All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
- ADDED: Support for import image and location for ical
- ADDED: Considered private status in event already exists check
- ADDED: iCal import support to the plugin
- ADDED: Clear Import history button
- ADDED: Event source link field in create/edit event
- FIXED: Facebook Location Issue
- FIXED: WPBackery Page builder block issue (PRO)
- IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 5.8
- ADDED: shortcode page for help
- ADDED: New Google map embed
- FIXED: some typos
- IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 5.7
- ADDED: Optional Plugin deactivation Feedback
- FIXED: Time format related error
- FIXED: Event Espresso warning error
- IMPROVEMENTS: Made load over https
- IMPROVEMENTS: Support for WP 5.6
- ADDED: French Translation (Thanks to PiwEL)
- IMPROVEMENTS: support for WP 5.5
- ADDED: Option for author.
- ADDED: Option for time format.
- ADDED: Option for event slug.
- IMPROVEMENTS: Updated to Facebook API Version 7.0
- FIXED: few pages were not fetching events issue.
- ADDED: Option for Direct Event link to Facebook.
- IMPROVEMENT: FB API call Limit exceed issue.
- IMPROVEMENT: New design for Support and help page.
- FIXED: Event get removed before it happens (for some timezones)
- FIXED: "The link you followed has expired" Issue
- IMPROVEMENT: WordPress Coding Standards Improvements.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Code Improvements.
- ADDED: Renamed Plugin
- ADDED: Accent Color Functionality
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Security Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Background import process for scheduled import
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: My Pages Dropdown for import by User's pages
- ADDED: Timezone support for "All-in-One Events Calendar"
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Support for WP 5.0
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Facebook Events Gutenberg block.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: bug in get facebook user access_token
- ADDED: Facebook Authorization, so import by facebook event ID possible now (event need to marked as interested or going is mandatory)
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Import by .ics support (Facebook has the functionality to export your events to ics file so you can import your facebook event using this)
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- IMPROVEMENT: Import by Page now working after Facebook's API restriction and Some other Improvements
- ADDED: Support for a Events Manager 5.9.1
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Code Improvements
- ADDED: Element for Visual Composer ( WPBackery Page Builder)
- ADDED: Template Overrides from Theme
- ADDED: Merged Pro & Free codebase, Introduced Pro as an add-on
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Support for recurring facebook events
- IMPROVEMENT: Some Improvements
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Import into Event Espresso 4 support.
- ADDED: Advanced Sync for Facebook (Pro).
- ADDED: Functionality for Edit Scheduled import (Pro).
- ADDED: Select tags functionality for TEC, EM and IFE (Pro).
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Support import events from the Facebook group (Pro).
- ADDED: Now user can import events which are accessible from user’s profile (Pro).
- ADDED: Authorization option for import group events (Pro).
- FIXED: some bug fixes
- ADDED: more options in shortcode full shortcode is now like. [facebook_events col="2" posts_per_page="12" category="cat1,cat2" past_events="yes" order="desc" orderby="post_title" start_date="2017-12-25" end_date="2018-12-25" ]
- ADDED: Past Events display by add 'past_events="yes"' into shortcode.
- ADDED: Option for delete data on plugin uninstall
- IMPROVEMENTS: City, State and Country fields mapping to new version of EventON.
- FIXED: jQuery UI css conflict some plugin
- FIXED: TimeZone issue in “All in one Event Calendar” sometime imports wrong eventtime
- FIXED: some bug fixes
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: Upcoming Facebook Events Widget (Pro)
- IMPROVEMENTS: make date multilingual
- IMPROVEMENTS: in the event archive and single event details page.
- FIXED: some bug fixes.
- ADDED: option for disable inbuilt event management
- ADDED: option in shortcode for eventlist "category,col"
- FIXED: some bug fixes in ai1ec events import.
- FIXED: some bug fixes in events management.
- Added: in-built Event management system.
- Added: Import into My Calendar
- Added: Import into eventON
- Added: import into All-in-One Event Calendar
- Added: import into Event Organizer
- Added: Import history
- Added: support links.
- Improvements in scheduled imports
- Fixes: some bug fixes
- FIXED: some bug fixes
- Initial Version.