Where? Fits best in master library (rename to node e.g.), because it shares many things like dictionary and eds_reader, and master could inherit from the slave class (-> inlining).
- implement two missing cases in receive loop (simple delegation to sdo/pdo class)
PDO class:
- Not much to do here. Just provide callbacks for RPDOs. These will be registered by Slave class.
- Rename process_incoming_message() to process_incoming_tpdo() and add process_incoming_rpdo()
- Rename add_pdo_received_callback() to add_tpdo_received_callback() and add add_rpdo_received_callback()
SDO class:
- Just like in PDO class, we need to implement client SDOs.
- Slave class listens for requests and (add_request_callback()) and can react using send_response()
- add add_client_sdo_callback(SDOReceivedCallback) (callback signature void(const SDOResponse&)) and/or add_request_callback(node_id, SDORequestCallback) (listening only for SDOs with slave's own node_id, callback signature void(index, subindex))
- add send_response(node_id, index, subindex, vector<uint8_t> data) (chooses segmented/expedited transfer on it's own)
- add abort_transfer(node_id, index, subindex, errorcode)
Slave class:
- has a node_id! (never used this until now...)
- m_dictionary of type map<name, Entry>
- m_index_to_name of type map<index,subindex,name>
- add_entry(Entry)
- read_dictionary_from_eds(filename) -> store default values
- set_value(name,value) -> user should call this for all entries without default value
- get_value(name) (internal use)
- register sdo_request_callback -> get name from index, do get_value() and send result using core.sdo.send_response(node_id, index, subindex, value.get_bytes())
- add_pdo_mapping(cob_id, name) -> core.pdo.add_rpdo_received_callback() with this cob_id -> set_value()...
Master class:
- inherit from slave
- add at least mandatory entries using add_entry() in constructor
EDSReader class:
- handle default values but only if used by Slave class, otherwise dictionary could contain outdated values.
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 20, 2021. It is now read-only.