diff --git a/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/PrdSummaryDepict.py b/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/PrdSummaryDepict.py
index 2e9ab1b..796862a 100644
--- a/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/PrdSummaryDepict.py
+++ b/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/PrdSummaryDepict.py
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ def __init__(self, reqObj=None, summaryCifObj=None, verbose=False, log=sys.stder
self.__graphmatchResultFlag = False
self.__combResidueFlag = False
self.__splitPolymerResidueFlag = False
+ self.__pcmLabelList = []
def DoRenderSummaryPage(self, imageFlag=True):
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ def DoRenderSummaryPage(self, imageFlag=True):
text += '
Existing CCD ID without PCM data covalently linked to a polymer residue, or in the polymer sequence\n'
if "3" in self.__pcmLabelList:
- text += 'CCD ID that should be not used as PCM/PTM observed covalently linked to a polymer residue, or in the polymer sequence\n'
+ text += 'CCD ID that should be not used as PCM/PTM observed covalently linked to a polymer residue, or in the polymer sequence\n' # noqa: E501
text += '\n'
diff --git a/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/ProcessPrdSummary.py b/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/ProcessPrdSummary.py
index e7c0d3b..40a00a7 100644
--- a/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/ProcessPrdSummary.py
+++ b/wwpdb/apps/entity_transform/depict/ProcessPrdSummary.py
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def run(self, imageFlag=True):
if imageFlag:
- val = self.__cifObj.getPcmLabel()
+ val = self.__cifObj.getPcmLabel()
if val:
self.__pcmLabelList = val.split(",")