- update to scala 2.13.3
- update to "stixtoneolib-0.6" which uses "scalastix-1.1" all using scala 2.13.3
- update to "stixtoneolib-0.5" which uses "scalastix-1.0"
---> no longer providing a ready to use jar file. Use "sbt assembly" to generate a self contained jar file "stixtoneo-5.0.jar".
- update scala, sbt and stixtoneolib
- update stixtoneolib to 0.3 version
- use stixtoneolib-0.2 library for processing
- change the usage options with: *** -f for file of json format, catering for both text and zip files *** -x for the large files, catering for both text and zip files
remove all circe dependencies
add Play json dependency
replace all circe code with Play json code
added counting the nodes
added custom properties
added the missing hashes of ExternalReference
remove description from ObservablesMaker
added custom (for custom properties x_...) to ObservablesMaker
update to scalastix-0.7, for STIX-2.0 specs
due to STIX-2.0 specs, ** modify object_refs as optional for Report ** comment out the lang and confidence parameters.
updated scala, sbt, plugins