Employee Name: {{ employee_name }}
Employee Email: {{ employee_email }}
Google Workspace
- Transfer ownership of files and documents to relevant managers or team members.
- Revoke access to shared drives.
- Remove the employee from the ROAR GitHub organization.
- Revoke access to all repositories.
- Ensure any personal access tokens related to the organization are revoked.
Clever: Revoke access to Clever accounts and integrations.
ClassLink: Remove access to ClassLink accounts and integrations.
- Remove the employee from the Redivis organization.
- Revoke access to any datasets or research projects.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) / Firebase
- Remove the employee from the GCP project and revoke all permissions.
- Ensure that Firebase access is revoked.
- Check for any service accounts or keys related to the employee and disable them.
Other Internal Systems
- Remove the employee from all active-employee only Slack channels.
- Remove the employee from all relevant shared emails.
General Cleanup
- Review and reassign any tasks or projects the employee was responsible for.
- Employee attests that any ROAR data on personal devices has been deleted or destroyed.
- Ensure that all ROAR devices and physical security passes are returned.
- Remove the employee's Sentry account or revoke access to projects.
- Reassign monitoring tasks previously managed by the employee.
Cypress Cloud
- Remove the employee's access to Cypress Cloud.
- Transfer ownership of any tests or projects managed by the employee.
- Transfer ownership/management of any ROAR domains.
- Remove access to ROAR domains.
- Transfer ownership/management of any ROAR applications.
- Remove access to ROAR applications.
Beagle Security
- Transfer ownership/management of any ROAR applications.
- Remove access to ROAR applications.