- Fix GitHub Action maven cache not work
- Change default jdk from
java 8.0.432+6-tem
tojava 8.0.442+6-amzn
. Because no availablejava 8.0.432+6-tem
on arm64 - Update archetype application-dev.yaml
- Optimize GitHub Action: maven cache
- Optimize auto-assembly profile
- Update archetype
- Optimize GitHub Actions
- 新增
, 对设计模式的使用进行抽象和封装, 降低设计模式的应用难度以及统一编码风格- 决策树设计模式抽象
- archetype
- assembly 优化
- 分层构建优化
- Support publish GitLab pages via GitLab CI/CD
- Optimize gitlab ci pipeline, use remote template
- Update archetype, .mvn, .github actions
- Support GitLab CI/CD
- Provide ubuntu/24.04 Vagrantfile for mac arm64
- dependency management shiro and jwt version
- add Utility classes for base64 and digest
- ci/cd supported. Publish packages to github packages and maven central portal
- Add Utility classes for regex
, ID generationNanoIdGenerator
- 优化分页查询
- refine archetype includes and remove redundant entries
- 支持发布构件到 central, GitHub packages, self-hosted artifactory
- Use GitHUb Actions build and publish GitHub Pages
- DDD 脚手架
- 基础通用组件