- Nothing changed yet.
- Adaptation for improved feedback from Lizard API task endpoint
- Updated find_scenarios method. Use 'name' argument for exact searches and 'name__icontains' for partial searches
- Increased download chunk size
- Added bounds_srs as optional argument to define the spatial reference system the bounds are supplied in
- Updated download method using stream
- Updated urllib3 dependency
- Bugfix in downloading total damage rasters
- Added temporal rasters with interval
- Retrieve grouped (static, temporal) download links from scenario
- Added method for downloading raw 3Di result
- Added method for downloading gridadmin
- Added authentication method for downloading files from Lizard API
- Cleanup of docstrings and usage of request parameters
- Make result-limit changable
- Added url retrieval methods
- Added editable result limit on searches
- Added automatic deploys to https://pypi.org/project/threedi-scenario-downloader/
- Initial project structure created with cookiecutter and https://github.com/nens/cookiecutter-python-template
- Initial working version.