- Fixes?
- new music (Eric Skiff http://ericskiff.com/music/)
- fix check version mobile
- updated credits
- splash screen
- board and tiles
- copyboard set and reset
- timer
- score calculation
- storage (asset/memory) management
- scene management
- transition between scenes
- cycle
- scenes as a class
- better size
- buttons
- tiles drawing http://haxecoder.com/post.php?id=21
- title screen (menu [new game])
- multitouch implements (move to select more than one tile)
- better click detection on tiles and buttons (matrix?)
- hold scene on pause
- pause only on game
- resume game
- delete listeners when transition starts
- better pause/hold/transition akifox<->scenes
- button to titlescreen
- save/load system
- preferences (save/load) (music, sound)
- movement arrow + rotation both ways
- every mistake lose 1 second no points
- show time (number of seconds and circle for fractions of second)
- show score (circe to show highscore %)
- music
- sound effects
- sound effects on gameplay
- sound in mp3 and ogg
- change name to mimic rush
- splashtitle on desktop and movile
- show WHEN reach highscore on gamescreen
- parallax on gamescreen!
- activate/deactive (really pause on IOS)
- moving background on screens
- fix splash background size
- fix logo credit size (has to be 0.5)
- fix background line goes to alpha 0 on edges top and bottom
- moving backgrounds should be half the size
- language icon
- button positions based on platform (option+title)
- play / hold / new game / finish / still resume available
- flash not running
- statistics bug (SecurityError needs to be handled)
- flash text update for transformation
- tile click when tileboard not ready
- empty copyboard sometimes
- alpha on gamescreen with low alpha on gameover
- timer at 0 has to be 0
- serious leak on hold_scene in screens management
- very slow alpha hole on mobile (fixed changing from BLEND to GRADIENTFILL)
- credit screen (+button in title screen)
- credit content
- options screen (+button in title screen)
- effects on/off (akifox preferences)
- effects determine transition mode
- languages (use VARS and button cycle in OptionScreen)
- auto-identify languages at startup mobile devices
- loading screen (before real loading)
- help game mode
- first run helpmode, on help button help mode
- sound on help screen
- translate all the helps
- highscore screen
- highscores online
- highscores local
- show highscores (percentiles)
- double cache (var+file)
- check token in get php
- better solid api
- statistics animation
- numeric values to make the graph understandable
- number on the bottom
- helper deployment mac (DMG)
- helper deployment windows (NSIS)
- helper deployment android (Signature)
- helper deployment linux (tar.gz)
- better titles
- translation with tonguetwist
- unload music from memory
- better pause management
- better unload/destroy system (TODO to be finished)
- finish apply new gfx
- make new TextAA and apply
- real resolution independent (points vs pixels)
- background tiles (parallax) single elements instead of big pictures (no actuate but update)
- background tile unload on Screen Unload
- make as fast as possible parallax rendering (to save CPU)
- flash demo up and running
- exclude stats from flash version
- flash demo no splashscreen
- better memory and sound management in Sfx (just play without var)
- build number in credits
- check performance new transformation system (optimize)
- game / board / tile LOGIC has to be diveded better
- polish real resolution independent
- akifox as much as possible
- reorganizing classes
- memory optimization
- cpu optimization
- website
- presskit
- reset services
- quick links akifox.com/mimicrush
- graphics google play
- graphics itunes
- text stores
- ddd9b0d Dev; ready for open-source
- 53b7382 default font new api
- 91340ce new TextAA in PLIK
- 26b3876 TAG 1.1
- 05e97cf locales fix
- 8d3d429 tag 1.0.0 (final?) + api url update
- b259d00 fancy titles + statistics axes
- a122136 deploy mobile + fix deploy desktop
- 5094c7b build and deploy script for desktops
- 3ca8bdb windows nsis customization + mac deployment to dmg
- a71db91 clean platform conditionals + windows installer
- 992a155 assets conditional
- cb47614 desktop buy screen + clean icons
- b4425c1 support asynchttp 0.3 + tag 0.9.2
- 80a0195 update check localisation
- f202e69 version check + better build options + final name?
- 0b4ebf0 new icons + removed launchimage + updated libraries + better project.xml
- 9330793 new icons per-platform + reorganising project.xml
- 023f95c new assets path for releases (everything in one folder) + fix the code to accept the change
- fe6dad9 credit added + fix for flash parallax (alpha not supported) + debug mode fix
- 7e8dd1d build number in credits + todo removed
- 75d699b Better Sfx system (less memory, less cpu)
- 21e3dd2 everything is an IDestroyable (better GC control)
- 16ff89d forgot to restore start screen
- d681301 resolved some TODO about conversions to SpriteContainer
- 571a669 statistics screen polish (animation, numbers ref, positioning)
- 07f4357 new helptext sarcastic line + helptext fixes + parallax alpha improved
- a6c5e1a new parallax system with batch drawing + effects determine transitions
- ff25460 using tonguetwist for translations
- e266845 translated help to italian + better help text + removed screenhelp
- b9565c3 compressed graphics assets + fix for flash
- 76f50a7 Fixed slow alpha hole on mobile targets
- f54abad sound on help screens
- be72dd6 fix blendmode for flash + flash no domain check on debug + minor text fix
- c025bf6 help system + keyboard shortcuts + remove unused artworks
- 59c7d15 TAG 0.8 + Flash up and running (check domain, excluded submit and share button)
- 1175a1b updated todo list
- 76adcde fix bug on screen manag. + flash target fully operational
- 7782719 added few todos
- 6c16ea1 flash runnable + readme update
- 6eea028 new transformation system
- 3ef1aed improved rotation + bugfix makecopy
- 968b78b var allocation improvements + bugfix on -debug
- 0b8755b bug still there -_-
- b74a1ae timing constants unified for the Game
- a1f0925 optimize ScreenGame
- 5bd845a TAG 0.7 + variable cleaning in ScreenGame
- 7b1882a rotation and reference implemented
- 87e528d various bugfix on ScreenGame + show highscore + new sounds
- 9b651f8 name fix, datasave fix
- 107e103 show time and score (with info) on GameScreen + fix click when wait for round
- 598446d TAG 0.6 + update readme todo list
- 28cfb30 change gamename to MimicRush + new online API
- 6483060 readme update, unused var removed
- e07c6da minor fix (smoothing and running on iOS)
- c4caf4c parallax on ScreenGame
- 3c53a54 TAG 0.5 + new alpha in game + loading "screen"
- 2c72eb5 GAME.hx clean up
- 88977f6 bounded keyboard events only in !mobile
- d39399e update readme.md todo list
- 4b3289f sounds in mp3 and ogg and unload music from memory
- bc61a12 multires bg_parallax
- e49e374 working Parallax background + fix for new pause/change screen management
- bdf9006 better pause management
- d3686a7 Minor global refactor + new parallax prototype (WIP)
- bcafd44 refactor CopyFox to GAME + TAG 0.4
- c723c38 refactor to PLIK
- 4184c17 Better unload/destroy system and new transformation implemented
- c36f820 Share extension + new icons (share and labels green and red)
- 7d912c0 Countdown sfx, new music loops
- 92597d9 music fix
- e99d1aa 0.3 milestone
- 7665d86 Language icon
- a66661e title+option buttons position based on platform
- b8c1450 Highscore in other file, double cache online stats (var+file)
- d11b746 standard openfl language detection implemented
- 90b9353 multi language support (en,it) and auto-identify on mobile devices
- 1b3ff10 fallback on errors retrieving statistics
- 8a99994 Highscores (Online & Local) + Language setup
- 1059354 Stats layout prototyped
- 7c03de2 Preloading common bitmaps to smooth boot
- 3839de9 Fix logo credit, backgrounds size and alphas
- 3a7208c Multiresolution, TextureAtlas
- 33379cd version set real 0.2
- 9e60e1f Memory GC on OptionScreen and CreditScreen
- 9b9f720 New prefsave system, new icons, effect pref implemented
- a0a6d80 fix mobile help buttons not showing
- 7fd1d88 Better sliding technique (only two at a time), background alpha fix
- be68b35 HelpScreen sliding pictures, fix button
- c551064 removed unused png, unload graphics in creditscreen
- d6341fb Credit screen completed
- d6341fb
- 98d47a7 Setup help screen, credit screen e stats screen
- a88ce37 added launch image, fancy backgrounds, credit screen draft, keys on menus
- 951cb70 lighten mobile listeners (no keyboard)
- a325409 Better TitleScreen, button in game to titlescreen, new icons, temporary game over
- 2e74b30 Implemented hold/resume with listeners
- a4e8c84 Few remove listeners missed
- 9768e9a OptionScreen
- e42cbfc App icons
- 60bcee2 Sound effects on gameplay, resume game when paused
- 3c3bb01 Added alphas (pause superimpose), smaller background
- 3861a4e fix action on buttons (reactive)
- 8e37e1c Hold scene in background, fix button multiple click
- da868d6 Multitouch
- 4e2e00b Titlescreen with buttons and sf
- 428a115 lighter splash, better size
- d6a6f6e updated stage size to fit content
- b27204e Todo update
- fd6054c Transform included in Akifox.lib
- af9906c Pause fix
- d8abfa1 updated to new Screen class
- 57f594c Implemented splash screen
- 62006e9 Splash screen implemented
- 9ccc80c Gameassets and preloader to AkifoxLib; button test
- dead638 Implements screens, new fonts test, preloaded fix, new gametes
- 82ca529 Libraries on haxelib, score and time textfields
- 5e527f0 preloader update
- 5f605ff Working prototype