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Jun 19, 2016
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Jun 19, 2016


This document contains a high level overview of the most basic custom visual implementation with links to documents that contain more detailed information about each component.

The basic structure of a visual is a class that implements IVisual wrapped in a module that is namespaced to allow access to the APIs interfaces. The API version utilized by your visual depends on the version of the d.ts file referenced in your project.


To ensure access to all of the correct api interfaces your visual most be created in the powerbi.extensiblity.visual namespace.

module powerbi.extensiblity.visual {
    //create your visual (class) here

##Visual class / IVisual

All visuals start with a class that implements the IVisual interface. You can name the class whatever you'd like, but there must be exactly one class that implements the IVisual interface.

Note: your visual class name must match what is defined in your pbiviz.json file.

    //declare properties of the visual plugin here (used by host)
    capabilities: { ... },
class MyVisual implements IVisual {
    constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
        //one time setup code goes here (called once)
    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void {
        //code to update your visual goes here (called on all view or data changes)

    public enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration {
        //returns objects to populate the property pane (called for each object defined in capabilities)
    public destroy(): void {
        //one time cleanup code goes here (called once)


The @VisualPlugin decorator is used to provide information about your visual to the host.

  • capabilities - defines information about the capabilities of your visual including what data is expected, how it should be mapped, properties pane objects, etc... Learn more about capabilities


constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions)

The constructor of the visual class is called when the visual is instantiated. It can be used for any set up operations needed for your visual.


  • element: HTMLElement - a reference to the DOM element that will contain your visual.
  • host: IVisualHost - a collection of properties and services that can be used to interact with the visual host (Power BI). Learn more about IVisualHost


public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void

All visuals must implement a public update method. It is called whenever there is a change in the data or host environment.


  • viewport: IViewport - the dimensions of the viewport that the visual should be rendered within
  • dataViews: DataView[] - the dataview object (contains all data needed to render your visual)
  • type: VisualUpdateType - flags that indicate the type(s) of this update (Data | Resize | ViewMode | Style | ResizeEnd)
  • viewMode: ViewMode - the view mode of the visual (view or edit)

###enumerateObjectInstances optional

enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration

This method is called for every object listed in capabilities. Using the options (currently just the name) you return a VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration with information about how to display this property.


  • objectName: string - the name of the object

###destroy optional

public destroy(): void

The destroy function is called when your visual is unloaded and can be used to do clean up tasks such as removing event listeners.