"./shared/api-extractor-base.json\"\r\n // \"extends\": \"my-package/include/api-extractor-base.json\"\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Determines the \"<projectFolder>\" token that can be used with other config file settings. The project folder\r\n * typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined.\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting.\r\n *\r\n * The default value for \"projectFolder\" is the token \"<lookup>\", which means the folder is determined by traversing\r\n * parent folders, starting from the folder containing api-extractor.json, and stopping at the first folder\r\n * that contains a tsconfig.json file. If a tsconfig.json file cannot be found in this way, then an error\r\n * will be reported.\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <lookup>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<lookup>\"\r\n */\r\n // \"projectFolder\": \"..\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * (REQUIRED) Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis. API Extractor\r\n * analyzes the symbols exported by this module.\r\n *\r\n * The file extension must be \".d.ts\" and not \".ts\".\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n */\r\n \"mainEntryPointFilePath\": \"<projectFolder>/lib/types/index.d.ts\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package.\r\n *\r\n * For example, suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project \"library1\",\r\n * and another NPM package \"library2\" is embedded in this bundle. Some types from library2 may become part\r\n * of the exported API for library1, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly\r\n * imports library2. To avoid this, we can specify:\r\n *\r\n * \"bundledPackages\": [ \"library2\" ],\r\n *\r\n * This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been\r\n * local files for library1.\r\n */\r\n \"bundledPackages\": [],\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor.\r\n */\r\n \"compiler\": {\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies the path to the tsconfig.json file to be used by API Extractor when analyzing the project.\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * Note: This setting will be ignored if \"overrideTsconfig\" is used.\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json\"\r\n */\r\n // \"tsconfigFilePath\": \"<projectFolder>/tsconfig.json\",\r\n /**\r\n * Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk.\r\n * The object must conform to the TypeScript tsconfig schema:\r\n *\r\n * http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig\r\n *\r\n * If omitted, then the tsconfig.json file will be read from the \"projectFolder\".\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: no overrideTsconfig section\r\n */\r\n // \"overrideTsconfig\": {\r\n // . . .\r\n // }\r\n /**\r\n * This option causes the compiler to be invoked with the --skipLibCheck option. This option is not recommended\r\n * and may cause API Extractor to produce incomplete or incorrect declarations, but it may be required when\r\n * dependencies contain declarations that are incompatible with the TypeScript engine that API Extractor uses\r\n * for its analysis. Where possible, the underlying issue should be fixed rather than relying on skipLibCheck.\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: false\r\n */\r\n // \"skipLibCheck\": true,\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Configures how the API report file (*.api.md) will be generated.\r\n */\r\n \"apiReport\": {\r\n /**\r\n * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate an API report.\r\n */\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n /**\r\n * The filename for the API report files. It will be combined with \"reportFolder\" or \"reportTempFolder\" to produce\r\n * a full file path.\r\n *\r\n * The file extension should be \".api.md\", and the string should not contain a path separator such as \"\\\" or \"/\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<unscopedPackageName>.api.md\"\r\n */\r\n // \"reportFileName\": \"<unscopedPackageName>.api.md\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies the folder where the API report file is written. The file name portion is determined by\r\n * the \"reportFileName\" setting.\r\n *\r\n * The API report file is normally tracked by Git. Changes to it can be used to trigger a branch policy,\r\n * e.g. for an API review.\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<projectFolder>/etc/\"\r\n */\r\n \"reportFolder\": \"<projectFolder>/temp/\"\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies the folder where the temporary report file is written. The file name portion is determined by\r\n * the \"reportFileName\" setting.\r\n *\r\n * After the temporary file is written to disk, it is compared with the file in the \"reportFolder\".\r\n * If they are different, a production build will fail.\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<projectFolder>/temp/\"\r\n */\r\n // \"reportTempFolder\": \"<projectFolder>/temp/\"\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated.\r\n */\r\n \"docModel\": {\r\n /**\r\n * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate a doc model file.\r\n */\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * The output path for the doc model file. The file extension should be \".api.json\".\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json\"\r\n */\r\n \"apiJsonFilePath\": \"<projectFolder>/temp/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json\"\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated.\r\n */\r\n \"dtsRollup\": {\r\n /**\r\n * (REQUIRED) Whether to generate the .d.ts rollup file.\r\n */\r\n \"enabled\": true\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated without any trimming.\r\n * This file will include all declarations that are exported by the main entry point.\r\n *\r\n * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts\"\r\n */\r\n // \"untrimmedFilePath\": \"<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>.d.ts\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a \"beta\" release.\r\n * This file will include only declarations that are marked as \"@public\" or \"@beta\".\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"\"\r\n */\r\n // \"betaTrimmedFilePath\": \"<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-beta.d.ts\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a \"public\" release.\r\n * This file will include only declarations that are marked as \"@public\".\r\n *\r\n * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written.\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"\"\r\n */\r\n // \"publicTrimmedFilePath\": \"<projectFolder>/dist/<unscopedPackageName>-public.d.ts\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as\r\n * \"Excluded from this release type: exampleMember\". Set \"omitTrimmingComments\" to true to remove the\r\n * declaration completely.\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: false\r\n */\r\n // \"omitTrimmingComments\": true\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated.\r\n */\r\n \"tsdocMetadata\": {\r\n /**\r\n * Whether to generate the tsdoc-metadata.json file.\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: true\r\n */\r\n // \"enabled\": true,\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies where the TSDoc metadata file should be written.\r\n *\r\n * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this,\r\n * prepend a folder token such as \"<projectFolder>\".\r\n *\r\n * The default value is \"<lookup>\", which causes the path to be automatically inferred from the \"tsdocMetadata\",\r\n * \"typings\" or \"main\" fields of the project's package.json. If none of these fields are set, the lookup\r\n * falls back to \"tsdoc-metadata.json\" in the package folder.\r\n *\r\n * SUPPORTED TOKENS: <projectFolder>, <packageName>, <unscopedPackageName>\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"<lookup>\"\r\n */\r\n // \"tsdocMetadataFilePath\": \"<projectFolder>/dist/tsdoc-metadata.json\"\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files. By default, the output files\r\n * will be written with Windows-style newlines. To use POSIX-style newlines, specify \"lf\" instead.\r\n * To use the OS's default newline kind, specify \"os\".\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"crlf\"\r\n */\r\n // \"newlineKind\": \"crlf\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.\r\n *\r\n * There are three sources of messages: compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.\r\n */\r\n \"messages\": {\r\n /**\r\n * Configures handling of diagnostic messages reported by the TypeScript compiler engine while analyzing\r\n * the input .d.ts files.\r\n *\r\n * TypeScript message identifiers start with \"TS\" followed by an integer. For example: \"TS2551\"\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: A single \"default\" entry with logLevel=warning.\r\n */\r\n \"compilerMessageReporting\": {\r\n /**\r\n * Configures the default routing for messages that don't match an explicit rule in this table.\r\n */\r\n \"default\": {\r\n /**\r\n * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log. Note that\r\n * the \"addToApiReportFile\" property may supersede this option.\r\n *\r\n * Possible values: \"error\", \"warning\", \"none\"\r\n *\r\n * Errors cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code. Warnings cause a production build fail\r\n * and return a nonzero exit code. For a non-production build (e.g. when \"api-extractor run\" includes\r\n * the \"--local\" option), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail.\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: \"warning\"\r\n */\r\n \"logLevel\": \"warning\",\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * When addToApiReportFile is true: If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md),\r\n * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to\r\n * the \"logLevel\" option.\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: false\r\n */\r\n \"addToApiReportFile\": true\r\n }\r\n\r\n // \"TS2551\": {\r\n // \"logLevel\": \"warning\",\r\n // \"addToApiReportFile\": true\r\n // },\r\n //\r\n // . . .\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis.\r\n *\r\n * API Extractor message identifiers start with \"ae-\". For example: \"ae-extra-release-tag\"\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: See api-extractor-defaults.json for the complete table of extractorMessageReporting mappings\r\n */\r\n \"extractorMessageReporting\": {\r\n \"default\": {\r\n \"logLevel\": \"warning\",\r\n \"addToApiReportFile\": true\r\n }\r\n\r\n // \"ae-extra-release-tag\": {\r\n // \"logLevel\": \"warning\",\r\n // \"addToApiReportFile\": true\r\n // },\r\n //\r\n // . . .\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments.\r\n *\r\n * TSDoc message identifiers start with \"tsdoc-\". For example: \"tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text\"\r\n *\r\n * DEFAULT VALUE: A single \"default\" entry with logLevel=warning.\r\n */\r\n \"tsdocMessageReporting\": {\r\n \"default\": {\r\n \"logLevel\": \"warning\"\r\n // \"addToApiReportFile\": false\r\n }\r\n\r\n // \"tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text\": {\r\n // \"logLevel\": \"warning\",\r\n // \"addToApiReportFile\": true\r\n // },\r\n //\r\n // . . .\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"babel.cjs.config.cjs": "const config = require(\"./babel.esm.config.cjs\");\nconfig.plugins.push(\"@babel/transform-modules-commonjs\");\nmodule.exports = config;\n",
"babel.esm.config.cjs": "let fs = require(\"fs\");\nlet tsconf = eval(\"(()=>(\" + fs.readFileSync(\"tsconfig.json\", \"utf-8\") + \"))()\");\n\nlet aliases = {};\nfor (let k in tsconf.compilerOptions.paths) {\n let v = tsconf.compilerOptions.paths[k];\n aliases[k] = `./${v[0]}`; // /index.mjs`;\n}\n\nlet DEV_SETTINGS = {};\ntry {\n DEV_SETTINGS = require(\"./DEV_SETTINGS.cjs\");\n} catch (e) {\n// console.trace(`DEV_SETTINGS not loaded`, e.stack);\n}\nconst { DEV_BYPASS_AUTH } = DEV_SETTINGS;\n\nmodule.exports = {\n presets: [\"@babel/preset-typescript\",\"@babel/preset-react\"],\n plugins: [\n [\n \"inline-replace-variables\",\n {\n DEV_BYPASS_AUTH: DEV_BYPASS_AUTH,\n },\n ],\n \"@babel/transform-typescript\",\n [\n \"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators\",\n { legacy: true },\n ],\n \"@babel/proposal-optional-chaining\",\n \"@babel/proposal-class-properties\",\n \"@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread\",\n [\n \"module-resolver\",\n {\n root: [\"./\"],\n alias: aliases,\n },\n ],\n // DON'T ADD @babel/transform-modules-commonjs here! It's added in babel.cjs.config.cjs!\n ],\n};\n",
"breaker_lib.cjs": "/* USAGES CHEATSHEET\r\n\r\n// ================================================\r\n// Break after some point\r\n\r\n// When this point passed then breaker is enabled:\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nBREAKER.enable();\r\n\r\n// The is where breakpoint will be fired\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nBREAKER.enabled();\r\n\r\n// ================================================\r\n// Break on same value\r\n\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nBREAKER.onSame(VALUE_HERE);\r\n// ================================================\r\n// Break on saved value\r\n\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nBREAKER.on(VALUE_HERE);\r\n// ================================================\r\n// Save the value\r\n\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nBREAKER.save(VALUE_HERE);\r\n// ================================================\r\n// Log to console (just to separate this debug logs from other ones)\r\n\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nBREAKER.log();\r\n// ================================================\r\n\r\n*/\r\n\r\n/*\r\nИдеи:\r\nTO DO Делать вот так:\r\nimport {BREAKER_Lib} from \"../../breaker_lib\";\r\nconst BREAKER = BREAKER_Lib(__filename);\r\n\r\nЭто позволит внутри BREAKER'а делать функции, которые смотрят на файл\r\nTO DO при этом нужно сохранить глобальность самого BREAKER'а\r\n\r\n*/\r\nconst fs = require('fs');\r\n\r\nfunction getTrace(n = 0) {\r\n return (new Error(\"BREAKER_STACK\").stack + \"\")\r\n .split(\"\\n\")\r\n .splice(n + 3)\r\n .join(\"\\n\");\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction printCompareStack() {\r\n console.log(`\\n\\n\\nPrev stack trace START\\n`);\r\n console.log(pthis.prevStack);\r\n console.log(`\\nPrev stack trace END. This stack trace START\\n`);\r\n console.log(getTrace(1));\r\n console.log(`\\nThis stack trace END\\n`);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction bufferToString(v) {\r\n return new Uint8Array(v.slice()).join(\" \");\r\n}\r\n\r\nlet breaker_map = {\r\n \"\": function createBreaker(instance = \"\") {\r\n if (!breaker_map[instance]) breaker_map[instance] = {};\r\n let pthis = Object.assign(breaker_map[instance], {\r\n BREAKER: \"BREAKER\",\r\n BREAKER_ENABLED: false,\r\n prevValue: undefined,\r\n prevStack: undefined,\r\n save: function BREAKER_save(v) {\r\n if (pthis.prevValue === undefined) {\r\n pthis.enable();\r\n pthis.prevValue = v;\r\n pthis.prevStack = getTrace();\r\n }\r\n },\r\n on: function BREAKER_on(v) {\r\n const newValue = JSON.stringify(v);\r\n if (pthis.prevValue === newValue) {\r\n printCompareStack();\r\n debugger;\r\n }\r\n },\r\n onSame: function BREAKER_onSame(v) {\r\n const newValue = JSON.stringify(v);\r\n if (pthis.prevValue === undefined) {\r\n pthis.enable();\r\n pthis.prevValue = newValue;\r\n pthis.prevStack = getTrace();\r\n } else if (pthis.prevValue === newValue) {\r\n printCompareStack();\r\n debugger;\r\n }\r\n },\r\n log: function BREAKER_log(...args) {\r\n console.log(...args);\r\n },\r\n enable: function BREAKER_enable(...args) {\r\n pthis.BREAKER_ENABLED = true;\r\n },\r\n enabled: function BREAKER_enabled(...args) {\r\n if (pthis.BREAKER_ENABLED) debugger;\r\n },\r\n enabledOnce: function BREAKER_enabledOnce(...args) {\r\n if (pthis.BREAKER_ENABLED) {\r\n debugger;\r\n pthis.disable();\r\n }\r\n },\r\n disable: function BREAKER_disable(...args) {\r\n pthis.BREAKER_ENABLED = false;\r\n },\r\n });\r\n },\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst createBreaker = breaker_map[\"\"];\r\n\r\nglobal.BREAKER = Object.assign(createBreaker, createBreaker());\r\nglobal.BREAKER.bufferToFile = global.bufferToFile = function bufferToFile(filename, buffer) {\r\n fs.writeFileSync(filename, buffer, 'binary');\r\n}\r\n\r\n//===== TEMP_DEBUG_CODE ================================================================================================\r\n// const BufferList = require('bl');\r\nlet dbgBufferLists = {};\r\n\r\nlet writtenOnce = false;\r\nglobal.BREAKER.buffer_dump = function buffer_dump(callerFilename, chunk, mode, offset) {\r\n return;\r\n const maxCheckLength = 200000;\r\n\r\n if(!mode)\r\n mode = \"empty\";\r\n\r\n if(!dbgBufferLists[mode]) dbgBufferLists[mode] = Buffer.alloc(0);\r\n\r\n if(dbgBufferLists[mode].length > (mode === \"source\"? 2: 1)* maxCheckLength)\r\n return;\r\n\r\n\r\n if(offset === undefined)\r\n dbgBufferLists[mode] = Buffer.concat([dbgBufferLists[mode], chunk]);\r\n else {\r\n offset = Number(offset);\r\n dbgBufferLists[mode] = Buffer.concat([dbgBufferLists[mode].slice(0,offset), chunk, dbgBufferLists[mode].slice(offset+chunk.length)]);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if(mode !== \"source\" && dbgBufferLists[\"source\"]) {\r\n const myBuf = dbgBufferLists[mode];\r\n const sourceBuf = dbgBufferLists[\"source\"].slice(0, myBuf.length);\r\n\r\n if(Buffer.compare(myBuf, sourceBuf) !== 0) {\r\n const n = myBuf.length;\r\n for(let i=0; i<n; i++)\r\n if(myBuf[i] !== sourceBuf[i]) {\r\n if(!writtenOnce) {\r\n writtenOnce = true;\r\n BREAKER.bufferToFile(`d:\\\\temp\\\\sourceBuf.txt`, dbgBufferLists[\"source\"]);\r\n BREAKER.bufferToFile(`d:\\\\temp\\\\myByf.txt`, myBuf);\r\n }\r\n debugger;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return;\r\n let isFirstWriter = process.argv.join(\" \").includes(\"mocha\");\r\n const fn = \"d:\\\\BREAKER_buffer_dump.txt\";\r\n\r\n debugger;\r\n return;\r\n\r\n if (!pthis.dumped) {\r\n if (!pthis.bl) pthis.bl = new BufferList();\r\n pthis.bl.append(chunk);\r\n\r\n const current = bufferToString(pthis.bl);\r\n if (isFirstWriter) {\r\n if (pthis.bl.length < 100000)\r\n require(\"fs\").writeFileSync(fn, current, \"utf-8\");\r\n } else {\r\n const etalon = require(\"fs\").readFileSync(fn, \"utf-8\");\r\n if (!etalon.startsWith(current)) {\r\n console.log(`BREAKER_buffer_dump ${process.argv.join(\" \")} ${callerHint}`);\r\n console.log(`pthis \\n${current}\\n\\n`);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < current.length; i++) if (etalon[i] !== current[i]) debugger;\r\n debugger;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if(pthis.bl.length > 70000) {\r\n // console.log(`BREAKER_buffer_dump ${process.argv.join(' ')} ${callerHint}`);\r\n // console.log(`BREAKER_buffer_dump \\n${(new Uint8Array(pthis.bl.slice(65400, 65700)).join(\" \"))}\\n\\n`);\r\n // pthis.dumped = true;\r\n // }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n//======================================================================================================================\r\n",
"build.bat": "npm run build",
"build_cjs.bat": "npm run build:cjs",
"clean.bat": "npm run clean",
"clear.bat": "npm run clean",
"deps.bat": "npm run deps",
"dev_server.bat": "cls & npm run dev_server",
"dump_packages.js": "let fs = require(\"fs\");\nlet f = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(\"package.json\", \"utf-8\"));\n\nlet dd = Object.keys(f.dependencies);\n\nlet s =\n \"\\nDump dependencies\\n\" +\n dd.join(\" \") +\n \"\\n\\n\\nnpm commands-1\\nnpm i \" +\n dd.join(\" && npm i \") +\n \"\\n\\n\\nnpm i commands-2\\nnpm i \" +\n dd.join(\"\\nnpm i \") +\n \"\\n\\n\";\nfs.writeFileSync(\"dump_packages.txt\", s, \"utf-8\");\n",
"ecosystem.config.js": "// pm2 start ecosystem.config.js\nconst fs = require(\"fs\");\nconst path = require(\"path\");\nconst { stringify } = require(\"javascript-stringify\");\nconst name = path.resolve(\".\").split(path.sep).pop();\n\nmodule.exports = {\n apps: [\n {\n name,\n script: \"./ts_out/src/start.js\",\n env: {\n NODE_ENV: \"development\",\n },\n env_production: {\n NODE_ENV: \"production\",\n },\n },\n ],\n};\n\nconsole.log(`pm2 - ecosystem.config.js loaded! name='${name}'\\n`, stringify(module.exports, undefined, \" \"));\n",
"inprint.cjs": "// ...require(\"json5\").parse(require(\"fs\").readFileSync(\"package.json\", \"utf-8\"))?.prettier,\n\nlet inprint_main;\ntry {\n\tinprint_main = require(\"./lib/cjs/inprint/main.js\").inprint\n} catch(e) {\n\tinprint_main = ()=> undefined;\n\tconsole.warn(`CODE00000000 Couldn't open ./lib/cjs/inprint/main.js - if its not yet compiled - ignore this warning!`);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n files: [\"src/**/*.{ts,cts,mts,tsx,js,jsx,cjs,mjs}\"],\n inprint: inprint_main,\n embeddedFeatures: \"first\",\n forceProcessTermination: true,\n prettierOpts: { filepath: __dirname, ...require(\"json5\").parse(require(\"fs\").readFileSync(\"package.json\", \"utf-8\"))?.prettier, parser:\"typescript\"},\n};\n",
"inprintDebug.js": "require(\"yyabuilder\").inprintRunFromCmd();\r\n",
"jest.config-cjs.cjs": "module.exports = async () => {\r\n return {\r\n\t\"rootDir\": \"lib/cjs\",\r\n\t\"testRegex\": \"(/__tests__/.*|\\\\.(test|spec))\\\\.(ts|tsx|jsx|js|cjs|mjs)$\",\r\n\t\"preset\": \"ts-jest\",\r\n\t\"resolver\": \"jest-ts-webcompat-resolver\"\r\n };\r\n};\r\n",
"jest.config-ts.cjs": "module.exports = async () => {\r\n return {\r\n\t\"rootDir\": \"src\",\r\n\t\"testRegex\": \"(/__tests__/.*|\\\\.(test|spec))\\\\.(ts|tsx|jsx|js|cjs|mjs)$\",\r\n\t\"preset\": \"ts-jest\",\r\n\t\"resolver\": \"jest-ts-webcompat-resolver\"\r\n };\r\n};",
"jsconfig.json": "{\n \"compilerOptions\": {\n /* Basic Options */\n \"incremental\": true /* Enable incremental compilation */,\n \"target\": \"ES2015\" /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */,\n \"module\": \"commonjs\" /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */,\n // \"lib\": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */\n \"allowJs\": true /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */,\n \"checkJs\": false /* Report errors in .js files. */,\n \"jsx\": \"react\" /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */,\n \"declaration\": true /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,\n \"declarationMap\": true /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,\n \"sourceMap\": true /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */,\n // \"outFile\": \"./\", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */\n \"declarationDir\": \"./lib/ts\",\n \"outDir\": \"./lib/ts\" /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */,\n // \"rootDir\": \"./\", /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */\n // \"composite\": true, /* Enable project compilation */\n // \"tsBuildInfoFile\": \"./temp/ts_incemental\", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */\n // \"removeComments\": true, /* Do not emit comments to output. */\n // \"noEmit\": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */\n \"importHelpers\": true /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */,\n // \"downlevelIteration\": true, /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */\n \"isolatedModules\": true /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */,\n\n /* Strict Type-Checking Options */\n \"strict\": true /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */,\n // \"noImplicitAny\": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */\n // \"strictNullChecks\": true, /* Enable strict null checks. */\n // \"strictFunctionTypes\": true, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */\n // \"strictBindCallApply\": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */\n // \"strictPropertyInitialization\": true, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */\n // \"noImplicitThis\": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */\n // \"alwaysStrict\": true, /* Parse in strict mode and emit \"use strict\" for each source file. */\n\n /* Additional Checks */\n // \"noUnusedLocals\": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */\n // \"noUnusedParameters\": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */\n // \"noImplicitReturns\": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */\n // \"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch\": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */\n\n /* Module Resolution Options */\n \"moduleResolution\": \"node\" /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */,\n // \"baseUrl\": \"./\", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */\n // \"paths\": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */\n // \"rootDirs\": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */\n // \"typeRoots\": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */\n // \"types\": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */\n // \"allowSyntheticDefaultImports\": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */\n \"esModuleInterop\": true /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */,\n // \"preserveSymlinks\": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */\n // \"allowUmdGlobalAccess\": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */\n\n /* Source Map Options */\n //\"sourceRoot\": \"src\", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */\n // \"mapRoot\": \"\", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */\n // \"inlineSourceMap\": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */\n // \"inlineSources\": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */\n\n /* Experimental Options */\n // \"experimentalDecorators\": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */\n // \"emitDecoratorMetadata\": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */\n\n /* Advanced Options */\n \"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames\": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */\n },\n \"include\": [\"src/**/*\"]\n}\n",
"mywins.bat": "my_wins",
"my_wins.json": "{\r\n \"x\": 0,\r\n \"wins\": {\r\n \"ide\": { \"app\": true, \"cmd\": \"D:\\\\ProgsReady\\\\IntellijIdeaUI\\\\bin\\\\idea64.exe\" },\r\n \"watch_cjs\": {\r\n \"cmd\": \"cls && npm run precompile && npm run watch:cjs\",\r\n \"no_run\": false\r\n },\r\n \"watch_types\": {\r\n \"cmd\": \"cls && npm run precompile && npm run watch:types\",\r\n \"no_run\": false\r\n },\r\n \"dev_server\": {\r\n \"cmd\": \"cls && npm run dev_server\",\r\n \"no_run\": false\r\n },\r\n \"precompile\": {\r\n \"cmd\": \"cls && npm run precompile\",\r\n \"no_run\": true\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"disabled\": {\r\n \"watch_test_cjs\": {\r\n \"cmd\": \"cls && npm run watch:test:cjs\",\r\n \"no_run\": true\r\n },\r\n \"node\": {\r\n \"cmd\": \"cls && npm run precompile && node\",\r\n \"no_run\": true\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"nodemon.json": "{\r\n \"restartable\": \"rs\",\r\n \"ignore\": [\r\n \".git\",\r\n \"node_modules/**/node_modules\"\r\n ],\r\n \"verbose\": false,\r\n \"events\": {\r\n \"restart\": \"javascript -e 'display notification \\\"App restarted due to:\\n'$FILENAME'\\\" with title \\\"nodemon\\\"'\"\r\n },\r\n \"watch\": [\r\n \"lib/cjs/server\"\r\n ],\r\n \"env\": {\r\n \"NODE_ENV\": \"development\"\r\n },\r\n \"ext\": \"js,json\"\r\n}\r\n",
"package_precommit_prepush_hooks.txt": "",
"precompile.bat": "npm run precompile",
"prettier.config.cjs": "module.exports = {\r\n tabWidth: 4,\r\n printWidth: 150,\r\n trailingComma: \"all\",\r\n};\r\n",
"prettier_start.bat": "prettier src --write\n",
"reinstall_build_test.bat": "cls\r\nrm -rf node_modules\r\nrm -rf pnpm-lock.yaml\r\nrmdir node_modules /Q /S\r\ndel pnpm-lock.yaml\r\npnpm i\r\npnpm i\r\nnpm run build\r\n",
"reinstall_node_modules.bat": "cls\r\nrm -rf node_modules\r\nrm -rf pnpm-lock.yaml\r\nrmdir node_modules /Q /S\r\ndel pnpm-lock.yaml\r\npnpm i",
"republish.bat": "npm run republish",
"republish_forced.bat": "npm run republish_forced\r\n",
"start.bat": "npm run start",
"test.bat": "npm run test",
"tsconfig-declarations.json": "{\r\n \"compilerOptions\": {\r\n /* Basic Options */\r\n \"incremental\": false /* Enable incremental compilation */,\r\n \"target\": \"ESNEXT\" /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */,\r\n \"module\": \"ESNEXT\" /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */,\r\n // \"lib\": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */\r\n \"allowJs\": true /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */,\r\n \"checkJs\": false /* Report errors in .js files. */,\r\n \"jsx\": \"react\" /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */,\r\n \"declaration\": true /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,\r\n \"declarationMap\": true /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,\r\n \"sourceMap\": true /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */,\r\n // \"outFile\": \"./\", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */\r\n \"declarationDir\": \"./lib/types\",\r\n \"outDir\": \"./lib/types\" /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */,\r\n // \"rootDir\": \"./\", /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */\r\n // \"composite\": true, /* Enable project compilation */\r\n // \"tsBuildInfoFile\": \"./temp/ts_incemental\", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */\r\n // \"removeComments\": true, /* Do not emit comments to output. */\r\n // \"noEmit\": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */\r\n \"importHelpers\": true /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */,\r\n // \"downlevelIteration\": true, /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */\r\n \"isolatedModules\": true /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */,\r\n\r\n /* Strict Type-Checking Options */\r\n \"strict\": true /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */,\r\n // \"noImplicitAny\": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */\r\n // \"strictNullChecks\": true, /* Enable strict null checks. */\r\n // \"strictFunctionTypes\": true, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */\r\n // \"strictBindCallApply\": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */\r\n // \"strictPropertyInitialization\": true, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */\r\n // \"noImplicitThis\": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */\r\n // \"alwaysStrict\": true, /* Parse in strict mode and emit \"use strict\" for each source file. */\r\n\r\n /* Additional Checks */\r\n // \"noUnusedLocals\": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */\r\n // \"noUnusedParameters\": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */\r\n // \"noImplicitReturns\": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */\r\n // \"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch\": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */\r\n\r\n /* Module Resolution Options */\r\n \"moduleResolution\": \"node\" /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */,\r\n // \"baseUrl\": \"./\", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */\r\n // \"paths\": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */\r\n // \"rootDirs\": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */\r\n // \"typeRoots\": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */\r\n // \"types\": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */\r\n // \"allowSyntheticDefaultImports\": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */\r\n \"esModuleInterop\": true /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */,\r\n // \"preserveSymlinks\": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */\r\n // \"allowUmdGlobalAccess\": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */\r\n\r\n /* Source Map Options */\r\n //\"sourceRoot\": \"src\", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */\r\n // \"mapRoot\": \"\", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */\r\n // \"inlineSourceMap\": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */\r\n // \"inlineSources\": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */\r\n\r\n /* Experimental Options */\r\n \"experimentalDecorators\": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */\r\n // \"emitDecoratorMetadata\": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */\r\n\r\n /* Advanced Options */\r\n \"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames\": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */,\r\n \"emitDeclarationOnly\": true\r\n },\r\n \"include\": [\"src/**/*\"]\r\n}\r\n",
"tsconfig.json": "{\r\n \"compilerOptions\": {\r\n /* Basic Options */\r\n \"incremental\": true /* Enable incremental compilation */,\r\n \"target\": \"ESNEXT\" /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */,\r\n \"module\": \"commonjs\" /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */,\r\n // \"lib\": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */\r\n \"allowJs\": true /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */,\r\n \"checkJs\": false /* Report errors in .js files. */,\r\n \"jsx\": \"react\" /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */,\r\n \"declaration\": true /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,\r\n \"declarationMap\": true /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,\r\n \"sourceMap\": true /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */,\r\n // \"outFile\": \"./\", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */\r\n \"declarationDir\": \"./lib/ts\",\r\n \"outDir\": \"./lib/ts\" /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */,\r\n // \"rootDir\": \"./\", /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */\r\n // \"composite\": true, /* Enable project compilation */\r\n // \"tsBuildInfoFile\": \"./temp/ts_incemental\", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */\r\n // \"removeComments\": true, /* Do not emit comments to output. */\r\n // \"noEmit\": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */\r\n \"importHelpers\": true /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */,\r\n // \"downlevelIteration\": true, /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */\r\n \"isolatedModules\": true /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */,\r\n\r\n /* Strict Type-Checking Options */\r\n \"strict\": true /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */,\r\n // \"noImplicitAny\": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */\r\n // \"strictNullChecks\": true, /* Enable strict null checks. */\r\n // \"strictFunctionTypes\": true, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */\r\n // \"strictBindCallApply\": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */\r\n // \"strictPropertyInitialization\": true, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */\r\n // \"noImplicitThis\": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */\r\n // \"alwaysStrict\": true, /* Parse in strict mode and emit \"use strict\" for each source file. */\r\n\r\n /* Additional Checks */\r\n // \"noUnusedLocals\": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */\r\n // \"noUnusedParameters\": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */\r\n // \"noImplicitReturns\": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */\r\n // \"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch\": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */\r\n\r\n /* Module Resolution Options */\r\n \"moduleResolution\": \"node\" /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */,\r\n // \"baseUrl\": \"./\", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */\r\n // \"paths\": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */\r\n // \"rootDirs\": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */\r\n // \"typeRoots\": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */\r\n // \"types\": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */\r\n // \"allowSyntheticDefaultImports\": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */\r\n \"esModuleInterop\": true /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */,\r\n // \"preserveSymlinks\": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */\r\n // \"allowUmdGlobalAccess\": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */\r\n\r\n /* Source Map Options */\r\n //\"sourceRoot\": \"src\", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */\r\n // \"mapRoot\": \"\", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */\r\n // \"inlineSourceMap\": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */\r\n // \"inlineSources\": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */\r\n\r\n /* Experimental Options */\r\n \"experimentalDecorators\": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */\r\n // \"emitDecoratorMetadata\": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */\r\n\r\n /* Advanced Options */\r\n \"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames\": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */\r\n },\r\n \"include\": [\"src/**/*\"]\r\n}\r\n",
"tsdoc.json": "{\r\n \"$schema\": \"https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/tsdoc/v0/tsdoc.schema.json\",\r\n \"extends\": [\"@microsoft/api-extractor/extends/tsdoc-base.json\"],\r\n \"tagDefinitions\": [\r\n {\r\n \"tagName\": \"@notImplemented\",\r\n \"syntaxKind\": \"block\",\r\n \"allowMultiple\": true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"tagName\": \"@response\",\r\n \"syntaxKind\": \"block\",\r\n \"allowMultiple\": true\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"supportForTags\": {\r\n \"@notImplemented\": true,\r\n \"@response\": true\r\n }\r\n}\r\n",
"watch.bat": "@echo off\nset PATH=%PATH%;node_modules\\.bin\nset my_drive=%~d0\nset my_path=%~dp0\n%my_drive%\ncd %my_path%\nstart C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /k \"npm run watch:cjs\"\nstart C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /k \"npm run watch:types\"\nstart C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /k \"npm run watch:esm\"\n\n",
"watch_cjs.bat": "my_wins watch_cjs\r\n",
"watch_test_cjs.bat": "npm run watch:test:cjs",
"watch_types.bat": "my_wins watch_types\r\n",
"webpack.frontend.config.cjs": "const enableHotReloadInDevServerMode = false;\nconst path = require(\"path\");\nconst fs = require(\"fs-extra\");\nconst webpack = require(\"webpack\");\nconst HtmlWebpackPlugin = require(\"html-webpack-plugin\");\nconst CleanWebpackPlugin = require(\"clean-webpack-plugin\").CleanWebpackPlugin;\nconst ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin = require(\"@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin\");\nconst isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\";\nconst ReactRefreshTypeScript = require(\"react-refresh-typescript\");\nconst WorkerPlugin = require(\"worker-plugin\");\nconst NODE_ENV = \"development\";\n\nconst pathes = (() => {\n const proj = path.resolve(__dirname);\n const projParts = proj.split(path.sep);\n const projName = projParts[projParts.length - 1];\n const root = path.resolve(__dirname, \"\");\n\n return {\n root,\n proj,\n projName,\n resources: path.resolve(proj, \"resources\"),\n bundles: path.resolve(proj, \"lib/bundles\", projName),\n };\n})();\n\nfunction keepOnlyExistingPaths(obj) {\n\tconst r = {};\n\tfor(const k in obj) {\n\t\tconst p = obj[k];\n\t\tif(fs.existsSync(p)) {\n\t\t\tr[k] = p;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn r;\t\n}\n\nlet BUILD_DATE = new Date();\nBUILD_DATE.setTime(BUILD_DATE.getTime() + 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);\nBUILD_DATE = JSON.stringify(BUILD_DATE);\nBUILD_DATE = BUILD_DATE.substr(1, 10) + \" \" + BUILD_DATE.substr(12, 8);\n\n//for (let k in pathes) {\n// console.log(`pathes.${k} = ${pathes[k]}`);\n//}\n//console.log(\"\");\n//console.log(\"BUILD_DATE = \" + BUILD_DATE);\n//console.log(\"\");\n\nlet package_json;\nlet manifest_json;\n\npackage_json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(pathes.root, \"package.json\"), { encoding: \"utf-8\" }));\ntry{\n\tmanifest_json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(pathes.resources, \"manifest.json\"), { encoding: \"utf-8\" }));\n} catch(e) {\n\tif(e.code !== \"ENOENT\") {\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t}\n}\n\nlet tsconf = eval(\"(()=>(\" + fs.readFileSync(\"tsconfig.json\", \"utf-8\") + \"))()\");\n\nlet moduleAliases = {};\nfor (let k in tsconf.compilerOptions.paths) {\n let v = tsconf.compilerOptions.paths[k];\n moduleAliases[k] = path.resolve(pathes.root, \"ts_out\", v[0]);\n}\n\nlet excludedModules = [\"fs\", \"sql-prettier\", \"prettier\", \"express\", \"socket.io\", \"better-sqlite3\", \"sqlite3\", \"child_process\"];\n\nlet webpack_dev_proxy;\ntry {\n webpack_dev_proxy = require(\"./webpack_dev_proxy.cjs\")?.webpack_dev_proxy;\n} catch (e) {\n if (e && e.code !== \"ENOENT\") {\n console.error(e);\n }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n // REMOVED ON 2020-13-11\n // node: {\n // fs: \"empty\",\n // child_process: \"empty\",\n // },\n mode: \"development\",\n entry: [path.resolve(pathes.proj, \"src/client/index.tsx\")],\n devtool: \"inline-source-map\",\n devServer: {\n static: {\n directory: path.join(__dirname, \"./resources\"),\n },\n proxy: webpack_dev_proxy,\n hot: enableHotReloadInDevServerMode && true,\n },\n resolve: {\n fallback: {\n crypto: false,\n fs: false,\n child_process: false,\n path: false,\n constants: false,\n util: false,\n assert: false,\n stream: false,\n events: false,\n // crypto: require.resolve(\"crypto-browserify\"),\n // fs:null,\n },\n // root: path.join(pathes.proj, 'js'),\n // modulesDirectories: ['node_modules'],\n extensions: [\"\", \".ts\", \".tsx\", \".js\", \".jsx\", \".json\"],\n alias: {\n // \"react-dom\": \"@hot-loader/react-dom\",\n ...moduleAliases,\n },\n },\n output: {\n path: pathes.bundles,\n filename: \"bundle.js\",\n },\n module: {\n rules: [\n {\n test: (modulePath0) => {\n let modulePath = modulePath0.split(path.sep);\n for (let excludedModule of excludedModules) if (modulePath.includes(excludedModule)) return true;\n return false;\n },\n use: \"null-loader\",\n },\n {\n test: /\\.css$/,\n use: [\n \"style-loader\", // creates style nodes from JS strings\n \"css-loader\", // translates CSS into CommonJS\n ],\n },\n {\n test: /\\.scss$/,\n use: [\n \"style-loader\", // creates style nodes from JS strings\n \"css-loader\", // translates CSS into CommonJS\n \"sass-loader\", // compiles Sass to CSS, using Node Sass by default\n ],\n },\n {\n test: /\\.(j|t)sx?$/,\n exclude: /node_modules/,\n use: [\n {\n loader: \"babel-loader\",\n options: {\n cacheDirectory: true,\n babelrc: false,\n presets: [\"@babel/preset-typescript\", \"@babel/preset-react\"],\n plugins: [\n [\"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators\", { legacy: true }],\n \"@babel/proposal-optional-chaining\",\n [\"@babel/proposal-class-properties\", { legacy: true }],\n \"@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread\",\n [\n \"module-resolver\",\n {\n root: [\"./\"],\n alias: moduleAliases,\n },\n ],\n ...(enableHotReloadInDevServerMode ? [\"react-refresh/babel\"] : []),\n // \"@babel/transform-modules-commonjs\",\n ],\n },\n },\n {\n loader: require.resolve(\"ts-loader\"),\n options: {\n transpileOnly: true,\n getCustomTransformers: () => ({\n before: enableHotReloadInDevServerMode && isDevelopment ? [ReactRefreshTypeScript()] : [],\n }),\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n plugins: [\n new WorkerPlugin(),\n new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/.*/, function (resource) {\n const lowerCaseRequest = resource.request.toLowerCase();\n ////////////// DEBUG ///////////////\n // const c1 = !lowerCaseRequest.includes(\"node_modules\");\n // const c2 = lowerCaseRequest.endsWith(\".js\");\n // const c3 = lowerCaseRequest[0] === \".\";\n // const c4 = resource.context.startsWith(pathes.proj);\n // const c5 = !resource.context.toLowerCase().includes(\"node_modules\");\n // if (lowerCaseRequest.includes(\"myurl\"))\n // console.log(`CODE00000000 YYA1135`, { resource, request: resource.request, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 });\n ////////////////////////////////////\n\n if (\n !lowerCaseRequest.includes(\"node_modules\") &&\n lowerCaseRequest.endsWith(\".js\") &&\n lowerCaseRequest[0] === \".\" &&\n resource.context.startsWith(path.resolve(__dirname)) &&\n !resource.context.toLowerCase().includes(\"node_modules\")\n ) {\n resource.request = resource.request.substr(0, resource.request.length - 3); // Should not add \".ts\"! it can be \".tsx\"! So leave it empty and let webpack find out the real one!\n // console.log(`CODE00000000 YYA1134`, { resource, request: resource.request });\n }\n }),\n new webpack.DefinePlugin({\n BROWSER: \"true\",\n \"process.env.BROWSER\": \"true\",\n NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(NODE_ENV),\n BUILD_DATE: JSON.stringify(BUILD_DATE),\n // BASE_URL:JSON.stringify(private_js ? private_js.url : 'http://localhost')\n }),\n new CleanWebpackPlugin(),\n // new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin(), // REMOVED ON 2020-13-11\n new HtmlWebpackPlugin({\n title: manifest_json?.name || package_json.name || undefined,\n\t\t\t...keepOnlyExistingPaths({\n\t\t\t\ttemplate: \"./resources/index.html\",\n\t\t\t\tfavicon: \"./resources/favicon.png\",\n\t\t\t})\n }),\n // ...(enableHotReloadInDevServerMode && isDevelopment && [new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()]|| []),\n ...((enableHotReloadInDevServerMode && isDevelopment && [new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin()]) || []),\n ],\n //\twatchOptions : {\n //\t\taggregateTimeout : 300\n //\t},\n // \"cheap-inline-module-source-map\"\n};\n\n// console.log('YYAWEBPACK', JSON.stringify(module.exports.resolve.alias,null, \"\\t\"));\n",
"webpack_dev_proxy_example.cjs": "module.exports.webpack_dev_proxy = {\n\t'/api': {\n\t\ttarget: 'http://localhost:3000',\n\t\tsecure: false\n\t}\n}\n",
".idea/runConfigurations/_template__of_mocha_javascript_test_runner.xml": "<component name=\"ProjectRunConfigurationManager\">\n <configuration default=\"true\" type=\"mocha-javascript-test-runner\">\n <node-interpreter>project</node-interpreter>\n <node-options>-r source-map-support/register</node-options>\n <working-directory>$PROJECT_DIR$</working-directory>\n <pass-parent-env>true</pass-parent-env>\n <ui />\n <extra-mocha-options />\n <test-kind>PATTERN</test-kind>\n <test-pattern>lib/cjs/**/*.test.js</test-pattern>\n <method v=\"2\" />\n </configuration>\n</component>",
".gitignore": "\n# Logs\nlogs\n*.log\nnpm-debug.log*\nyarn-debug.log*\nyarn-error.log*\nlerna-debug.log*\n\n# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html)\nreport.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json\n\n# Runtime data\npids\n*.pid\n*.seed\n*.pid.lock\n\n# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover\nlib-cov\n\n# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul\ncoverage\n*.lcov\n\n# nyc test coverage\n.nyc_output\n\n# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)\n.grunt\n\n# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)\nbower_components\n\n# node-waf configuration\n.lock-wscript\n\n# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)\nbuild/Release\n\n# Dependency directories\nnode_modules/\njspm_packages/\n\n# TypeScript v1 declaration files\ntypings/\n\n# TypeScript cache\n*.tsbuildinfo\n\n# Optional npm cache directory\n.npm\n\n# Optional eslint cache\n.eslintcache\n\n# Microbundle cache\n.rpt2_cache/\n.rts2_cache_cjs/\n.rts2_cache_es/\n.rts2_cache_umd/\n\n# Optional REPL history\n.node_repl_history\n\n# Output of 'npm pack'\n*.tgz\n\n# Yarn Integrity file\n.yarn-integrity\n\n# dotenv environment variables file\n.env\n.env.test\n\n# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/)\n.cache\n\n# Next.js build output\n.next\n\n# Nuxt.js build / generate output\n.nuxt\ndist\nlib\nnode_modules\n/temp\n/docs\n\n# Gatsby files\n.cache/\n# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and *not* Next.js\n# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support\n# public\n# vuepress build output\n.vuepress/dist\n\n# Serverless directories\n.serverless/\n\n# FuseBox cache\n.fusebox/\n\n# DynamoDB Local files\n.dynamodb/\n\n# TernJS port file\n.tern-port\n\n\nprivate.json\nprivate.js\nprivate.cjs\nprivate.mjs\nprivate.ts\n\nsettings.json\nsettings.js\nsettings.cjs\n\n\n\nsettings.mjs\n\n\n\nsettings.ts\n\n\n\n/ts_out\n/yinstr_out\n/docs\n/out\n/ut_temp\ndistCompiled\n/ut_hasty2.db\n/src/AppIDE/server/domains_gen\n/src/AppIDE/server/domains_gen\n*.parser_log\n\n\n/.idea/workspace.xml\n\n ",
"package.json": "{\n \"name\": \"inprint\",\n \"version\": \"1.3.2\",\n \"keywords\": [\n \"generator\",\n \"precompiler\",\n \"inprint\",\n \"inprinter\"\n ],\n \"description\": \"A very simple precompiler written in typescript. With it you can make a dynamically generated blocks in your code.\",\n \"isApp\": true,\n \"author\": \"Yuri Yaryshev\",\n \"main\": \"lib/cjs/index.js\",\n \"module\": \"lib/esm/index.js\",\n \"exports\": {\n \".\": {\n \"import\": \"./lib/esm/index.js\",\n \"require\": \"./lib/cjs/index.js\"\n }\n },\n \"typings\": \"lib/types/index.d.ts\",\n \"homepage\": \"https://github.com/yuyaryshev/inprint\",\n \"repository\": {\n \"type\": \"git\",\n \"url\": \"https://github.com/yuyaryshev/inprint\"\n },\n \"license\": \"Unlicense\",\n \"publishConfig\": {\n \"registry\": \"https://registry.npmjs.org\"\n },\n \"jest\": {\n \"rootDir\": \"src\",\n \"testRegex\": \"(/__tests__/.*|\\\\.(test|spec))\\\\.(ts|tsx|js)$\",\n \"preset\": \"ts-jest\",\n \"resolver\": \"jest-ts-webcompat-resolver\"\n },\n \"scripts\": {\n \"test\": \" npm run test:cjs_mocha\",\n \"build\": \"npm run precompile_full && npm run clean && npm run build:esm && npm run build:cjs && npm run build:types && npm run lint && npm run test\",\n \"tsc\": \"npm run build:ts\",\n \"republish\": \"yb check-snapshot && npm run build && npx version-select && yb genprojmeta && yb dir_hash && npm publish && yb commit-tag-push\",\n \"precompile\": \"yb precompile && eslint src --fix --quiet\",\n \"precompile_full\": \"npm run precompile && prettier src --write\",\n \"clean:cjs\": \"yb clean_cjs\",\n \"build:cjs\": \"npm run clean:cjs && babel src --config-file ./babel.cjs.config.cjs --out-dir lib/cjs --extensions \\\".ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx\\\" --source-maps \",\n \"watch:cjs\": \"npm run clean:cjs && title inprint - 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