All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.2 (2022-07-26)
- Added a favicon as well. (b516ea5)
- Made an EvidentialFlux logo based on the julia logo. :) (5a66ab6)
- Broke out the negative log likelihood calculation from the losses. (9e45c90)
- Fixing styling inconsistencies with scimlstyle. (5259cd1)
1.3.0 (2022-07-19)
- Implemented the DER correction 🥶 (450a76f), closes #9
- Updated regression example to produce something more useful and more inline with the paper. (8577d8e)
- Added classification image to readme. (9b3f64f)
- Added documentation of the dirloss function. (e412f92)
- Added more text regarding the classification entry. (afb03d1)
- Added the documentation of the DIR layer. (736ea62)
- Added the regression case to the README. (5fb3060)
- Documented the Deep evidential classification. (f33f872)
- Updated the example for the second regression case to use a power of 2 in the loss. (ec2026b)
1.2.0 (2022-07-12)
- Added the MultinomialDirichlet evidential distribution. (7436f16)
- Made some comments in the example. (e1f7d08)
- Updated badges in README. (e2d9090)
- Updated examples for classification. (daa32f4)
1.1.1 (2022-07-09)
- Added the evidence 🎓 function for the Deep Evidential Regression case. (5f92f07)
- Added documentation workflow to repo. (63051bd)
- Added some information in the README again. (269fa89)
- Added some information in the README again. (50bae43)
- Fixed bug in badges. (3597864)
- Rearranged order of the functions. (da95c62)
- Section about the foundations of DER. (fee5f23)
- Updated README with badge for documentation. (2ecfbd9)
- Updated README with more badges. (e9a5614)
- Added a full mini example evidential regression case. (9b3a649)
- Added a predict function that dispatches on the last layer of a Flux Chain. (f81861a)
- Added calculation function for uncertainty given a NIG network output. (829937c)
- Added several tests for correctness. (b4f057d)
- Added the NormalInverseGamma Dense layer and some tests. (c245be7)
- Finished the evidential regression loss function. (3733528)
- Speed up package by removing unneccesary dependencies. (d1e4631)
- Updated the tests to include the full evidential regression loss. (76b9108)
- Added deployment of docs which is not working yet. (f3577d3)
- Added documentation for the uncertainty functions (b5a2dc6)
- Added Documenter infrastructure. (437ae08)
- Added load path for local development. (2765605)
- Documented the NIG loss functions as well as the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. (5f857e1)
- Finished the documentation such that it can be generated. (6116f1b)
- More documentation regardin the NIG distribution. (8282c91)