This page documents the prerequisites and procedures used during the development of the VS Code xPack C/C++ Managed Build extension.
This project is written in TypeScript, as recommended for VS Code extensions.
Briefly, the prerequisites are:
- npm
- a recent xpm, which is a portable Node.js command line application
- an instance of Visual Studio Code with a specific set of extensions
- a marketplace publisher access token;
vsce login ilg-vscode
npm install --global xpm@latest
To avoid interferences with other extensions in the regular VS Code configuration, it is recommended to use a custom folder and a separate set of extensions:
mkdir ${HOME}/Work/vscode-extensions/code-portable-data-develop
cd ${HOME}/Work/vscode-extensions
code \
--extensions-dir ${HOME}/Work/vscode-extensions/code-portable-data-develop \
--install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools \
--install-extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools \
--install-extension twxs.cmake \
--install-extension mhutchie.git-graph \
--install-extension github.vscode-pull-request-github \
--install-extension DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint \
--install-extension christian-kohler.npm-intellisense \
--install-extension ban.spellright \
--install-extension standard.vscode-standard \
code \
--extensions-dir ${HOME}/Work/vscode-extensions/code-portable-data-develop \
--list-extensions --show-versions
may also be useful.
On Windows, use the Git console, which is more or less a regular shell.
The project is hosted on GitHub:
To clone the master
branch, use:
mkdir ${HOME}/Work/vscode-extensions
cd ${HOME}/Work/vscode-extensions
git clone \ vscode-xpack-extension-ts.git
For development, to clone the develop
branch, use:
git clone \
--branch develop \ vscode-xpack-extension-ts.git
code \
--extensions-dir ${HOME}/Work/vscode-extensions/code-portable-data-develop \
npm install
The xPack extension uses webpack to make the distribution more compact.
To automate the workflow, webpack can be started as a background
task to convert the out
folder into the dist
npm run webpack-dev-watch
Use the existing launchers.
Note: the dist
folder content is processed by webpack
and the
relationship to the original TS files is lost. Temporarily adjust
to point to the out
The current version is TypeScript 4:
The API used to implement VS Code extensions:
The VS Code extensions require some definitions stored in the
property of package.json
All commands are listed here, but not all commands are equal,
those that must be shown in Command Palette better have the category
defined, while those that go in menus probably better have the icons.
The Command Palette is the way extensions contribute commands that can be invoked manually.
The picker prefixes commands with their category, allowing for easy grouping.
These are the commands associated with the view title.
The navigation
group is special as it will always be sorted to the
top/beginning of a menu.
These are the commands associated with the items in the view tree.
groups are shown in the item linenavigation
groups are shown as right click.
Node: the when
expressions do not accept parenthesis, so to enable
commands for multiple items, repeat the command with all different
(all instances of VS Code and can only be configured in user settings)machine
(user or remote settings, like installation path which shouldn't be shared across machines)machine-overridable
(can be overridden by workspace or folder)window
(user, workspace, or remote settings; default)resource
(files and folders, and can be configured in all settings levels, even folder settings)language-overridable
- contribution points
- activation events
- extension manifest
- built-in commands
- when clause contexts
- product icon references
vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('xpack').get<number>('maxSearchDepthLevel', 3)
const inspectedValue = npm.inspect('exclude')
const isGlobal = inspectedValue !== undefined &&
inspectedValue.workspaceValue === undefined
await npm.update('exclude', newArray, isGlobal)
The extension recursively searches for package.json
files, down to a given
depth and possibly excluding some folders, in order to prepare a data model
which is a tree of packages. For easier access, the configurations, commands
actions are also identified and listed in separate arrays.
As style, the project uses the TypeScript variant of Standard Style, automatically checked at each commit via CI.
Generally, to fit two editor windows side by side in a screen, all files should limit the line length to 80.
/* eslint max-len: [ "error", 80, { "ignoreUrls": true } ] */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete
Known and accepted exceptions:
- none
To manually fix compliance with the style guide (where possible):
$ npm run fix
> [email protected] fix
> ts-standard --fix src