This page explains how to set up developing Exment engine.
- We suggest using Visual Studio Code for developing.
- This page is beta version. If you cannot set up, please write issue.
- Please install first.
- Visual Studio Code
- git
- composer
- node.js
Access [] and click "fork" right-top button on page.
Fork Exment to your repository. And copy URL of your Exment repository.
- Please execute this command on any path.
composer create-project "laravel/laravel=6.*" (project name)
cd (project name)
- Create "packages" directory.
mkdir packages
cd packages
- Create "exceedone" directory.
mkdir exceedone
cd exceedone
- Clone your repository. (ex.
git clone
- rewrite composer.json on project root directory.
*When you edit composer.json, please remove comments. We cannot add comments on json file.
"require": {
"php": "^7.2.0",
"fideloper/proxy": "^4.0",
"laravel/framework": "6.*",
"laravel/tinker": "^1.0",
// Add this line
"exceedone/exment": "dev-master"
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
// Add this line
"Exceedone\\Exment\\": "packages/hirossyi73/exment/src/"
// Add this block
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "packages/exceedone/exment",
"options": {
"symlink": true
- Execute this command on project root directory.
composer update
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Exceedone\Exment\ExmentServiceProvider"
php artisan passport:keys
- Access exment website. And set up Exment.
(ex. http://localhost/admin)
Download tsconfig.json from this site and put on root project.
tsconfig.json -
Install npm packages on root project.
npm install -g typescript
npm install @types/node @types/jquery @types/jqueryui @types/jquery.pjax @types/bootstrap @types/icheck @types/select2
Download *.d.ts files that not contains npm packages.
And set *.d.ts files to node_modules/@types/(package name folder - Please create folder).
bignumber/index.d.ts please
exment/index.d.ts -
Open packages.json's dependencies block and append downloaded files.
"dependencies": {
"@types/bignumber": "^1.0.0",
"@types/exment": "^1.0.0",
Download tasks.json file and set ".vscode" folder on project root folder. (If doesn't have ".vscode", please create it.) tasks.json
If you update *.ts file in "exment" package and you want to compile, please execute this command "Ctrl + Shift + B" on VSCode.
Update .js file in packages/exceedone/exment/public/vendor/exment/js. -
If you want to publish js file for web, please execute this command on project root directory.
php artisan exment:publish
Install VsCode plugin "EasySass". EasySass
Open VsCode setting and open EasySass setting.
Set "Target Dir" setting "packages/exceedone/exment/public/vendor/exment/css". -
When you edit .scss file and save, update .css file to packages/exceedone/exment/public/vendor/exment/css.
If you want to publish css file, please execute this command on project root directory.
php artisan exment:publish
GitHub brunch is operated as follows.
*Reference(Japanese site): Gitのブランチモデルについて
GitHub Brunch Name | Derived from | Explain |
master |
- | The current stable version. Manage source code at the time of release. |
hotfix |
master | This branch is for emergency response when there is a fatal defect in the released source code. After push, merge into develop and master. |
hotfixfeature |
hotfix | When a large number of corrections occur due to emergency response when there is a fatal defect, we will create a branch from hotfix and respond. After the fix is complete, merge it into the hotfix. |
develop |
master | This branch develops the next functions. |
feature |
develop | A branch for each function to be implemented. When development is complete, merge into develop. Example: feature/XXX, feature/YYY |
release |
develop | This is a version for fine-tuning at the time of release after development is completed. Check the operation in this branch, and when completed, merge to master. |
test |
master | For adding test. |
testfeature |
test | If you want to add test, create this brunch, and add code. ex.testfeature/XXX |
Before pushing to GitHub, execute php-cs-fixer and format the source code.
composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
# Add user environment. Change "%USERPROFILE%" to machine user name. ex:「C:\Users\XXXX」
#Remove unused use
php-cs-fixer fix ./vendor/exceedone/exment --rules=no_unused_imports
#Fix all source
php-cs-fixer fix
If you want to commit to exceedone/exment of the main unit, follow the procedure below. PR is welcome.
Exment pull request on GitHub.
Execute a pull request for the branch hotfix (fixing a bug) or develop (adding a function) of exceedone/exment.
Please include comments as much as possible.