A terminal pastebin client, inspired by fiche.
You will need to have rust installed with cargo, please see the rust guides for your operating system.
cd "$(mktemp -d)" # create a temporary directory
git clone https://github.com/x0rz3q/papyrus.git # clone the source
cd papyrus # change directory into the source
cargo build --release # build the release target
strip target/release/papyrus # strip the symbols to make the binary smaller
sudo mv target/release/papyrus /usr/local/bin # move the binary
sudo useradd --home-dir /var/lib/papyrus --create-home papyrus --system # add a user
sudo /usr/local/bin/papyrus -u papyrus -g papyrus --daemonize -d {your domain here} # run the program
If you want to expose the program to the outside you can run the last
command from the above block with -h
papyrus 0.1.1
x0rz3q <[email protected]>
Terminal pastebin
papyrus [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
--daemonize Daemonize papyrus
--help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-d, --domain <domain> Domain name to be used [env: PAPYRUS_DOMAIN=]
-g, --group <group> Papyrus group [env: PAPYRUS_GROUP=]
-h, --host <host> Host bind address [env: PAPYRUS_HOST=]
-o, --output <output> Output directory [env: PAPYRUS_OUTPUT=]
-p, --port <port> TCP port number [env: PAPYRUS_PORT=]
-t, --threads <threads> Thread count [env: PAPYRUS_THREADS=]
-u, --user <user> Papyrus user [env: PAPYRUS_USER=]