Preferred IDE: CLION (it is free for students, you can get a license (see here for more details)).
Other choices:
Before installation you should have C++ compiling and building tools installed on your system. One of the options is to install cygwin with the following packages: gcc-g++, make, cmake, gdb. See more info here.
You should have cmake installed on your system.
Materials are taken from - Introductory Tutorials For Competitive Programming
NOTE: These pdfs contains my notes and tips. I had some issues with displaying them. I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader under Windows and Okular under Linux or MAC.
- compiled vs interpreted programming language
- arrays
- functions
- char arithmetic, ascii table
- const variables
- stack vs heap vs static memory
- object lifetime
See problems on vjudge. Password: 47
Use google if you don't know some language concepts or syntax
C++ references can be found here: