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Releases: wordbots/wordbots-core


04 Apr 07:45
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v0.9.2-alpha Pre-release


  • Video tutorial for the card creator. (#354)
  • actions.becomeACopy replaced by actions.become and triggers.copyOf. (#625)


  • Fade-in animation for chat messages. (#430)
  • Minor UX improvements in Sandbox mode.

Bug fixes

  • Activated abilities could not be activated. (#631)
  • Certain afterCardPlay triggers didn't work. (#597)


  • /store/cards test now tests triggers and checks for deprecation warnings.
  • New eslint rule: arrow-spacing.
  • Greenkeeper now ignores new versions of webpack and webpack-dev-middleware.


26 Mar 03:48
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v0.9.1-alpha Pre-release


  • Cards in the "Recently Created" carousel are now clickable and take you to the card creator. (#603)

Bug fixes

  • Card creator and deck management pages crashed for logged-out users. (#614)
  • Casual mode wasn't working.
  • Webpack configuration was broken on Windows.


  • Unit tests for, and refactoring of, chat message rendering.
  • Simplified webpack config and cleaned up console output.
  • Updated packages: react-slick.


07 Mar 09:53
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v0.9.0-alpha Pre-release


  • Sandbox mode for testing out cards and decks. In sandbox mode, you can play as both players, can add any card to either deck, and can play all cards regardless of energy cost. (#565)
  • Click anywhere on the board to confirm you want to play a "global" event – no more double-clicking on events to play them. (#551)
  • Click away from the board to deselect the current card or piece. (#555)
  • "Test" button in Card Creator that starts a sandbox game with the given card. (#554)
  • "Try" button in deck manager that starts a practice game with the given deck. (#568)
  • Button to remove all copies of a card from a deck. (#475)


  • Deselecting an event works as expected now.
  • Cancelling target selection for an activated ability works as expected now. (#303)
  • The in-game status message better reflects the current status.
  • Better event animation logic.
  • /play/tutorial url now starts a tutorial. (#563)
  • /play/practice/[deck id] now starts a practice game with the given deck. (#576)
  • AI moves a little slower in practice mode. (#542)
  • Tooltips for buttons in the card creator. (#553)
  • Better-looking nav sidebar. (#412)

Bug fixes

  • Card tooltips didn't display in fullscreen mode. (#477)
  • The AI player in practice mode couldn't play events.
  • The "Mirror" card didn't work. (#544)
  • One some resolutions, the bottom row couldn't be clicked when a card was selected. (#486)
  • Move + attack triggered the same sound effect twice. (#541)
  • The "Randomize" button in the card creator sometimes resulted in "undefined" text. (#558)


  • Major refactor of GameArea into a GameAreaContainer and a GameArea component.
  • Platform-independent yarn tasks.
  • yarn lint task alias.
  • Reconfigured CodeClimate settings.
  • Better suppression of soundmanager2 debug messages.
  • Proper use of ReactDOM.hydrate instead of ReactDOM.render.
  • Updated packages: babel-eslint, babel-jest, babel-loader, copy-webpack-plugin, css-loader, file-loader, firebase, image-webpack-loader, lodash, prop-types, rc-slider, react-markdown, react-redux, react-slick, react-sound, soundmanager2, style-loader, url-loader, webpack, ws, eslint, eslint-plugin-compat, eslint-plugin-import, eslint-plugin-jest, eslint-plugin-lodash, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-unicorn, expect, jest, mocha, webpack-dev-middleware, webpack-dev-server, webpack-hot-middleware.


14 Jan 06:28
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v0.8.4-alpha Pre-release


  • actions.returnToHand (e.g. "Return a robot to its owner's hand.")
  • conditions.unoccupied (used for moving objects, e.g. "Move a robot up to two spaces.") (#539)


  • Use 1 batch request instead of 100 individual requests to populate the card text example store.
  • Wait 500 ms before displaying a card tooltip on the board. (#529)
  • Don't display activated abilities popup while choosing a target. (#538)
  • Better indication of the hex to click on during tutorial steps.
  • Tutorial tooltip could be obscured by other tooltips.
  • Visual glitches in the mode selection and About pages.

Bug fixes

  • Server crashed when a websocket closed unexpectedly (e.g. when a player refreshed the page).
  • Using an ability to move a robot to an occupied space crashed the game. (#539)


  • Updated expected node version to 8.0.0.
  • Updated packages: babel-eslint, babel-jest, copy-webpack-plugin, css-loader, file-loader, firebase, rc-slider, react-ga, react-markdown, react-slick, react-sound, redux-devtools-dock-monitor, repng, style-loader, webpack, ws, eslint, eslint-plugin-jest, eslint-plugin-unicorn, expect, jest, mocha, webpack-dev-middleware, webpack-dev-server.
  • remove soundmanager2 hack in webpack config because it's no longer needed.
  • Reduce output for tests.


04 Dec 08:03
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v0.8.3-alpha Pre-release


  • Persist the selected deck in the Play screen. (#513)

Bug fixes

  • Discard Pile dialog couldn't be closed. (#517)
  • Chat sidebar couldn't be collapsed. (#516)


  • Added react/no-access-state-in-setstate eslint rule to prevent race conditions.
  • Updated packages: material-ui, react-markdown, react-sound, react-web-notification.


24 Nov 09:04
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v0.8.2-alpha Pre-release


  • New built-in deck ("Deft Defense") and 13 new built-in cards. (#497)
  • Cards can no longer be played if they have no valid targets. (#370)
  • Minor visual improvements to card creator.

Bug fixes

  • Hiding the chat sidebar caused the game to crash. (#495)
  • targets.they didn't work correctly.
  • Several uncommonly-used features in the card creator did not work.
  • Messages sometimes got lost in chat due to key collisions.
  • The game board incorrectly detected when an attack was taking place, causing some visual glitches.


  • Switched build system from npm to yarn. (#507)
  • Added an Error Boundary component behind the Game component to make game crashes less catastrophic.
  • Avoided binding functions on re-render in every component, and enforced this behavior with an eslint rule. (This should improve performance.) (#508)
  • Refactored built-in cards into a coreSet directory.
  • Switched to babel-preset-env instead of babel-preset-es2015 and babel-preset-es2016.
  • Updated packages: react, react-dom, eslint-plugin-*.


22 Oct 23:39
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v0.8.1-alpha Pre-release


  • Built-in cards and duplicate cards no longer displayed in "Recently Created Cards" carousel. (#481)


  • Blood Swordmaster did not work as intended. (#487)


  • Upgrade to React 16.
  • Upgrade to latest versions of babel, express, jest, react-router, redux, webpack and subsidiary packages.
  • Upgrade to latest versions of fast-json-loader, firebase, material-ui, rc-slider, react-copy-to-clipboard, react-dom, react-ga, react-helmet, react-popover , and ws.
  • Use react-textfit package explicitly (now that it works).
  • Disallow array proptype, and replace all instances with arrayOf.


01 Oct 11:30
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v0.8.0-alpha Pre-release

Rule changes

  • New rules for playing robots: robots can now be played in any of the six tiles on your side of the board. (#418)


  • Abilities can now require multiple targets to be selected. (#65)
  • New mechanics:
    • actions.becomeACopy (e.g. "When you play a robot, this structure becomes a copy of it.") (#462)
    • actions.moveObject (e.g. "Move a robot up to 2 spaces.") (#463)
    • actions.removeAllAbilities (e.g. "Remove all abilities from all robots.") (#464)
    • targets.that (e.g. "Whenever this robot attacks a robot, destroy that robot.") (#456)
    • targets.they (e.g. "Set the attack of all robots equal to their health") (#474)
    • tilesMatchingConditions
  • Fullscreen mode. (#411)


  • New built-in deck ("Robo-Rampage") and 9 new built-in cards.
  • Completely redesigned game UI. (#411, #437)
  • Better card preview in-game. (#449)
  • Redesigned Card Creator form. (#431)
  • Definitions in Dictionary dialog hidden by default. (#416).

Bug fixes

  • Robots with no abilities couldn't be played. (#473)
  • Random card text generator repeated card texts. (#434)
  • Too many cards were discarded when a card-draw card were played. (#460)
  • Forcibly discarded cards weren't displayed in the discard pile. (#459)


  • Updated packages: babel-eslint, babel-jest, babel-plugin-react-transform, react-slick, eslint-plugin-jest, expect, jest.


17 Aug 07:35
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v0.7.1-alpha Pre-release


  • Activated abilities can now have activation costs (e.g. "Activate: Pay 2 energy to draw a card"). (#421)
  • Animation when playing event cards. (#384)


  • Energy bars now displays a numeric value as well. (#417)
  • "Wordbots" header text now links to the homepage. (#413)

Bug fixes

  • Attacks didn't work correctly in the tutorial. (#409)
  • End Turn button blinked every turn. (#406)
  • Login dialog wouldn't display on the Play page.
  • Disabled activated abilities weren't displayed properly.


  • Upgrade to new react-transition-group api.
  • Updated packages: material-ui 0.19.0, react-sound 0.8.0, react-transition-group 2.2.0, trianglify 1.1.0 (incorporating our changes), eslint-plugin-react 7.2.0.


30 Jul 06:37
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v0.7.0-alpha Pre-release

Rule changes

  • There is now a maximum hand size of 7 cards. Cards drawn past that are discarded.


  • Practice mode to test out cards and decks against AI. (#348)
  • In-game animations for placement, movement, and attack. (#302)
  • Temporary effects (e.g. "Each of your robots gets +2 attack until end of turn"). (#402)
  • Ability to see discard piles in game. (#365)
  • canAttackAgain action.


  • Redesigned homepage, displaying action buttons and most recently created cards. (#366, #382)
  • Redesigned deck builder UI, making it easier to navigate through cards and tweak decks. (#311, #341)
  • Better art for event cards. (#364)
  • Structures are now more clearly distinguished from robots. (#283)
  • Better card hover display. (#385)
  • Left menu no longer fully hides when collapsed. (#362)
  • New About page. (#353)
  • Improvements to the "Did you mean?" feature. (#358)
  • New synonyms in the card creator: "cannot" -> "can't", "it's" -> "it is".

Bug fixes

  • Couldn't join a game after playing the tutorial. (#378)
  • Sounds frequently didn't play correctly. (#380)
  • Player's cards and decks weren't removed from collection view after logging out. (#381)
  • Deck picker in Lobby exhibited unpredictable behavior.
  • Activated ability text didn't wrap properly in the game menu.


  • Major refactor of hex-grid components.
  • components/react-hexgrid now tracked under CodeClimate.
  • Updated packages: babel-loader 7.1.0, fast-json-patch 2.0.0, react-sound 0.7.0, webpack 3.4.1 (+ webpack plugins), eslint 4.1.0 (+ eslint plugins).