description |
Class and Classification |
Class contains multiple attributes. Currently, it does not support multi-layer nesting of attributes.
The Classification contains only one attribute, but attributes can be nested in multiple layers. That is, the Option can also contain attributes.
Please refer to Upload Dataset page for uploading pre-annotation result format and document structure.
Description of Lidar-camera Fusion Annotation Results#
"version": "Xtreme1 V0.6",
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The coordinate origin is the upper left corner of the image.
"version": "1.0",
"dataId": 8171960,
"sourceId": 384,
"sourceType": "DATA_FLOW", //Annotation type
"sourceName": "Without Task",
"validity": "VALID",
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"id": "321628",
"values": [
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"id": "321629",
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