This tool bridges the communication between ROS and LSD, it subscribes the ros topic and send it to LSD.
This tool should be built on a ROS installed PC (NOT inside the provided test docker)
cd tools/rosbag_proxy/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch rosbag_proxy rosbag_proxy.launch
# Open a new terminal and play the rosbag
rosbag play xxx.bag
The example rosbag can be downloaded Google Drive | 百度网盘(密码8m6n)
# follow the above doc and build the rosbag proxy tool, then roslaunch it
roslaunch rosbag_proxy rosbag_proxy.launch
# Open a new terminal and play the demo rosbag
rosbag play -l demo.bag
Replace the cfg/board_cfg_all.yaml with this cfg:
# start the LSD and preview the result at the web.
You can modify the points_topic and imu_topic in rosbag_proxy.launch to match your bags.