- Testing the calculation of a variable time step distribution, based on a read-in DSMCState file
- Utilized criteria is the number of particles and the time step is adapted to achieve approximately 20 particles per cell
- Parameters:
- Macroscopic restart should be performed to immediately insert the appropriate number of particles:
- Particles-MacroscopicRestart = T
- Particles-MacroscopicRestart-Filename = 2D_CellLocal_Insert_DSMCHOState_000.00000000010000000.h5
- Variable Time Step
- Part-VariableTimeStep-Distribution = T
- Part-VariableTimeStep-Distribution-Adapt = T
- Part-VariableTimeStep-Distribution-MaxFactor = 1.0
- Part-VariableTimeStep-Distribution-MinFactor = 0.1
- Part-VariableTimeStep-Distribution-MinPartNum = 20
- Macroscopic restart should be performed to immediately insert the appropriate number of particles: