YARA can be also used from Python through the yara-python
library. Once
the library is built and installed as described in :ref:`compiling-yara`
you'll have access to the full potential of YARA from your Python scripts.
The first step is importing the YARA library:
import yara
Then you will need to compile your YARA rules before applying them to your data, the rules can be compiled from a file path:
rules = yara.compile(filepath='/foo/bar/myrules')
The default argument is filepath, so you don't need to explicitly specify its name:
rules = yara.compile('/foo/bar/myrules')
You can also compile your rules from a file object:
fh = open('/foo/bar/myrules')
rules = yara.compile(file=fh)
Or you can compile them directly from a Python string:
rules = yara.compile(source='rule dummy { condition: true }')
If you want to compile a group of files or strings at the same time you can do
it by using the filepaths
or sources
named arguments:
rules = yara.compile(filepaths={
rules = yara.compile(sources={
'namespace1':'rule dummy { condition: true }',
'namespace2':'rule dummy { condition: false }'
Notice that both filepaths
and sources
must be dictionaries with keys
of string type. The dictionary keys are used as a namespace identifier, allowing
to differentiate between rules with the same name in different sources, as
occurs in the second example with the dummy name.
The compile
method also has an optional boolean parameter named
which allows you to control whether or not the include directive
should be accepted in the source files, for example:
rules = yara.compile('/foo/bar/my_rules', includes=False)
If the source file contains include directives the previous line would raise an exception.
If includes are used, a python callback can be set to define a custom source for
the imported files (by default they are read from disk). This callback function
is set through the include_callback
optional parameter.
It receives the following parameters:
: file requested with 'include'filename
: file containing the 'include' directive if applicable, else Nonenamespace
: namespace
And returns the requested rules sources as a single string.
If you are using external variables in your rules you must define those
external variables either while compiling the rules, or while applying the
rules to some file. To define your variables at the moment of compilation you
should pass the externals
parameter to the compile
method. For example:
rules = yara.compile('/foo/bar/my_rules’,
externals= {'var1': 'some string’, 'var2': 4, 'var3': True})
The externals
parameter must be a dictionary with the names of the variables
as keys and an associated value of either string, integer or boolean type.
The compile
method also accepts the optional boolean argument
. This arguments tells YARA to raise an exception when a
warning is issued during compilation. Such warnings are typically issued when
your rules contains some construct that could be slowing down the scanning.
The default value for the error_on_warning
argument is False.
In all cases compile
returns an instance of the class :py:class:`yara.Rules`
Rules. This class has a save
method that can be used to save the compiled
rules to a file:
The compiled rules can be loaded later by using the load
rules = yara.load('/foo/bar/my_compiled_rules')
Starting with YARA 3.4 both save
and load
accept file objects. For
example, you can save your rules to a memory buffer with this code:
import StringIO
buff = StringIO.StringIO()
The saved rules can be loaded from the memory buffer:
rule = yara.load(file=buff)
The result of load
is also an instance of the class :py:class:`yara.Rules`.
Instances of Rules
also have a match
method, which allows you to apply
the rules to a file:
matches = rules.match('/foo/bar/my_file')
But you can also apply the rules to a Python string:
with open('/foo/bar/my_file', 'rb') as f:
matches = rules.match(data=f.read())
Or to a running process:
matches = rules.match(pid=1234)
As in the case of compile
, the match
method can receive definitions for
external variables in the externals
matches = rules.match('/foo/bar/my_file',
externals= {'var1': 'some other string', 'var2': 100})
External variables defined during compile-time don’t need to be defined again
in subsequent calls to the match
method. However you can redefine
any variable as needed, or provide additional definitions that weren’t provided
during compilation.
In some situations involving a very large set of rules or huge files the
method can take too much time to run. In those situations you may
find useful the timeout
matches = rules.match('/foo/bar/my_huge_file', timeout=60)
If the match
function does not finish before the specified number of
seconds elapsed, a TimeoutError
exception is raised.
You can also specify a callback function when invoking the match
method. By
default, the provided function will be called for every rule, no matter if
matching or not. You can choose when your callback function is called by setting
the which_callbacks
parameter to one of yara.CALLBACK_MATCHES
. The default is to use
. Your callback function should expect a single parameter
of dictionary type, and should return CALLBACK_CONTINUE
to proceed to the
next rule or CALLBACK_ABORT
to stop applying rules to your data.
Here is an example:
import yara
def mycallback(data):
matches = rules.match('/foo/bar/my_file', callback=mycallback, which_callbacks=yara.CALLBACK_MATCHES)
The passed dictionary will be something like this:
'tags': ['foo', 'bar'],
'matches': True,
'namespace': 'default',
'rule': 'my_rule',
'meta': {},
'strings': [(81L, '$a', 'abc'), (141L, '$b', 'def')]
The matches field indicates if the rule matches the data or not. The strings fields is a list of matching strings, with vectors of the form:
(<offset>, <string identifier>, <string data>)
The match
method returns a list of instances of the class :py:class:`yara.Match`.
Instances of this class have the same attributes as the dictionary passed to the
callback function.
You can also specify a module callback function when invoking the match
method. The provided function will be called for every imported module that
scanned a file. Your callback function should expect a single parameter of
dictionary type, and should return CALLBACK_CONTINUE
to proceed to the next
to stop applying rules to your data.
Here is an example:
import yara
def modules_callback(data):
matches = rules.match('/foo/bar/my_file', modules_callback=modules_callback)
The passed dictionary will contain the information from the module.
You can also specify a warning callback function when invoking the match
method. The provided function will be called for every runtime warning.
Your callback function should expect two parameters. The first is an integer
which contains the type of warning and the second is a string with the warning
message. Your callback should return CALLBACK_CONTINUE
to proceed with the
to stop.
Possible values for the type are:
Contents of the callback message depend on the type of the callback.
, the message is a named tuple containing
3 items: namespace
, rule
and string
. All contain string
Here is an example:
import yara
def warnings_callback(warning_type, message):
if warning_type == yara.CALLBACK_TOO_MANY_MATCHES:
print(f"namespace:'{message.namespace}' rule:'{message.rule}' string:'{message.string}'")
matches = rules.match('/foo/bar/my_file', warnings_callback=warnings_callback)
If you do not use a warning callback a warning message will be sent to the normal python warning system for you and scanning will continue.
You may also find that the default sizes for the stack for the matching engine in
yara or the default size for the maximum number of strings per rule is too low. In
the C libyara API, you can modify these using the YR_CONFIG_STACK_SIZE
variables via the yr_set_configuration
function in libyara. The command-line tool exposes these as the --stack-size
) and --max-strings-per-rule
command-line arguments. In order to set
these values via the Python API, you can use yara.set_config
with either or
both stack_size
and max_strings_per_rule
provided as kwargs. At the time
of this writing, the default stack size was 16384
and the default maximum
strings per rule was 10000
Also, yara.set_config
accepts the max_match_data argument for controlling
the maximum number of bytes that will be returned for each matching string. This
is equivalent to using YR_CONFIG_MAX_MATCH_DATA
with the yr_set_configuration
in the C API. By the default this is set to 512.
Here are a few example calls:
yara.set_config(max_strings_per_rule=50000, stack_size=65536)
.. py:module:: yara
.. py:function:: yara.compile(...) Compile YARA sources. Either *filepath*, *source*, *file*, *filepaths* or *sources* must be provided. The remaining arguments are optional. :param str filepath: Path to the source file. :param str source: String containing the rules code. :param file-object file: Source file as a file object. :param dict filepaths: Dictionary where keys are namespaces and values are paths to source files. :param dict sources: Dictionary where keys are namespaces and values are strings containing rules code. :param dict externals: Dictionary with external variables. Keys are variable names and values are variable values. :param boolean includes: True if include directives are allowed or False otherwise. Default value: *True*. :param boolean error_on_warning: If true warnings are treated as errors, raising an exception. :return: Compiled rules object. :rtype: :py:class:`yara.Rules` :raises yara.SyntaxError: If a syntax error was found. :raises yara.Error: If an error occurred.
.. py:function:: yara.load(...) .. versionchanged:: 3.4.0 Load compiled rules from a path or file object. Either *filepath* or *file* must be provided. :param str filepath: Path to a compiled rules file :param file-object file: A file object supporting the ``read`` method. :return: Compiled rules object. :rtype: :py:class:`yara.Rules` :raises: **yara.Error**: If an error occurred while loading the file.
.. py:function:: yara.set_config(...) Set the configuration variables accessible through the yr_set_configuration API. Provide either *stack_size*, *max_strings_per_rule*, or *max_match_data*. These kwargs take unsigned integer values as input and will assign the provided value to the yr_set_configuration(...) variables ``YR_CONFIG_STACK_SIZE``, ``YR_CONFIG_MAX_STRINGS_PER_RULE``, and ``YR_CONFIG_MAX_MATCH_DATA`` respectively. :param int stack_size: Stack size to use for ``YR_CONFIG_STACK_SIZE`` :param int max_strings_per_rule: Maximum number of strings to allow per yara rule. Will be mapped to ``YR_CONFIG_MAX_STRINGS_PER_RULE``. :param int max_match_data: Maximum number of bytes to allow per yara match. Will be mapped to ``YR_CONFIG_MAX_MATCH_DATA``. :return: None :rtype: **NoneType** :raises: **yara.Error**: If an error occurred.
.. py:class:: Rules Instances of this class are returned by :py:func:`yara.compile` and represents a set of compiled rules. .. py:method:: match(filepath, pid, data, externals=None, callback=None, fast=False, timeout=None, modules_data=None, modules_callback=None, warnings_callback=None, which_callbacks=CALLBACK_ALL) Scan a file, process memory or data string. Either *filepath*, *pid* or *data* must be provided. The remaining arguments are optional. :param str filepath: Path to the file to be scanned. :param int pid: Process id to be scanned. :param str data: Data to be scanned. :param dict externals: Dictionary with external variables. Keys are variable names and values are variable values. :param function callback: Callback function invoked for each rule. :param bool fast: If true performs a fast mode scan. :param int timeout: Aborts the scanning when the number of specified seconds have elapsed. :param dict modules_data: Dictionary with additional data to modules. Keys are module names and values are *bytes* objects containing the additional data. :param function modules_callback: Callback function invoked for each module. :param function warnings_callback: Callback function invoked for warning, like ``yara.CALLBACK_TOO_MANY_MATCHES``. :param int which_callbacks: An integer that indicates in which cases the callback function must be called. Possible values are ``yara.CALLBACK_ALL``, ``yara.CALLBACK_MATCHES`` and ``yara.CALLBACK_NON_MATCHES``. :raises yara.TimeoutError: If the timeout was reached. :raises yara.Error: If an error occurred during the scan. .. py:method:: save(...) .. versionchanged:: 3.4.0 Save compiled rules to a file. Either *filepath* or *file* must be provided. :param str filepath: Path to the file. :param file-object file: A file object supporting the ``write`` method. :raises: **yara.Error**: If an error occurred while saving the file.
.. py:class:: Match Objects returned by :py:meth:`yara.Rules.match`, representing a match. .. py:attribute:: rule Name of the matching rule. .. py:attribute:: namespace Namespace associated to the matching rule. .. py:attribute:: tags Array of strings containing the tags associated to the matching rule. .. py:attribute:: meta Dictionary containing metadata associated to the matching rule. .. py:attribute:: strings List of tuples containing information about the matching strings. Each tuple has the form: `(<offset>, <string identifier>, <string data>)`.