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File metadata and controls

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Utility-Host-Only Setup

Deploying Openshift in an automated way typically depends on traditional network services like dhcp-server, dns, http, etc…​ One method to deploying OCP is to set up a utility server to run these services. This simplfies configuration and control of the deployment.

Alhtough the utility host can be preloaded with RHEL 7 or 8, at this time the majoirty of the testing is done with RHEL 8.

1. Prequisits

  • RHEL 7.9 or 8.0+

  • installed packages: git, ansible 2.9

  • configured (accessible) repos for base, optional/appstream and ansible

  • log on to and get your pull-secret.txt

  • internet access (either direct or via proxy)

2. RHEL 8 @Base Installation

Starting with a simple deployment of RHEL 8

  • Configure Repos (subscription-manager register)

  • Install ansible-2.9

  • Install git

yum install git ansible

3. Clone git Repo

As the user 'root', change to you home directory and clone the source.

cd ~

git clone

4. Review the Change History

In the git project directory you just cloned, run the following to view the development activity and changes you need to be aware of.

cd ~/OCP4-Workshop

git log --oneline --decorate

5. Create Config Files

You can use a sample-config to start this process. Please note that in this example we are using a "utility-host-only" template.

cd ./OCP4-Workshop/config

cp ../sample-configs/utility-host-only/* .

6. Edit Config Files

You must edit the config files for your deployment. There is no magic installation.

Just like the name implies 'master-config.yml' is the main configuration file. Most parameters should be straight forward, but in particular you need to:

  • fix hostnames, mac addresses & ip addresses

  • set or comment out h_rhcosDEV and r_rhcosNIC accordingly

Adjust the workshopuser_username and workshopuser_password in the credentials.yml file.

Now, encrypt the file for security

ansible-vault encrypt credentials.yml

7. Place the Pull Secret

The file /root/OCP4-Workshop/config/pull-secret.txt must exist on the deployer host before you continue.

Using a browser, go to and retrieve the pull-secret. You can either:

  • download the pull-secret.txt and transfer it to the config directory, OR

  • copy the pull-secret.txt to the paste buffer and then edit pull-secret.txt and paste the contents

8. Run the Playbooks

Now it’s time to run the playbooks which configure and enable the services in preparation for the Openshift cluster deployment.

cd ./OCP4-Workshop/
bash all

Once the playbooks have completed without error, you can run the playbooks again with a different flag ('usher') to help guide your manual deployment.

cd ./OCP4-Workshop/
bash usher

9. Boot the Bootstrap

10. Boot the Masters

11. Boot the Workers

12. Extra Info

Artifacts from the build will be in /root/ocp-<clustername>

Authority files will be in /root/ocp-<clustername>/auth

The End



