From caa88b14914a0785f1990da4e405735670faa87b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: KangSan Lee <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 17:54:36 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=EB=B0=94=ED=86=A4=20v1.0.0=20=EB=A6=B4?=
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* webpack 초기 환경 설정 (#8)

chore: 프로젝트 초기 환경 설정

* Layout 컴포넌트 구현 (#10)

* assets: Pretendard 폰트 추가

* design: GlobalStyle 및 ResetStyle 적용

* feat: Header, Layout 컴포넌트 구현

* MSW 설정 (#17)

* chore: 환경 변수 NODE_ENV 설정

* feat: msw 초기 설정

* Avartar, Tag, Button, Modal 컴포넌트 구현 (#20)

* feat: Avatar 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Button 컴포넌트 구현

* assets: close-icon-red svg 추가

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 구현

* design: Button 디폴트 스타일 설정

* feat: Modal 컴포넌트 구현

* React Router 설정 (#23)

* design: Layout background 제거

* feat: 페이지 라우팅 설정

* msw, tsconfig, Avatar 공통 변경사항 반영 (#27)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* 러너 게시글 조회 페이지 구현 (#31)

* feat: RunnerPostPage 구현

* assets: 채팅수, 조회수 아이콘 svg 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 mock data 추가

* feat: RunnerPostPage api 요청 기능 추가

* refactor: PostTag 컴포넌트 분리

* 러너 게시물 생성 페이지 구현 (#33)

* feat: InputBox 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: TagInput 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Textarea 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 구현

* refactor: InputBox 컴포넌트 InputText Props 삭제

* refactor: props로state를 받도록 변경

* refactor: 입력 state관련 set 함수명 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 메인 페이지 구현 (#34)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* feat: MainPage 구현

* fix: map key 오류 수정

* feat: RunnerPost 타입 추가

* feat: 러너가 올린 게시물 조회 msw 구현

* refactor: RunnerPost 타입 지정

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 렌더링 추가

* refactor: mock data 네이밍 통일

* 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 (#42)

* feat: 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 및 hook 분리

Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* feat: 로고 클릭시 홈 이동 기능 추가


Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* 러너 글 목록 조회 API 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정 (#55)

* fix: api 명세 변경에 따른 러너 글 타입 수정

* feat: 러너 글 목록 조회 api 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정

* API 요청 Endpoint 변경 (#69)

* fix: dev server 새로고침 오류 수정

* refactor: index.html 경로 src 외부 public 폴더로 이동

* feat: api 엔드포인트 변경

dev server에서만 msw 적용하도록 변경

* 절대 경로 재설정 (#71)

chore: import 절대경로 path 재설정

* 불필요한 환경 변수 플러그인 제거 (#73)

fix: build 오류 수정

웹팩 dev 환경변수 플러그인 제거

* Label 컴포넌트 구현 (#88)

feat: Label 컴포넌트 구현

* 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현 (#90)

feat: 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현

* 메인 페이지 및 상세 게시글 리뷰 상태 라벨 추가 (#91)

* feat: mockData에 reviewStatus 추가

* feat: reviewStatus 타입 및 Label text 추가

* feat: 메인 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현 (#92)

feat: 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현

* 서포터 선택 페이지 구현 (#103)

* feat: 서포터 선택페이지 라우팅 추가

* asset: github-icon svg파일 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 msw 핸들러 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectPage 페이지 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 관련 타입 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectItem, List 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 Props 추가

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 컴포넌트 api 기능 제거

* fix: supportSelect 타입 오류 수정

* fix: 저장 누락 반영


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* CI를 위한 테스트 코드 작성 (#111)

* chore: testing library react 및 jest 패키지 설정

* test: CI를 위한 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* CI설정 with GitHub Actions (#113)

* style: 팀 컨벤션에 맞게 프론트엔드 최상위 폴더명 변경

* chore: 프론트엔드 CI 설정

* ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성 (#116)

* test: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* fix: workflow -> workflows 수정

* fix: github action working directory 수정

* API 명세 변경에 따른 기능 추가 (#123)

* fix: types 파일명 변경을 위한 파일 삭제

* feat: API 명세에 맞춰 타입 추가 및 mock data 변경

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지 삭제, 코드 보러가기 기능 추가

* style: 러너 상세 게시글 타입 이름 수정

* refactor: API 명세에 맞춘 타입을 import 하도록 변경

* 로그인 페이지 구현 (#124)

* feat: 헤더에 로그인 버튼 클릭시 로그인 페이지로 이동하는 기능 추가

* feat: 로그인 페이지 컴포넌트 구현

* fix: asset경로 절대경로로 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 서포터 선택 목록 -> 글 생성할 때 띄우는 기능 구현 (#128)

* feat: InputBox font-size, font-weight props 추가

* feat: 서포터 리스트 mockData 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 페이지를 모달 컴포넌트로 변경

* design: Textarea border 수정

* fix: TagInput을 form태그 안에 넣을 경우 submit이 되는 오류 수정

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 모달 기능 구현

* fix: cherry-pick conflict 해결

* fix: type 오류 수정

* feat: 프론트엔드 로컬에서 백엔드 서버 api 요청을 위한 proxy 포트 설정

* feat: api 명세 변경에 따른 컴포넌트 props 수정

* 서버 api 엔드포인트 변경 (#133)

* feat: 변경된 api 명세에 따른 msw uri 수정

* feat: 배포 서버 base url 수정

* feat: 삭제 확인 모달창 구현

* test: 확인 모달창 변경에 따른 테스트코드 작성

* 사용하지 않는 기능 숨기기 (#137)

* design: Layout margin-bottom 추가

* design: 리뷰 진행중 라벨 디자인 추가

* feat: 준비중인 기능 알림 메시지 추가

* feat: 사용하지 않는 기능 주석 처리

* 프론트엔드 배포 작업 (#135)

* webpack 초기 환경 설정 (#8)

chore: 프로젝트 초기 환경 설정

* Layout 컴포넌트 구현 (#10)

* assets: Pretendard 폰트 추가

* design: GlobalStyle 및 ResetStyle 적용

* feat: Header, Layout 컴포넌트 구현

* MSW 설정 (#17)

* chore: 환경 변수 NODE_ENV 설정

* feat: msw 초기 설정

* Avartar, Tag, Button, Modal 컴포넌트 구현 (#20)

* feat: Avatar 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Button 컴포넌트 구현

* assets: close-icon-red svg 추가

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 구현

* design: Button 디폴트 스타일 설정

* feat: Modal 컴포넌트 구현

* React Router 설정 (#23)

* design: Layout background 제거

* feat: 페이지 라우팅 설정

* msw, tsconfig, Avatar 공통 변경사항 반영 (#27)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* 러너 게시글 조회 페이지 구현 (#31)

* feat: RunnerPostPage 구현

* assets: 채팅수, 조회수 아이콘 svg 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 mock data 추가

* feat: RunnerPostPage api 요청 기능 추가

* refactor: PostTag 컴포넌트 분리

* 러너 게시물 생성 페이지 구현 (#33)

* feat: InputBox 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: TagInput 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Textarea 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 구현

* refactor: InputBox 컴포넌트 InputText Props 삭제

* refactor: props로state를 받도록 변경

* refactor: 입력 state관련 set 함수명 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 메인 페이지 구현 (#34)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* feat: MainPage 구현

* fix: map key 오류 수정

* feat: RunnerPost 타입 추가

* feat: 러너가 올린 게시물 조회 msw 구현

* refactor: RunnerPost 타입 지정

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 렌더링 추가

* refactor: mock data 네이밍 통일

* 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 (#42)

* feat: 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 및 hook 분리

Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* feat: 로고 클릭시 홈 이동 기능 추가


Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* 러너 글 목록 조회 API 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정 (#55)

* fix: api 명세 변경에 따른 러너 글 타입 수정

* feat: 러너 글 목록 조회 api 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정

* API 요청 Endpoint 변경 (#69)

* fix: dev server 새로고침 오류 수정

* refactor: index.html 경로 src 외부 public 폴더로 이동

* feat: api 엔드포인트 변경

dev server에서만 msw 적용하도록 변경

* 절대 경로 재설정 (#71)

chore: import 절대경로 path 재설정

* 불필요한 환경 변수 플러그인 제거 (#73)

fix: build 오류 수정

웹팩 dev 환경변수 플러그인 제거

* Label 컴포넌트 구현 (#88)

feat: Label 컴포넌트 구현

* 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현 (#90)

feat: 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현

* 메인 페이지 및 상세 게시글 리뷰 상태 라벨 추가 (#91)

* feat: mockData에 reviewStatus 추가

* feat: reviewStatus 타입 및 Label text 추가

* feat: 메인 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현 (#92)

feat: 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현

* 서포터 선택 페이지 구현 (#103)

* feat: 서포터 선택페이지 라우팅 추가

* asset: github-icon svg파일 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 msw 핸들러 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectPage 페이지 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 관련 타입 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectItem, List 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 Props 추가

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 컴포넌트 api 기능 제거

* fix: supportSelect 타입 오류 수정

* fix: 저장 누락 반영


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* CI를 위한 테스트 코드 작성 (#111)

* chore: testing library react 및 jest 패키지 설정

* test: CI를 위한 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* CI설정 with GitHub Actions (#113)

* style: 팀 컨벤션에 맞게 프론트엔드 최상위 폴더명 변경

* chore: 프론트엔드 CI 설정

* ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성 (#116)

* test: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* fix: workflow -> workflows 수정

* fix: github action working directory 수정

* API 명세 변경에 따른 기능 추가 (#123)

* fix: types 파일명 변경을 위한 파일 삭제

* feat: API 명세에 맞춰 타입 추가 및 mock data 변경

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지 삭제, 코드 보러가기 기능 추가

* style: 러너 상세 게시글 타입 이름 수정

* refactor: API 명세에 맞춘 타입을 import 하도록 변경

* 로그인 페이지 구현 (#124)

* feat: 헤더에 로그인 버튼 클릭시 로그인 페이지로 이동하는 기능 추가

* feat: 로그인 페이지 컴포넌트 구현

* fix: asset경로 절대경로로 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 서포터 선택 목록 -> 글 생성할 때 띄우는 기능 구현 (#128)

* feat: InputBox font-size, font-weight props 추가

* feat: 서포터 리스트 mockData 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 페이지를 모달 컴포넌트로 변경

* design: Textarea border 수정

* fix: TagInput을 form태그 안에 넣을 경우 submit이 되는 오류 수정

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 모달 기능 구현

* fix: cherry-pick conflict 해결

* fix: type 오류 수정

* feat: 프론트엔드 로컬에서 백엔드 서버 api 요청을 위한 proxy 포트 설정

* feat: api 명세 변경에 따른 컴포넌트 props 수정

* 서버 api 엔드포인트 변경 (#133)

* feat: 변경된 api 명세에 따른 msw uri 수정

* feat: 배포 서버 base url 수정

* feat: 삭제 확인 모달창 구현

* test: 확인 모달창 변경에 따른 테스트코드 작성

* 사용하지 않는 기능 숨기기 (#137)

* design: Layout margin-bottom 추가

* design: 리뷰 진행중 라벨 디자인 추가

* feat: 준비중인 기능 알림 메시지 추가

* feat: 사용하지 않는 기능 주석 처리


Co-authored-by: KangSan Lee <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>
Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>
Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* webpack prod publicPath 재설정 (#153)

* fix: 이미지 경로 및 새로고침 오류 수정

index.html base 태그 설정

* fix: base 태그 사용 대신 webpack publicPath 변경

상대경로를 사용하지 않도록 변경

* 게시물 상세 조회 페이지 디자인 수정 (#182)

* feat: Button 컴포넌트 colorTheme 추가

* fix: 선택 완료 목록 height값 추가

* design: 게시물 상제 조회 디자인 수정

* feat: 글 생성 완료 멘트 수정

* 마이페이지 구현 (#185)

* feat: 마이페이지 관련 타입추가

* feat: 마이페이지 관련 msw 데이터 및 핸들러 추가

* feat: MyPage 페이지 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ProfileRunnerPostItem 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ListFilter 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: 마이페이지 페이지 라우팅 추가

* refactor: list태그div에서ul로 수정

* fix : 페이지 상수에 / 추가

* refactor: runnerProfile 타입명에 Get추가

* refactor: Profile 타입을 따로 분리

* refactor: iternator 명 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 서포터 선택 상세정보 개발언어 추가, 분야별 필터링 기능 구현 (#181)

* fix: type import 파일명 수정

* fix: 브라우저의 높이가 작아졌을 때 모달 컨텐츠가 화면을 벗어나는 오류 수정

* feat: 개발스택 라벨 추가

* feat: 개발 분야 필터링 기능 구현

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 목데이터 수정

* feat: 서포터 technicalTags 타입 추가

* feat: 개발스택 라벨 svg 컴포넌트 추가

* design: 선택된 서포터 width값 변경

* fix: dom에 스타일이 나타나지 않도록 달러사인 추가

* fix: 기술스택 라벨 key값 추가

* feat: 서포터 분야별 필터링 기능 구현

* refactor: svg 컴포넌트 화살표 함수로 변경

* refactor: 기술태그 key 고유값으로 변경

* refactor: 변수 네이밍 변경

* 웹 표준 및 웹 접근성 준수 (#198)

* refactor: 시멘틱 태그 적용

* refactor: 이미지 alt 속성 추가

* feat: 제목 input autoFocus 기능 추가

* feat: 리뷰 요청 글 작성 aria-label 추가

* 서포터 선택 필터 기능 useEffect dependency 수정 (#200)

* fix: supporterId와 key값이 겹치는 오류 수정

* fix: 무한으로 useEffect가 호출되는 오류 수정

* 깃허브 소셜 로그인 기능 구현 (#203)

* feat: 로그인 버튼 URL 연결

* feat: 깃허브 콜백 페이지 구현

* feat: useLogin 구현

* feat: Header 로그인 버튼 기능 구현

* feat: 토큰 유효기간 검증 기능 구현

* fix: 토큰 유효기간 검증 로직 수정

* refactor: useLogin -> useToken 으로 변경

* feat: Avartar 컴포넌트 onClick Props 추가

* feat: usePageRouter 마이 페이지 추가

* feat: api 요청시 헤더에 토큰 추가

* feat: 상세 페이지 목록 버튼 뒤로가기로 변경

Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* fix: 컴포넌트 list key값 및 DOM에 나타나지 않도록 달러 사인 추가

* feat: 마이 페이지 게시글 바로가기 기능 추가 및 hover 스타일 추가

* feat: 메인 페이지 게시글 조회수, 채팅수 아이콘 추가


Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* 프론트엔드 배포 작업 (#208)

feat: api 엔드포인트 localhost로 변경

* [hotfix] 프론트엔드 엔드포인트 변경 후 재배포 (#215)

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 변경

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 도메인 주소로 변경

* [hotfix] 프론트엔드 엔드포인트 변경 후 재배포(2) (#216)

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 변경

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 도메인 주소로 변경

* fix: https 사이트에서 http 요청을 보내기 위한 meta 태그 추가

* [hotfix] 프론트엔드 엔드포인트 변경 후 재배포 (3) (#217)

fix: 엔드포인트 포트 삭제

Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 헤더 프로필 이름 렌더링 및 삭제 완료 후 메인페이지로 이동하는 기능 구현 (#225)

* fix: 삭제가 완료되면 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 변경

* feat: header 프로필 이름 추가

* 글 상세조회 . 오타 수정 (#228)

* fix: 삭제가 완료되면 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 변경

* feat: header 프로필 이름 추가

* style: 오타 수정

* hotfix (#232)

* fix: 삭제가 완료되면 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 변경

* feat: header 프로필 이름 추가

* style: 오타 수정

* hotfix: 권한이 없을 경우 글 조회 안되는 오류 수정

* 서포터 선택기능 제거 (#257)

feat: 서포터 선택기능 제거

Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 로그아웃시 기능 사용 못하도록 수정 (#258)

fix: 로그아웃시 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 수정

* 스토리북 구현 (#259)

* style: components 내부 파일 폴더로 분리

* chore: 스토리북 패키지 설치 및 기본 설정

* test: 공용 컴포넌트 스토리북 추가

* 프론트엔드 CD 설정 (#261)

chore: 프론트엔드 CD 설정

* 프론트엔드 CD 테스트 (#262)

* webpack 초기 환경 설정 (#8)

chore: 프로젝트 초기 환경 설정

* Layout 컴포넌트 구현 (#10)

* assets: Pretendard 폰트 추가

* design: GlobalStyle 및 ResetStyle 적용

* feat: Header, Layout 컴포넌트 구현

* MSW 설정 (#17)

* chore: 환경 변수 NODE_ENV 설정

* feat: msw 초기 설정

* Avartar, Tag, Button, Modal 컴포넌트 구현 (#20)

* feat: Avatar 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Button 컴포넌트 구현

* assets: close-icon-red svg 추가

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 구현

* design: Button 디폴트 스타일 설정

* feat: Modal 컴포넌트 구현

* React Router 설정 (#23)

* design: Layout background 제거

* feat: 페이지 라우팅 설정

* msw, tsconfig, Avatar 공통 변경사항 반영 (#27)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* 러너 게시글 조회 페이지 구현 (#31)

* feat: RunnerPostPage 구현

* assets: 채팅수, 조회수 아이콘 svg 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 mock data 추가

* feat: RunnerPostPage api 요청 기능 추가

* refactor: PostTag 컴포넌트 분리

* 러너 게시물 생성 페이지 구현 (#33)

* feat: InputBox 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: TagInput 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Textarea 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 구현

* refactor: InputBox 컴포넌트 InputText Props 삭제

* refactor: props로state를 받도록 변경

* refactor: 입력 state관련 set 함수명 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 메인 페이지 구현 (#34)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* feat: MainPage 구현

* fix: map key 오류 수정

* feat: RunnerPost 타입 추가

* feat: 러너가 올린 게시물 조회 msw 구현

* refactor: RunnerPost 타입 지정

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 렌더링 추가

* refactor: mock data 네이밍 통일

* 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 (#42)

* feat: 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 및 hook 분리

Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* feat: 로고 클릭시 홈 이동 기능 추가


Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* 러너 글 목록 조회 API 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정 (#55)

* fix: api 명세 변경에 따른 러너 글 타입 수정

* feat: 러너 글 목록 조회 api 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정

* API 요청 Endpoint 변경 (#69)

* fix: dev server 새로고침 오류 수정

* refactor: index.html 경로 src 외부 public 폴더로 이동

* feat: api 엔드포인트 변경

dev server에서만 msw 적용하도록 변경

* 절대 경로 재설정 (#71)

chore: import 절대경로 path 재설정

* 불필요한 환경 변수 플러그인 제거 (#73)

fix: build 오류 수정

웹팩 dev 환경변수 플러그인 제거

* Label 컴포넌트 구현 (#88)

feat: Label 컴포넌트 구현

* 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현 (#90)

feat: 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현

* 메인 페이지 및 상세 게시글 리뷰 상태 라벨 추가 (#91)

* feat: mockData에 reviewStatus 추가

* feat: reviewStatus 타입 및 Label text 추가

* feat: 메인 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현 (#92)

feat: 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현

* 서포터 선택 페이지 구현 (#103)

* feat: 서포터 선택페이지 라우팅 추가

* asset: github-icon svg파일 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 msw 핸들러 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectPage 페이지 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 관련 타입 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectItem, List 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 Props 추가

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 컴포넌트 api 기능 제거

* fix: supportSelect 타입 오류 수정

* fix: 저장 누락 반영


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* CI를 위한 테스트 코드 작성 (#111)

* chore: testing library react 및 jest 패키지 설정

* test: CI를 위한 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* CI설정 with GitHub Actions (#113)

* style: 팀 컨벤션에 맞게 프론트엔드 최상위 폴더명 변경

* chore: 프론트엔드 CI 설정

* ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성 (#116)

* test: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* fix: workflow -> workflows 수정

* fix: github action working directory 수정

* API 명세 변경에 따른 기능 추가 (#123)

* fix: types 파일명 변경을 위한 파일 삭제

* feat: API 명세에 맞춰 타입 추가 및 mock data 변경

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지 삭제, 코드 보러가기 기능 추가

* style: 러너 상세 게시글 타입 이름 수정

* refactor: API 명세에 맞춘 타입을 import 하도록 변경

* 로그인 페이지 구현 (#124)

* feat: 헤더에 로그인 버튼 클릭시 로그인 페이지로 이동하는 기능 추가

* feat: 로그인 페이지 컴포넌트 구현

* fix: asset경로 절대경로로 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 서포터 선택 목록 -> 글 생성할 때 띄우는 기능 구현 (#128)

* feat: InputBox font-size, font-weight props 추가

* feat: 서포터 리스트 mockData 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 페이지를 모달 컴포넌트로 변경

* design: Textarea border 수정

* fix: TagInput을 form태그 안에 넣을 경우 submit이 되는 오류 수정

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 모달 기능 구현

* fix: cherry-pick conflict 해결

* fix: type 오류 수정

* feat: 프론트엔드 로컬에서 백엔드 서버 api 요청을 위한 proxy 포트 설정

* feat: api 명세 변경에 따른 컴포넌트 props 수정

* 서버 api 엔드포인트 변경 (#133)

* feat: 변경된 api 명세에 따른 msw uri 수정

* feat: 배포 서버 base url 수정

* feat: 삭제 확인 모달창 구현

* test: 확인 모달창 변경에 따른 테스트코드 작성

* 사용하지 않는 기능 숨기기 (#137)

* design: Layout margin-bottom 추가

* design: 리뷰 진행중 라벨 디자인 추가

* feat: 준비중인 기능 알림 메시지 추가

* feat: 사용하지 않는 기능 주석 처리

* 프론트엔드 배포 작업 (#135)

* webpack 초기 환경 설정 (#8)

chore: 프로젝트 초기 환경 설정

* Layout 컴포넌트 구현 (#10)

* assets: Pretendard 폰트 추가

* design: GlobalStyle 및 ResetStyle 적용

* feat: Header, Layout 컴포넌트 구현

* MSW 설정 (#17)

* chore: 환경 변수 NODE_ENV 설정

* feat: msw 초기 설정

* Avartar, Tag, Button, Modal 컴포넌트 구현 (#20)

* feat: Avatar 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Button 컴포넌트 구현

* assets: close-icon-red svg 추가

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 구현

* design: Button 디폴트 스타일 설정

* feat: Modal 컴포넌트 구현

* React Router 설정 (#23)

* design: Layout background 제거

* feat: 페이지 라우팅 설정

* msw, tsconfig, Avatar 공통 변경사항 반영 (#27)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* 러너 게시글 조회 페이지 구현 (#31)

* feat: RunnerPostPage 구현

* assets: 채팅수, 조회수 아이콘 svg 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 mock data 추가

* feat: RunnerPostPage api 요청 기능 추가

* refactor: PostTag 컴포넌트 분리

* 러너 게시물 생성 페이지 구현 (#33)

* feat: InputBox 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: TagInput 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: Textarea 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 구현

* refactor: InputBox 컴포넌트 InputText Props 삭제

* refactor: props로state를 받도록 변경

* refactor: 입력 state관련 set 함수명 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 메인 페이지 구현 (#34)

* chore: json 파일을 import하기 위한 tsconfig 수정

* fix: msw dev에서만 작동하도록 수정

* design: Avatar 기본 사이즈 설정

* feat: MainPage 구현

* fix: map key 오류 수정

* feat: RunnerPost 타입 추가

* feat: 러너가 올린 게시물 조회 msw 구현

* refactor: RunnerPost 타입 지정

* feat: Tag 컴포넌트 렌더링 추가

* refactor: mock data 네이밍 통일

* 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 (#42)

* feat: 구현한 페이지 라우터 연결 및 hook 분리

Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* feat: 로고 클릭시 홈 이동 기능 추가


Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* 러너 글 목록 조회 API 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정 (#55)

* fix: api 명세 변경에 따른 러너 글 타입 수정

* feat: 러너 글 목록 조회 api 변경에 따른 MainPage 수정

* API 요청 Endpoint 변경 (#69)

* fix: dev server 새로고침 오류 수정

* refactor: index.html 경로 src 외부 public 폴더로 이동

* feat: api 엔드포인트 변경

dev server에서만 msw 적용하도록 변경

* 절대 경로 재설정 (#71)

chore: import 절대경로 path 재설정

* 불필요한 환경 변수 플러그인 제거 (#73)

fix: build 오류 수정

웹팩 dev 환경변수 플러그인 제거

* Label 컴포넌트 구현 (#88)

feat: Label 컴포넌트 구현

* 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현 (#90)

feat: 서포터 선택 결과 페이지 구현

* 메인 페이지 및 상세 게시글 리뷰 상태 라벨 추가 (#91)

* feat: mockData에 reviewStatus 추가

* feat: reviewStatus 타입 및 Label text 추가

* feat: 메인 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지에 리뷰 상태 Label 추가

* 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현 (#92)

feat: 서포터 선택 시 확인 모달창 구현

* 서포터 선택 페이지 구현 (#103)

* feat: 서포터 선택페이지 라우팅 추가

* asset: github-icon svg파일 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 msw 핸들러 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectPage 페이지 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 관련 타입 추가

* feat: SupporterSelectItem, List 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 Props 추가

* feat: RunnerPostCreatePage 페이지 컴포넌트 api 기능 제거

* fix: supportSelect 타입 오류 수정

* fix: 저장 누락 반영


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* CI를 위한 테스트 코드 작성 (#111)

* chore: testing library react 및 jest 패키지 설정

* test: CI를 위한 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* CI설정 with GitHub Actions (#113)

* style: 팀 컨벤션에 맞게 프론트엔드 최상위 폴더명 변경

* chore: 프론트엔드 CI 설정

* ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성 (#116)

* test: ConfirmModal 컴포넌트 테스트코드 작성

* fix: workflow -> workflows 수정

* fix: github action working directory 수정

* API 명세 변경에 따른 기능 추가 (#123)

* fix: types 파일명 변경을 위한 파일 삭제

* feat: API 명세에 맞춰 타입 추가 및 mock data 변경

* feat: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지 삭제, 코드 보러가기 기능 추가

* style: 러너 상세 게시글 타입 이름 수정

* refactor: API 명세에 맞춘 타입을 import 하도록 변경

* 로그인 페이지 구현 (#124)

* feat: 헤더에 로그인 버튼 클릭시 로그인 페이지로 이동하는 기능 추가

* feat: 로그인 페이지 컴포넌트 구현

* fix: asset경로 절대경로로 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 서포터 선택 목록 -> 글 생성할 때 띄우는 기능 구현 (#128)

* feat: InputBox font-size, font-weight props 추가

* feat: 서포터 리스트 mockData 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 페이지를 모달 컴포넌트로 변경

* design: Textarea border 수정

* fix: TagInput을 form태그 안에 넣을 경우 submit이 되는 오류 수정

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 모달 기능 구현

* fix: cherry-pick conflict 해결

* fix: type 오류 수정

* feat: 프론트엔드 로컬에서 백엔드 서버 api 요청을 위한 proxy 포트 설정

* feat: api 명세 변경에 따른 컴포넌트 props 수정

* 서버 api 엔드포인트 변경 (#133)

* feat: 변경된 api 명세에 따른 msw uri 수정

* feat: 배포 서버 base url 수정

* feat: 삭제 확인 모달창 구현

* test: 확인 모달창 변경에 따른 테스트코드 작성

* 사용하지 않는 기능 숨기기 (#137)

* design: Layout margin-bottom 추가

* design: 리뷰 진행중 라벨 디자인 추가

* feat: 준비중인 기능 알림 메시지 추가

* feat: 사용하지 않는 기능 주석 처리


Co-authored-by: KangSan Lee <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>
Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>
Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* webpack prod publicPath 재설정 (#153)

* fix: 이미지 경로 및 새로고침 오류 수정

index.html base 태그 설정

* fix: base 태그 사용 대신 webpack publicPath 변경

상대경로를 사용하지 않도록 변경

* 게시물 상세 조회 페이지 디자인 수정 (#182)

* feat: Button 컴포넌트 colorTheme 추가

* fix: 선택 완료 목록 height값 추가

* design: 게시물 상제 조회 디자인 수정

* feat: 글 생성 완료 멘트 수정

* 마이페이지 구현 (#185)

* feat: 마이페이지 관련 타입추가

* feat: 마이페이지 관련 msw 데이터 및 핸들러 추가

* feat: MyPage 페이지 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ProfileRunnerPostItem 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: ListFilter 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: 마이페이지 페이지 라우팅 추가

* refactor: list태그div에서ul로 수정

* fix : 페이지 상수에 / 추가

* refactor: runnerProfile 타입명에 Get추가

* refactor: Profile 타입을 따로 분리

* refactor: iternator 명 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 서포터 선택 상세정보 개발언어 추가, 분야별 필터링 기능 구현 (#181)

* fix: type import 파일명 수정

* fix: 브라우저의 높이가 작아졌을 때 모달 컨텐츠가 화면을 벗어나는 오류 수정

* feat: 개발스택 라벨 추가

* feat: 개발 분야 필터링 기능 구현

* feat: 서포터 선택 목록 목데이터 수정

* feat: 서포터 technicalTags 타입 추가

* feat: 개발스택 라벨 svg 컴포넌트 추가

* design: 선택된 서포터 width값 변경

* fix: dom에 스타일이 나타나지 않도록 달러사인 추가

* fix: 기술스택 라벨 key값 추가

* feat: 서포터 분야별 필터링 기능 구현

* refactor: svg 컴포넌트 화살표 함수로 변경

* refactor: 기술태그 key 고유값으로 변경

* refactor: 변수 네이밍 변경

* 웹 표준 및 웹 접근성 준수 (#198)

* refactor: 시멘틱 태그 적용

* refactor: 이미지 alt 속성 추가

* feat: 제목 input autoFocus 기능 추가

* feat: 리뷰 요청 글 작성 aria-label 추가

* 서포터 선택 필터 기능 useEffect dependency 수정 (#200)

* fix: supporterId와 key값이 겹치는 오류 수정

* fix: 무한으로 useEffect가 호출되는 오류 수정

* 깃허브 소셜 로그인 기능 구현 (#203)

* feat: 로그인 버튼 URL 연결

* feat: 깃허브 콜백 페이지 구현

* feat: useLogin 구현

* feat: Header 로그인 버튼 기능 구현

* feat: 토큰 유효기간 검증 기능 구현

* fix: 토큰 유효기간 검증 로직 수정

* refactor: useLogin -> useToken 으로 변경

* feat: Avartar 컴포넌트 onClick Props 추가

* feat: usePageRouter 마이 페이지 추가

* feat: api 요청시 헤더에 토큰 추가

* feat: 상세 페이지 목록 버튼 뒤로가기로 변경

Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* fix: 컴포넌트 list key값 및 DOM에 나타나지 않도록 달러 사인 추가

* feat: 마이 페이지 게시글 바로가기 기능 추가 및 hover 스타일 추가

* feat: 메인 페이지 게시글 조회수, 채팅수 아이콘 추가


Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* 프론트엔드 배포 작업 (#208)

feat: api 엔드포인트 localhost로 변경

* [hotfix] 프론트엔드 엔드포인트 변경 후 재배포 (#215)

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 변경

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 도메인 주소로 변경

* [hotfix] 프론트엔드 엔드포인트 변경 후 재배포(2) (#216)

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 변경

* fix: api 요청 엔드포인트 도메인 주소로 변경

* fix: https 사이트에서 http 요청을 보내기 위한 meta 태그 추가

* [hotfix] 프론트엔드 엔드포인트 변경 후 재배포 (3) (#217)

fix: 엔드포인트 포트 삭제

Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 헤더 프로필 이름 렌더링 및 삭제 완료 후 메인페이지로 이동하는 기능 구현 (#225)

* fix: 삭제가 완료되면 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 변경

* feat: header 프로필 이름 추가

* 글 상세조회 . 오타 수정 (#228)

* fix: 삭제가 완료되면 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 변경

* feat: header 프로필 이름 추가

* style: 오타 수정

* hotfix (#232)

* fix: 삭제가 완료되면 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 변경

* feat: header 프로필 이름 추가

* style: 오타 수정

* hotfix: 권한이 없을 경우 글 조회 안되는 오류 수정

* 서포터 선택기능 제거 (#257)

feat: 서포터 선택기능 제거

Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 로그아웃시 기능 사용 못하도록 수정 (#258)

fix: 로그아웃시 메인 페이지로 이동하도록 수정

* 스토리북 구현 (#259)

* style: components 내부 파일 폴더로 분리

* chore: 스토리북 패키지 설치 및 기본 설정

* test: 공용 컴포넌트 스토리북 추가

* 프론트엔드 CD 설정 (#261)

chore: 프론트엔드 CD 설정


Co-authored-by: KangSan Lee <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>
Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>
Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>

* 프론트엔드 CD 테스트 (2) (#263)

* chore: 프론트엔드 CD 설정

* fix: npm i 추가

* 프론트엔드 CD 재설정 (#267)

chore: 프론트엔드 CD workflow 설정

* 프론트 개발 서버용 CD 설정 (#294)

* chore: 프론트엔드 개발 서버 CD 설정

* feat: 개발용, 제품용 서버 URL 분리

* fix: https 변환 메타 태그 삭제

* 프론트 개발 서버용 CD 설정 (#299)

* chore: 프론트엔드 개발 서버 CD 설정

* feat: 개발용, 제품용 서버 URL 분리

* fix: https 변환 메타 태그 삭제

* fix: 배포시 개발서버에서 제품용 URL로 요청보내는 오류 수정

* chore: 개발 서버용 환경변수 설정

* 프론트엔드 개발 서버 환경변수 적용 (#301)

fix: 개발 서버 환경변수 적용

* dotenv 환경변수 설정 (#303)

* hotfix: 환경변수 플러그인 추가

* fix: 개발 서버 포트 변경

* chore: dotenv 패키지 설정

* 러너 게시물 생성 페이지 수정 ( 마감기한 입력 ) (#306)

* feat: date 연산 유틸 함수 추가

* feat: 마감기한 input 타입 수정 및 입력 일자 최대 최소값 추가

* refactor: 필요없는 스타일 컴포넌트 삭제


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 태그 입력 수정 (#269)

fix: 빈 태그 입력창에 enter 입력 시 기존에 입력된 태그가 사라지는 현상 수정

Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 채팅방 아이콘을 사람 아이콘으로 변경 (#314)

* feat: api 명세 변경에 따른 서포터 지원 수 네이밍 추가

* assets: 서포터 지원자 아이콘 추가

* API 요청 메서드 분리 (#319)

* feat: fetch 관련 메서드 분리

* refactor: 메인 페이지 게시글 get api 메서드 분리

* 웹팩 플러그인 설정 수정 (#313)

* fix: EnvironmentPlugin 플러그인이 prod환경에서만 동작하도록 변경

* refactor: webpack dev prod 중복 플러그인 common 파일로 통합

* refactor: 필요없는 공백, import 제거

* refactor: 필요없는 공백 제거


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* ConfirmModal 문구 수정 및 esc 기능 추가 (#327)

feat: ConfirmModal 확인,취소 Props 및 esc 기능 추가

* 서포터 선택 페이지 구현 (#312)

* feat: 서포터 후보 타입 추가

* feat: 서포터 후보 목록 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: 서포터 선택 페이지 구현

* feat: 서포터 후보 msw 추가

* feat: 서포터 선택 api 추가

* feat: 서포터가 남긴 메시지 스크롤 비표시

* refactor: (구)서포터 선택 관련 컴포넌트, 타입 삭제

* refactor: 컴포넌트에서 fetch 메서드를 사용하도록 변경

* Toast 기능 구현 (#333)

* assets: 토스트에 필요한 완료/에러 아이콘 추가

* feat: index에 토스트를 위한 div 추가

* feat: Toast 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: useToast hook 추가

* test: Toast 스토리북 추가

* design: Toast 화면 가운데로 조정

* 프로필 수정 페이지 구현 (#330)

* feat: 러너, 서포터 프로필 mock 데이터 추가

* feat: Object 타입 깊은 비교 유틸 함수 추가

* feat: 기술 tag 관련 타입, 상수 추가

* assets: 기술 태그 svg 파일 추가

* feat: inputBox, Textarea 컴포넌트 rest, style props 추가

* feat: techLabelButton 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: TechTagSelectModal 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: profile 관련 타입 추가

* feat: 프로필 수정 페이지 컴포넌트 추가

* feat: 프로필 수정 페이지 라우팅 추가

* feat: 마이 프로필 수정, 조회 msw 핸들러 추가

* feat: 소속, 이름을 입력 시 공백 문자 하나만을 입력 후 저장할 수 없도록 수정

* feat: 프로필 저장 시 앞뒤 공백이 자동 삭제되는 기능 추가

* feat: form 내부에서 enter입력 시 저장되는 기능 추가

* style: 변수명 수정

* style: 화살표 함수로 유틸함수 수정

* refactor: sort 콜백 함수 삭제

* refactor: modal컴포넌트 sort 콜백 함수 삭제

* sytle: props명 수정


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 핸들러 오타 수정 (#356)

fix: 오타 수정

Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 마이페이지 기능 구현 (#328)

* feat: api 명세 변경에 따른 mockData 추가 및 타입명 변경

* refactor: 마이페이지 runner response type명 변경

* refactor: 마이페이지 러너 게시글 목록 컴포넌트 분리

* feat: 마이페이지 러너 게시글 조회수 및 지원자 수 mockData 추가

* fix: tag명 타입 오타 수정

* feat: 서포터 선택하기 버튼 추가

* feat: 기술스택 라벨 및 깃허브 바로가기 버튼 추가

* feat: 진행중인 리뷰 코드 보러가기 버튼 추가

* fix: 잘못된 mockData 수정

* feat: 러너, 서포터별 마이페이지 mockData 추가

* refactor: 러너, 서포터 게시글 fetch 분리 및 공통 컴포넌트 통합

* design: 화면 전환시 레이아웃 밀리는 현상 수정

* feat: 러너, 서포터 상태에 따른 게시물 버튼 렌더링

* feat: 러너, 서포터별 정보를 마이페이지에 불러오는 기능 구현

* refactor: 로컬 개발용 토큰 삭제

* refactor: 프로필, 글 목록 fetch를 각각 하나의 함수로 통합

* refactor: profile과 myPage 타입을 분리

* refactor: 글 목록 옵션 생성 함수를 유틸 함수로 분리

* refactor: styled-components 적용

* refactor: supporter로 수정 및 삼항연산자 적용

* refactor: type명 통일

* fix: 중복된 BASE_URL 삭제

* api 공통 메서드 수정 (#376)

* refactor: 모든 메서드에 .json()을 사용하지 않도록 수정

* refactor: 불필요한 정보 삭제

* feat: response 에러코드를 처리하도록 fetch함수 변경

* refactor: useEffect 내부 fetch 함수 분리

* Toast에 Context API 적용 (#379)

* feat: ToastContext 구현

* feat: useToast 제거, 전역 Toast 적용

* test: Toast 스토리북 ms 추가

* 러너 글 작성 PR 주소 유효성 검증 (#380)

* feat: PR 주소 유효성 검증 추가

* refactor: 입력 유효성 검증 함수 유틸함수로 분리


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 프로필 상세 보기 페이지 구현 (러너, 서포터) (#364)

* refactor: 중복된 타입 삭제 및 타입명 수정

* feat: 프로필 조회를 위한 runner, supporter id mockData 추가

* feat: 서포터 프로필 조회 컴포넌트 구현

* feat: 러너 프로필 조회 컴포넌트 구현

* test: 러너, 서포터 프로필 조회 msw 구현

* feat: 서포터 완료한 리뷰 게시글 렌더링 구현

* fix: 서포터 게시글 조회에서 러너 프로필 안보이도록 타입 및 컴포넌트 수정

* refactor: fetch 함수 수정

* 후기 작성 페이지 구현 (#366)

* assets: 후기 작성페이지 asset 추가

* assets: letter 아이콘 파일 수정

* feat: 후기 작성 페이지 라우팅 및 msw 핸들러 추가

* assets: checkbox 아이콘 파일 수정

* feat: 피드백 페이지 상수 및 타입 설정

* feat: CheckBox 컴포넌트 생성

* feat: reviewTypeButton (피드백 페이지 캐릭터 버튼)컴포넌트 생성

* feat: 후기 작성 페이지 컴포넌트 생성

* feat: 후기 작성  옵션 수정

* fix: api 함수 수정

* feat: 피드백 버튼 아이콘 수정

* refactor: ReviewTypeButton 컴포넌트 Props 번경

* feat: reviewTypeContainer 스타일 컴포넌트 추가


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 분리된 fetch 적용안된 컴포넌트 수정 (#384)

* feat: Header 컴포넌트 프로필 GET api 변경

* refactor: MainPage 게시글 GET 타입 추가

* refactor: 게시글 상세 조회 컴포넌트 GET, DELETE api 수정

* refactor: 마이페이지 GET api 수정

* refactor: 러너 글 생성 POST api 수정

* refactor: 서포터 선택 GET, PATCH api 수정

* refactor: 프로필 수정 GET, PATCH api 수정

* refactor: 로그인 토큰 GET api 수정

* fix: msw handler 병합 오류 수정

* fix: ProfileEditPage 병합 오류 수정

* refactor: 헤더 프로필 정보 변수명 변경

* style: 오타 수정

* refactor: 토큰 오류 alert로 수정

* fix: RunnerPostCreatePage 병합 오류 수정

* 배포용 api uri 적용 (#386)

feat: 변경된 api uri 적용

* fetch content-type 수정 (#388)

fix: fetch Content-type 수정

* 메인페이지 더보기 기능 추가 (#385)

* feat: 전체 러너 게시글 조회 타입 pageInfo 추가

* feat: RunnerPostList 더보기 기능 구현 및 리팩터링

게시글 목록을 Props로 받도록 변경

* feat: 러너 게시글 전체 mock data에 pageInfo 추가

* 서포터 마이페이지 버튼 기능 추가 (제안취소, 리뷰완료) (#389)

* feat: patch 요청 body 옵셔널로 변경

* refactor: MyPage api 요청 방식 변경

* feat: usePageRouter 서포터 선택, 서포터 피드백 페이지 추가

* feat: 마이페이지 게시글 supporterId 추가

* feat: 마이페이지 러너 게시글 mock data supporterId 추가

* fix: 서포터 선택, 서포터 피드백 페이지 라우터 인자 추가

* feat: MyPagePostButton 구현

* 게시물 상세 조회 리뷰 제안하기 기능 추가 (#381)

* design: Textarea 컴포넌트 변경

line-height Props 추가
resize: none 추가
placeholder의 fontSize도 변경 가능

* feat: SendMessageModal 컴포넌트 구현

* refactor: 러너 게시글 상세 페이지 api 메서드 분리

* feat: 상세 게시글 타입 isApplied 추가

* refactor: SendMessageModal 메시지 state Props 추가

* feat: 리뷰 제안 기능 추가

* feat: 리뷰 제안 msw 추가

* feat: 러너 상세 조회 mock data에 isApplied 추가

* MSW 버전 업 (#397)

chore: msw v1.2.3으로 변경

* 마이페이지 게시글 uri 수정 및 필터 삭제 (#399)

* fix: MainPage get uri 수정

* fix: 불필요한 msw mockData 삭제

* feat: 마이페이지 쿼리 파라미터 추가

* 토스트 메세지 적용 및 에러 핸들링 수정 (#403)

* feat: toast 메세지 상수 추가

* feat: useToken 유효성 검증 방식 변경

* feat: toast 메세지 상수 추가

* alert 메세지로 toast 메세지로 변경

* fix: 마이페이지 무한 리렌더링 오류 수정

* fix: 러너 페이지 생성 창에서 엔터 입력시 입력되어 있던 태그가 사라지는 현상 수정

* refactor: fetch 함수 매개변수 변경

* feat: 병합 후 누락된 토스트 메세지 추가


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* 로고 이미지 및 메인 색상 변경 + 폰트 CDN 추가 (#402)

* assets: 새로운 로고 svg 추가

* design: 전역 폰트, 메인 색상 및 폰트를 CDN으로 불러오도록 변경

* assets: font를 CDN으로 불러오도록 변경

* chore: 불필요한 모듈 삭제

* 프로필 수정하기 기능 연결 (#405)

* design: 로그인 버튼 디자인 수정

* design: 로그인 페이지 헤더 삭제

* feat: 마이페이지에서 프로필 수정 페이지로 가는 기능 구현

* design: 마이페이지 소개 width 설정

* refactor: 서포터 선택 토스트 메시지 상수화

* 메인 페이지 게시글 get 요청, Toast 에러 수정 (#411)

* feat: 마이페이지, 메인페이지 pageInfo 추가

* fix: msw 오류 수정

* 배포 전 오류 수정 (#418)

* design: 버튼 위치 변경 및 필터 밑줄 스타일 변경

* fix: 러너 서포터 옵션값을 변경했을 때 본래의 게시물 리스트가 남아있는 오류 수정

* asset: asset 속성 값 수정

* feat: 리뷰 제안 취소 기능 msw 추가

* refactor: 누락된 메세지 상수화 완료

* feat: 피드백 작성 완료 메세지 추가

* design: 게시물 생성 페이지 잘린 글자 스타일 수정

* feat: 배포용 prod workflow 파일 생성

* design: 마이페이지 디자인 수정

* design: 프로필 페이지 스타일 수정

* fix: 러너, 서포터 옵션을 변경할 시 기존 리스트가 남아있는 오류 수정

* feat: 메인페이지 더보기 기능 토큰 존재 여부 검사 추가

* feat: 리뷰 제안 취소, 리뷰 완료 후 리로드 기능 추가


Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>

* [hotfix] 페이지 계속 추가되는 오류 수정 (#419)

fix: 페이지 계속 추가되는 오류 수정

* 마감기한 지남 (OVERDUE) 라벨 추가 (#421)

* feat: 마감기한 지남 상태 추가

* design: 러너 게시글 프로필 이름 가운데 정렬

* [hotfix] 피드백 제출 토스트 문구 수정 (#422)

fix: 피드백 제출 토스트 문구 수정


Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>
Co-authored-by: 상규 <tkdrb@sang-gyuui-MacBookPro.local>
Co-authored-by: 에이든 <>
Co-authored-by: 남상규 <>
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 .../components/PostTagList/PostTagList.tsx    |    29 +
 .../ReviewTypeButton/ReviewTypeButton.tsx     |   148 +
 .../RunnerPostItem/RunnerPostItem.tsx         |   168 +
 .../RunnerPostList/RunnerPostList.tsx         |    30 +
 .../SendMessageModal/SendMessageModal.tsx     |    69 +
 .../SupporterCardItem/SupporterCardItem.tsx   |   188 +
 .../SupporterCartList/SupporterCardList.tsx   |    59 +
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 .../src/components/TechLabel/TechLabel.tsx    |    50 +
 .../TechLabelButton/TechLabelButton.tsx       |    68 +
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 .../components/common/Label/Label.stories.ts  |    23 +
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 .../src/components/common/Modal/Modal.tsx     |    52 +
 .../src/components/common/Tag/Tag.stories.ts  |    20 +
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 .../src/components/common/Toast/Toast.tsx     |    98 +
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 .../src/mocks/data/runnerPostDetails.json     |    23 +
 frontend/src/mocks/data/runnerPostList.json   |   136 +
 .../src/mocks/data/runnerProfileInfo.json     |     9 +
 .../src/mocks/data/supporterCandidate.json    |    40 +
 .../src/mocks/data/supporterProfileInfo.json  |     9 +
 .../src/mocks/data/supporterProfilePost.json  |    31 +
 frontend/src/mocks/handlers.ts                |   152 +
 frontend/src/mocks/worker.ts                  |     4 +
 frontend/src/pages/CreationResultPage.tsx     |    44 +
 frontend/src/pages/GithubCallbackPage.tsx     |    61 +
 frontend/src/pages/LoginPage.tsx              |   106 +
 frontend/src/pages/MainPage.tsx               |   148 +
 frontend/src/pages/MyPage.tsx                 |   288 +
 frontend/src/pages/ProfileEditPage.tsx        |   469 +
 frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostCreatePage.tsx   |   263 +
 frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostDetailPage.tsx   |   406 +
 frontend/src/pages/RunnerProfilePage.tsx      |   175 +
 frontend/src/pages/SupporterFeedbackPage.tsx  |   247 +
 frontend/src/pages/SupporterProfilePage.tsx   |   217 +
 frontend/src/pages/SupporterSelectPage.tsx    |    42 +
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 frontend/src/styles/GlobalStyles.ts           |    52 +
 frontend/src/styles/ResetStyle.ts             |   137 +
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 frontend/src/types/tags.ts                    |     3 +
 frontend/src/utils/date.ts                    |    41 +
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 create mode 100644 frontend/src/__test__/components.test.tsx
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diff --git a/.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml b/.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3aa9e9eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+name: frontend_ci
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - dev/FE
+    paths: 'frontend/**'
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - dev/FE
+    paths: 'frontend/**'
+  test:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    defaults:
+      run:
+        working-directory: ./frontend
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout code
+        uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: 의존성을 설치한다
+        run: npm install
+      - name: 테스트를 수행한다
+        run: npm run test
diff --git a/.github/workflows/frontend_dev_cd.yml b/.github/workflows/frontend_dev_cd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cdf3f92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/frontend_dev_cd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+name: frontend_cd
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - deploy/FE
+  run:
+    working-directory: ./frontend
+  contents: read
+  build-and-upload:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Setup Repository
+        uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Setup node with cache
+        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+        with:
+          node-version: 18
+          cache: 'npm'
+          cache-dependency-path: '**/package-lock.json'
+      - name: Setup environment variables
+        run: |
+          echo "REACT_APP_BASE_URL=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_DEV_BASE_URL }}" >> .env
+      - name: Install Dependancies
+        run: npm install
+      - name: Build App
+        run: npm run build
+      - name: Upload frontend build file to artifact
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: FrontendApplication
+          path: frontend/dist
+  deploy:
+    needs: build-and-upload
+    runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM64]
+    steps:
+      - name: Remove previous version app
+        working-directory: frontend/dist
+        run: rm -rf dist
+      - name: Download build file from artifact
+        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: FrontendApplication
+          path: frontend/dist
diff --git a/.github/workflows/frontend_prod_cd.yml b/.github/workflows/frontend_prod_cd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5aa97e89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/frontend_prod_cd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+name: frontend_cd
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - prod/FE
+  run:
+    working-directory: ./frontend
+  contents: read
+  build-and-upload:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Setup Repository
+        uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Setup node with cache
+        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+        with:
+          node-version: 18
+          cache: 'npm'
+          cache-dependency-path: '**/package-lock.json'
+      - name: Setup environment variables
+        run: |
+          echo "REACT_APP_BASE_URL=${{ secrets.REACT_APP_PROD_BASE_URL }}" >> .env
+      - name: Install Dependancies
+        run: npm install
+      - name: Build App
+        run: npm run build
+      - name: Upload frontend build file to artifact
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: FrontendApplication
+          path: frontend/dist
+  deploy:
+    needs: build-and-upload
+    runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM64, deploy]
+    steps:
+      - name: Remove previous version app
+        working-directory: frontend/dist
+        run: rm -rf dist
+      - name: Download build file from artifact
+        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: FrontendApplication
+          path: frontend/dist
diff --git a/frontend/.babelrc b/frontend/.babelrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..883ea502d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/.babelrc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  "presets": [
+    "@babel/preset-react",
+    [
+      "@babel/preset-env",
+      {
+        "modules": false,
+        "useBuiltIns": "usage",
+        "corejs": 3
+      }
+    ],
+    "@babel/preset-typescript"
+  ]
diff --git a/frontend/.eslintrc b/frontend/.eslintrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59b6529a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/.eslintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  "parserOptions": {
+    "ecmaVersion": "latest"
+  },
+  "env": {
+    "es6": true
+  },
+  "extends": ["plugin:prettier/recommended"]
diff --git a/frontend/.gitignore b/frontend/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0771922dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/.prettierrc b/frontend/.prettierrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23783160a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/.prettierrc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  "printWidth": 120,
+  "tabWidth": 2,
+  "singleQuote": true,
+  "trailingComma": "all",
+  "semi": true
diff --git a/frontend/.storybook/main.ts b/frontend/.storybook/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c4275a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/.storybook/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import type { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/react-webpack5';
+import webpack from '../webpack/webpack.common';
+const config: StorybookConfig = {
+  stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx)'],
+  staticDirs: ['../src/assets'],
+  addons: [
+    '@storybook/addon-links',
+    '@storybook/addon-essentials',
+    '@storybook/addon-onboarding',
+    '@storybook/addon-interactions',
+    '@storybook/addon-essentials',
+    '@storybook/addon-styling',
+  ],
+  framework: {
+    name: '@storybook/react-webpack5',
+    options: {},
+  },
+  docs: {
+    autodocs: 'tag',
+  },
+  webpackFinal: async (config) => {
+    return {
+      ...config,
+      module: { ...config.module },
+      resolve: { ...webpack.resolve },
+    };
+  },
+export default config;
diff --git a/frontend/.storybook/preview-body.html b/frontend/.storybook/preview-body.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54ac17607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/.storybook/preview-body.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<div id="modal-root"></div>
+<div id="toast-root"></div>
diff --git a/frontend/.storybook/preview.ts b/frontend/.storybook/preview.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e8491db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/.storybook/preview.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import type { Preview } from '@storybook/react';
+import { withThemeFromJSXProvider } from '@storybook/addon-styling';
+import { GlobalStyle } from '../src/styles/GlobalStyles';
+const preview: Preview = {
+  parameters: {
+    actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },
+    controls: {
+      matchers: {
+        color: /(background|color)$/i,
+        date: /Date$/,
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  decorators: [
+    withThemeFromJSXProvider({
+      GlobalStyles: GlobalStyle,
+    }),
+  ],
+export default preview;
diff --git a/frontend/jest.config.js b/frontend/jest.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a079a2817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/jest.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module.exports = {
+  preset: 'ts-jest',
+  testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
+  moduleNameMapper: {
+    '^@/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/src/$1',
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/package-lock.json b/frontend/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0156f3c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/package-lock.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21416 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="ko">
+  <head>
+    <meta charset="utf-8" />
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+    <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
+    <meta name="description" content="코드 리뷰를 주고 받을 수 있는 서비스" />
+    <title>Baton</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div id="root"></div>
+    <div id="modal-root"></div>
+    <div id="toast-root"></div>
+  </body>
diff --git a/frontend/public/mockServiceWorker.js b/frontend/public/mockServiceWorker.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36a992745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/public/mockServiceWorker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+/* eslint-disable */
+/* tslint:disable */
+ * Mock Service Worker (1.2.3).
+ * @see
+ * - Please do NOT modify this file.
+ * - Please do NOT serve this file on production.
+ */
+const INTEGRITY_CHECKSUM = '3d6b9f06410d179a7f7404d4bf4c3c70'
+const activeClientIds = new Set()
+self.addEventListener('install', function () {
+  self.skipWaiting()
+self.addEventListener('activate', function (event) {
+  event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim())
+self.addEventListener('message', async function (event) {
+  const clientId =
+  if (!clientId || !self.clients) {
+    return
+  }
+  const client = await self.clients.get(clientId)
+  if (!client) {
+    return
+  }
+  const allClients = await self.clients.matchAll({
+    type: 'window',
+  })
+  switch ( {
+    case 'KEEPALIVE_REQUEST': {
+      sendToClient(client, {
+        type: 'KEEPALIVE_RESPONSE',
+      })
+      break
+    }
+      sendToClient(client, {
+        payload: INTEGRITY_CHECKSUM,
+      })
+      break
+    }
+    case 'MOCK_ACTIVATE': {
+      activeClientIds.add(clientId)
+      sendToClient(client, {
+        type: 'MOCKING_ENABLED',
+        payload: true,
+      })
+      break
+    }
+    case 'MOCK_DEACTIVATE': {
+      activeClientIds.delete(clientId)
+      break
+    }
+    case 'CLIENT_CLOSED': {
+      activeClientIds.delete(clientId)
+      const remainingClients = allClients.filter((client) => {
+        return !== clientId
+      })
+      // Unregister itself when there are no more clients
+      if (remainingClients.length === 0) {
+        self.registration.unregister()
+      }
+      break
+    }
+  }
+self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
+  const { request } = event
+  const accept = request.headers.get('accept') || ''
+  // Bypass server-sent events.
+  if (accept.includes('text/event-stream')) {
+    return
+  }
+  // Bypass navigation requests.
+  if (request.mode === 'navigate') {
+    return
+  }
+  // Opening the DevTools triggers the "only-if-cached" request
+  // that cannot be handled by the worker. Bypass such requests.
+  if (request.cache === 'only-if-cached' && request.mode !== 'same-origin') {
+    return
+  }
+  // Bypass all requests when there are no active clients.
+  // Prevents the self-unregistered worked from handling requests
+  // after it's been deleted (still remains active until the next reload).
+  if (activeClientIds.size === 0) {
+    return
+  }
+  // Generate unique request ID.
+  const requestId = Math.random().toString(16).slice(2)
+  event.respondWith(
+    handleRequest(event, requestId).catch((error) => {
+      if ( === 'NetworkError') {
+        console.warn(
+          '[MSW] Successfully emulated a network error for the "%s %s" request.',
+          request.method,
+          request.url,
+        )
+        return
+      }
+      // At this point, any exception indicates an issue with the original request/response.
+      console.error(
+        `\
+[MSW] Caught an exception from the "%s %s" request (%s). This is probably not a problem with Mock Service Worker. There is likely an additional logging output above.`,
+        request.method,
+        request.url,
+        `${}: ${error.message}`,
+      )
+    }),
+  )
+async function handleRequest(event, requestId) {
+  const client = await resolveMainClient(event)
+  const response = await getResponse(event, client, requestId)
+  // Send back the response clone for the "response:*" life-cycle events.
+  // Ensure MSW is active and ready to handle the message, otherwise
+  // this message will pend indefinitely.
+  if (client && activeClientIds.has( {
+    ;(async function () {
+      const clonedResponse = response.clone()
+      sendToClient(client, {
+        type: 'RESPONSE',
+        payload: {
+          requestId,
+          type: clonedResponse.type,
+          ok: clonedResponse.ok,
+          status: clonedResponse.status,
+          statusText: clonedResponse.statusText,
+          body:
+            clonedResponse.body === null ? null : await clonedResponse.text(),
+          headers: Object.fromEntries(clonedResponse.headers.entries()),
+          redirected: clonedResponse.redirected,
+        },
+      })
+    })()
+  }
+  return response
+// Resolve the main client for the given event.
+// Client that issues a request doesn't necessarily equal the client
+// that registered the worker. It's with the latter the worker should
+// communicate with during the response resolving phase.
+async function resolveMainClient(event) {
+  const client = await self.clients.get(event.clientId)
+  if (client?.frameType === 'top-level') {
+    return client
+  }
+  const allClients = await self.clients.matchAll({
+    type: 'window',
+  })
+  return allClients
+    .filter((client) => {
+      // Get only those clients that are currently visible.
+      return client.visibilityState === 'visible'
+    })
+    .find((client) => {
+      // Find the client ID that's recorded in the
+      // set of clients that have registered the worker.
+      return activeClientIds.has(
+    })
+async function getResponse(event, client, requestId) {
+  const { request } = event
+  const clonedRequest = request.clone()
+  function passthrough() {
+    // Clone the request because it might've been already used
+    // (i.e. its body has been read and sent to the client).
+    const headers = Object.fromEntries(clonedRequest.headers.entries())
+    // Remove MSW-specific request headers so the bypassed requests
+    // comply with the server's CORS preflight check.
+    // Operate with the headers as an object because request "Headers"
+    // are immutable.
+    delete headers['x-msw-bypass']
+    return fetch(clonedRequest, { headers })
+  }
+  // Bypass mocking when the client is not active.
+  if (!client) {
+    return passthrough()
+  }
+  // Bypass initial page load requests (i.e. static assets).
+  // The absence of the immediate/parent client in the map of the active clients
+  // means that MSW hasn't dispatched the "MOCK_ACTIVATE" event yet
+  // and is not ready to handle requests.
+  if (!activeClientIds.has( {
+    return passthrough()
+  }
+  // Bypass requests with the explicit bypass header.
+  // Such requests can be issued by "ctx.fetch()".
+  if (request.headers.get('x-msw-bypass') === 'true') {
+    return passthrough()
+  }
+  // Notify the client that a request has been intercepted.
+  const clientMessage = await sendToClient(client, {
+    type: 'REQUEST',
+    payload: {
+      id: requestId,
+      url: request.url,
+      method: request.method,
+      headers: Object.fromEntries(request.headers.entries()),
+      cache: request.cache,
+      mode: request.mode,
+      credentials: request.credentials,
+      destination: request.destination,
+      integrity: request.integrity,
+      redirect: request.redirect,
+      referrer: request.referrer,
+      referrerPolicy: request.referrerPolicy,
+      body: await request.text(),
+      bodyUsed: request.bodyUsed,
+      keepalive: request.keepalive,
+    },
+  })
+  switch (clientMessage.type) {
+    case 'MOCK_RESPONSE': {
+      return respondWithMock(
+    }
+    case 'MOCK_NOT_FOUND': {
+      return passthrough()
+    }
+    case 'NETWORK_ERROR': {
+      const { name, message } =
+      const networkError = new Error(message)
+ = name
+      // Rejecting a "respondWith" promise emulates a network error.
+      throw networkError
+    }
+  }
+  return passthrough()
+function sendToClient(client, message) {
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+    const channel = new MessageChannel()
+    channel.port1.onmessage = (event) => {
+      if ( && {
+        return reject(
+      }
+      resolve(
+    }
+    client.postMessage(message, [channel.port2])
+  })
+function sleep(timeMs) {
+  return new Promise((resolve) => {
+    setTimeout(resolve, timeMs)
+  })
+async function respondWithMock(response) {
+  await sleep(response.delay)
+  return new Response(response.body, response)
diff --git a/frontend/src/App.tsx b/frontend/src/App.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff27f2011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/App.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { useToken } from './hooks/useToken';
+import ToastProvider from './contexts/ToastContext';
+const App = () => {
+  const { validateToken } = useToken();
+  validateToken();
+  return (
+    <ToastProvider>
+      <S.AppContainer>
+        <Outlet />
+      </S.AppContainer>
+    </ToastProvider>
+  );
+export default App;
+const S = {
+  AppContainer: styled.div`
+    width: 100%;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/__test__/components.test.tsx b/frontend/src/__test__/components.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..993508cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/__test__/components.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
+import PostTagList from '@/components/PostTagList/PostTagList';
+import ConfirmModal from '@/components/ConfirmModal/ConfirmModal';
+describe('컴포넌트를 렌더링 한다.', () => {
+  test('PostTagList: 개발 언어 태그 렌더링', () => {
+    const data = ['React', 'JS', 'TS', '개인프로젝트', '대학생'];
+    const component = render(<PostTagList tags={data} />);
+    data.forEach((tag) => {
+      component.getByText(`#${tag}`);
+    });
+  });
+  test('ConfirmModal: 확인 모달창 렌더링 ', () => {
+    const confirmMessage = '정말 삭제하시겠습니까?';
+    const closeModal = jest.fn();
+    const handleClickConfirmButton = jest.fn();
+    render(<div id="modal-root"></div>);
+    const modal = render(
+      <ConfirmModal
+        contents={confirmMessage}
+        closeModal={closeModal}
+        handleClickConfirmButton={handleClickConfirmButton}
+      />,
+    );
+    modal.getByText(`${confirmMessage}`);
+  });
diff --git a/frontend/src/api/fetch.ts b/frontend/src/api/fetch.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb14e0913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/api/fetch.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import { BATON_BASE_URL } from '@/constants';
+interface customError {
+  errorCode: string;
+  message: string;
+const fetchAPI = async (url: string, options: RequestInit) => {
+  const response = await fetch(`${BATON_BASE_URL}${url}`, options);
+  if (!response.ok) {
+    const error: customError = await response.json();
+    throw new Error(error.message);
+  }
+  return response;
+export const getRequest = async (url: string, token?: string) => {
+  const response = await fetchAPI(
+    url,
+    token
+      ? {
+          method: 'GET',
+          headers: {
+            Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+          },
+        }
+      : {
+          method: 'GET',
+        },
+  );
+  return response;
+export const postRequest = async (url: string, token: string, body: BodyInit) => {
+  const response = await fetchAPI(url, {
+    method: 'POST',
+    headers: {
+      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+    },
+    body,
+  });
+  return response;
+export const deleteRequest = async (url: string, token: string) => {
+  const response = await fetchAPI(url, {
+    method: 'DELETE',
+    headers: {
+      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+    },
+  });
+  return response;
+export const putRequest = async (url: string, token: string, body: BodyInit) => {
+  const response = await fetchAPI(url, {
+    method: 'PUT',
+    headers: {
+      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+    },
+    body,
+  });
+  return response;
+export const patchRequest = async (url: string, token: string, body?: BodyInit) => {
+  const response = await fetchAPI(url, {
+    method: 'PATCH',
+    headers: body
+      ? {
+          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+          Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+        }
+      : {
+          Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
+        },
+    body,
+  });
+  return response;
diff --git a/frontend/src/assets/applicant-icon.svg b/frontend/src/assets/applicant-icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d075c051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/applicant-icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<svg width="20" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 14" fill="none" xmlns="">
+<path d="M13.8923 7.94134C15.034 8.71634 15.834 9.76634 15.834 11.1663V13.6663H19.1673V11.1663C19.1673 9.34967 16.1923 8.27467 13.8923 7.94134ZM12.5007 6.99967C14.3423 6.99967 15.834 5.50801 15.834 3.66634C15.834 1.82467 14.3423 0.333008 12.5007 0.333008C12.109 0.333008 11.7423 0.416341 11.3923 0.533008C12.1094 1.41986 12.5006 2.52584 12.5006 3.66634C12.5006 4.80684 12.1094 5.91283 11.3923 6.79967C11.7423 6.91634 12.109 6.99967 12.5007 6.99967ZM7.50065 6.99967C9.34232 6.99967 10.834 5.50801 10.834 3.66634C10.834 1.82467 9.34232 0.333008 7.50065 0.333008C5.65898 0.333008 4.16732 1.82467 4.16732 3.66634C4.16732 5.50801 5.65898 6.99967 7.50065 6.99967ZM7.50065 1.99967C8.41732 1.99967 9.16732 2.74967 9.16732 3.66634C9.16732 4.58301 8.41732 5.33301 7.50065 5.33301C6.58398 5.33301 5.83398 4.58301 5.83398 3.66634C5.83398 2.74967 6.58398 1.99967 7.50065 1.99967ZM7.50065 7.83301C5.27565 7.83301 0.833984 8.94967 0.833984 11.1663V13.6663H14.1673V11.1663C14.1673 8.94967 9.72565 7.83301 7.50065 7.83301ZM12.5007 11.9997H2.50065V11.1747C2.66732 10.5747 5.25065 9.49967 7.50065 9.49967C9.75065 9.49967 12.334 10.5747 12.5007 11.1663V11.9997Z" fill="#A4A4A4"/>
diff --git a/frontend/src/assets/checkboxIcon.tsx b/frontend/src/assets/checkboxIcon.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..567ec7b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/checkboxIcon.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import React from 'react';
+interface Props extends React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> {
+  isSelected: boolean;
+export const CheckBoxIcon = (props: Props) => {
+  if (props.isSelected) {
+    return (
+      <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="">
+        <path
+          d="M14.1333 17.8667L11.2667 15C11.0222 14.7556 10.7111 14.6333 10.3333 14.6333C9.95556 14.6333 9.64445 14.7556 9.4 15C9.15556 15.2444 9.03334 15.5556 9.03334 15.9333C9.03334 16.3111 9.15556 16.6222 9.4 16.8667L13.2 20.6667C13.4667 20.9333 13.7778 21.0667 14.1333 21.0667C14.4889 21.0667 14.8 20.9333 15.0667 20.6667L22.6 13.1333C22.8444 12.8889 22.9667 12.5778 22.9667 12.2C22.9667 11.8222 22.8444 11.5111 22.6 11.2667C22.3556 11.0222 22.0444 10.9 21.6667 10.9C21.2889 10.9 20.9778 11.0222 20.7333 11.2667L14.1333 17.8667ZM6.66667 28C5.93334 28 5.30534 27.7387 4.78267 27.216C4.26 26.6933 3.99911 26.0658 4 25.3333V6.66667C4 5.93334 4.26134 5.30534 4.784 4.78267C5.30667 4.26 5.93422 3.99911 6.66667 4H25.3333C26.0667 4 26.6947 4.26134 27.2173 4.784C27.74 5.30667 28.0009 5.93422 28 6.66667V25.3333C28 26.0667 27.7387 26.6947 27.216 27.2173C26.6933 27.74 26.0658 28.0009 25.3333 28H6.66667Z"
+          fill="black"
+        />
+      </svg>
+    );
+  }
+  return (
+    <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="">
+      <path
+        d="M6.66667 28C5.93334 28 5.30534 27.7387 4.78267 27.216C4.26 26.6933 3.99911 26.0658 4 25.3333V6.66667C4 5.93334 4.26134 5.30534 4.784 4.78267C5.30667 4.26 5.93422 3.99911 6.66667 4H25.3333C26.0667 4 26.6947 4.26134 27.2173 4.784C27.74 5.30667 28.0009 5.93422 28 6.66667V25.3333C28 26.0667 27.7387 26.6947 27.216 27.2173C26.6933 27.74 26.0658 28.0009 25.3333 28H6.66667ZM6.66667 25.3333H25.3333V6.66667H6.66667V25.3333Z"
+        fill="black"
+      />
+    </svg>
+  );
diff --git a/frontend/src/assets/close-icon-red.svg b/frontend/src/assets/close-icon-red.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11d9a6209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/close-icon-red.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+<mask id="mask0_1206_10771" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="20" height="21">
+<rect y="0.5" width="20" height="20" fill="url(#pattern0)"/>
+<g mask="url(#mask0_1206_10771)">
+<rect x="-1.99609" y="-1.5" width="32" height="25" fill="#F13232"/>
+<pattern id="pattern0" patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox" width="1" height="1">
+<use xlink:href="#image0_1206_10771" transform="scale(0.00195312)"/>
+<image id="image0_1206_10771" width="512" height="512" xlink:href=""/>
diff --git a/frontend/src/assets/complete-icon.svg b/frontend/src/assets/complete-icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aca152cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/complete-icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<svg width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
+<circle cx="12.5" cy="12.5" r="12.5" fill="#1EE06C"/>
+<g clip-path="url(#clip0_2607_9814)">
+<path d="M10.3333 18.8673L5 13.534L6.86667 11.6673L10.3333 15.134L19.1333 6.33398L21 8.20065L10.3333 18.8673Z" fill="white"/>
+<clipPath id="clip0_2607_9814">
+<rect width="16" height="13" fill="white" transform="translate(5 6)"/>
diff --git a/frontend/src/assets/error-icon.svg b/frontend/src/assets/error-icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb516e2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/error-icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<svg width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
+<circle cx="12.5" cy="12.5" r="12.5" fill="#EB5757"/>
+<path d="M14.4103 7.7493C14.4591 6.79803 13.7009 6 12.7484 6C11.7971 6 11.0394 6.79611 11.0864 7.74627L11.4225 14.544C11.4573 15.2475 12.0378 15.8 12.7422 15.8C13.4456 15.8 14.0257 15.2489 14.0617 14.5464L14.4103 7.7493Z" fill="white"/>
+<path d="M13.916 18.3659C13.916 17.7216 13.3937 17.1992 12.7493 17.1992C12.105 17.1992 11.5827 17.7216 11.5827 18.3659V18.8326C11.5827 19.4769 12.105 19.9992 12.7493 19.9992C13.3937 19.9992 13.916 19.4769 13.916 18.8326V18.3659Z" fill="white"/>
diff --git a/frontend/src/assets/eye-icon.svg b/frontend/src/assets/eye-icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ee3dbc8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/eye-icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
+<mask id="mask0_1273_10733" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="20" height="21">
+<rect width="20" height="20.4878" fill="url(#pattern0)"/>
+<g mask="url(#mask0_1273_10733)">
+<rect x="-2" y="-2" width="25" height="25" fill="#A4A4A4"/>
+<pattern id="pattern0" patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox" width="1" height="1">
+<use xlink:href="#image0_1273_10733" transform="matrix(0.00200076 0 0 0.00195312 -0.0121951 0)"/>
+<image id="image0_1273_10733" width="512" height="512" xlink:href=""/>
diff --git a/frontend/src/assets/feedback-icon/bad-feedback-gray-icon.svg b/frontend/src/assets/feedback-icon/bad-feedback-gray-icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..044ecded5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/feedback-icon/bad-feedback-gray-icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg id="_레이어_2" data-name="레이어 2" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 73.56 45.78">
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+      .cls-1 {
+        fill: #919191;
+      }
+      .cls-2 {
+        fill: #7c7b7c;
+      }
+      .cls-3 {
+        fill: #abaaaa;
+      }
+      .cls-4 {
+        fill: #c9caca;
+      }
+      .cls-5 {
+        fill: #dbdbdb;
+      }
+      .cls-6 {
+        fill: #595757;
+      }
+    </style>
+  </defs>
+  <g id="_레이어_1-2" data-name="레이어 1">
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+          <g>
+            <path class="cls-2" d="m18.01,4.93c-1.96,9.36-3.4,18.82-4.31,28.33"/>
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+          </g>
+          <g>
+            <g>
+              <path class="cls-2" d="m18.49,4.59c9.53-1.11,18.87-1.24,28.63-1.77,7.93-.43,16.11-.32,23.87-.32"/>
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+              <path class="cls-2" d="m71.11,3.35c-1.68,10.43-1.58,21.05-1.47,31.61"/>
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+          </g>
+          <g>
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+          </g>
+          <g>
+            <path class="cls-2" d="m68.51,35.67c-2.42,1.98-4.51,4.36-6.16,7.02"/>
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+          </g>
+        </g>
+        <polygon class="cls-3" points="13.81 34.42 18.49 4.93 70.34 2.5 69.63 34.96 62.35 42.69 2.51 42.15 13.81 34.42"/>
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+      <g>
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/assets/technicalLabelIcon.tsx
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+import React from 'react';
+export const JavaIcon = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <g fill="none">
+        <rect width="256" height="256" fill="#242938" rx="60"></rect>
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+          d="M101.634 182.619s-7.68 4.674 5.345 6.011c15.728 2.004 24.044 1.669 41.407-1.668c0 0 4.674 3.009 11.02 5.344c-39.075 16.696-88.497-1.002-57.772-9.687Zm-5.009-21.705s-8.35 6.346 4.674 7.679c17.028 1.669 30.391 2.004 53.433-2.667c0 0 3.009 3.341 8.015 5.01c-47.083 14.025-99.85 1.333-66.122-10.019v-.003Zm92.17 38.07s5.676 4.674-6.346 8.35c-22.376 6.678-93.839 8.685-113.876 0c-7.009-3.009 6.347-7.352 10.686-8.015c4.342-1.002 6.678-1.002 6.678-1.002c-7.68-5.344-51.095 11.02-22.041 15.729c79.813 13.027 145.603-5.676 124.896-15.028l.003-.034Zm-83.488-60.781s-36.402 8.685-13.028 11.687c10.019 1.333 29.721 1.002 48.089-.335c15.028-1.334 30.09-4.007 30.09-4.007s-5.345 2.338-9.017 4.674c-37.099 9.693-108.23 5.351-87.858-4.668c17.37-8.35 31.724-7.351 31.724-7.351Zm65.116 36.401c37.407-19.37 20.037-38.07 8.015-35.731c-3.009.667-4.342 1.334-4.342 1.334s1.001-2.004 3.34-2.667c23.709-8.35 42.413 25.046-7.679 38.07c0 0 .335-.335.666-1.002v-.004Zm-61.444 52.76c36.067 2.339 91.168-1.334 92.505-18.369c0 0-2.667 6.678-29.72 11.688c-30.722 5.676-68.796 5.009-91.168 1.333c0 0 4.674 4.007 28.386 5.344l-.003.004Z"
+        ></path>
+        <path
+          fill={props.color ?? '#F58219'}
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+        ></path>
+      </g>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const JavascriptIcon = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <path fill={props.color ?? '#F7DF1E'} d="M0 0h256v256H0V0Z"></path>
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+    </svg>
+  );
+export const TypescriptIcon = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" {...props}>
+      <path fill="#fff" d="M22.67 47h99.67v73.67H22.67z"></path>
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+      ></path>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const ReactIcon = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <g fill="none">
+        <rect width="256" height="256" fill="#242938" rx="60"></rect>
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+          d="M128.001 146.951c10.304 0 18.656-8.353 18.656-18.656c0-10.303-8.352-18.656-18.656-18.656c-10.303 0-18.656 8.353-18.656 18.656c0 10.303 8.353 18.656 18.656 18.656Z"
+        ></path>
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+          stroke="#00D8FF"
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+          d="M128.002 90.363c25.048 0 48.317 3.594 65.862 9.635C215.003 107.275 228 118.306 228 128.295c0 10.409-13.774 22.128-36.475 29.649c-17.162 5.686-39.746 8.654-63.523 8.654c-24.378 0-47.463-2.786-64.819-8.717C41.225 150.376 28 138.506 28 128.295c0-9.908 12.41-20.854 33.252-28.12c17.61-6.14 41.453-9.812 66.746-9.812h.004Z"
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+        ></path>
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+        ></path>
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+          stroke="#00D8FF"
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+          d="M95.012 147.578c-12.549-21.674-21.093-43.616-24.659-61.826c-4.293-21.941-1.258-38.716 7.387-43.72c9.009-5.216 26.052.834 43.934 16.712c13.52 12.004 27.403 30.061 39.316 50.639c12.214 21.098 21.368 42.473 24.929 60.461c4.506 22.764.859 40.157-7.978 45.272c-8.574 4.964-24.265-.291-40.996-14.689c-14.136-12.164-29.26-30.959-41.933-52.849Z"
+          clipRule="evenodd"
+        ></path>
+      </g>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const SpringIcon = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <g fill="none">
+        <rect width="256" height="256" fill="#242938" rx="60"></rect>
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+          fill={props.color ?? '#5FB832'}
+          d="M209.545 171.821c-24.615 32.797-77.198 21.726-110.91 23.318c0 0-5.968.332-11.979 1.322c0 0 2.273-.97 5.172-1.969c23.678-8.188 34.867-9.833 49.254-17.223c27.032-13.848 53.936-44.01 59.41-75.344c-10.29 30.136-41.583 56.073-70.077 66.605c-19.504 7.197-54.773 14.201-54.778 14.204c.016.025-1.406-.738-1.426-.755c-23.986-11.67-24.678-63.62 18.886-80.366c19.1-7.347 37.369-3.311 58.017-8.226c22.022-5.236 47.528-21.743 57.895-43.324c11.622 34.472 25.583 88.404.536 121.758Zm.428-132.44c-2.93 6.962-6.507 13.236-10.629 18.847C181.197 39.604 155.868 28 127.871 28C72.799 28 28 72.804 28 127.866c0 28.865 12.32 54.898 31.964 73.146l2.187 1.937c-3.652-2.978-4.213-8.341-1.253-11.997c2.978-3.657 8.346-4.224 12-1.262c3.664 2.968 4.222 8.345 1.256 12.007c-2.956 3.664-8.334 4.217-11.993 1.261l1.489 1.318c17.375 14.63 39.774 23.467 64.221 23.467c52.64 0 95.865-40.965 99.565-92.67c2.74-25.316-4.737-57.462-17.463-95.692Z"
+        ></path>
+      </g>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const JavaIconWhite = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <g fill="none">
+        <rect width="256" height="256" fill="tra" rx="60"></rect>
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+          fill={props.color ?? '#F58219'}
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+        ></path>
+        <path
+          fill={props.color ?? '#F58219'}
+          d="M147.685 28s20.704 21.039-19.702 52.76c-32.394 25.712-7.351 40.408 0 57.101c-19.035-17.028-32.722-32.059-23.377-46.085C118.331 71.083 156.062 61.064 147.685 28ZM137 123.842c9.683 11.02-2.667 21.039-2.667 21.039s24.711-12.686 13.359-28.387c-10.354-15.028-18.368-22.376 25.046-47.425c0 0-68.46 17.028-35.731 54.766l-.007.007Z"
+        ></path>
+      </g>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const JavascriptIconWhite = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <path fill={props.color ?? '#F7DF1E'} d="M0 0h256v256H0V0Z"></path>
+      <path
+        fill="#fff"
+        d="m67.312 213.932l19.59-11.856c3.78 6.701 7.218 12.371 15.465 12.371c7.905 0 12.89-3.092 12.89-15.12v-81.798h24.057v82.138c0 24.917-14.606 36.259-35.916 36.259c-19.245 0-30.416-9.967-36.087-21.996m85.07-2.576l19.588-11.341c5.157 8.421 11.859 14.607 23.715 14.607c9.969 0 16.325-4.984 16.325-11.858c0-8.248-6.53-11.17-17.528-15.98l-6.013-2.58c-17.357-7.387-28.87-16.667-28.87-36.257c0-18.044 13.747-31.792 35.228-31.792c15.294 0 26.292 5.328 34.196 19.247l-18.732 12.03c-4.125-7.389-8.591-10.31-15.465-10.31c-7.046 0-11.514 4.468-11.514 10.31c0 7.217 4.468 10.14 14.778 14.608l6.014 2.577c20.45 8.765 31.963 17.7 31.963 37.804c0 21.654-17.012 33.51-39.867 33.51c-22.339 0-36.774-10.654-43.819-24.574"
+      ></path>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const TypescriptIconWhite = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 128 128" {...props}>
+      <path fill="#fff" d="M22.67 47h99.67v73.67H22.67z"></path>
+      <path
+        fill={props.color ?? '#007acc'}
+        d="M1.5 63.91v62.5h125v-125H1.5zm100.73-5a15.56 15.56 0 0 1 7.82 4.5a20.58 20.58 0 0 1 3 4c0 .16-5.4 3.81-8.69 5.85c-.12.08-.6-.44-1.13-1.23a7.09 7.09 0 0 0-5.87-3.53c-3.79-.26-6.23 1.73-6.21 5a4.58 4.58 0 0 0 .54 2.34c.83 1.73 2.38 2.76 7.24 4.86c8.95 3.85 12.78 6.39 15.16 10c2.66 4 3.25 10.46 1.45 15.24c-2 5.2-6.9 8.73-13.83 9.9a38.32 38.32 0 0 1-9.52-.1a23 23 0 0 1-12.72-6.63c-1.15-1.27-3.39-4.58-3.25-4.82a9.34 9.34 0 0 1 1.15-.73L82 101l3.59-2.08l.75 1.11a16.78 16.78 0 0 0 4.74 4.54c4 2.1 9.46 1.81 12.16-.62a5.43 5.43 0 0 0 .69-6.92c-1-1.39-3-2.56-8.59-5c-6.45-2.78-9.23-4.5-11.77-7.24a16.48 16.48 0 0 1-3.43-6.25a25 25 0 0 1-.22-8c1.33-6.23 6-10.58 12.82-11.87a31.66 31.66 0 0 1 9.49.26zm-29.34 5.24v5.12H56.66v46.23H45.15V69.26H28.88v-5a49.19 49.19 0 0 1 .12-5.17C29.08 59 39 59 51 59h21.83z"
+      ></path>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const ReactIconWhite = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <g fill="none">
+        <rect width="256" height="256" fill={props.color ?? '#00D8FF'} rx="60"></rect>
+        <path
+          fill="#ffffff"
+          d="M128.001 146.951c10.304 0 18.656-8.353 18.656-18.656c0-10.303-8.352-18.656-18.656-18.656c-10.303 0-18.656 8.353-18.656 18.656c0 10.303 8.353 18.656 18.656 18.656Z"
+        ></path>
+        <path
+          stroke="#ffffff"
+          strokeWidth="8.911"
+          d="M128.002 90.363c25.048 0 48.317 3.594 65.862 9.635C215.003 107.275 228 118.306 228 128.295c0 10.409-13.774 22.128-36.475 29.649c-17.162 5.686-39.746 8.654-63.523 8.654c-24.378 0-47.463-2.786-64.819-8.717C41.225 150.376 28 138.506 28 128.295c0-9.908 12.41-20.854 33.252-28.12c17.61-6.14 41.453-9.812 66.746-9.812h.004Z"
+          clipRule="evenodd"
+        ></path>
+        <path
+          stroke="#ffffff"
+          strokeWidth="8.911"
+          d="M94.981 109.438c12.514-21.698 27.251-40.06 41.249-52.24c16.864-14.677 32.914-20.425 41.566-15.436c9.017 5.2 12.288 22.988 7.463 46.41c-3.645 17.707-12.359 38.753-24.238 59.351c-12.179 21.118-26.124 39.724-39.931 51.792c-17.471 15.272-34.362 20.799-43.207 15.698c-8.583-4.946-11.865-21.167-7.747-42.852c3.479-18.323 12.21-40.812 24.841-62.723h.004Z"
+          clipRule="evenodd"
+        ></path>
+        <path
+          stroke="#ffffff"
+          strokeWidth="8.911"
+          d="M95.012 147.578c-12.549-21.674-21.093-43.616-24.659-61.826c-4.293-21.941-1.258-38.716 7.387-43.72c9.009-5.216 26.052.834 43.934 16.712c13.52 12.004 27.403 30.061 39.316 50.639c12.214 21.098 21.368 42.473 24.929 60.461c4.506 22.764.859 40.157-7.978 45.272c-8.574 4.964-24.265-.291-40.996-14.689c-14.136-12.164-29.26-30.959-41.933-52.849Z"
+          clipRule="evenodd"
+        ></path>
+      </g>
+    </svg>
+  );
+export const SpringIconWhite = (props: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) => {
+  return (
+    <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 256 256" {...props}>
+      <g fill="none">
+        <rect width="256" height="256" fill="transparent" rx="60"></rect>
+        <path
+          fill={props.color ?? '#5FB832'}
+          d="M209.545 171.821c-24.615 32.797-77.198 21.726-110.91 23.318c0 0-5.968.332-11.979 1.322c0 0 2.273-.97 5.172-1.969c23.678-8.188 34.867-9.833 49.254-17.223c27.032-13.848 53.936-44.01 59.41-75.344c-10.29 30.136-41.583 56.073-70.077 66.605c-19.504 7.197-54.773 14.201-54.778 14.204c.016.025-1.406-.738-1.426-.755c-23.986-11.67-24.678-63.62 18.886-80.366c19.1-7.347 37.369-3.311 58.017-8.226c22.022-5.236 47.528-21.743 57.895-43.324c11.622 34.472 25.583 88.404.536 121.758Zm.428-132.44c-2.93 6.962-6.507 13.236-10.629 18.847C181.197 39.604 155.868 28 127.871 28C72.799 28 28 72.804 28 127.866c0 28.865 12.32 54.898 31.964 73.146l2.187 1.937c-3.652-2.978-4.213-8.341-1.253-11.997c2.978-3.657 8.346-4.224 12-1.262c3.664 2.968 4.222 8.345 1.256 12.007c-2.956 3.664-8.334 4.217-11.993 1.261l1.489 1.318c17.375 14.63 39.774 23.467 64.221 23.467c52.64 0 95.865-40.965 99.565-92.67c2.74-25.316-4.737-57.462-17.463-95.692Z"
+        ></path>
+      </g>
+    </svg>
+  );
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/CheckBox/CheckBox.tsx b/frontend/src/components/CheckBox/CheckBox.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..904045ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/CheckBox/CheckBox.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { SelectOption } from '@/types/select';
+import { CheckBoxIcon } from '@/assets/checkboxIcon';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props {
+  options: SelectOption<string>[];
+  selectOption: (value: string) => void;
+const CheckBox = ({ options, selectOption }: Props) => {
+  const makeHandleClickOption = (value: string) => () => {
+    if (options.filter((option) => option.value === value).length === 0) return;
+    selectOption(value);
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.CheckBoxContainer>
+      <S.CheckBoxList>
+        { => (
+          <S.CheckBoxItem key={option.value}>
+            <S.CheckBoxButton onClick={makeHandleClickOption(option.value)}>
+              <CheckBoxIcon isSelected={option.selected} />
+              {option.label}
+            </S.CheckBoxButton>
+          </S.CheckBoxItem>
+        ))}
+      </S.CheckBoxList>
+    </S.CheckBoxContainer>
+  );
+export default CheckBox;
+const S = {
+  CheckBoxContainer: styled.div`
+    padding: 45px 20px;
+  `,
+  CheckBoxList: styled.ul`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 15px;
+  `,
+  CheckBoxButton: styled.button`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 20px;
+    background-color: transparent;
+  `,
+  CheckBoxItem: styled.div`
+    font-size: 18px;
+    color: var(--gray-800);
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/ConfirmModal/ConfirmModal.tsx b/frontend/src/components/ConfirmModal/ConfirmModal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f040ecb61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/ConfirmModal/ConfirmModal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
+import Modal from '../common/Modal/Modal';
+import Button from '../common/Button/Button';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props {
+  contents: string;
+  closeModal: () => void;
+  handleClickConfirmButton: () => void;
+  confirmText?: string;
+  cancelText?: string;
+const ConfirmModal = ({ contents, closeModal, handleClickConfirmButton, confirmText, cancelText }: Props) => {
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const handleEscapeKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
+      if (e.key === 'Escape') closeModal();
+    };
+    window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEscapeKeyDown);
+    return () => {
+      window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEscapeKeyDown);
+    };
+  }, []);
+  return (
+    <Modal width="495px" height="211px" closeModal={closeModal}>
+      <S.ConfirmModalContainer>
+        <S.ConfirmMessage>{contents}</S.ConfirmMessage>
+        <S.ButtonContainer>
+          <Button colorTheme="GRAY" width="134px" height="35px" fontSize="16px" fontWeight={700} onClick={closeModal}>
+            {cancelText || '취소'}
+          </Button>
+          <Button
+            colorTheme="WHITE"
+            width="134px"
+            height="35px"
+            fontSize="16px"
+            fontWeight={700}
+            onClick={handleClickConfirmButton}
+          >
+            {confirmText || '확인'}
+          </Button>
+        </S.ButtonContainer>
+      </S.ConfirmModalContainer>
+    </Modal>
+  );
+export default ConfirmModal;
+const S = {
+  ConfirmModalContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+  `,
+  ConfirmMessage: styled.p`
+    margin-bottom: 40px;
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 20px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/InputBox/InputBox.tsx b/frontend/src/components/InputBox/InputBox.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..127747fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/InputBox/InputBox.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import React, { useRef } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement> {
+  inputTextState: string;
+  handleInputTextState: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
+  fontSize?: string | number;
+  fontWeight?: string | number;
+  maxLengthFontSize?: string | number;
+  autoFocus?: boolean;
+const InputBox = ({
+  inputTextState,
+  maxLength,
+  width,
+  height,
+  fontSize,
+  fontWeight,
+  maxLengthFontSize,
+  autoFocus,
+  handleInputTextState,
+}: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.InputContainer $fontSize={fontSize} $fontWeight={fontWeight} $width={width} $height={height}>
+      <S.InputBox onChange={handleInputTextState} maxLength={maxLength} autoFocus={autoFocus} {} />
+      {maxLength && (
+        <S.InputTextLength $fontsize={maxLengthFontSize}>
+          {inputTextState.length ?? 0} / {maxLength}
+        </S.InputTextLength>
+      )}
+    </S.InputContainer>
+  );
+export default InputBox;
+const S = {
+  InputContainer: styled.div<{
+    $width?: string | number;
+    $height?: string | number;
+    $fontSize?: string | number;
+    $fontWeight?: string | number;
+  }>`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width || '400px'};
+    height: ${({ $height }) => $height || '36px'};
+    gap: 20px;
+    font-size: ${({ $fontSize }) => $fontSize || '18px'};
+    font-weight: ${({ $fontWeight }) => $fontWeight || '400'};
+  `,
+  InputTextLength: styled.div<{ $fontsize?: string | number }>`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    font-size: ${({ $fontsize }) => $fontsize || '18px'};
+    color: var(--gray-400);
+  `,
+  InputBox: styled.input`
+    flex: 1;
+    border-bottom: 1 solid var(--gray-400);
+    background-color: white;
+    border: transparent;
+    &:focus {
+      outline: 0;
+    }
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/ListFilter/ListFilter.tsx b/frontend/src/components/ListFilter/ListFilter.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52264aef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/ListFilter/ListFilter.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import { ListSelectOption } from '@/types/select';
+import React from 'react';
+import styled, { css, keyframes } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props {
+  options: ListSelectOption[];
+  selectOption: (value: string | number) => void;
+  width?: string;
+const ListFilter = ({ options, selectOption, width }: Props) => {
+  const makeHandleClickOption = (value: string | number) => () => {
+    if (options.filter((option) => option.value === value).length === 0) return;
+    selectOption(value);
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.FilterContainer>
+      <S.FilterList $width={width}>
+        { => (
+          <S.FilterItem>
+            <S.FilterButton
+              key={option.value}
+              onClick={makeHandleClickOption(option.value)}
+              $isSelected={option.selected}
+            >
+              {option.label}
+            </S.FilterButton>
+          </S.FilterItem>
+        ))}
+      </S.FilterList>
+    </S.FilterContainer>
+  );
+export default ListFilter;
+const appear = keyframes`
+ 0% {
+  transform-origin:left;
+  transform: scaleX(0);
+ }
+ 100% {
+  transform-origin:left;
+  transform: scaleX(1);
+ }
+const underLine = css`
+  content: '';
+  margin-top: 5px;
+  height: 3px;
+  width: calc(100% + 10px);
+  border-radius: 1px;
+  background-color: var(--baton-red);
+  animation: 0.3s ease-in ${appear};
+const S = {
+  FilterContainer: styled.div``,
+  FilterList: styled.ul<{ $width?: string }>`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width ?? '920px'};
+  `,
+  FilterItem:`
+    width: 150px;
+  `,
+  FilterButton: styled.button<{ $isSelected: boolean }>`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    background-color: transparent;
+    font-size: 26px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+    color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'var(--baton-red)' : 'var(--gray-700)')};
+    &::after {
+      ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? underLine : null)}
+    }
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostButton/MyPagePostButton.tsx b/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostButton/MyPagePostButton.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3feb1de2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostButton/MyPagePostButton.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import { patchRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import { ReviewStatus } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+import React, { useContext, useMemo } from 'react';
+interface Props {
+  runnerPostId: number;
+  reviewStatus: ReviewStatus;
+  isRunner: boolean;
+  supporterId?: number;
+const MyPagePostButton = ({ runnerPostId, reviewStatus, isRunner, supporterId }: Props) => {
+  const { goToMyPage, goToSupportSelectPage, goToSupporterFeedbackPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { showCompletionToast, showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const token = useMemo(() => getToken()?.value, [getToken]);
+  const cancelReview = () => {
+    if (!token) {
+      showErrorToast(TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE.NO_TOKEN);
+      return;
+    }
+    patchRequest(`/posts/runner/${runnerPostId}/cancelation`, token)
+      .then(() => {
+        setTimeout(window.location.reload, 2000);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ description: error.message, title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST }));
+  };
+  const finishReview = () => {
+    if (!token) {
+      showErrorToast(TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE.NO_TOKEN);
+      return;
+    }
+    patchRequest(`/posts/runner/${runnerPostId}/done`, token)
+      .then(() => {
+        setTimeout(window.location.reload, 2000);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ description: error.message, title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST }));
+  };
+  const handleClickCancelReviewButton = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.stopPropagation();
+    cancelReview();
+  };
+  const handleClickFinishButton = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.stopPropagation();
+    finishReview();
+  };
+  const handleClickSupportSelectButton = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.stopPropagation();
+    goToSupportSelectPage(runnerPostId);
+  };
+  const handleClickSupportFeedbackButton = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.stopPropagation();
+    if (!supporterId) {
+      showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.ERROR, description: ERROR_DESCRIPTION.NO_SUPPORTER });
+      return;
+    }
+    goToSupporterFeedbackPage(runnerPostId, supporterId);
+  };
+  switch (reviewStatus) {
+    case 'NOT_STARTED':
+      return (
+        <Button
+          colorTheme="WHITE"
+          fontWeight={700}
+          width="180px"
+          height="40px"
+          onClick={isRunner ? handleClickSupportSelectButton : handleClickCancelReviewButton}
+        >
+          {isRunner ? '서포터 선택하기' : '리뷰 제안 취소'}
+        </Button>
+      );
+    case 'IN_PROGRESS':
+      return isRunner ? null : (
+        <Button colorTheme="WHITE" fontWeight={700} width="180px" height="40px" onClick={handleClickFinishButton}>
+          리뷰 완료
+        </Button>
+      );
+    case 'DONE':
+      return isRunner ? (
+        <Button
+          colorTheme="WHITE"
+          fontWeight={700}
+          width="180px"
+          height="40px"
+          onClick={handleClickSupportFeedbackButton}
+        >
+          후기 작성
+        </Button>
+      ) : null;
+    default:
+      return null;
+  }
+export default MyPagePostButton;
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostItem/MyPagePostItem.tsx b/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostItem/MyPagePostItem.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..894ccae8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostItem/MyPagePostItem.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import Label from '@/components/common/Label/Label';
+import { REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT } from '@/constants';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import React from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import eyeIcon from '@/assets/eye-icon.svg';
+import applicantIcon from '@/assets/applicant-icon.svg';
+import { MyPagePost } from '@/types/myPage';
+import MyPagePostButton from '../MyPagePostButton/MyPagePostButton';
+interface Props extends MyPagePost {
+  isRunner: boolean;
+const MyPagePostItem = ({
+  runnerPostId,
+  title,
+  deadline,
+  reviewStatus,
+  tags,
+  watchedCount,
+  applicantCount,
+  isRunner,
+  supporterId,
+}: Props) => {
+  const { goToRunnerPostPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const handlePostClick = () => {
+    goToRunnerPostPage(runnerPostId);
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.RunnerPostItemContainer onClick={handlePostClick}>
+      <S.LeftSideContainer>
+        <S.PostTitle>{title}</S.PostTitle>
+        <S.DeadLineContainer>
+          <S.DeadLine>{deadline} 까지</S.DeadLine>
+          <Label
+            colorTheme={reviewStatus === 'NOT_STARTED' ? 'WHITE' : reviewStatus === 'IN_PROGRESS' ? 'RED' : 'GRAY'}
+          >
+            {REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT[reviewStatus]}
+          </Label>
+        </S.DeadLineContainer>
+        <S.TagContainer>
+          {, index) => (
+            <S.Tag key={index}>#{tag}</S.Tag>
+          ))}
+        </S.TagContainer>
+      </S.LeftSideContainer>
+      <S.RightSideContainer>
+        <S.ChatViewContainer>
+          <S.statisticsContainer>
+            <S.statisticsImage src={eyeIcon} />
+            <S.statisticsText>{watchedCount}</S.statisticsText>
+            <S.statisticsImage src={applicantIcon} />
+            <S.statisticsText>{applicantCount}</S.statisticsText>
+          </S.statisticsContainer>
+        </S.ChatViewContainer>
+        <MyPagePostButton
+          runnerPostId={runnerPostId}
+          isRunner={isRunner}
+          reviewStatus={reviewStatus}
+          supporterId={supporterId}
+        />
+      </S.RightSideContainer>
+    </S.RunnerPostItemContainer>
+  );
+export default MyPagePostItem;
+const S = {
+  RunnerPostItemContainer:`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    width: 1200px;
+    height: 206px;
+    padding: 35px 40px;
+    border: 0.5px solid var(--gray-500);
+    border-radius: 12px;
+    box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+    cursor: pointer;
+  `,
+  PostTitle: styled.p`
+    margin-bottom: 15px;
+    font-size: 28px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  DeadLineContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: baseline;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  DeadLine: styled.p`
+    margin-bottom: 60px;
+    color: var(--gray-600);
+  `,
+  TagContainer: styled.div`
+    & span {
+      margin-right: 10px;
+      font-size: 14px;
+      color: var(--gray-600);
+    }
+  `,
+  Tag: styled.span``,
+  LeftSideContainer: styled.div``,
+  RightSideContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    justify-content: end;
+    gap: 15px;
+    & button:hover {
+      transition: all 0.3s ease;
+      background-color: var(--baton-red);
+      color: var(--white-color);
+    }
+  `,
+  ChatViewContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: end;
+    gap: 10px;
+    font-size: 12px;
+  `,
+  statisticsContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 5px;
+    margin-bottom: auto;
+    & > p {
+      color: #a4a4a4;
+    }
+  `,
+  statisticsImage: styled.img`
+    width: 20px;
+    margin-left: 8px;
+  `,
+  statisticsText: styled.p`
+    font-size: 14px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostList/MyPagePostList.tsx b/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostList/MyPagePostList.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fc163b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/MyPage/MyPagePostList/MyPagePostList.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import { GetMyPagePostResponse, MyPagePost } from '@/types/myPage';
+import MyPagePostItem from '../MyPagePostItem/MyPagePostItem';
+interface Props {
+  filteredPostList: MyPagePost[];
+  isRunner: boolean;
+const MyPagePostList = ({ filteredPostList, isRunner }: Props) => {
+  if (filteredPostList?.length === 0) return <p>게시글 정보가 없습니다.</p>;
+  return (
+    <S.RunnerPostWrapper>
+      {filteredPostList?.map((item: MyPagePost) => (
+        <MyPagePostItem key={item.runnerPostId} {...item} isRunner={isRunner} />
+      ))}
+    </S.RunnerPostWrapper>
+  );
+export default MyPagePostList;
+const S = {
+  RunnerPostWrapper: styled.ul`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 30px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/PostTag/PostTag.tsx b/frontend/src/components/PostTag/PostTag.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efbb6d986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/PostTag/PostTag.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props {
+  tag: string;
+function PostTag({ tag }: Props) {
+  return <S.TagName>#{tag}</S.TagName>;
+export default PostTag;
+const S = {
+  TagName:`
+    float: left;
+    font-size: 18px;
+    color: var(--gray-500);
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/PostTagList/PostTagList.tsx b/frontend/src/components/PostTagList/PostTagList.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37411b90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/PostTagList/PostTagList.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import PostTag from '../PostTag/PostTag';
+interface Props {
+  tags: string[];
+function PostTagList({ tags }: Props) {
+  return (
+    <S.List>
+      { => (
+        <PostTag key={tag} tag={tag} />
+      ))}
+    </S.List>
+  );
+export default PostTagList;
+const S = {
+  List: styled.ul`
+    list-style: none;
+    li:not(:last-child) {
+      margin-right: 10px;
+    }
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/ReviewTypeButton/ReviewTypeButton.tsx b/frontend/src/components/ReviewTypeButton/ReviewTypeButton.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07060030e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/ReviewTypeButton/ReviewTypeButton.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+import React, { useRef } from 'react';
+import GreatFeedbackIcon from '../../assets/feedback-icon/great-feedback-icon.svg';
+import GoodFeedbackIcon from '../../assets/feedback-icon/good-feedback-icon.svg';
+import BadFeedbackIcon from '../../assets/feedback-icon/bad-feedback-icon.svg';
+import GreatFeedbackGrayIcon from '../../assets/feedback-icon/great-feedback-gray-icon.svg';
+import GoodFeedbackGrayIcon from '../../assets/feedback-icon/good-feedback-gray-icon.svg';
+import BadFeedbackGrayIcon from '../../assets/feedback-icon/bad-feedback-gray-icon.svg';
+import { ReviewType } from '@/types/feedback';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLImageElement> {
+  isSelected: boolean;
+  value: ReviewType;
+  label?: string;
+  selectReviewType?: (value: ReviewType) => void;
+const ReviewTypeButton = ({ isSelected, value, label, selectReviewType, }: Props) => {
+  const iconRef = useRef<HTMLImageElement>(null);
+  const handleClick = () => {
+    if (!selectReviewType) return;
+    selectReviewType(value);
+  };
+  const handleMouseHover = (e: React.PointerEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    if (!iconRef.current) return;
+    switch (value) {
+      case 'BAD':
+        iconRef.current.src = BadFeedbackIcon;
+        break;
+      case 'GOOD':
+        iconRef.current.src = GoodFeedbackIcon;
+        break;
+      case 'GREAT':
+        iconRef.current.src = GreatFeedbackIcon;
+    }
+  };
+  const handleMouseLeave = (e: React.PointerEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    if (!iconRef.current) return;
+    switch (value) {
+      case 'BAD':
+        iconRef.current.src = BadFeedbackGrayIcon;
+        break;
+      case 'GOOD':
+        iconRef.current.src = GoodFeedbackGrayIcon;
+        break;
+      case 'GREAT':
+        iconRef.current.src = GreatFeedbackGrayIcon;
+    }
+  };
+  if (isSelected) {
+    switch (value) {
+      case 'BAD':
+        return (
+          <S.ReviewTypeItem>
+            <S.Button>
+              <img src={BadFeedbackIcon} {} />
+              {label && <S.ReviewTypeLabel $isSelect={isSelected}>{label}</S.ReviewTypeLabel>}
+            </S.Button>
+          </S.ReviewTypeItem>
+        );
+      case 'GOOD':
+        return (
+          <S.ReviewTypeItem>
+            <S.Button>
+              <img src={GoodFeedbackIcon} {} />
+              {label && <S.ReviewTypeLabel $isSelect={isSelected}>{label}</S.ReviewTypeLabel>}
+            </S.Button>
+          </S.ReviewTypeItem>
+        );
+      case 'GREAT':
+        return (
+          <S.ReviewTypeItem>
+            <S.Button>
+              <img src={GreatFeedbackIcon} {} />
+              {label && <S.ReviewTypeLabel $isSelect={isSelected}>{label}</S.ReviewTypeLabel>}
+            </S.Button>
+          </S.ReviewTypeItem>
+        );
+      default:
+        return null;
+    }
+  }
+  switch (value) {
+    case 'BAD':
+      return (
+        <S.ReviewTypeItem>
+          <S.Button onMouseOver={handleMouseHover} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} onClick={handleClick}>
+            <img src={BadFeedbackGrayIcon} {} ref={iconRef} />
+            {label && <S.ReviewTypeLabel $isSelect={isSelected}>{label}</S.ReviewTypeLabel>}
+          </S.Button>
+        </S.ReviewTypeItem>
+      );
+    case 'GOOD':
+      return (
+        <S.ReviewTypeItem>
+          <S.Button onMouseOver={handleMouseHover} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} onClick={handleClick}>
+            <img src={GoodFeedbackGrayIcon} {} ref={iconRef} />
+            {label && <S.ReviewTypeLabel $isSelect={isSelected}>{label}</S.ReviewTypeLabel>}
+          </S.Button>
+        </S.ReviewTypeItem>
+      );
+    case 'GREAT':
+      return (
+        <S.ReviewTypeItem>
+          <S.Button onMouseOver={handleMouseHover} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} onClick={handleClick}>
+            <img src={GreatFeedbackGrayIcon} {} ref={iconRef} />
+            {label && <S.ReviewTypeLabel $isSelect={isSelected}>{label}</S.ReviewTypeLabel>}
+          </S.Button>
+        </S.ReviewTypeItem>
+      );
+    default:
+      return null;
+  }
+export default ReviewTypeButton;
+const S = {
+  ReviewTypeItem:``,
+  Button: styled.button`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 15px;
+    background-color: transparent;
+    &:hover {
+      & > div {
+        color: var(--gray-800);
+      }
+    }
+  `,
+  ReviewTypeLabel: styled.div<{ $isSelect: boolean }>`
+    font-size: 18px;
+    font-weight: 600;
+    color: ${({ $isSelect }) => ($isSelect ? 'var(--gray-800)' : 'var(--gray-400)')};
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostItem/RunnerPostItem.tsx b/frontend/src/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostItem/RunnerPostItem.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23d14787a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostItem/RunnerPostItem.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import { RunnerPost } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+import Label from '@/components/common/Label/Label';
+import { REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT } from '@/constants';
+import eyeIcon from '@/assets/eye-icon.svg';
+import applicantIcon from '@/assets/applicant-icon.svg';
+const RunnerPostItem = ({
+  runnerPostData: { runnerPostId, title, deadline, tags, runnerProfile, watchedCount, applicantCount, reviewStatus },
+}: {
+  runnerPostData: RunnerPost;
+}) => {
+  const { goToRunnerPostPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const handlePostClick = () => {
+    goToRunnerPostPage(runnerPostId);
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.RunnerPostItemContainer onClick={handlePostClick}>
+      <S.LeftSideContainer>
+        <S.PostTitle>{title}</S.PostTitle>
+        <S.DeadLineContainer>
+          <S.DeadLine>{deadline.replace('T', ' ')} 까지</S.DeadLine>
+          <Label
+            colorTheme={reviewStatus === 'NOT_STARTED' ? 'WHITE' : reviewStatus === 'IN_PROGRESS' ? 'RED' : 'GRAY'}
+          >
+            {REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT[reviewStatus]}
+          </Label>
+        </S.DeadLineContainer>
+        <S.TagContainer>
+          {, index) => (
+            <S.Tag key={index}>#{tag}</S.Tag>
+          ))}
+        </S.TagContainer>
+      </S.LeftSideContainer>
+      <S.RightSideContainer>
+        {runnerProfile ? (
+          <>
+            <S.ProfileContainer>
+              <Avatar width="50px" height="50px" imageUrl={runnerProfile.imageUrl} />
+              <S.ProfileName>{}</S.ProfileName>
+            </S.ProfileContainer>
+          </>
+        ) : null}
+        <S.ChatViewContainer>
+          <S.statisticsContainer>
+            <S.statisticsImage src={eyeIcon} />
+            <S.statisticsText>{watchedCount}</S.statisticsText>
+            <S.statisticsImage src={applicantIcon} />
+            <S.statisticsText>{applicantCount}</S.statisticsText>
+          </S.statisticsContainer>
+        </S.ChatViewContainer>
+      </S.RightSideContainer>
+    </S.RunnerPostItemContainer>
+  );
+export default RunnerPostItem;
+const S = {
+  RunnerPostItemContainer:`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    width: 1200px;
+    height: 206px;
+    padding: 35px 40px;
+    border: 0.5px solid var(--gray-500);
+    border-radius: 12px;
+    box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+    cursor: pointer;
+    &:hover {
+      transition: all 0.3s ease;
+      transform: scale(1.015);
+      outline: 1.5px solid var(--baton-red);
+    }
+  `,
+  PostTitle: styled.p`
+    margin-bottom: 15px;
+    font-size: 28px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  DeadLineContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: baseline;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  DeadLine: styled.p`
+    margin-bottom: 60px;
+    color: var(--gray-600);
+  `,
+  TagContainer: styled.div`
+    & span {
+      margin-right: 10px;
+      font-size: 14px;
+      color: var(--gray-600);
+    }
+  `,
+  Tag: styled.span``,
+  LeftSideContainer: styled.div``,
+  RightSideContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: end;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+  `,
+  ProfileContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: end;
+    margin-bottom: 30px;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  ProfileName: styled.p`
+    min-width: 50px;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    text-align: center;
+  `,
+  ChatViewContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 10px;
+    font-size: 12px;
+  `,
+  statisticsContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 5px;
+    margin-bottom: auto;
+    & > p {
+      color: #a4a4a4;
+    }
+  `,
+  statisticsImage: styled.img`
+    width: 20px;
+    margin-left: 8px;
+  `,
+  statisticsText: styled.p`
+    font-size: 14px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostList/RunnerPostList.tsx b/frontend/src/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostList/RunnerPostList.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36b0c992d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostList/RunnerPostList.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import RunnerPostItem from '../RunnerPostItem/RunnerPostItem';
+import { RunnerPost } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+interface Props {
+  posts: RunnerPost[];
+const RunnerPostList = ({ posts }: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.RunnerPostWrapper>
+      { => (
+        <RunnerPostItem key={runnerPostData.runnerPostId} runnerPostData={runnerPostData} />
+      ))}
+    </S.RunnerPostWrapper>
+  );
+export default RunnerPostList;
+const S = {
+  RunnerPostWrapper: styled.ul`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 30px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/SendMessageModal/SendMessageModal.tsx b/frontend/src/components/SendMessageModal/SendMessageModal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2f14c4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/SendMessageModal/SendMessageModal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import Modal from '../common/Modal/Modal';
+import Button from '../common/Button/Button';
+import TextArea from '../Textarea/Textarea';
+interface Props {
+  messageState: string;
+  handleChangeMessage: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void;
+  placeholder: string;
+  closeModal: () => void;
+  handleClickSendButton: () => void;
+const SendMessageModal = ({
+  messageState,
+  handleChangeMessage,
+  placeholder,
+  closeModal,
+  handleClickSendButton,
+}: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <Modal width="900px" height="500px" closeModal={closeModal}>
+      <S.SendMessageModalContainer>
+        <TextArea
+          width="100%"
+          height="100%"
+          fontSize="28px"
+          lineHeight={1.2}
+          maxLength={500}
+          padding="0"
+          placeholder={placeholder}
+          handleInputTextState={handleChangeMessage}
+          inputTextState={messageState}
+        />
+        <S.ButtonContainer>
+          <Button colorTheme="GRAY" fontWeight={700} onClick={closeModal}>
+            취소
+          </Button>
+          <Button colorTheme="WHITE" fontWeight={700} onClick={handleClickSendButton}>
+            전송
+          </Button>
+        </S.ButtonContainer>
+      </S.SendMessageModalContainer>
+    </Modal>
+  );
+export default SendMessageModal;
+const S = {
+  SendMessageModalContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    padding: 12px;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    gap: 20px;
+    margin-top: auto;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/SupporterCard/SupporterCardItem/SupporterCardItem.tsx b/frontend/src/components/SupporterCard/SupporterCardItem/SupporterCardItem.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b4f5f746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/SupporterCard/SupporterCardItem/SupporterCardItem.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+import { patchRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import ConfirmModal from '@/components/ConfirmModal/ConfirmModal';
+import TechLabel from '@/components/TechLabel/TechLabel';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE, TOAST_COMPLETION_MESSAGE } from '@/constants/message';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import { Candidate } from '@/types/supporterCandidate';
+import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react';
+import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props {
+  supporter: Candidate;
+const SupporterCardItem = ({ supporter }: Props) => {
+  const { runnerPostId } = useParams();
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { goToMyPage, goToSupporterProfilePage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { showErrorToast, showCompletionToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState<boolean>(false);
+  const openModal = () => {
+    setIsModalOpen(true);
+  };
+  const closeModal = () => {
+    setIsModalOpen(false);
+  };
+  const viewProfile = () => {
+    goToSupporterProfilePage(supporter.supporterId);
+  };
+  const selectSupporter = () => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    const body = JSON.stringify({ supporterId: supporter.supporterId });
+    patchRequest(`/posts/runner/${runnerPostId}/supporters`, token, body)
+      .then(async () => {
+        goToMyPage();
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) =>
+        showErrorToast({
+          description: error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED,
+          title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST,
+        }),
+      );
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.SupporterCardItemContainer>
+      <S.ProfileContainer>
+        <Avatar imageUrl={supporter.imageUrl} width={'80px'} height={'80px'} />
+        <S.InfoContainer>
+          <S.Name>{}</S.Name>
+          <S.Company>{}</S.Company>
+          <S.TechStackContainer>
+            { => (
+              <TechLabel key={tag} tag={tag} />
+            ))}
+          </S.TechStackContainer>
+        </S.InfoContainer>
+        <S.ReviewCountContainer>
+          완료된 리뷰
+          <S.ReviewCount> {supporter.reviewCount}</S.ReviewCount>
+        </S.ReviewCountContainer>
+      </S.ProfileContainer>
+      <S.MessageContainer>
+        📮 남긴 메시지
+        <S.Message> {supporter.message}</S.Message>
+      </S.MessageContainer>
+      <S.ButtonContainer>
+        <Button colorTheme="BLACK" width="94px" height="35px" fontSize="14px" fontWeight={700} onClick={viewProfile}>
+          프로필 보기
+        </Button>
+        <Button colorTheme="WHITE" width="94px" height="35px" fontSize="14px" fontWeight={700} onClick={openModal}>
+          선택하기
+        </Button>
+      </S.ButtonContainer>
+      {isModalOpen && (
+        <ConfirmModal
+          contents={`정말 ${}님을 서포터로 선택하시겠습니까?`}
+          closeModal={closeModal}
+          handleClickConfirmButton={selectSupporter}
+        />
+      )}
+    </S.SupporterCardItemContainer>
+  );
+export default SupporterCardItem;
+const S = {
+  SupporterCardItemContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    height: 500px;
+    padding: 30px 40px 40px 40px;
+    border: 1px solid var(--gray-500);
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    box-shadow: 1px 4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+  `,
+  ProfileContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap column;
+    gap: 20px;
+    height: 100px;
+  `,
+  InfoContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 10px;
+    height: 100%;
+  `,
+  Name: styled.div`
+    font-size: 20px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  Company: styled.div`
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  ReviewCountContainer: styled.div`
+    margin-left: auto;
+  `,
+  ReviewCount: styled.span`
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  TechStackContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 4px;
+  `,
+  MessageContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 15px;
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  Message: styled.div`
+    height: 220px;
+    padding: 20px;
+    border-radius: 5px;
+    background-color: var(--gray-100);
+    font-size: 16px;
+    line-height: 26px;
+    overflow-y: scroll;
+    &::-webkit-scrollbar {
+      display: none;
+    }
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    gap: 30px;
+    margin-top: auto;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/SupporterCard/SupporterCartList/SupporterCardList.tsx b/frontend/src/components/SupporterCard/SupporterCartList/SupporterCardList.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7136aa655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/SupporterCard/SupporterCartList/SupporterCardList.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import { Candidate, GetSupporterCandidateResponse } from '@/types/supporterCandidate';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import SupporterCardItem from '../SupporterCardItem/SupporterCardItem';
+import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import { getRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE } from '@/constants/message';
+const SupporterCardList = () => {
+  const { runnerPostId } = useParams();
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const [supporterList, setSupporterList] = useState<Candidate[]>([]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    getSupporterList();
+  }, []);
+  const getSupporterList = async () => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    getRequest(`/posts/runner/${runnerPostId}/supporters`, token)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data = await response.json();
+        setSupporterList(;
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => {
+        const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+        showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description });
+      });
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.SupporterCardListContainer>
+      { => (
+        <SupporterCardItem key={supporter.supporterId} supporter={supporter} />
+      ))}
+    </S.SupporterCardListContainer>
+  );
+export default SupporterCardList;
+const S = {
+  SupporterCardListContainer: styled.ul`
+    display: grid;
+    grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
+    row-gap: 80px;
+    column-gap: 40px;
+    width: 100%;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/TagInput/TagInput.tsx b/frontend/src/components/TagInput/TagInput.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17179d6b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/TagInput/TagInput.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import Tag from '../common/Tag/Tag';
+interface Props {
+  tags: string[];
+  pushTag: (tag: string) => void;
+  popTag: (tag?: string) => void;
+  width?: string | number;
+const TagInput = ({ tags, pushTag, popTag, width }: Props) => {
+  const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
+  const [isFocus, setIsFocus] = useState(false);
+  const onkeyDownInput = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+    if (e.nativeEvent.isComposing) return;
+    if (!inputRef.current) return;
+    if (e.key === 'Backspace' && !inputRef.current.value) {
+      popTag();
+    }
+    if (!inputRef.current.value.trim()) {
+      inputRef.current.value = '';
+      if (e.key === 'Enter') {
+        e.preventDefault();
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    if (e.key === 'Enter') {
+      e.preventDefault();
+      const newTag = inputRef.current.value.trim();
+      pushTag(newTag);
+      inputRef.current.value = '';
+    }
+  };
+  const onFocus = () => {
+    setIsFocus(true);
+  };
+  const outFocus = () => {
+    setIsFocus(false);
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.TagInputContainer $width={width}>
+      <S.TagList>
+        { => (
+          <S.TagItem key={item}>
+            <Tag
+              onClick={() => {
+                popTag(item);
+              }}
+            >
+              {item}
+            </Tag>
+          </S.TagItem>
+        ))}
+        <S.InputBoxContainer>
+          <S.InputBox
+            onKeyDown={onkeyDownInput}
+            ref={inputRef}
+            placeholder="태그를 입력해주세요"
+            onFocus={onFocus}
+            onBlur={outFocus}
+          />
+          {isFocus && <S.InputDescription>엔터를 입력하여 태그를 등록할 수 있습니다.</S.InputDescription>}
+        </S.InputBoxContainer>
+      </S.TagList>
+    </S.TagInputContainer>
+  );
+export default TagInput;
+const S = {
+  TagInputContainer: styled.div<{ $width?: string | number }>`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 15px;
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width || '500px'};
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  InputBox: styled.input`
+    height: 36px;
+    border: transparent;
+    &:focus {
+      outline: 0;
+    }
+  `,
+  TagList: styled.ul`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  TagItem:``,
+  InputBoxContainer: styled.div`
+    position: relative;
+  `,
+  InputDescription: styled.div`
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 35px;
+    width: 230px;
+    padding: 20px 10px;
+    background-color: var(--gray-500);
+    border-radius: 3px;
+    box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 1.95px 1.95px 2.6px;
+    font-size: 12px;
+    color: white;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/TechLabel/TechLabel.tsx b/frontend/src/components/TechLabel/TechLabel.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aac50d197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/TechLabel/TechLabel.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import { JavaIcon, JavascriptIcon, ReactIcon, SpringIcon, TypescriptIcon } from '@/assets/technicalLabelIcon';
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface TechData {
+  icon: JSX.Element;
+  labelColor: string;
+interface Props {
+  tag: string;
+const techMapping: Record<string, TechData> = {
+  javascript: { icon: <JavascriptIcon />, labelColor: '#ffedcc' },
+  typescript: { icon: <TypescriptIcon />, labelColor: '#dceeff' },
+  react: { icon: <ReactIcon />, labelColor: '#cef2fc' },
+  java: { icon: <JavaIcon />, labelColor: '#b0d8dd' },
+  spring: { icon: <SpringIcon />, labelColor: '#c5eea9' },
+const TechLabel = ({ tag }: Props) => {
+  const techData = techMapping[tag];
+  return (
+    <S.TagContainer $labelColor={techData.labelColor}>
+      {techData.icon}
+      <p>{tag}</p>
+    </S.TagContainer>
+  );
+export default TechLabel;
+const S = {
+  TagContainer: styled.div<{ $labelColor: string }>`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 4px;
+    padding: 1px 8px;
+    font-size: 12px;
+    line-height: 18px;
+    border-radius: 2em;
+    background-color: ${({ $labelColor }) => $labelColor};
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/TechLabelButton/TechLabelButton.tsx b/frontend/src/components/TechLabelButton/TechLabelButton.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edb038c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/TechLabelButton/TechLabelButton.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import {
+  JavaIconWhite,
+  JavascriptIconWhite,
+  ReactIconWhite,
+  SpringIconWhite,
+  TypescriptIconWhite,
+} from '@/assets/technicalLabelIcon';
+import { TECH_COLOR_MAP } from '@/constants/tags';
+import { Technic } from '@/types/tags';
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props {
+  tag: Technic;
+  handleClickTag: (tag: Technic) => void;
+  isSelected?: boolean;
+  isDeleteButton?: boolean;
+const TECH_ICON_MAP: Record<Technic, JSX.Element> = {
+  javascript: <JavascriptIconWhite />,
+  typescript: <TypescriptIconWhite />,
+  react: <ReactIconWhite />,
+  java: <JavaIconWhite />,
+  spring: <SpringIconWhite />,
+const TECH_GARY_ICON_MAP: Record<Technic, JSX.Element> = {
+  javascript: <JavascriptIconWhite color="var(--gray-500)" />,
+  typescript: <TypescriptIconWhite color="var(--gray-500)" />,
+  react: <ReactIconWhite color="var(--gray-500)" />,
+  java: <JavaIconWhite color="var(--gray-500)" />,
+  spring: <SpringIconWhite color="var(--gray-500)" />,
+const TechLabelButton = ({ tag, isSelected = true, handleClickTag, isDeleteButton }: Props) => {
+  const handleClick = () => {
+    handleClickTag(tag);
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.TagSelectButton type="button" $isSelected={isSelected} $color={TECH_COLOR_MAP[tag]} onClick={handleClick}>
+      {isSelected ? TECH_ICON_MAP[tag] : TECH_GARY_ICON_MAP[tag]}
+      {isDeleteButton ? `${tag} X` : tag}
+    </S.TagSelectButton>
+  );
+export default TechLabelButton;
+const S = {
+  TagSelectButton: styled.button<{ $isSelected: boolean; $color: string }>`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 6px;
+    padding: 0 15px;
+    height: 32px;
+    border-radius: 14px;
+    border: 1px solid ${({ $isSelected, $color }) => ($isSelected ? $color : 'white')};
+    background-color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--gray-200)')};
+    color: ${({ $isSelected, $color }) => ($isSelected ? $color : 'var(--gray-500)')};
+    font-size: 15px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/TechTagSelectModal/TechTagSelectModal.tsx b/frontend/src/components/TechTagSelectModal/TechTagSelectModal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc9a8357c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/TechTagSelectModal/TechTagSelectModal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import Modal from '../common/Modal/Modal';
+import { TECHNICS } from '@/constants/tags';
+import { Technic } from '@/types/tags';
+import Button from '../common/Button/Button';
+import TechLabelButton from '../TechLabelButton/TechLabelButton';
+interface Props {
+  defaultTags?: Technic[];
+  closeModal: () => void;
+  confirmTagSelect: (tags: Technic[]) => void;
+const TechTagSelectModal = ({ defaultTags, closeModal, confirmTagSelect }: Props) => {
+  const [SelectedTags, setSelectedTags] = useState<Technic[]>([...(defaultTags ?? [])]);
+  const pushTag = (tag: Technic) => {
+    if (!SelectedTags) return;
+    const newTags = [...SelectedTags, tag].sort();
+    setSelectedTags(newTags);
+  };
+  const popModalTag = (tag: Technic) => {
+    if (!SelectedTags) return;
+    const newTags = SelectedTags.filter((item) => tag !== item);
+    setSelectedTags(newTags);
+  };
+  const handleClickModalTag = (tag: Technic) => {
+    if (!SelectedTags) return;
+    if (SelectedTags?.includes(tag)) {
+      popModalTag(tag);
+      return;
+    }
+    pushTag(tag);
+  };
+  const handleClickConfirmButton = () => {
+    confirmTagSelect(SelectedTags ?? []);
+  };
+  return (
+    <Modal width="410px" closeModal={closeModal} height="100">
+      <S.ModalContents>
+        <S.ModalTitle>기술스택</S.ModalTitle>
+        <S.TagContainer>
+          {TECHNICS?.map((tag) => (
+            <S.TagButtonWrapper key={tag}>
+              <TechLabelButton
+                tag={tag}
+                isSelected={SelectedTags?.includes(tag) ?? false}
+                handleClickTag={handleClickModalTag}
+              />
+            </S.TagButtonWrapper>
+          ))}
+        </S.TagContainer>
+        <S.ButtonContainer>
+          <Button type="button" colorTheme="GRAY" onClick={closeModal} fontWeight={700} width="160px">
+            취소
+          </Button>
+          <Button type="button" colorTheme="WHITE" onClick={handleClickConfirmButton} fontWeight={700} width="160px">
+            선택
+          </Button>
+        </S.ButtonContainer>
+      </S.ModalContents>
+    </Modal>
+  );
+export default TechTagSelectModal;
+const S = {
+  ModalContents: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    gap: 20px;
+    padding: 15px 10px;
+  `,
+  ModalTitle: styled.div`
+    color: var(--gray-800);
+    font-size: 17px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    gap: 15px;
+    margin-top: 15px;
+  `,
+  TagContainer: styled.ul`
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    gap: 9px 7px;
+    width: 325px;
+    margin-left: 30px;
+    &::before {
+      position: absolute;
+      content: '';
+      left: -25px;
+      height: 100%;
+      width: 5px;
+      border-radius: 2px;
+      background-color: var(--gray-400);
+    }
+  `,
+  TagButtonWrapper:``,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/Textarea/Textarea.tsx b/frontend/src/components/Textarea/Textarea.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa3ab7d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/Textarea/Textarea.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLTextAreaElement> {
+  inputTextState: string;
+  handleInputTextState: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => void;
+  fontSize?: string | number;
+  padding?: string;
+  lineHeight?: string | number;
+const TextArea = ({
+  inputTextState,
+  maxLength,
+  width,
+  height,
+  handleInputTextState,
+  fontSize,
+  padding,
+  lineHeight,
+}: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.InputContainer $width={width} $height={height} $padding={padding}>
+      <S.InputBox
+        onChange={handleInputTextState}
+        maxLength={maxLength}
+        $fontSize={fontSize}
+        $lineHeight={lineHeight}
+        {}
+      />
+      {maxLength && (
+        <S.InputTextLength>
+          {inputTextState?.length ?? 0} / {maxLength}
+        </S.InputTextLength>
+      )}
+    </S.InputContainer>
+  );
+export default TextArea;
+const S = {
+  InputContainer: styled.div<{ $width?: string | number; $height?: string | number; $padding?: string }>`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    gap: 15px;
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width || '400px'};
+    height: ${({ $height }) => $height || '36px'};
+    padding: ${({ $padding }) => $padding || '20px 10px'};
+  `,
+  InputTextLength: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: end;
+    flex-basis: 20px;
+    font-size: 12px;
+    color: var(--gray-400);
+  `,
+  InputBox: styled.textarea<{ $fontSize?: string | number; $lineHeight?: string | number }>`
+    flex: 1;
+    border: transparent;
+    padding: 0;
+    font-size: ${({ $fontSize }) => $fontSize || '18px'};
+    line-height: ${({ $lineHeight }) => $lineHeight || 2};
+    resize: none;
+    &.note {
+    }
+    &::placeholder {
+      ${({ $fontSize }) => $fontSize || '18px'};
+    }
+    &:focus {
+      outline: 0;
+    }
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Avatar/Avatar.stories.ts b/frontend/src/components/common/Avatar/Avatar.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad7f0b78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Avatar/Avatar.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+import Avatar from './Avatar';
+const meta = {
+  title: 'common/Avatar',
+  component: Avatar,
+  parameters: {
+    layout: 'centered',
+  },
+  tags: ['autodocs'],
+} satisfies Meta<typeof Avatar>;
+export default meta;
+type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
+export const Primary: Story = {
+  args: {
+    imageUrl: '',
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Avatar/Avatar.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/Avatar/Avatar.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..142a71da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Avatar/Avatar.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLImageElement> {
+  imageUrl: string;
+const Avatar = ({ imageUrl, width, height, onClick }: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.ImageWrapper>
+      <S.Image src={imageUrl} $width={width} $height={height} alt="프로필" onClick={onClick} $isPointer={!!onClick} />
+    </S.ImageWrapper>
+  );
+export default Avatar;
+const S = {
+  ImageWrapper: styled.div``,
+  Image: styled.img<{ $width?: string | number; $height?: string | number; $isPointer: boolean }>`
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width || '60px'};
+    height: ${({ $height }) => $height || '60px'};
+    border: 0.5px solid var(--gray-800);
+    border-radius: 50%;
+    object-fit: cover;
+    cursor: ${({ $isPointer }) => ($isPointer ? 'pointer' : '')};
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Button/Button.stories.ts b/frontend/src/components/common/Button/Button.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cab32ad61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Button/Button.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+import Button from './Button';
+const meta = {
+  title: 'common/button',
+  component: Button,
+  parameters: {
+    layout: 'centered',
+  },
+  tags: ['autodocs'],
+} satisfies Meta<typeof Button>;
+export default meta;
+type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
+export const Primary: Story = {
+  args: {
+    children: '버튼',
+    colorTheme: 'RED',
+    fontSize: '18px',
+    fontWeight: 400,
+    type: 'button',
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Button/Button.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/Button/Button.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7b81b4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Button/Button.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLButtonElement> {
+  children: React.ReactNode;
+  colorTheme: 'RED' | 'WHITE' | 'GRAY' | 'BLACK';
+  fontSize?: string | number;
+  fontWeight?: number;
+  type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset';
+  ariaLabel?: string;
+const Button = ({ colorTheme, children, width, height, type, fontSize, fontWeight, onClick, ariaLabel }: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.ButtonWrapper>
+      <S.Button
+        $width={width}
+        $height={height}
+        $colorTheme={colorTheme}
+        type={type}
+        $fontSize={fontSize}
+        $fontWeight={fontWeight}
+        onClick={onClick}
+        aria-label={ariaLabel}
+      >
+        {children}
+      </S.Button>
+    </S.ButtonWrapper>
+  );
+export default Button;
+const S = {
+  ButtonWrapper: styled.div``,
+  Button: styled.button<{
+    $colorTheme: 'RED' | 'WHITE' | 'GRAY' | 'BLACK';
+    $width?: string | number;
+    $height?: string | number;
+    $fontSize?: string | number;
+    $fontWeight?: number;
+  }>`
+    ${({ $colorTheme }) => themeStyles[$colorTheme]}
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width || '180px'};
+    height: ${({ $height }) => $height || '40px'};
+    padding: 10px 10px;
+    font-size: ${({ $fontSize }) => $fontSize || '18px'};
+    font-weight: ${({ $fontWeight }) => $fontWeight || '400'};
+  `,
+export const themeStyles = {
+  RED: css`
+    background: var(--baton-red);
+    border-radius: 6px;
+    color: #ffffff;
+  `,
+  WHITE: css`
+    background: #ffffff;
+    border: 1px solid var(--baton-red);
+    border-radius: 6px;
+    color: var(--baton-red);
+  `,
+  GRAY: css`
+    background: #ffffff;
+    border: 1px solid var(--gray-500);
+    border-radius: 6px;
+    color: var(--gray-400);
+  `,
+  BLACK: css`
+    background: #ffffff;
+    border: 1px solid #000000;
+    border-radius: 6px;
+    color: #000000;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Label/Label.stories.ts b/frontend/src/components/common/Label/Label.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0277f178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Label/Label.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+import Label from './Label';
+const meta = {
+  title: 'common/Label',
+  component: Label,
+  parameters: {
+    layout: 'centered',
+  },
+  tags: ['autodocs'],
+} satisfies Meta<typeof Label>;
+export default meta;
+type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
+export const Primary: Story = {
+  args: {
+    children: '리뷰 상태 라벨',
+    colorTheme: 'RED',
+    fontSize: '14px',
+    fontWeight: 400,
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Label/Label.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/Label/Label.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..183203975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Label/Label.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> {
+  children: React.ReactNode;
+  colorTheme: 'RED' | 'WHITE' | 'GRAY';
+  fontSize?: string | number;
+  fontWeight?: number;
+const Label = ({ children, width, height, colorTheme, fontSize, fontWeight }: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.LabelWrapper>
+      <S.Label $width={width} $height={height} $colorTheme={colorTheme} $fontSize={fontSize} $fontWeight={fontWeight}>
+        {children}
+      </S.Label>
+    </S.LabelWrapper>
+  );
+export default Label;
+const S = {
+  LabelWrapper: styled.div``,
+  Label: styled.div<{
+    $colorTheme: 'RED' | 'WHITE' | 'GRAY';
+    $width?: string | number;
+    $height?: string | number;
+    $fontSize?: string | number;
+    $fontWeight?: number;
+  }>`
+    ${({ $colorTheme }) => themeStyles[$colorTheme]}
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width || 'fit-content'};
+    height: ${({ $height }) => $height || '22px'};
+    border-radius: 16px;
+    padding: 10px 10px;
+    font-size: ${({ $fontSize }) => $fontSize || '12px'};
+    font-weight: ${({ $fontWeight }) => $fontWeight || '400'};
+  `,
+const themeStyles = {
+  RED: css`
+    border: 1px solid var(--white-color);
+    background: var(--baton-red);
+    color: var(--white-color);
+  `,
+  WHITE: css`
+    border: 1px solid var(--baton-red);
+    color: var(--baton-red);
+  `,
+  GRAY: css`
+    background: var(--gray-500);
+    color: white;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Modal/Modal.stories.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/Modal/Modal.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0fe4c9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Modal/Modal.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+import Modal from './Modal';
+import Button from '../Button/Button';
+import React from 'react';
+const meta = {
+  title: 'common/Modal',
+  component: Modal,
+  parameters: {
+    layout: 'centered',
+  },
+} satisfies Meta<typeof Modal>;
+export default meta;
+type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
+export const Primary: Story = {
+  args: {
+    children: <Button colorTheme="RED">Button</Button>,
+    closeModal: () => {},
+  } as const,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Modal/Modal.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/Modal/Modal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05f527898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Modal/Modal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> {
+  children: React.ReactNode;
+  closeModal: () => void;
+const Modal = ({ children, closeModal, width, height }: Props) => {
+  return createPortal(
+    <S.ModalContainer aria-label="서포터 선택 모달창" aria-modal="true" role="서포터 선택 모달창">
+      <S.BackDrop onClick={closeModal} />
+      <S.ModalViewContainer $width={width} $height={height}>
+        {children}
+      </S.ModalViewContainer>
+    </S.ModalContainer>,
+    document.getElementById('modal-root') as HTMLDivElement,
+  );
+export default Modal;
+const S = {
+  ModalContainer: styled.div``,
+  BackDrop: styled.div`
+    position: fixed;
+    top: 0;
+    right: 0;
+    bottom: 0;
+    left: 0;
+    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
+  `,
+  ModalViewContainer: styled.div<{ $width?: string | number; $height?: string | number }>`
+    position: fixed;
+    top: 50%;
+    left: 50%;
+    width: ${({ $width }) => $width || '300px'};
+    height: ${({ $height }) => $height || '300px'};
+    padding: 20px;
+    border-radius: 8px;
+    background: white;
+    z-index: 999;
+    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Tag/Tag.stories.ts b/frontend/src/components/common/Tag/Tag.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b96bb9ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Tag/Tag.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+import Tag from './Tag';
+const meta = {
+  title: 'common/Tag',
+  component: Tag,
+  parameters: {
+    layout: 'centered',
+  },
+  tags: ['autodocs'],
+} satisfies Meta<typeof Tag>;
+export default meta;
+type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
+export const Primary: Story = {
+  args: {
+    children: 'React',
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Tag/Tag.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/Tag/Tag.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2992c64e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Tag/Tag.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import closeIcon from '@/assets/close-icon-red.svg';
+interface Props extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLButtonElement> {
+  children: React.ReactNode;
+const Tag = ({ children, onClick }: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.TagWrapper>
+      <S.Tag onClick={onClick} type="button">
+        {`#${children}`}
+        <S.CloseTagIcon src={closeIcon} />
+      </S.Tag>
+    </S.TagWrapper>
+  );
+export default Tag;
+const S = {
+  TagWrapper: styled.div`
+    :hover {
+      transition: all 0.35s ease;
+      transform: scale(1.04);
+    }
+  `,
+  Tag: styled.button`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    height: 34px;
+    padding: 0 15px;
+    gap: 5px;
+    background-color: white;
+    border-radius: 16px;
+    border: 1px solid var(--baton-red);
+    color: var(--baton-red);
+  `,
+  CloseTagIcon: styled.img`
+    width: 9px;
+    height: 9px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Toast/Toast.stories.ts b/frontend/src/components/common/Toast/Toast.stories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4f57f788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Toast/Toast.stories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
+import Toast from './Toast';
+const meta = {
+  title: 'common/Toast',
+  component: Toast,
+  parameters: {
+    layout: 'centered',
+  },
+  tags: ['autodocs'],
+} satisfies Meta<typeof Toast>;
+export default meta;
+type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
+export const Primary: Story = {
+  args: {
+    colorTheme: 'COMPLETION',
+    title: '생성 완료',
+    description: '리뷰 요청 글 생성이 완료되었습니다.',
+    ms: 3000,
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/common/Toast/Toast.tsx b/frontend/src/components/common/Toast/Toast.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad34cea4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/components/common/Toast/Toast.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { createPortal } from 'react-dom';
+import { css, keyframes, styled } from 'styled-components';
+import completeIcon from '@/assets/complete-icon.svg';
+import errorIcon from '@/assets/error-icon.svg';
+interface Props {
+  colorTheme: 'ERROR' | 'COMPLETION';
+  title: string;
+  description: string;
+  ms: number;
+const Toast = ({ colorTheme, description, title, ms }: Props) => {
+  return createPortal(
+    <S.ToastWrapper key={} $colorTheme={colorTheme} ms={ms}>
+      <S.Icon src={colorTheme === 'COMPLETION' ? completeIcon : errorIcon} />
+      <S.MessageContainer>
+        <S.Title>{title}</S.Title>
+        <S.Description>{description}</S.Description>
+      </S.MessageContainer>
+    </S.ToastWrapper>,
+    document.getElementById('toast-root') as HTMLDivElement,
+  );
+export default Toast;
+const fadeIn = keyframes`
+  0% {
+    transform: translate(-50%, 150%);
+  }
+  8%, 92% {
+    transform: translate(-50%, 50%);
+  }
+  100% {
+    transform: translate(-50%, 170%);
+  }
+const S = {
+  ToastWrapper: styled.div<{ $colorTheme: 'ERROR' | 'COMPLETION'; ms: number }>`
+    ${({ $colorTheme }) => themeStyles[$colorTheme]}
+    position: fixed;
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 15px;
+    bottom: 8%;
+    left: 50%;
+    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+    z-index: 999;
+    width: 380px;
+    height: 90px;
+    padding: 10px 15px;
+    border-radius: 8px;
+    background-color: white;
+    animation-name: ${fadeIn};
+    animation-timing-function: linear;
+    animation-duration: ${({ ms }) => `${ms + 50}ms`};
+  `,
+  Icon: styled.img`
+    width: 32px;
+  `,
+  MessageContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  Title: styled.h2`
+    font-size: 19px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  Description: styled.div`
+    font-size: 17px;
+  `,
+const themeStyles = {
+  ERROR: css`
+    border: 1.5px solid var(--baton-red);
+    box-shadow: 0 0 16px 9px rgba(235, 87, 87, 0.1);
+  `,
+    border: 1.5px solid#1ee06c;
+    box-shadow: 0 0 16px 9px rgba(30, 224, 108, 0.1);
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/constants/feedback.ts b/frontend/src/constants/feedback.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..700be7e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/constants/feedback.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import { DescriptionOptions, ReviewTypeOptions } from '@/types/feedback';
+export const REVIEW_TYPE = ['GREAT', 'GOOD', 'BAD'] as const;
+export const REVIEW_TYPE_OPTIONS: ReviewTypeOptions = [
+  {
+    value: 'BAD',
+    label: '별로에요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: 'GOOD',
+    label: '좋았어요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: 'GREAT',
+    label: '최고에요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+export const DESCRIPTION_OPTIONS_GOOD: DescriptionOptions = [
+  {
+    value: '제가 생각하지 못한 부분까지 꼼꼼하게 리뷰해주셨어요',
+    label: '제가 생각하지 못한 부분까지 꼼꼼하게 리뷰해주셨어요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: '친절하고 매너가 좋아요',
+    label: '친절하고 매너가 좋아요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: '시간 약속을 잘 지켜요',
+    label: '시간 약속을 잘 지켜요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: '응답이 빨라요',
+    label: '응답이 빨라요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+export const DESCRIPTION_OPTIONS_BAD: DescriptionOptions = [
+  {
+    value: '리뷰가 꼼꼼하지 못해요',
+    label: '리뷰가 꼼꼼하지 못해요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: '친절하지 못해요',
+    label: '친절하지 못해요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: '약속을 잘 지키지 못해요',
+    label: '약속을 잘 지키지 못해요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
+  {
+    value: '응답이 느려요',
+    label: '응답이 느려요',
+    selected: false,
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/src/constants/index.ts b/frontend/src/constants/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8c3a22d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/constants/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { ReviewStatus } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+export const BATON_BASE_URL =
+  process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? '' : process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL;
+export const REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT: { [key in ReviewStatus]: string } = {
+  NOT_STARTED: '리뷰 대기중',
+  IN_PROGRESS: '리뷰 진행중',
+  DONE: '리뷰 완료',
+  OVERDUE: '마감기한 지남',
+export const REVIEW_STATUS: ReviewStatus[] = Object.keys(REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT) as ReviewStatus[];
+export const RUNNER_POST_OPTIONS = ['대기중인 리뷰', '진행중인 리뷰', '완료된 리뷰'];
+export const SUPPORTER_POST_OPTIONS = ['신청한 리뷰', '진행중인 리뷰', '완료된 리뷰'];
diff --git a/frontend/src/constants/message.ts b/frontend/src/constants/message.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa6b619b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/constants/message.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+export const ERROR_TITLE = {
+  VALIDATION: '잘못된 입력',
+  REQUEST: '요청 오류',
+  EXPIRATION: '만료',
+  NO_PERMISSION: '권한 없음',
+  NETWORK: '네트워크 오류',
+  ERROR: '오류',
+} as const;
+export const ERROR_DESCRIPTION = {
+  TOKEN_EXPIRATION: '로그인이 만료되었어요',
+  NO_TOKEN: '로그인이 필요한 기능이에요',
+  UNEXPECTED: '예기치 못한 오류가 발생했어요',
+  LOGIN: '로그인을 실패했어요',
+  NO_SUPPORTER: '해당 서포터가 존재하지 않아요',
+  NO_POST: '해당 게시물이 존재하지 않아요',
+  NO_MODIFICATION: '수정사항이 존재하지 않아요',
+  NO_PROFILE: '프로필 정보를 불러오지 못했어요',
+} as const;
+export const TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE = {
+  },
+  NO_TOKEN: {
+  },
+    title: ERROR_TITLE.ERROR,
+  },
+  LOGIN: {
+    title: ERROR_TITLE.ERROR,
+    description: ERROR_DESCRIPTION.LOGIN,
+  },
+  },
+} as const;
+    title: '제출 완료',
+    description: '리뷰 제안을 보냈어요',
+  },
+  SAVE: {
+    title: '저장 완료',
+    description: '저장을 완료했어요',
+  },
+  DELETE: {
+    title: '삭제 완료',
+    description: '삭제를 완료했어요',
+  },
+    title: '선택 완료',
+    description: '서포터 선택을 완료했어요',
+  },
+    title: '취소 완료',
+    description: '취소를 완료했어요',
+  },
+    title: '리뷰 완료',
+    description: '리뷰를 완료했어요',
+  },
+    title: '제출 완료',
+    description: '피드백을 제출했어요'
+  }
diff --git a/frontend/src/constants/tags.ts b/frontend/src/constants/tags.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54f9b0c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/constants/tags.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Technic } from '@/types/tags';
+export const TECHNICS = ['javascript', 'typescript', 'react', 'java', 'spring'] as const;
+export const TECH_COLOR_MAP: Record<Technic, string> = {
+  javascript: '#F7DF1E',
+  typescript: '#007acc',
+  react: '#00D8FF',
+  java: '#F58219',
+  spring: '#5FB832',
+} as const;
diff --git a/frontend/src/contexts/ToastContext.tsx b/frontend/src/contexts/ToastContext.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10d0074c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/contexts/ToastContext.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import Toast from '@/components/common/Toast/Toast';
+import React, { createContext, useRef, useState } from 'react';
+interface ToastMessage {
+  title: string;
+  description: string;
+  ms?: number;
+interface Props {
+  children: React.ReactNode;
+const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 3000;
+export const ToastContext = createContext({
+  showCompletionToast: (message: ToastMessage) => {},
+  showErrorToast: (message: ToastMessage) => {},
+const ToastProvider = ({ children }: Props) => {
+  const [completionToast, setCompletionToast] = useState<ToastMessage | null>(null);
+  const [errorToast, setErrorToast] = useState<ToastMessage | null>(null);
+  const timer = useRef<number | null>(null);
+  const showCompletionToast = (message: ToastMessage) => {
+    if (timer.current) {
+      window.clearTimeout(timer.current);
+      setCompletionToast(null);
+      setErrorToast(null);
+    }
+    setCompletionToast(message);
+    timer.current = window.setTimeout(() => {
+      setCompletionToast(null);
+    }, || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
+  };
+  const showErrorToast = (message: ToastMessage) => {
+    if (timer.current) {
+      window.clearTimeout(timer.current);
+      setCompletionToast(null);
+      setErrorToast(null);
+    }
+    setErrorToast(message);
+    timer.current = window.setTimeout(() => {
+      setErrorToast(null);
+    }, || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
+  };
+  return (
+    <ToastContext.Provider value={{ showCompletionToast, showErrorToast }}>
+      {children}
+      {completionToast && (
+        <Toast
+          colorTheme="COMPLETION"
+          title={completionToast.title}
+          description={completionToast.description}
+          ms={ || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT}
+        />
+      )}
+      {errorToast && (
+        <Toast
+          colorTheme="ERROR"
+          title={errorToast.title}
+          description={errorToast.description}
+          ms={ || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT}
+        />
+      )}
+    </ToastContext.Provider>
+  );
+export default ToastProvider;
diff --git a/frontend/src/hooks/usePageRouter.ts b/frontend/src/hooks/usePageRouter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e91b0b4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/hooks/usePageRouter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { ROUTER_PATH } from '../router';
+export const usePageRouter = () => {
+  const navigate = useNavigate();
+  const goToMainPage = () => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.MAIN);
+  };
+  const goToRunnerPostPage = (runnerPostId: number) => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.RUNNER_POST.replace(':runnerPostId', runnerPostId.toString()));
+  };
+  const goToRunnerPostCreatePage = () => {
+  };
+  const goToLoginPage = () => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.LOGIN);
+  };
+  const goToMyPage = () => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.MY_PAGE);
+  };
+  const goToCreationResultPage = () => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.RESULT);
+  };
+  const goToSupporterProfilePage = (supporterId: number) => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.SUPPORTER_PROFILE.replace(':supporterId', supporterId.toString()));
+  };
+  const goToRunnerProfilePage = (runnerId: number) => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.RUNNER_PROFILE.replace(':runnerId', runnerId.toString()));
+  };
+  const goToSupportSelectPage = (runnerPostId: number) => {
+    navigate(ROUTER_PATH.SUPPORTER_SELECT.replace(':runnerPostId', runnerPostId.toString()));
+  };
+  const goToSupporterFeedbackPage = (runnerPostId: number, supporterId: number) => {
+    navigate(
+      ROUTER_PATH.SUPPORTER_FEEDBACK.replace(':runnerPostId', runnerPostId.toString()).replace(
+        ':supporterId',
+        supporterId.toString(),
+      ),
+    );
+  };
+  const goToProfileEditPage = () => {
+  };
+  const goBack = () => {
+    navigate(-1);
+  };
+  return {
+    goToMainPage,
+    goToRunnerPostPage,
+    goToRunnerPostCreatePage,
+    goToLoginPage,
+    goToMyPage,
+    goToCreationResultPage,
+    goToSupporterProfilePage,
+    goToRunnerProfilePage,
+    goToSupportSelectPage,
+    goToSupporterFeedbackPage,
+    goToProfileEditPage,
+    goBack,
+  };
diff --git a/frontend/src/hooks/useToken.ts b/frontend/src/hooks/useToken.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de842012a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/hooks/useToken.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import { ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY } from '@/constants';
+import { TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE } from '@/constants/message';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { useContext, useState } from 'react';
+export interface LoginToken {
+  value: string;
+  expirationDate: Date;
+export const useToken = () => {
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const hasToken = () => {
+    const token = localStorage.getItem(ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY);
+    return !!token;
+  };
+  const getToken = (): LoginToken | null => {
+    try {
+      const item = localStorage.getItem(ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY);
+      if (!item) {
+        showErrorToast(TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE.NO_TOKEN);
+        return null;
+      }
+      return JSON.parse(item);
+    } catch {
+      return null;
+    }
+  };
+  const saveToken = (token: string) => {
+    const date = new Date();
+    date.setDate(date.getDate() + 30);
+    localStorage.setItem(ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify({ value: token, expirationDate: date }));
+  };
+  const removeToken = () => {
+    localStorage.removeItem(ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY);
+  };
+  const validateToken = () => {
+    const item = localStorage.getItem(ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY);
+    if (!item) return;
+    const token: LoginToken = JSON.parse(item);
+    const time = new Date(token.expirationDate);
+    if (Number(time) - < 0) {
+      removeToken();
+    }
+  };
+  return { getToken, removeToken, saveToken, validateToken, hasToken };
diff --git a/frontend/src/index.tsx b/frontend/src/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..098693fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
+import { RouterProvider } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { router } from './router';
+import { GlobalStyle } from './styles/GlobalStyles';
+import { worker } from './mocks/worker';
+const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement);
+if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
+  worker.start();
+  <React.StrictMode>
+    <GlobalStyle />
+    <RouterProvider router={router} />
+  </React.StrictMode>,
diff --git a/frontend/src/layout/Header.tsx b/frontend/src/layout/Header.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de4675e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/layout/Header.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import LogoImage from '@/assets/logo-image.svg';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import { GetHeaderProfileResponse } from '@/types/profile';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import { getRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE } from '@/constants/message';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+const Header = () => {
+  const [profile, setProfile] = useState<GetHeaderProfileResponse | null>(null);
+  const { goToMainPage, goToLoginPage, goToMyPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { getToken, removeToken, hasToken } = useToken();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const isLogin = hasToken();
+    if (isLogin) getProfile();
+  }, []);
+  const getProfile = () => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    getRequest(`/profile/me`, token)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetHeaderProfileResponse = await response.json();
+        setProfile(data);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) =>
+        showErrorToast({
+          description: error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED,
+          title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST,
+        }),
+      );
+  };
+  const handleClickLogoutButton = () => {
+    removeToken();
+    goToMainPage();
+  };
+  const handleClickProfile = () => {
+    goToMyPage();
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.HeaderWrapper>
+      <S.HeaderContainer>
+        <S.Logo src={LogoImage} onClick={goToMainPage} alt="바톤로고" />
+        <S.MenuContainer>
+          {hasToken() ? (
+            <>
+              <S.AvatarContainer onClick={handleClickProfile}>
+                <Avatar width="35px" height="35px" imageUrl={profile?.imageUrl || ''} />
+                <p>{profile?.name}</p>
+              </S.AvatarContainer>
+              <Button fontSize="14px" width="76px" height="35px" colorTheme="WHITE" onClick={handleClickLogoutButton}>
+                로그아웃
+              </Button>
+            </>
+          ) : (
+            <Button fontSize="14px" width="76px" height="35px" colorTheme="RED" onClick={goToLoginPage}>
+              로그인
+            </Button>
+          )}
+        </S.MenuContainer>
+      </S.HeaderContainer>
+    </S.HeaderWrapper>
+  );
+export default Header;
+const S = {
+  HeaderWrapper: styled.header`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    width: 100%;
+    padding: 0 30px;
+    border-bottom: 0.3px solid #333333;
+  `,
+  HeaderContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: 1200px;
+    height: 80px;
+  `,
+  AvatarContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 10px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+  `,
+  Logo: styled.img`
+    width: 140px;
+    height: 40px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+  `,
+  MenuContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 30px;
+  `,
+  LoginButton: styled.button`
+    width: 76px;
+    height: 35px;
+    border-radius: 50px;
+    background-color: var(--baton-red);
+    color: var(--white-color);
+    font-size: 14px;
+  `,
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+import React from 'react';
+import Header from './Header';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+interface Props {
+  children: React.ReactNode;
+const Layout = ({ children }: Props) => {
+  return (
+    <S.LayoutContainer>
+      <Header />
+      <S.ChildrenWrapper>{children}</S.ChildrenWrapper>
+    </S.LayoutContainer>
+  );
+export default Layout;
+const S = {
+  LayoutContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+  `,
+  ChildrenWrapper: styled.article`
+    width: 1200px;
+    margin-bottom: 80px;
+  `,
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+      "imageUrl": "",
+      "reviewCount": 123,
+      "message": "우아한테크코스 5기를 수료하여 토스에 입사했습니다. 토스 결제팀의 리드 개발자입니다. 저처럼 킹왕짱 개발자가 되는 법을 전수해드립니다.우아한테크코스 5기를 수료하여 토스에 입사했습니다. 토스 결제팀의 리드 개발자입니다. 저처럼 킹왕짱 개발자가 되는 법을 전수해드립니다 우아한테크코스 5기를 수료하여 토스에 입사했습니다. 토스 결제팀의 리드 개발자입니다. 저처럼 킹왕짱 개발자가 되는 법을 전수해드립니다. 우아한테크코스 5기를 수료하여 토스에 입사했습니다. 토스 결제팀의 리드 개발자입니다. 저처럼 킹왕짱 개발자가 되는 법을 전수해드립니다. 우아한테크코스 5기를 수료하여 토스에 입사했습니다. 토스 결제팀의 리드 개발자입니다. 저처럼 킹왕짱 개발자가 되는 법을 전수해드립니다.",
+      "technicalTags": ["javascript", "react"]
+    },
+    {
+      "supporterId": 3,
+      "name": "김석호",
+      "company": "배달의민족",
+      "imageUrl": "",
+      "reviewCount": 0,
+      "message": "빠르게 리뷰해드립니다. 당일 가능.",
+      "technicalTags": ["javascript", "react"]
+    },
+    {
+      "supporterId": 4,
+      "name": "도리토스",
+      "company": "우테코",
+      "imageUrl": "",
+      "reviewCount": 30,
+      "message": "빠르게 리뷰해드립니다.\n 당일 가능.",
+      "technicalTags": ["javascript", "typescript"]
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/frontend/src/mocks/data/supporterProfileInfo.json b/frontend/src/mocks/data/supporterProfileInfo.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc42a4b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/mocks/data/supporterProfileInfo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  "supporterId": 1,
+  "name": "헤나(서포터)",
+  "company": "우아한테크코스",
+  "imageUrl": "https://",
+  "githubUrl": "https://",
+  "introduction": "안녕하세요 스프링 고수 헤나입니다.",
+  "technicalTags": ["java", "spring"]
diff --git a/frontend/src/mocks/data/supporterProfilePost.json b/frontend/src/mocks/data/supporterProfilePost.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb74c87d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/mocks/data/supporterProfilePost.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  "data": [
+    {
+      "runnerPostId": 1,
+      "title": "이 서포터가 완료한 리뷰 1",
+      "deadline": "마감기한",
+      "tags": ["java", "JAVA"],
+      "watchedCount": 341,
+      "applicantCount": 4,
+      "reviewStatus": "DONE"
+    },
+    {
+      "runnerPostId": 2,
+      "title": "이 서포터가 완료한 리뷰 2",
+      "deadline": "마감기한",
+      "tags": ["java", "JAVA"],
+      "watchedCount": 34,
+      "applicantCount": 41,
+      "reviewStatus": "DONE"
+    },
+    {
+      "runnerPostId": 3,
+      "title": "이 서포터가 완료한 리뷰 3",
+      "deadline": "마감기한",
+      "tags": ["java", "JAVA"],
+      "watchedCount": 2224,
+      "applicantCount": 4,
+      "reviewStatus": "DONE"
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/frontend/src/mocks/handlers.ts b/frontend/src/mocks/handlers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a637db41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/mocks/handlers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import { rest } from 'msw';
+import runnerPostList from './data/runnerPostList.json';
+import runnerPostDetails from './data/runnerPostDetails.json';
+import myPageRunnerProfile from './data/myPageRunnerProfile.json';
+import myPageSupporterProfile from './data/myPageSupporterProfile.json';
+import runnerProfileInfo from './data/runnerProfileInfo.json';
+import supporterProfileInfo from './data/supporterProfileInfo.json';
+import supporterCandidate from './data/supporterCandidate.json';
+import headerProfile from './data/headerProfile.json';
+import supporterProfilePost from './data/supporterProfilePost.json';
+import notStarted from './data/myPagePost/notStarted.json';
+import inProgress from './data/myPagePost/inProgress.json';
+import done from './data/myPagePost/done.json';
+export const handlers = [
+'*/posts/runner', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.delay(300), ctx.status(201));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/posts/runner', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.delay(300), ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(runnerPostList));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/profile/me', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.delay(300), ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(headerProfile));
+  }),
+  rest.put('*/posts/runner/:runnerPostId', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.delay(300), ctx.status(201));
+  }),
+  rest.delete('*/posts/runner/:runnerPostId', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.delay(300), ctx.status(204));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/posts/runner/:runnerPostId', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(
+      ctx.delay(300),
+      ctx.status(200),
+      ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
+      ctx.json(runnerPostDetails),
+    );
+  }),
+'*/posts/runner', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.delay(300), ctx.status(201));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/profile/runner/me', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(myPageRunnerProfile));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/profile/supporter/me', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(myPageSupporterProfile));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/posts/runner/me/runner?size&page&reviewStatus', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    const reviewStatus = req.url.searchParams.get('reviewStatus');
+    switch (reviewStatus) {
+      case 'NOT_STARTED':
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(notStarted));
+      case 'IN_PROGRESS':
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(inProgress));
+      case 'DONE':
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(done));
+      default:
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json({}));
+    }
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/posts/runner/me/supporter?size&page&reviewStatus', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    const reviewStatus = req.url.searchParams.get('reviewStatus');
+    switch (reviewStatus) {
+      case 'NOT_STARTED':
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(notStarted));
+      case 'IN_PROGRESS':
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(inProgress));
+      case 'DONE':
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(done));
+      default:
+        return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json({}));
+    }
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/profile/runner/me', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(
+      ctx.status(200),
+      ctx.delay(500),
+      ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
+      ctx.json(runnerProfileInfo),
+    );
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/profile/supporter/me', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(
+      ctx.status(200),
+      ctx.delay(500),
+      ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
+      ctx.json(supporterProfileInfo),
+    );
+  }),
+  rest.patch('*/profile/runner/me', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(runnerProfileInfo));
+  }),
+  rest.patch('*/profile/supporter/me', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(runnerProfileInfo));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/posts/runner/:runnerPostId/supporters', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(supporterCandidate));
+  }),
+  rest.patch('*/posts/runner/:runnerPostId/supporters', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(supporterCandidate));
+  }),
+'*/feedback/supporter', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    const { reviewType, descriptions, supporterId, runnerPostId } = await req.json();
+    return res(ctx.delay(300), ctx.status(201), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json({}));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/profile/runner/:runnerId', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(runnerProfileInfo));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/profile/supporter/:supporterId', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(supporterProfileInfo));
+  }),
+  rest.get('*/posts/runner/search/:supporterId', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ctx.json(supporterProfilePost));
+  }),
+'*/posts/runner/:runnerPostId/application', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(201));
+  }),
+  rest.patch('*/posts/runner/:runnerPostId/cancelation', async (req, res, ctx) => {
+    return res(ctx.status(201));
+  }),
diff --git a/frontend/src/mocks/worker.ts b/frontend/src/mocks/worker.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..750e031c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/mocks/worker.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import { setupWorker } from 'msw';
+import { handlers } from './handlers';
+export const worker = setupWorker(...handlers);
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/CreationResultPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/CreationResultPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d7f74a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/CreationResultPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+const CreationResultPage = () => {
+  const { goToMainPage } = usePageRouter();
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.ResultMessageContainer>
+        <S.ResultMessage>리뷰 요청 글이 생성되었어요.</S.ResultMessage>
+        <S.ResultMessage>선택한 서포터가 확인 후 코드 리뷰를 진행할 예정입니다😄</S.ResultMessage>
+        <Button onClick={goToMainPage} colorTheme="WHITE">
+          홈으로 가기
+        </Button>
+      </S.ResultMessageContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default CreationResultPage;
+const S = {
+  ResultMessageContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+    gap: 30px;
+    min-height: 80vh;
+    & button {
+      margin-top: 30px;
+    }
+  `,
+  ResultMessage: styled.p`
+    font-size: 28px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/GithubCallbackPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/GithubCallbackPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc4861a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/GithubCallbackPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import { ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY } from '@/constants';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react';
+import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { getRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE, TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE } from '@/constants/message';
+function GithubCallbackPage() {
+  const location = useLocation();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const { goToMainPage, goToLoginPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { saveToken } = useToken();
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
+    const code = searchParams.get('code');
+    const error = searchParams.get('error');
+    if (error) {
+      showErrorToast(TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE.LOGIN);
+      goToLoginPage();
+    }
+    if (code) {
+      getToken(code);
+    }
+  }, [location]);
+  const getToken = (code: string) => {
+    if (localStorage.getItem(ACCESS_TOKEN_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY) === null) {
+      getRequest(`/oauth/login/github?code=${code}`)
+        .then(async (response) => {
+          const jwt = await response.headers.get('Authorization');
+          if (!jwt) {
+            showErrorToast(TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE.NO_TOKEN);
+            return;
+          }
+          saveToken(jwt);
+          goToMainPage();
+        })
+        .catch((error: Error) => {
+          const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+          showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description });
+          goToLoginPage();
+        });
+    }
+  };
+  return <div>GithubRedirect...</div>;
+export default GithubCallbackPage;
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/LoginPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/LoginPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86b267615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/LoginPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import LogoImage from '@/assets/logo-image.svg';
+import GithubIcon from '@/assets/github-icon.svg';
+import { BATON_BASE_URL } from '@/constants';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+const LoginPage = () => {
+  const { goToMainPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const handleLoginButton = () => {
+    window.location.href = `${BATON_BASE_URL}/oauth/github`;
+  };
+  return (
+    <S.LoginContainer>
+      <S.Logo src={LogoImage} onClick={goToMainPage} />
+      <S.LoginBoxContainer>
+        <S.LoginBoxText>코드 리뷰를 위해 github로 로그인 해주세요</S.LoginBoxText>
+        <S.LoginBoxGithubIcon src={GithubIcon} />
+        <S.LoginButton onClick={handleLoginButton}>
+          <S.LoginButtonIcon src={GithubIcon} />
+          <S.LoginButtonText>Sign in with github</S.LoginButtonText>
+        </S.LoginButton>
+      </S.LoginBoxContainer>
+    </S.LoginContainer>
+  );
+export default LoginPage;
+const S = {
+  LoginContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: center;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 30px;
+    height: calc(100vh - 80px);
+    min-height: 570px;
+    overflow-y: hidden;
+  `,
+  Logo: styled.img`
+    width: 300px;
+    height: 80px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+  `,
+  LoginBoxContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 37px;
+    width: 450px;
+    min-height: 400px;
+    padding: 35px;
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    border: 1px solid var(--gray-700);
+  `,
+  LoginBoxText: styled.div`
+    font-weight: 700;
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  LoginBoxGithubIcon: styled.img`
+    width: 180px;
+    height: 180px;
+  `,
+  LoginButton: styled.a`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 6px;
+    width: 370px;
+    height: 60px;
+    padding: 0 45px;
+    border: 1px solid var(--gray-800);
+    border-radius: 5px;
+    background-color: transparent;
+    font-weight: 700;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+  `,
+  LoginButtonIcon: styled.img`
+    width: 35px;
+    height: 35px;
+  `,
+  LoginButtonText: styled.div`
+    font-size: 19px;
+    margin-right: 40px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/MainPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/MainPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7cf536ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/MainPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+import { getRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import RunnerPostList from '@/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostList/RunnerPostList';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE } from '@/constants/message';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import { GetRunnerPostResponse, RunnerPost } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+const MainPage = () => {
+  const { goToRunnerPostCreatePage, goToLoginPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const [runnerPostList, setRunnerPostList] = useState<RunnerPost[]>([]);
+  const [isLast, setIsLast] = useState<boolean>(true);
+  const [page, setPage] = useState<number>(1);
+  const handleClickMoreButton = () => {
+    setPage(page + 1);
+    getRunnerPost();
+  };
+  useEffect(() => {
+    getRunnerPost();
+  }, []);
+  const handleClickPostButton = () => {
+    if (getToken()) {
+      goToRunnerPostCreatePage();
+      return;
+    }
+    goToLoginPage();
+  };
+  const getRunnerPost = () => {
+    getRequest(`/posts/runner?size=10&page=${page}`)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetRunnerPostResponse = await response.json();
+        setRunnerPostList([...runnerPostList,]);
+        setIsLast(data.pageInfo.isLast);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ description: error.message, title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST }));
+  };
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.TitleWrapper>
+        <S.Title>서포터를 찾고 있어요 👀</S.Title>
+      </S.TitleWrapper>
+      <S.ControlPanelContainer>
+        <S.LeftSideContainer>
+          {/* <S.FormContainer>
+            <S.SearchLabel htmlFor="search-tag">#tags</S.SearchLabel>
+            <S.SearchInput id="search-tag" type="text" placeholder="태그명 검색 (최대 5개 설정 가능)" />
+          </S.FormContainer>
+          <S.TagContainer>
+            <Tag>자바</Tag>
+            <Tag>javascript</Tag>
+            <Tag>react</Tag>
+          </S.TagContainer> */}
+        </S.LeftSideContainer>
+        <Button onClick={handleClickPostButton} colorTheme="WHITE" fontSize="18px" ariaLabel="리뷰 요청 글 작성하기">
+          리뷰 요청 글 작성하기
+        </Button>
+      </S.ControlPanelContainer>
+      <S.RunnerPostContainer>
+        <RunnerPostList posts={runnerPostList} />
+        {!isLast && (
+          <Button colorTheme="RED" width="1200px" height="55px" onClick={handleClickMoreButton}>
+            더보기
+          </Button>
+        )}
+      </S.RunnerPostContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default MainPage;
+const S = {
+  TitleWrapper: styled.header`
+    margin: 72px 0 53px 0;
+  `,
+  Title: styled.h1`
+    font-size: 36px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  ControlPanelContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: end;
+    margin-bottom: 36px;
+  `,
+  LeftSideContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: end;
+    gap: 20px;
+  `,
+  FormContainer: styled.form`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: start;
+  `,
+  SearchInput: styled.input`
+    width: 263px;
+    height: 40px;
+    padding: 10px 10px;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    border-radius: 6px;
+    border: 1px solid var(--gray-500);
+  `,
+  SearchLabel: styled.label`
+    margin-bottom: 12px;
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  TagContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    margin-bottom: 3px;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  RunnerPostContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 50px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/MyPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/MyPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37a8e8d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/MyPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+import ListFilter from '@/components/ListFilter/ListFilter';
+import TechLabel from '@/components/TechLabel/TechLabel';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import { GetMyPagePostResponse, GetMyPageProfileResponse, MyPagePost } from '@/types/myPage';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import githubIcon from '@/assets/github-icon.svg';
+import MyPagePostList from '@/components/MyPage/MyPagePostList/MyPagePostList';
+import { getRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import { PostOptions, runnerPostOptions, supporterPostOptions } from '@/utils/postOption';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { ERROR_TITLE } from '@/constants/message';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+const MyPage = () => {
+  const [myPageProfile, setMyPageProfile] = useState<GetMyPageProfileResponse | null>(null);
+  const [myPagePostList, setMyPagePostList] = useState<MyPagePost[]>([]);
+  const [postOptions, setPostOptions] = useState<PostOptions>(runnerPostOptions);
+  const [isRunner, setIsRunner] = useState<boolean>(true);
+  const [page, setPage] = useState<number>(1);
+  const [isLast, setIsLast] = useState<boolean>(true);
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { goToProfileEditPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const fetchMyPageData = async (role: 'runner' | 'supporter') => {
+      setIsLast(() => true);
+      setPage(1);
+      getProfile(role);
+      getPostList(role);
+    };
+    fetchMyPageData(isRunner ? 'runner' : 'supporter');
+  }, [isRunner, postOptions]);
+  const getProfile = (role: 'runner' | 'supporter') => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    getRequest(`/profile/${role}/me`, token)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetMyPageProfileResponse = await response.json();
+        setMyPageProfile(data);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description: error.message }));
+  };
+  const getPostList = (role: 'runner' | 'supporter') => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    const selectedPostOption = postOptions.filter((option) => option.selected)[0].value;
+    const rolePath =
+      role === 'runner'
+        ? `runner/me/runner?size=10&page=${page}&reviewStatus=${selectedPostOption}`
+        : `runner/me/supporter?size=10&page=${page}&reviewStatus=${selectedPostOption}`;
+    getRequest(`/posts/${rolePath}`, token)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetMyPagePostResponse = await response.json();
+        setMyPagePostList(data.pageInfo.currentPage === 1 ? : (current) => [...current,]);
+        setPage(() => data.pageInfo.currentPage);
+        setIsLast(data.pageInfo.isLast);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description: error.message }));
+  };
+  const selectOptions = (value: string | number) => {
+    const selectedOptionIndex = postOptions.findIndex((option) => option.value === value);
+    if (selectedOptionIndex === -1) return;
+    const newOptions =, index) => {
+      if (index === selectedOptionIndex) return { ...option, selected: true };
+      return { ...option, selected: false };
+    });
+    setPostOptions(newOptions);
+  };
+  const handleClickSupporterButton = () => {
+    setPostOptions(isRunner ? runnerPostOptions : supporterPostOptions);
+    setIsRunner(!isRunner);
+  };
+  const handleClickMoreButton = () => {
+    const role = isRunner ? 'runner' : 'supporter';
+    setPage(() => page + 1);
+    getPostList(role);
+  };
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.ProfileContainer>
+        <S.InfoContainer>
+          <Avatar
+            imageUrl={myPageProfile?.imageUrl || ''}
+            width="100px"
+            height="100px"
+          />
+          <S.InfoDetailContainer>
+            <S.Name>{myPageProfile?.name}</S.Name>
+            <S.Company>{myPageProfile?.company}</S.Company>
+            <S.TechLabel>
+              {myPageProfile? => (
+                <TechLabel key={tag} tag={tag} />
+              ))}
+            </S.TechLabel>
+          </S.InfoDetailContainer>
+        </S.InfoContainer>
+        <S.ButtonContainer>
+          <S.RunnerSupporterButton $isSelected={isRunner} onClick={handleClickSupporterButton}>
+            러너
+          </S.RunnerSupporterButton>
+          <S.RunnerSupporterButton $isSelected={!isRunner} onClick={handleClickSupporterButton}>
+            서포터
+          </S.RunnerSupporterButton>
+        </S.ButtonContainer>
+      </S.ProfileContainer>
+      <S.IntroductionContainer>
+        <S.Introduction>{myPageProfile?.introduction}</S.Introduction>
+        <Button
+          width="95px"
+          height="38px"
+          colorTheme="WHITE"
+          fontSize="16px"
+          fontWeight={400}
+          onClick={goToProfileEditPage}
+        >
+          수정하기
+        </Button>
+      </S.IntroductionContainer>
+      <S.PostsContainer>
+        <S.FilterWrapper>
+          <ListFilter options={postOptions} selectOption={selectOptions} />
+        </S.FilterWrapper>
+        <MyPagePostList filteredPostList={myPagePostList} isRunner={isRunner} />
+        <S.MoreButtonWrapper>
+          {!isLast && (
+            <Button colorTheme="RED" width="1200px" height="55px" onClick={handleClickMoreButton}>
+              더보기
+            </Button>
+          )}
+        </S.MoreButtonWrapper>
+      </S.PostsContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default MyPage;
+const S = {
+  TitleContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: end;
+  `,
+  Title: styled.h1`
+    font-size: 36px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  ProfileContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: flex-start;
+    margin-top: 70px;
+    margin-bottom: 50px;
+  `,
+  InfoContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 20px;
+  `,
+  InfoDetailContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 10px;
+    margin: 30px 0;
+  `,
+  Name: styled.div`
+    font-size: 26px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  Company: styled.div`
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  TechLabel: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 8px;
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    gap: 10px;
+    margin-top: 30px;
+  `,
+  RunnerSupporterButton: styled.button<{ $isSelected: boolean }>`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: 95px;
+    height: 38px;
+    border-radius: 18px;
+    border: 1px solid ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+    background-color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'var(--baton-red)' : 'white')};
+    color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+  `,
+  IntroductionContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: end;
+    margin-bottom: 50px;
+  `,
+  Introduction: styled.div`
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    gap: 9px 7px;
+    margin-left: 40px;
+    width: 75%;
+    &::before {
+      position: absolute;
+      content: '';
+      left: -30px;
+      height: 100%;
+      width: 4.5px;
+      border-radius: 2px;
+      background-color: var(--gray-400);
+    }
+    font-size: 18px;
+    line-height: 1.8;
+    white-space: pre-line;
+  `,
+  PostsContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+  `,
+  FilterWrapper: styled.div`
+    padding: 80px 20px;
+  `,
+  MoreButtonWrapper: styled.div`
+    margin-top: 50px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/ProfileEditPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/ProfileEditPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55bfadaf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/ProfileEditPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+import { getRequest, patchRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import InputBox from '@/components/InputBox/InputBox';
+import TechLabelButton from '@/components/TechLabelButton/TechLabelButton';
+import TechTagSelectModal from '@/components/TechTagSelectModal/TechTagSelectModal';
+import TextArea from '@/components/Textarea/Textarea';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import {
+  Profile,
+  PatchRunnerProfileRequest,
+  GetRunnerProfileResponse,
+  PatchSupporterProfileRequest,
+  GetSupporterProfileResponse,
+} from '@/types/profile';
+import { Technic } from '@/types/tags';
+import { deepEqual } from '@/utils/object';
+import { validateCompany, validateIntroduction, validateName } from '@/utils/validate';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+const ProfileEditPage = () => {
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { showErrorToast, showCompletionToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const [isRunner, setIsRunner] = useState(true);
+  const [runnerProfile, setRunnerProfile] = useState<GetRunnerProfileResponse | null>(null);
+  const [supporterProfile, setSupporterProfile] = useState<GetSupporterProfileResponse | null>(null);
+  const [name, setName] = useState<string | null>(null);
+  const [company, setCompany] = useState<string | null>(null);
+  const [introduction, setIntroduction] = useState<string | null>(null);
+  const [technicalTags, setTechnicalTags] = useState<Technic[] | null>(null);
+  const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    getRunnerProfile();
+    getSupporterProfile();
+  }, []);
+  const getRunnerProfile = () => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    getRequest(`/profile/runner/me`, token).then(async (response) => {
+      const data: GetRunnerProfileResponse = await response.json();
+      setRunnerProfile(data);
+      if (isRunner) {
+        updateProfileInputValue(data);
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  const getSupporterProfile = () => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    getRequest(`/profile/supporter/me`, token).then(async (response) => {
+      const data: GetSupporterProfileResponse = await response.json();
+      setSupporterProfile(data);
+      if (!isRunner) {
+        updateProfileInputValue(data);
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  const isModified = isRunner
+    ? !deepEqual({ ...runnerProfile }, { ...runnerProfile, name, company, introduction, technicalTags })
+    : !deepEqual({ ...supporterProfile }, { ...supporterProfile, name, company, introduction, technicalTags });
+  const isLoading = isRunner ? !!runnerProfile : !!supporterProfile;
+  const handleChangeName = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+    if ( === ' ') {
+ = '';
+    }
+    setName(;
+  };
+  const handleChangeCompany = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+    if ( === ' ') {
+ = '';
+    }
+    setCompany(;
+  };
+  const handleChangeIntroduction = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
+    const newIntroduction =`\n\n\n`, `\n\n`);
+    setIntroduction(newIntroduction);
+  };
+  const popTag = (tag: Technic) => {
+    if (!technicalTags) return;
+    const newTags = technicalTags.filter((item) => tag !== item);
+    setTechnicalTags(newTags);
+  };
+  const updateProfileInputValue = (profile: Profile) => {
+    const newProfile = structuredClone(profile);
+    setName(;
+    setCompany(;
+    setIntroduction(newProfile.introduction);
+    setTechnicalTags([...newProfile.technicalTags].sort());
+  };
+  const handleClickSaveButton = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    isRunner ? saveRunnerProfile() : saveSupporterProfile();
+  };
+  const validateModification = () => {
+    validateName(name);
+    validateCompany(company);
+    validateIntroduction(introduction);
+  };
+  const saveRunnerProfile = () => {
+    if (!isModified) return;
+    if (!runnerProfile || !technicalTags) return;
+    try {
+      validateModification();
+    } catch (error) {
+      return showErrorToast({
+        description: error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED,
+      });
+    }
+    if (!name || !company || !introduction) return;
+    const newInfo = { name: name.trim(), company: company.trim(), introduction: introduction.trim(), technicalTags };
+    setRunnerProfile({ ...runnerProfile, ...newInfo });
+    updateProfileInputValue({ ...runnerProfile, ...newInfo });
+    patchRunnerProfile(newInfo);
+  };
+  const saveSupporterProfile = () => {
+    if (!isModified) return;
+    if (!supporterProfile || !technicalTags) return;
+    try {
+      validateModification();
+    } catch (error) {
+      return showErrorToast({
+        description: error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED,
+      });
+    }
+    if (!name || !company || !introduction) return;
+    const newInfo = { name: name.trim(), company: company.trim(), introduction: introduction.trim(), technicalTags };
+    setSupporterProfile({ ...supporterProfile, ...newInfo });
+    updateProfileInputValue({ ...supporterProfile, ...newInfo });
+    patchSupporterProfile(newInfo);
+  };
+  const confirmTagSelect = (tags: Technic[]) => {
+    setTechnicalTags([...tags]);
+    closeModal();
+  };
+  const handleClickRunnerButton = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    if (isRunner) return;
+    if (!runnerProfile) return showErrorToast(TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE.NO_PROFILE);
+    if (isModified) {
+      if (!confirm('저장하지 않고 러너 프로필로 이동할까요?')) return;
+    }
+    setIsRunner(true);
+    updateProfileInputValue(runnerProfile);
+  };
+  const handleClickSupporterButton = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    if (!isRunner) return;
+    if (!supporterProfile) return showErrorToast(TOAST_ERROR_MESSAGE.NO_PROFILE);
+    if (isModified) {
+      if (!confirm('저장하지 않고 서포터 프로필로 이동할까요?')) return;
+    }
+    setIsRunner(false);
+    updateProfileInputValue(supporterProfile);
+  };
+  const openModal = () => {
+    setIsModalOpen(true);
+  };
+  const closeModal = () => {
+    setIsModalOpen(false);
+  };
+  const patchRunnerProfile = async (runnerProfile: PatchRunnerProfileRequest) => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    const body = JSON.stringify(runnerProfile);
+    patchRequest(`/profile/runner/me`, token, body)
+      .then(() => showCompletionToast(TOAST_COMPLETION_MESSAGE.SAVE))
+      .catch((error) => showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description: error.message }));
+  };
+  const patchSupporterProfile = async (supporterProfile: PatchSupporterProfileRequest) => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    const body = JSON.stringify(supporterProfile);
+    await patchRequest(`/profile/supporter/me`, token, body)
+      .then(() => showCompletionToast(TOAST_COMPLETION_MESSAGE.SAVE))
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description: error.message }));
+  };
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.TitleWrapper>
+        <S.Title>프로필 수정</S.Title>
+      </S.TitleWrapper>
+      <S.ProfileContainer>
+        {isLoading ? (
+          <S.Form>
+            <S.AvatarWrapper>
+              <Avatar
+                width="150px"
+                height="150px"
+                imageUrl={runnerProfile?.imageUrl ?? ''}
+              />
+            </S.AvatarWrapper>
+            <S.ButtonContainer>
+              <S.RunnerSupporterButton $isSelected={isRunner} onClick={isRunner ? undefined : handleClickRunnerButton}>
+                러너
+              </S.RunnerSupporterButton>
+              <S.RunnerSupporterButton
+                $isSelected={!isRunner}
+                onClick={isRunner ? handleClickSupporterButton : undefined}
+              >
+                서포터
+              </S.RunnerSupporterButton>
+            </S.ButtonContainer>
+            <S.SaveButtonWrapper>
+              <Button
+                width="80px"
+                height="37px"
+                colorTheme={isModified ? 'WHITE' : 'GRAY'}
+                onClick={handleClickSaveButton}
+                fontSize="16px"
+                fontWeight={400}
+              >
+                저장
+              </Button>
+            </S.SaveButtonWrapper>
+            <S.InputContainer>
+              <S.InputName>이름</S.InputName>
+              <S.InputWrapper>
+                <InputBox
+                  value={name ?? undefined}
+                  inputTextState={name ?? ''}
+                  maxLength={10}
+                  maxLengthFontSize="12px"
+                  handleInputTextState={handleChangeName}
+                  placeholder="이름을 입력하세요"
+                />
+              </S.InputWrapper>
+            </S.InputContainer>
+            <S.InputContainer>
+              <S.InputName>소속</S.InputName>
+              <S.InputWrapper>
+                <InputBox
+                  value={company ?? undefined}
+                  inputTextState={company ?? ''}
+                  maxLength={20}
+                  maxLengthFontSize="12px"
+                  handleInputTextState={handleChangeCompany}
+                  placeholder="소속을 입력하세요"
+                />
+              </S.InputWrapper>
+            </S.InputContainer>
+            <S.InputContainer>
+              <S.InputName>자기소개</S.InputName>
+              <S.InputWrapper>
+                <TextArea
+                  value={introduction ?? undefined}
+                  inputTextState={introduction ?? ''}
+                  fontSize="18px"
+                  width="400px"
+                  height="200px"
+                  padding="0"
+                  maxLength={200}
+                  handleInputTextState={handleChangeIntroduction}
+                  placeholder="자기소개를 입력하세요"
+                />
+              </S.InputWrapper>
+            </S.InputContainer>
+            <S.InputContainer>
+              <S.InputName>
+                {isRunner ? <pre>{`학습하고 싶은 \n기술스택`}</pre> : <pre>{`자신있는 \n기술스택`}</pre>}
+              </S.InputName>
+              <S.TechTagsList>
+                {technicalTags?.map((tag) => (
+                  <S.TagButtonWrapper key={tag}>
+                    <TechLabelButton tag={tag} handleClickTag={popTag} isDeleteButton={true} />
+                  </S.TagButtonWrapper>
+                ))}
+                <S.AddTagButton type="button" onClick={openModal}>
+                  +
+                </S.AddTagButton>
+              </S.TechTagsList>
+            </S.InputContainer>
+          </S.Form>
+        ) : (
+          'Loading'
+        )}
+      </S.ProfileContainer>
+      {isModalOpen && (
+        <TechTagSelectModal
+          closeModal={closeModal}
+          confirmTagSelect={confirmTagSelect}
+          defaultTags={technicalTags ?? undefined}
+        />
+      )}
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default ProfileEditPage;
+const S = {
+  TitleWrapper: styled.div`
+    margin: 72px 0 53px 0;
+  `,
+  Title: styled.h1`
+    font-size: 36px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  ProfileContainer: styled.div`
+    width: 900px;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+  `,
+  InputContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: start;
+    gap: 50px;
+  `,
+  Form: styled.form`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 30px;
+  `,
+  AvatarWrapper: styled.div``,
+  SaveButtonWrapper: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: end;
+    width: 600px;
+    padding-bottom: 30px;
+  `,
+  InputName: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: start;
+    width: 100px;
+    padding: 5px 0;
+    color: var(--gray-800);
+    font-size: 20px;
+    font-weight: 500;
+    line-height: 130%;
+  `,
+  DeadlineContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 20px;
+  `,
+  TechTagsList: styled.ul`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    align-content: flex-start;
+    gap: 10px 8px;
+    width: 400px;
+    height: 100px;
+    padding: 5px 0;
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    gap: 15px;
+    margin-bottom: 10px;
+  `,
+  InputWrapper: styled.div`
+    border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gray-200);
+  `,
+  RunnerSupporterButton: styled.button<{ $isSelected: boolean }>`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: 90px;
+    height: 38px;
+    border-radius: 18px;
+    border: 1px solid ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+    background-color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'var(--baton-red)' : 'white')};
+    color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+  `,
+  TagButtonWrapper:`
+    height: 32px;
+  `,
+  AddTagButton: styled.button`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: 100px;
+    height: 32px;
+    border-radius: 14px;
+    background: var(--gray-400);
+    color: white;
+    font-size: 23px;
+    font-weight: 300;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostCreatePage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostCreatePage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc853edbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostCreatePage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+import InputBox from '@/components/InputBox/InputBox';
+import TagInput from '@/components/TagInput/TagInput';
+import TextArea from '@/components/Textarea/Textarea';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import { CreateRunnerPostRequest } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import { addDays, addHours, getDatetime, getDayLastTime, isPastTime } from '@/utils/date';
+import { postRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import { validateDeadline, validatePullRequestUrl, validateTags, validateTitle } from '@/utils/validate';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE } from '@/constants/message';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+const RunnerPostCreatePage = () => {
+  const nowDate = new Date();
+  const { goBack, goToCreationResultPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const [tags, setTags] = useState<string[]>([]);
+  const [title, setTitle] = useState<string>('');
+  const [pullRequestUrl, setPullRequestUrl] = useState<string>('');
+  const [deadline, setDeadline] = useState<string>(getDayLastTime(addDays(nowDate, 1)));
+  const [contents, setContents] = useState<string>('');
+  const pushTag = (newTag: string) => {
+    const newTags = [...tags, newTag];
+    try {
+      validateTags(newTags);
+    } catch (error) {
+      const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+      showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.VALIDATION, description });
+      return;
+    }
+    setTags(newTags);
+  };
+  const removeTag = (tag?: string) => {
+    if (!tag) {
+      setTags((current) => current.slice(0, -1));
+      return;
+    }
+    const newTags = tags.filter((item) => item !== tag);
+    setTags(newTags);
+  };
+  const changeTitle = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+    setTitle(;
+  };
+  const changePullRequestUrl = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+    setPullRequestUrl(;
+  };
+  const changeDeadline = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
+    try {
+      validateDeadline(;
+    } catch (error) {
+      const newDeadline = getDatetime(addHours(nowDate, 1));
+      setDeadline(newDeadline);
+      const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+      return showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.VALIDATION, description });
+    }
+    setDeadline(;
+  };
+  const changeContents = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
+    setContents(;
+  };
+  const cancelPostWrite = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    goBack();
+  };
+  const goToNextForm = () => {
+    try {
+      validateInputs();
+    } catch (error) {
+      const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+      return showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.VALIDATION, description });
+    }
+    submitForm();
+  };
+  const validateInputs = () => {
+    validateTitle(title);
+    validateTags(tags);
+    validatePullRequestUrl(pullRequestUrl);
+    validateDeadline(deadline);
+  };
+  const postRunnerForm = (data: CreateRunnerPostRequest) => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    const body = JSON.stringify(data);
+    postRequest(`/posts/runner`, token, body)
+      .then(async () => {
+        goToCreationResultPage();
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => {
+        const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+        showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description });
+      });
+  };
+  const submitForm = async () => {
+    const postData: CreateRunnerPostRequest = {
+      tags,
+      title,
+      pullRequestUrl,
+      deadline,
+      contents,
+    };
+    await postRunnerForm(postData);
+  };
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.FormContainer>
+        <S.Form>
+          <S.InputContainer>
+            <InputBox
+              inputTextState={title}
+              handleInputTextState={changeTitle}
+              maxLength={30}
+              width="800px"
+              height="40px"
+              fontSize="38px"
+              fontWeight="700"
+              placeholder="제목을 입력해주세요"
+              autoFocus={true}
+            />
+          </S.InputContainer>
+          <S.InputContainer>
+            <TagInput tags={tags} pushTag={pushTag} popTag={removeTag} width="100%" />
+          </S.InputContainer>
+          <S.InputContainer>
+            <InputBox
+              inputTextState={pullRequestUrl}
+              handleInputTextState={changePullRequestUrl}
+              width="500px"
+              placeholder="코드 리뷰받을 PR 주소를 입력해주세요"
+            />
+          </S.InputContainer>
+          <S.InputContainer>
+            <S.InputName>마감기한</S.InputName>
+            <S.Deadline
+              type="datetime-local"
+              value={deadline}
+              max={getDatetime(addDays(nowDate, 365))}
+              min={getDatetime(nowDate)}
+              onChange={changeDeadline}
+            />
+          </S.InputContainer>
+          <TextArea
+            inputTextState={contents}
+            width="1200px"
+            height="340px"
+            maxLength={500}
+            handleInputTextState={changeContents}
+            placeholder="> 리뷰어가 작성된 코드의 의미를 파악할 수 있도록 내용을 작성해주시면 더 나은 리뷰가 될 수 있어요 :)"
+          />
+          <S.ButtonContainer>
+            <Button type="button" onClick={cancelPostWrite} colorTheme="GRAY" fontWeight={700}>
+              취소
+            </Button>
+            <Button type="button" colorTheme="WHITE" fontWeight={700} onClick={goToNextForm}>
+              리뷰요청 글 생성
+            </Button>
+          </S.ButtonContainer>
+        </S.Form>
+      </S.FormContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default RunnerPostCreatePage;
+const S = {
+  Title: styled.div`
+    margin: 40px 0 50px 0;
+    color: var(--gray-800);
+    font-size: 32px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  FormContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 20px;
+    padding: 0 20px;
+  `,
+  InputContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: start;
+  `,
+  Form: styled.form`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 30px;
+    &:first-child {
+      margin-top: 60px;
+    }
+  `,
+  InputName: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    height: 36px;
+    margin-right: 20px;
+    color: var(--gray-800);
+    font-size: 18px;
+    font-weight: 500px;
+  `,
+  Deadline: styled.input`
+    gap: 10px;
+    &:focus {
+      outline: 0;
+    }
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    gap: 20px;
+    margin: 50px 0;
+  `,
+  SelectedSupporter: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: end;
+    gap: 30px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostDetailPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostDetailPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dedeaa2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/RunnerPostDetailPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import PostTagList from '@/components/PostTagList/PostTagList';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import eyeIcon from '@/assets/eye-icon.svg';
+import applicantIcon from '@/assets/applicant-icon.svg';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT } from '@/constants/index';
+import Label from '@/components/common/Label/Label';
+import { GetDetailedRunnerPostResponse } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+import ConfirmModal from '@/components/ConfirmModal/ConfirmModal';
+import githubIcon from '@/assets/github-icon.svg';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import { deleteRequest, getRequest, postRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import SendMessageModal from '@/components/SendMessageModal/SendMessageModal';
+import { validateMessage } from '@/utils/validate';
+const RunnerPostPage = () => {
+  const { goToMainPage, goBack, goToRunnerProfilePage, goToMyPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { runnerPostId } = useParams();
+  const { getToken, hasToken } = useToken();
+  const { showErrorToast, showCompletionToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const [runnerPost, setRunnerPost] = useState<GetDetailedRunnerPostResponse | null>(null);
+  const [isConfirmModalOpen, setIsConfirmModalOpen] = useState<boolean>(false);
+  const [isMessageModalOpen, setIsMessageModalOpen] = useState<boolean>(false);
+  const [message, setMessage] = useState<string>('');
+  useEffect(() => {
+    getRunnerPost();
+  }, []);
+  const getRunnerPost = () => {
+    const token = hasToken() ? getToken()?.value : undefined;
+    getRequest(`/posts/runner/${runnerPostId}`, token)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetDetailedRunnerPostResponse = await response.json();
+        setRunnerPost(data);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => {
+        showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description: error.message });
+        goBack();
+      });
+  };
+  const deleteRunnerPost = () => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    deleteRequest(`/posts/runner/${runnerPostId}`, token)
+      .then(() => {
+        showCompletionToast(TOAST_COMPLETION_MESSAGE.DELETE);
+        goToMainPage();
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description: error.message }));
+  };
+  const sendMessage = () => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    try {
+      validateMessage(message);
+    } catch (error) {
+      const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+      showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description });
+      return;
+    }
+    const body = JSON.stringify({ message: message });
+    postRequest(`/posts/runner/${runnerPostId}/application`, token!, body)
+      .then(() => {
+        goToMyPage();
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description: error.message }));
+  };
+  const handleChangeMessage = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
+    setMessage(;
+  };
+  const handleClickDeleteButton = () => {
+    setIsConfirmModalOpen(false);
+    deleteRunnerPost();
+  };
+  const openConfirmModal = () => {
+    setIsConfirmModalOpen(true);
+  };
+  const closeConfirmModal = () => {
+    setIsConfirmModalOpen(false);
+  };
+  const openMessageModal = () => {
+    setIsMessageModalOpen(true);
+  };
+  const closeMessageModal = () => {
+    setIsMessageModalOpen(false);
+  };
+  const viewProfile = () => {
+    if (runnerPost) {
+      goToRunnerProfilePage(runnerPost?.runnerProfile.runnerId);
+    }
+  };
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.RunnerPostContainer>
+        {runnerPost && (
+          <S.PostContainer>
+            <S.PostHeaderContainer>
+              <Label
+                width="131px"
+                height="33px"
+                fontSize="16px"
+                colorTheme={
+                  runnerPost.reviewStatus === 'DONE'
+                    ? 'GRAY'
+                    : runnerPost.reviewStatus === 'IN_PROGRESS'
+                    ? 'RED'
+                    : 'WHITE'
+                }
+              >
+                {REVIEW_STATUS_LABEL_TEXT[runnerPost.reviewStatus]}
+              </Label>
+              <S.PostDeadlineContainer>
+                <S.PostDeadline>{runnerPost.deadline.replace('T', ' ')} 까지</S.PostDeadline>
+                <S.EditLinkContainer
+                  $isOwner={
+                    runnerPost.isOwner &&
+                    runnerPost.reviewStatus !== 'IN_PROGRESS' &&
+                    runnerPost.reviewStatus !== 'DONE'
+                  }
+                >
+                  <S.EditLink onClick={openConfirmModal}>삭제</S.EditLink>
+                </S.EditLinkContainer>
+              </S.PostDeadlineContainer>
+              <S.PostTitleContainer>
+                <S.PostTitle>{runnerPost.title}</S.PostTitle>
+                <S.InformationContainer>
+                  <S.statisticsContainer>
+                    <S.statisticsImage src={eyeIcon} />
+                    <S.statisticsText>{runnerPost.watchedCount}</S.statisticsText>
+                    <S.statisticsImage src={applicantIcon} />
+                    <S.statisticsText>{runnerPost.applicantCount}</S.statisticsText>
+                  </S.statisticsContainer>
+                </S.InformationContainer>
+              </S.PostTitleContainer>
+            </S.PostHeaderContainer>
+            <S.PostBodyContainer>
+              <S.Contents>{runnerPost.contents}</S.Contents>
+              <S.BottomContentContainer>
+                <S.LeftSideContainer>
+                  <S.ProfileContainer onClick={viewProfile}>
+                    <Avatar imageUrl={runnerPost.runnerProfile.imageUrl} />
+                    <S.Profile>
+                      <S.Name>{}</S.Name>
+                      <S.Job>{}</S.Job>
+                    </S.Profile>
+                  </S.ProfileContainer>
+                  <PostTagList tags={runnerPost.tags} />
+                </S.LeftSideContainer>
+                <S.RightSideContainer>
+                  <Button colorTheme="BLACK" fontWeight={700}>
+                    <S.Anchor href={runnerPost.pullRequestUrl} target="_blank">
+                      <img src={githubIcon} />
+                      <S.GoToGitHub>코드 보러가기</S.GoToGitHub>
+                    </S.Anchor>
+                  </Button>
+                  {runnerPost.isOwner || runnerPost.isApplied || runnerPost.reviewStatus !== 'NOT_STARTED' ? null : (
+                    <Button colorTheme="WHITE" fontWeight={700} onClick={openMessageModal}>
+                      리뷰 제안하기
+                    </Button>
+                  )}
+                </S.RightSideContainer>
+              </S.BottomContentContainer>
+            </S.PostBodyContainer>
+            <S.PostFooterContainer>
+              <Button colorTheme="GRAY" fontWeight={700} onClick={goBack}>
+                목록
+              </Button>
+            </S.PostFooterContainer>
+          </S.PostContainer>
+        )}
+      </S.RunnerPostContainer>
+      {isConfirmModalOpen && (
+        <ConfirmModal
+          contents="정말 삭제하시겠습니까?"
+          closeModal={closeConfirmModal}
+          handleClickConfirmButton={handleClickDeleteButton}
+        />
+      )}
+      {isMessageModalOpen && (
+        <SendMessageModal
+          messageState={message}
+          handleChangeMessage={handleChangeMessage}
+          placeholder="러너에게 보낼 메세지를 입력해주세요."
+          closeModal={closeMessageModal}
+          handleClickSendButton={sendMessage}
+        />
+      )}
+    </Layout>
+  );
+const S = {
+  RunnerPostContainer: styled.div`
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+    margin: 72px 0 53px 0;
+    background-color: white;
+  `,
+  Title: styled.div`
+    font-size: 36px;
+    font-weight: bold;
+  `,
+  PostDeadlineContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    margin: 20px 0;
+  `,
+  PostContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 15px;
+    width: 90%;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+  `,
+  PostHeaderContainer: styled.div`
+    width: 100%;
+  `,
+  EditLinkContainer: styled.div<{ $isOwner: boolean }>`
+    visibility: ${({ $isOwner }) => ($isOwner ? 'visible' : 'hidden')};
+    margin-left: auto;
+    font-size: 20px;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    :hover {
+      cursor: pointer;
+      text-decoration: underline;
+    }
+  `,
+  EditLink: styled.a`
+    font-size: 16px;
+    color: var(--gray-500);
+  `,
+  PostTitleContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  PostTitle: styled.h1`
+    font-size: 38px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  PostDeadline: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    font-size: 16px;
+    color: var(--gray-600);
+  `,
+  PostBodyContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 30px;
+    width: 100%;
+    margin-bottom: 20px;
+    padding: 40px 10px 40px 0;
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #9d9d9d;
+  `,
+  InformationContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+  `,
+  ProfileContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 20px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+  `,
+  Profile: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-flow: column;
+    gap: 5px;
+  `,
+  Name: styled.p`
+    font-size: 18px;
+    font-weight: bold;
+  `,
+  Job: styled.p`
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  statisticsContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 5px;
+    margin-bottom: auto;
+    & > p {
+      color: #a4a4a4;
+    }
+  `,
+  statisticsImage: styled.img`
+    width: 20px;
+  `,
+  statisticsText: styled.p`
+    margin-right: 10px;
+    font-size: 14px;
+  `,
+  Contents: styled.div`
+    min-height: 400px;
+    font-size: 18px;
+    line-height: 200%;
+    white-space: pre-wrap;
+  `,
+  BottomContentContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: end;
+  `,
+  LeftSideContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 24px;
+  `,
+  RightSideContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 24px;
+  `,
+  GoToGitHub: styled.p``,
+  PostFooterContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    font-size: 20px;
+    font-weight: bold;
+  `,
+  Anchor: styled.a`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+export default RunnerPostPage;
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/RunnerProfilePage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/RunnerProfilePage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3331e6961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/RunnerProfilePage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+import { getRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import TechLabel from '@/components/TechLabel/TechLabel';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import { GetRunnerProfileResponse } from '@/types/profile';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import githubIcon from '@/assets/github-icon.svg';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE } from '@/constants/message';
+const RunnerProfilePage = () => {
+  const [runnerProfile, setRunnerProfile] = useState<GetRunnerProfileResponse | null>(null);
+  const { runnerId } = useParams();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    getProfile();
+  }, [runnerId]);
+  const getProfile = async () => {
+    getRequest(`/profile/runner/${runnerId}`)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetRunnerProfileResponse = await response.json();
+        setRunnerProfile(data);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) =>
+        showErrorToast({
+          description: error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED,
+          title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST,
+        }),
+      );
+  };
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.ProfileContainer>
+        <S.InfoContainer>
+          <Avatar
+            imageUrl={runnerProfile?.imageUrl || ''}
+            width="100px"
+            height="100px"
+          />
+          <S.InfoDetailContainer>
+            <S.Name>{runnerProfile?.name}</S.Name>
+            <S.Company>{runnerProfile?.company}</S.Company>
+            <S.TechLabel>
+              {runnerProfile? => (
+                <TechLabel key={tag} tag={tag} />
+              ))}
+            </S.TechLabel>
+          </S.InfoDetailContainer>
+        </S.InfoContainer>
+      </S.ProfileContainer>
+      <S.IntroductionContainer>
+        <S.Introduction>{runnerProfile?.introduction}</S.Introduction>
+        <Button width="127px" height="43px" colorTheme="BLACK" fontWeight={700}>
+          <S.Anchor href={runnerProfile?.githubUrl} target="_blank">
+            <img src={githubIcon} />
+            <S.GoToGitHub>Github</S.GoToGitHub>
+          </S.Anchor>
+        </Button>
+      </S.IntroductionContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default RunnerProfilePage;
+const S = {
+  ProfileContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: flex-start;
+    padding: 50px 0;
+  `,
+  InfoContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 20px;
+  `,
+  InfoDetailContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  Name: styled.div`
+    font-size: 26px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  Company: styled.div`
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  TechLabel: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 8px;
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  RunnerSupporterButton: styled.button<{ $isSelected: boolean }>`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: 95px;
+    height: 38px;
+    border-radius: 18px;
+    border: 1px solid ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+    background-color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'var(--baton-red)' : 'white')};
+    color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+  `,
+  IntroductionContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    padding: 0 10px;
+    margin-bottom: 50px;
+  `,
+  Introduction: styled.div`
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    gap: 9px 7px;
+    margin-left: 40px;
+    width: 75%;
+    &::before {
+      position: absolute;
+      content: '';
+      left: -30px;
+      height: 100%;
+      width: 4.5px;
+      border-radius: 2px;
+      background-color: var(--gray-400);
+    }
+    font-size: 18px;
+    line-height: 1.8;
+    white-space: pre-line;
+  `,
+  Anchor: styled.a`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  GoToGitHub: styled.p``,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/SupporterFeedbackPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/SupporterFeedbackPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcff7c168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/SupporterFeedbackPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+import letterIcon from '../assets/letter-icon.svg';
+import { postRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import CheckBox from '@/components/CheckBox/CheckBox';
+import ReviewTypeButton from '@/components/ReviewTypeButton/ReviewTypeButton';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import { ERROR_DESCRIPTION, ERROR_TITLE, TOAST_COMPLETION_MESSAGE } from '@/constants/message';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { usePageRouter } from '@/hooks/usePageRouter';
+import { useToken } from '@/hooks/useToken';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import { DescriptionOptions, PostFeedbackRequest, ReviewType, ReviewTypeOptions } from '@/types/feedback';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+const SupporterFeedbackPage = () => {
+  const { runnerPostId, supporterId } = useParams();
+  const { getToken } = useToken();
+  const { goToMyPage } = usePageRouter();
+  const { showErrorToast, showCompletionToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  const [reviewTypeOptions, setReviewTypeOptions] = useState<ReviewTypeOptions>(structuredClone(REVIEW_TYPE_OPTIONS));
+  const [descriptionOptions, setDescriptionOptions] = useState<DescriptionOptions>(
+    structuredClone(DESCRIPTION_OPTIONS_GOOD),
+  );
+  const reviewType = React.useMemo(
+    () => reviewTypeOptions.filter((option) => option.selected)[0]?.value,
+    [reviewTypeOptions],
+  );
+  const descriptions = React.useMemo(
+    () => descriptionOptions.filter((option) => option.selected).map((option) => option.value),
+    [descriptionOptions],
+  );
+  const selectReviewType = (value: ReviewType) => {
+    const optionIndex = reviewTypeOptions.findIndex((option) => option.value === value);
+    if (optionIndex === -1) return;
+    const newOptions =, index) => {
+      if (index === optionIndex) return { ...option, selected: true };
+      return { ...option, selected: false };
+    });
+    setReviewTypeOptions(newOptions);
+    switchDescriptionOption(value);
+  };
+  const switchDescriptionOption = (value: ReviewType) => {
+    switch (value) {
+      case 'BAD':
+        setDescriptionOptions(structuredClone(DESCRIPTION_OPTIONS_BAD));
+        break;
+      case 'GOOD':
+      case 'GREAT':
+      default:
+        setDescriptionOptions(structuredClone(DESCRIPTION_OPTIONS_GOOD));
+    }
+  };
+  const selectDescription = (description: string) => {
+    const optionIndex = descriptionOptions.findIndex((option) => option.value === description);
+    if (optionIndex === -1) return;
+    const newOptions = structuredClone(descriptionOptions);
+    newOptions[optionIndex].selected = !newOptions[optionIndex].selected;
+    setDescriptionOptions(newOptions);
+  };
+  const postSupporterProfile = async (feedback: PostFeedbackRequest) => {
+    const token = getToken()?.value;
+    if (!token) return;
+    const body = JSON.stringify(feedback);
+    const authorization = token;
+    postRequest(`/feedback/supporter`, authorization, body)
+      .then(() => showCompletionToast(TOAST_COMPLETION_MESSAGE.SUBMIT_FEEDBACK))
+      .catch((error) => showErrorToast({ description: error.message, title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST }));
+  };
+  const validateIds = () => {
+    if (!Number(supporterId)) throw new Error(ERROR_DESCRIPTION.NO_SUPPORTER);
+    if (!Number(runnerPostId)) throw new Error(ERROR_DESCRIPTION.NO_POST);
+  };
+  const handleClickSubmit = async () => {
+    if (!reviewType) return;
+    try {
+      validateIds();
+    } catch (error) {
+      const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+      return showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description });
+    }
+    await postSupporterProfile({
+      reviewType,
+      descriptions,
+      supporterId: Number(supporterId),
+      runnerPostId: Number(runnerPostId),
+    });
+    goToMyPage();
+  };
+  useEffect(() => {
+    getToken();
+    try {
+      validateIds();
+    } catch (error) {
+      const description = error instanceof Error ? error.message : ERROR_DESCRIPTION.UNEXPECTED;
+      return showErrorToast({ title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST, description });
+    }
+  }, []);
+  const descriptionSubTitle = `코드 리뷰를 받으며 ${reviewType === 'BAD' ? '아쉬웠던' : '좋았던'} 점을 체크해주세요.`;
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.TitleWrapper>
+        <S.Title>리뷰 후기 남기기 💌</S.Title>
+      </S.TitleWrapper>
+      <S.FeedbackContainer>
+        <S.ReviewTypeContainer>
+          <S.SubTitle>리뷰에 대한 후기를 남겨주세요</S.SubTitle>
+          <S.ReviewTypeList>
+            { => (
+              <ReviewTypeButton
+                key={option.value}
+                type="button"
+                value={option.value}
+                isSelected={option.selected}
+                width="100px"
+                height="70px"
+                label={option.label}
+                selectReviewType={selectReviewType}
+              />
+            ))}
+          </S.ReviewTypeList>
+        </S.ReviewTypeContainer>
+        <S.UnderLine />
+        {reviewType && (
+          <S.DescriptionContainer>
+            <S.SubTitle>{descriptionSubTitle}</S.SubTitle>
+            <CheckBox options={descriptionOptions ?? []} selectOption={selectDescription} />
+            <S.ButtonWrapper>
+              <Button colorTheme="WHITE" width="470px" height="47px" onClick={handleClickSubmit}>
+                제출
+              </Button>
+            </S.ButtonWrapper>
+          </S.DescriptionContainer>
+        )}
+        <S.LetterRight src={letterIcon} />
+      </S.FeedbackContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default SupporterFeedbackPage;
+const S = {
+  TitleWrapper: styled.div`
+    margin: 72px 0 53px 0;
+  `,
+  Title: styled.h1`
+    font-size: 36px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  FeedbackContainer: styled.div`
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 50px;
+    width: 600px;
+    height: 780px;
+    padding: 60px 30px;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+    box-shadow: 0 10px 28px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 6px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.22);
+  `,
+  ReviewTypeContainer: styled.div`
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 50px;
+  `,
+  ReviewTypeList: styled.ul`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    width: 400px;
+  `,
+  SubTitle: styled.div`
+    font-size: 20px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+    text-align: center;
+  `,
+  UnderLine:`
+    width: 100%;
+    border: 0.5px solid var(--gray-200);
+  `,
+  DescriptionContainer: styled.div``,
+  DescriptionList: styled.ul`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    width: 400px;
+  `,
+  DescriptionItem: styled.button`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    background-color: transparent;
+  `,
+  ButtonWrapper: styled.div`
+    margin: 30px 0;
+  `,
+  LetterRight: styled.img`
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 500px;
+    left: 500px;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/SupporterProfilePage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/SupporterProfilePage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fbfcd193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/SupporterProfilePage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import { getRequest } from '@/api/fetch';
+import TechLabel from '@/components/TechLabel/TechLabel';
+import Avatar from '@/components/common/Avatar/Avatar';
+import Button from '@/components/common/Button/Button';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import { GetSupporterProfileResponse } from '@/types/profile';
+import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+import githubIcon from '@/assets/github-icon.svg';
+import { GetRunnerPostResponse } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+import RunnerPostItem from '@/components/RunnerPost/RunnerPostItem/RunnerPostItem';
+import { ToastContext } from '@/contexts/ToastContext';
+import { ERROR_TITLE } from '@/constants/message';
+const SupporterProfilePage = () => {
+  const [supporterProfile, setSupporterProfile] = useState<GetSupporterProfileResponse | null>(null);
+  const [supporterProfilePost, setSupporterProfilePost] = useState<GetRunnerPostResponse | null>(null);
+  const { supporterId } = useParams();
+  const { showErrorToast } = useContext(ToastContext);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    getProfile();
+    getPost();
+  }, [supporterId]);
+  const getProfile = () => {
+    getRequest(`/profile/supporter/${supporterId}`)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetSupporterProfileResponse = await response.json();
+        setSupporterProfile(data);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ description: error.message, title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST }));
+  };
+  const getPost = async () => {
+    getRequest(`/posts/runner/search/${supporterId}`)
+      .then(async (response) => {
+        const data: GetRunnerPostResponse = await response.json();
+        setSupporterProfilePost(data);
+      })
+      .catch((error: Error) => showErrorToast({ description: error.message, title: ERROR_TITLE.REQUEST }));
+  };
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.ProfileContainer>
+        <S.InfoContainer>
+          <Avatar
+            imageUrl={supporterProfile?.imageUrl || ''}
+            width="100px"
+            height="100px"
+          />
+          <S.InfoDetailContainer>
+            <S.Name>{supporterProfile?.name}</S.Name>
+            <S.Company>{supporterProfile?.company}</S.Company>
+            <S.TechLabel>
+              {supporterProfile? => (
+                <TechLabel key={tag} tag={tag} />
+              ))}
+            </S.TechLabel>
+          </S.InfoDetailContainer>
+        </S.InfoContainer>
+      </S.ProfileContainer>
+      <S.IntroductionContainer>
+        <S.Introduction>{supporterProfile?.introduction}</S.Introduction>
+        <Button width="127px" height="43px" colorTheme="BLACK" fontWeight={700}>
+          <S.Anchor href={supporterProfile?.githubUrl} target="_blank">
+            <img src={githubIcon} />
+            <S.GoToGitHub>Github</S.GoToGitHub>
+          </S.Anchor>
+        </Button>
+      </S.IntroductionContainer>
+      <S.ReviewCountWrapper>
+        <S.ReviewCountTitle>완료된 리뷰</S.ReviewCountTitle>
+        <S.ReviewCount>{supporterProfilePost?.data.length}</S.ReviewCount>
+      </S.ReviewCountWrapper>
+      <S.PostsContainer>
+        {supporterProfilePost? => (
+          <RunnerPostItem key={runnerPostData.runnerPostId} runnerPostData={runnerPostData} />
+        ))}
+      </S.PostsContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+export default SupporterProfilePage;
+const S = {
+  ProfileContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    align-items: flex-start;
+    padding: 50px 0;
+  `,
+  InfoContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 20px;
+  `,
+  InfoDetailContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  Name: styled.div`
+    font-size: 26px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  Company: styled.div`
+    font-size: 18px;
+  `,
+  TechLabel: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 8px;
+  `,
+  ButtonContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  RunnerSupporterButton: styled.button<{ $isSelected: boolean }>`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    width: 95px;
+    height: 38px;
+    border-radius: 18px;
+    border: 1px solid ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+    background-color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'var(--baton-red)' : 'white')};
+    color: ${({ $isSelected }) => ($isSelected ? 'white' : 'var(--baton-red)')};
+  `,
+  IntroductionContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    padding: 0 10px;
+    margin-bottom: 80px;
+  `,
+  Introduction: styled.div`
+    position: relative;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+    gap: 9px 7px;
+    margin-left: 40px;
+    width: 75%;
+    &::before {
+      position: absolute;
+      content: '';
+      left: -30px;
+      height: 100%;
+      width: 4.5px;
+      border-radius: 2px;
+      background-color: var(--gray-400);
+    }
+    font-size: 18px;
+    line-height: 1.8;
+    white-space: pre-line;
+  `,
+  Anchor: styled.a`
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 10px;
+  `,
+  GoToGitHub: styled.p``,
+  PostsContainer: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 30px;
+  `,
+  ReviewCountWrapper: styled.div`
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    margin: 0 0 40px 20px;
+  `,
+  ReviewCountTitle: styled.span`
+    font-size: 30px;
+    margin-right: 15px;
+  `,
+  ReviewCount: styled.span`
+    font-size: 40px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/SupporterSelectPage.tsx b/frontend/src/pages/SupporterSelectPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cdb24012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/SupporterSelectPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import SupporterCardList from '@/components/SupporterCard/SupporterCartList/SupporterCardList';
+import Layout from '@/layout/Layout';
+import React from 'react';
+import { styled } from 'styled-components';
+const SupporterSelectPage = () => {
+  return (
+    <Layout>
+      <S.TitleWrapper>
+        <S.Title>서포터를 선택해 주세요 ✅</S.Title>
+        <S.SubTitle>선택한 서포터가 확인 후 리뷰를 진행합니다.</S.SubTitle>
+      </S.TitleWrapper>
+      <S.SupporterListContainer>
+        <SupporterCardList />
+      </S.SupporterListContainer>
+    </Layout>
+  );
+const S = {
+  TitleWrapper: styled.header`
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    gap: 20px;
+    margin: 72px 0 53px 0;
+  `,
+  Title: styled.h1`
+    font-size: 36px;
+    font-weight: 700;
+  `,
+  SubTitle: styled.h2`
+    font-size: 18px;
+    color: var(--gray-500);
+  `,
+  SupporterListContainer: styled.div``,
+export default SupporterSelectPage;
diff --git a/frontend/src/router.tsx b/frontend/src/router.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..670232192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/router.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import App from './App';
+import { createBrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
+import MainPage from './pages/MainPage';
+import RunnerPostPage from './pages/RunnerPostDetailPage';
+import RunnerPostCreatePage from './pages/RunnerPostCreatePage';
+import LoginPage from './pages/LoginPage';
+import CreationResultPage from './pages/CreationResultPage';
+import MyPage from './pages/MyPage';
+import GithubCallbackPage from './pages/GithubCallbackPage';
+import ProfileEditPage from './pages/ProfileEditPage';
+import SupporterSelectPage from './pages/SupporterSelectPage';
+import SupporterFeedbackPage from './pages/SupporterFeedbackPage';
+import SupporterProfilePage from './pages/SupporterProfilePage';
+import RunnerProfilePage from './pages/RunnerProfilePage';
+export const ROUTER_PATH = {
+  MAIN: '/',
+  RUNNER_POST: '/runner-post/:runnerPostId',
+  RUNNER_POST_CREATE: '/runner-post-create/',
+  SUPPORTER_SELECT: '/supporter-select/:runnerPostId',
+  MY_PAGE: '/my-page',
+  LOGIN: '/login',
+  NOT_FOUND: '/*',
+  RESULT: '/result',
+  RUNNER_PROFILE: '/runner-profile/:runnerId',
+  SUPPORTER_PROFILE: '/supporter-profile/:supporterId',
+  PROFILE_EDIT: '/profile-edit',
+  SUPPORTER_FEEDBACK: '/supporter-feedback/:runnerPostId/:supporterId',
+  GITHUB_CALLBACK: '/oauth/github/callback', // Authorization callback URL?
+export const router = createBrowserRouter(
+  [
+    {
+      element: <App />,
+      children: [
+        {
+          index: true,
+          element: <MainPage />,
+        },
+        {
+          path: ROUTER_PATH.RUNNER_POST,
+          element: <RunnerPostPage />,
+        },
+        {
+          element: <RunnerPostCreatePage />,
+        },
+        {
+          path: ROUTER_PATH.LOGIN,
+          element: <LoginPage />,
+        },
+        {
+          path: ROUTER_PATH.RESULT,
+          element: <CreationResultPage />,
+        },
+        {
+          path: ROUTER_PATH.MY_PAGE,
+          element: <MyPage />,
+        },
+        {
+          path: ROUTER_PATH.PROFILE_EDIT,
+          element: <ProfileEditPage />,
+        },
+        { path: ROUTER_PATH.GITHUB_CALLBACK, element: <GithubCallbackPage /> },
+        {
+          element: <SupporterSelectPage />,
+        },
+        {
+          element: <SupporterFeedbackPage />,
+        },
+        {
+          element: <RunnerProfilePage />,
+        },
+        {
+          element: <SupporterProfilePage />,
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+  {
+    basename: '/',
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/src/styles/GlobalStyles.ts b/frontend/src/styles/GlobalStyles.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7486d1097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/styles/GlobalStyles.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import { createGlobalStyle } from 'styled-components';
+import { ResetStyle } from './ResetStyle';
+export const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`
+  @font-face {
+      font-family: 'Pretendard Variable';
+      src: font-url('');
+  }
+  :root {
+      --font-pretendard: 'Pretendard Variable';
+  }
+  * {
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    font-family: "Pretendard Variable", sans-serif !important;
+    color: #333333;
+  }
+  html,
+  /* Colors *****************************************/
+  :root {
+    --baton-red: #F64545;
+    --label-color: #333333;
+    --count-color: #04c09e;
+    --border-color: #dddddd;
+    --black: #000000;
+    --gray-800: #282828;
+    --gray-700: #5e5e5e;
+    --gray-500: #a6a6a6;
+    --gray-600: #727272;
+    --gray-300: #dddddd;
+    --gray-400: #bbbbbb;
+    --gray-100: #f3f3f3;
+    --gray-200: #e8e8e8;
+    --white-color: #ffffff;
+  #root {
+    width: 100%;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+  }
+  button{
+    cursor: pointer;
+  }
diff --git a/frontend/src/styles/ResetStyle.ts b/frontend/src/styles/ResetStyle.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70b34574c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/styles/ResetStyle.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import { css } from 'styled-components';
+export const ResetStyle = css`
+  html,
+  body,
+  div,
+  span,
+  applet,
+  object,
+  iframe,
+  h1,
+  h2,
+  h3,
+  h4,
+  h5,
+  h6,
+  p,
+  blockquote,
+  pre,
+  a,
+  abbr,
+  acronym,
+  address,
+  big,
+  cite,
+  code,
+  del,
+  dfn,
+  em,
+  img,
+  ins,
+  kbd,
+  q,
+  s,
+  samp,
+  small,
+  strike,
+  strong,
+  sub,
+  sup,
+  tt,
+  var,
+  b,
+  u,
+  i,
+  center,
+  dl,
+  dt,
+  dd,
+  ol,
+  ul,
+  li,
+  fieldset,
+  form,
+  label,
+  legend,
+  table,
+  caption,
+  tbody,
+  tfoot,
+  thead,
+  tr,
+  th,
+  td,
+  article,
+  aside,
+  canvas,
+  details,
+  embed,
+  figure,
+  figcaption,
+  footer,
+  header,
+  hgroup,
+  menu,
+  nav,
+  output,
+  ruby,
+  section,
+  summary,
+  time,
+  mark,
+  audio,
+  button,
+  input,
+  video,
+  dialog {
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0;
+    border: 0;
+    font-size: 100%;
+    font: inherit;
+    vertical-align: baseline;
+  }
+  /* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
+  article,
+  aside,
+  details,
+  figcaption,
+  figure,
+  footer,
+  header,
+  hgroup,
+  menu,
+  nav,
+  section {
+    display: block;
+  }
+  body {
+    line-height: 1;
+  }
+  ol,
+  ul {
+    list-style: none;
+  }
+  blockquote,
+  q {
+    quotes: none;
+  }
+  blockquote:before,
+  blockquote:after,
+  q:before,
+  q:after {
+    content: '';
+    content: none;
+  }
+  table {
+    border-collapse: collapse;
+    border-spacing: 0;
+  }
+  a {
+    color: inherit;
+    text-decoration: none;
+  }
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/feedback.ts b/frontend/src/types/feedback.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7948f874c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/feedback.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { REVIEW_TYPE } from '@/constants/feedback';
+import { SelectOption } from './select';
+export type ReviewType = (typeof REVIEW_TYPE)[number];
+export type ReviewTypeOptions = SelectOption<ReviewType>[];
+export type DescriptionOptions = SelectOption<string>[];
+export interface PostFeedbackRequest {
+  reviewType: ReviewType;
+  descriptions: string[];
+  supporterId: number;
+  runnerPostId: number;
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/font.d.ts b/frontend/src/types/font.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a92df704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/font.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// fonts.d.ts
+declare module '*.woff2';
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/image.d.ts b/frontend/src/types/image.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b0d2770f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/image.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// image.d.ts
+declare module '*.svg';
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/myPage.ts b/frontend/src/types/myPage.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57856affe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/myPage.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Profile } from './profile';
+import { PageInfo, ReviewStatus } from './runnerPost';
+export interface GetMyPageProfileResponse extends Profile {}
+export interface GetMyPagePostResponse {
+  pageInfo: PageInfo;
+  data: MyPagePost[];
+export interface MyPagePost {
+  runnerPostId: number;
+  title: string;
+  deadline: string;
+  tags: string[];
+  watchedCount: number;
+  applicantCount: number;
+  reviewStatus: ReviewStatus;
+  supporterId: number;
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/profile.ts b/frontend/src/types/profile.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fcb028c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/profile.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { Technic } from './tags';
+export interface GetRunnerProfileResponse extends Profile {}
+export interface GetSupporterProfileResponse extends Profile {}
+export interface PatchRunnerProfileRequest extends ProfileRequest {}
+export interface PatchSupporterProfileRequest extends ProfileRequest {}
+export type ProfileRequest = Omit<Profile, 'githubUrl' | 'imageUrl'>;
+export type GetHeaderProfileResponse = Pick<Profile, 'name' | 'imageUrl'>;
+export interface Profile {
+  name: string;
+  company: string;
+  imageUrl: string;
+  githubUrl: string;
+  introduction: string;
+  technicalTags: Technic[];
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/runnerPost.ts b/frontend/src/types/runnerPost.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2015de859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/runnerPost.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+export type ReviewStatus = 'NOT_STARTED' | 'IN_PROGRESS' | 'DONE' | 'OVERDUE';
+export interface GetRunnerPostResponse {
+  data: RunnerPost[];
+  pageInfo: PageInfo;
+export interface RunnerPost {
+  runnerPostId: number;
+  title: string;
+  deadline: string;
+  tags: string[];
+  runnerProfile?: RunnerProfile;
+  watchedCount: number;
+  applicantCount: number;
+  reviewStatus: ReviewStatus;
+export interface RunnerProfile {
+  name: string;
+  imageUrl: string;
+export interface GetDetailedRunnerPostResponse extends RunnerPost {
+  contents: string;
+  isOwner: boolean;
+  isApplied: boolean;
+  pullRequestUrl: string;
+  runnerProfile: DetailedRunnerProfile;
+  supporter: Supporter;
+export interface DetailedRunnerProfile extends RunnerProfile {
+  runnerId: number;
+  company: string;
+export interface Supporter {
+  supporterId: number;
+  name: string;
+export interface CreateRunnerPostRequest {
+  title: string;
+  tags: string[];
+  pullRequestUrl: string;
+  deadline: string;
+  contents: string;
+export interface PageInfo {
+  isFirst: boolean;
+  isLast: boolean;
+  hasNext: boolean;
+  totalPages: number;
+  totalElements: number;
+  currentPage: number;
+  currentSize: number;
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/select.ts b/frontend/src/types/select.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d79be5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/select.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export interface SelectOption<T extends string | number> {
+  value: T;
+  label: string;
+  selected: boolean;
+export type ListSelectOption = SelectOption<string | number>;
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/supporterCandidate.ts b/frontend/src/types/supporterCandidate.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76e9006e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/supporterCandidate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+export interface GetSupporterCandidateResponse {
+  data: Candidate[];
+export interface Candidate {
+  supporterId: number;
+  name: string;
+  company: string;
+  imageUrl: string;
+  reviewCount: number;
+  message: string;
+  technicalTags: string[];
diff --git a/frontend/src/types/tags.ts b/frontend/src/types/tags.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78cca6af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/types/tags.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { TECHNICS } from '@/constants/tags';
+export type Technic = (typeof TECHNICS)[number];
diff --git a/frontend/src/utils/date.ts b/frontend/src/utils/date.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..042a10a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/utils/date.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+export const getDatetime = (date: Date) => {
+  const year = date.getFullYear();
+  const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
+  const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
+  const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
+  const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
+  const datetime = `${year}-${month}-${day}T${hours}:${minutes}`;
+  return datetime;
+export const getDayLastTime = (date: Date) => {
+  const year = date.getFullYear();
+  const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
+  const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
+  const datetime = `${year}-${month}-${day}T23:59`;
+  return datetime;
+export const addDays = (date: Date, days: number): Date => {
+  const clone = new Date(date);
+  clone.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
+  return clone;
+export const addHours = (date: Date, hours: number): Date => {
+  const clone = new Date(date);
+  clone.setHours(date.getHours() + hours);
+  return clone;
+export const isPastTime = (date: Date) => {
+  const nowDate = new Date();
+  return date < nowDate;
diff --git a/frontend/src/utils/object.ts b/frontend/src/utils/object.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb5abfff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/utils/object.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint;
+interface ObjType {
+  [key: string | number]: Primitive | Object | any[];
+export const deepEqual = (object1: ObjType, object2: ObjType): boolean => {
+  if (Array.isArray(object1) && Array.isArray(object2)) {
+    if (object1.length !== object2.length) return false;
+  }
+  for (const key in object1) {
+    if (typeof object1[key] === 'object') {
+      if (typeof object2[key] === 'object') {
+        return deepEqual(object1[key] as ObjType, object2[key] as ObjType);
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (object1[key] !== object2[key]) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
diff --git a/frontend/src/utils/postOption.ts b/frontend/src/utils/postOption.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2ddd90a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/utils/postOption.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { ReviewStatus } from '@/types/runnerPost';
+import { SelectOption } from '@/types/select';
+export type PostOptions = SelectOption<ReviewStatus>[];
+export const createPostOptions = (value: ReviewStatus[], labels: string[]) => {
+  const newOptions: PostOptions = [];
+  for (const index in labels) {
+    const postOption = {
+      value: value[index],
+      label: labels[index],
+      selected: false,
+    };
+    newOptions.push(postOption);
+  }
+  newOptions[0].selected = true;
+  return newOptions;
+export const runnerPostOptions = createPostOptions(REVIEW_STATUS, RUNNER_POST_OPTIONS);
+export const supporterPostOptions = createPostOptions(REVIEW_STATUS, SUPPORTER_POST_OPTIONS);
diff --git a/frontend/src/utils/validate.ts b/frontend/src/utils/validate.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fd6052e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/utils/validate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { isPastTime } from './date';
+export const validateTitle = (title: string) => {
+  if (!title) {
+    throw new Error('제목을 입력해주세요');
+  }
+export const validateTags = (tags: string[]) => {
+  if (tags.some((tag) => tag.length > 15)) {
+    throw new Error('태그명은 15자 이내로 입력해주세요.');
+  }
+  if (tags.length > 5) {
+    throw new Error('태그는 최대 5개 입력할 수 있습니다.');
+  }
+  const tagSet = new Set(tags);
+  if (tags.length !== tagSet.size) {
+    throw new Error('중복된 태그는 입력 불가합니다.');
+  }
+export const validatePullRequestUrl = (pullRequestUrl: string) => {
+  if (!pullRequestUrl) {
+    throw new Error('PR 주소를 입력해주세요');
+  }
+  const URL_REG = new RegExp(/^((http(s?))\:\/\/)((github))\.+((com))(\:[0-9]+)?(\/\S*)?$/);
+  if (!pullRequestUrl.match(URL_REG))
+    throw new Error('올바른 URL주소를 입력해주세요\nex)');
+export const validateDeadline = (deadline: string) => {
+  if (!deadline) throw new Error('마감기한을 입력해주세요');
+  const date = new Date(deadline);
+  if (isPastTime(date)) {
+    throw new Error('현재보다 1시간 이후의 시간을 입력해주세요');
+  }
+export const validateCompany = (compony: string | null) => {
+  if (!compony) {
+    throw new Error('소속을 입력해주세요');
+  }
+export const validateName = (name: string | null) => {
+  if (!name) {
+    throw new Error('이름을 입력해주세요');
+  }
+export const validateIntroduction = (introduction: string | null) => {
+  if (!introduction) {
+    throw new Error('자기소개를 입력해주세요');
+  }
+export const validateMessage = (message: string) => {
+  if (message.length < 20) throw new Error('메세지는 20자 이상 입력해주세요');
diff --git a/frontend/tsconfig.json b/frontend/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20e186465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    /* 기본 옵션
+     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    // "incremental": true,                   /* 증분 컴파일 활성화 */
+    "target": "es5" /* ECMAScript 목표 버전 설정: 'ES3'(기본), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017','ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */,
+    "module": "esnext" /* 생성될 모듈 코드 설정: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */,
+    "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"] /* 컴파일 과정에 사용될 라이브러리 파일 설정 */,
+    "allowJs": true /* JavaScript 파일 컴파일 허용 */,
+    // "checkJs": true,                       /* .js 파일 오류 리포트 설정 */
+    "jsx": "react" /* 생성될 JSX 코드 설정: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */,
+    // "declaration": true,                   /* '.d.ts' 파일 생성 설정 */
+    // "declarationMap": true,                /* 해당하는 각 '.d.ts'파일에 대한 소스 맵 생성 */
+    // "sourceMap": true,                     /* 소스맵 '.map' 파일 생성 설정 */
+    // "outFile": "./",                       /* 복수 파일을 묶어 하나의 파일로 출력 설정 */
+    "outDir": "./dist" /* 출력될 디렉토리 설정 */,
+    // "rootDir": "./",                       /* 입력 파일들의 루트 디렉토리 설정. --outDir 옵션을 사용해 출력 디렉토리 설정이 가능 */
+    // "composite": true,                     /* 프로젝트 컴파일 활성화 */
+    // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./",               /* 증분 컴파일 정보를 저장할 파일 지정 */
+    // "removeComments": true,                /* 출력 시, 주석 제거 설정 */
+    "noEmit": true /* 출력 방출(emit) 유무 설정 */,
+    // "importHelpers": true,                 /* 'tslib'로부터 헬퍼를 호출할 지 설정 */
+    // "downlevelIteration": true,            /* 'ES5' 혹은 'ES3' 타겟 설정 시 Iterables 'for-of', 'spread', 'destructuring' 완벽 지원 설정 */
+    "isolatedModules": true /* 각 파일을 별도 모듈로 변환 ('ts.transpileModule'과 유사) */,
+    /* 엄격한 유형 검사 옵션
+     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    "strict": true /* 모든 엄격한 유형 검사 옵션 활성화 */,
+    // "noImplicitAny": true,                 /* 명시적이지 않은 'any' 유형으로 표현식 및 선언 사용 시 오류 발생 */
+    // "strictNullChecks": true,              /* 엄격한 null 검사 사용 */
+    // "strictFunctionTypes": true,           /* 엄격한 함수 유형 검사 사용 */
+    // "strictBindCallApply": true,           /* 엄격한 'bind', 'call', 'apply' 함수 메서드 사용 */
+    // "strictPropertyInitialization": true,  /* 클래스에서 속성 초기화 엄격 검사 사용 */
+    // "noImplicitThis": true,                /* 명시적이지 않은 'any'유형으로 'this' 표현식 사용 시 오류 발생 */
+    // "alwaysStrict": true,                  /* 엄격모드에서 구문 분석 후, 각 소스 파일에 "use strict" 코드를 출력 */
+    /* 추가 검사 옵션
+     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    // "noUnusedLocals": true,                /* 사용되지 않은 로컬이 있을 경우, 오류로 보고 */
+    // "noUnusedParameters": true,            /* 사용되지 않은 매개변수가 있을 경우, 오류로 보고 */
+    // "noImplicitReturns": true,             /* 함수가 값을 반환하지 않을 경우, 오류로 보고 */
+    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true /* switch 문 오류 유형에 대한 오류 보고 */,
+    // "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,      /* 인덱스 시그니처 결과에 'undefined' 포함 */
+    /* 모듈 분석 옵션
+     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    "moduleResolution": "node" /* 모듈 분석 방법 설정: 'node' (Node.js) 또는 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */,
+    "baseUrl": ".",
+    "paths": {
+      "@/*": ["./src/*"]
+    },
+    "resolveJsonModule": true, // typescript에서 json 파일 import
+    // "rootDirs": [],                        /* 런타임 시 프로젝트 구조를 나타내는 로트 디렉토리 목록 */
+    // "typeRoots": [],                       /* 유형 정의를 포함할 디렉토리 목록 */
+    // "types": [],                           /* 컴파일 시 포함될 유형 선언 파일 입력 */
+    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true /* 기본 출력(default export)이 없는 모듈로부터 기본 호출을 허용 (이 코드는 단지 유형 검사만 수행) */,
+    "esModuleInterop": true /* 모든 가져오기에 대한 네임스페이스 객체 생성을 통해 CommonJS와 ES 모듈 간의 상호 운용성을 제공. 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' 암시 */,
+    // "preserveSymlinks": true,              /* symlinks 실제 경로로 결정하지 않음 */
+    // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true,          /* 모듈에서 UMD 글로벌에 접근 허용 */
+    /* 소스맵 옵션
+     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    // "sourceRoot": "./",                    /* 디버거(debugger)가 소스 위치 대신 TypeScript 파일을 찾을 위치 설정 */
+    // "mapRoot": "./",                       /* 디버거가 생성된 위치 대신 맵 파일을 찾을 위치 설정 */
+    // "inlineSourceMap": true,               /* 하나의 인라인 소스맵을 내보내도록 설정 */
+    // "inlineSources": true,                 /* 하나의 파일 안에 소스와 소스 코드를 함께 내보내도록 설정. '--inlineSourceMap' 또는 '--sourceMap' 설정이 필요 */
+    /* 실험적인 기능 옵션
+     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    // "experimentalDecorators": true,        /* ES7 데코레이터(decorators) 실험 기능 지원 설정 */
+    // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,         /* 데코레이터를 위한 유형 메타데이터 방출 실험 기능 지원 설정 */
+    /* 고급 옵션
+     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+    "skipLibCheck": true /* 선언 파일(.d.ts) 유형 검사 스킵 */,
+    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* 동일한 파일에 대한 일관되지 않은 케이스 참조를 허용하지 않음 */
+  }
diff --git a/frontend/webpack/webpack.common.js b/frontend/webpack/webpack.common.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36e9be80e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/webpack/webpack.common.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+const dotenv = require('dotenv');
+const path = require('path');
+const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
+const webpack = require('webpack');
+module.exports = {
+  entry: `${path.resolve(__dirname, '../src')}/index.tsx`,
+  module: {
+    rules: [
+      {
+        test: /\.(ts|tsx|js|jsx)$/,
+        use: 'babel-loader',
+        exclude: /node_modules/,
+      },
+      {
+        test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|jpeg|gif)$/i,
+        type: 'asset/resource',
+      },
+    ],
+  },
+  plugins: [
+    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
+      template: path.resolve(__dirname, '/public/index.html'),
+    }),
+    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
+      React: 'react',
+    }),
+  ],
+  resolve: {
+    alias: {
+      '@': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'),
+    },
+    extensions: ['.js', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.css', '.json'],
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/webpack/ b/frontend/webpack/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9eca2526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/webpack/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
+const common = require('./webpack.common');
+module.exports = merge(common, {
+  mode: 'development',
+  devtool: 'inline-source-map',
+  output: {
+    publicPath: '/',
+  },
+  devServer: {
+    open: true,
+    hot: true,
+    compress: true,
+    port: 3000,
+    historyApiFallback: true,
+    liveReload: true,
+    proxy: {
+      '/api': 'http://localhost:8080',
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/frontend/webpack/ b/frontend/webpack/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64e4cdba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/webpack/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
+const common = require('./webpack.common');
+const path = require('path');
+const webpack = require('webpack');
+module.exports = merge(common, {
+  mode: 'production',
+  devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map',
+  output: {
+    filename: '[name].[contenthash].js',
+    path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
+    publicPath: '/',
+    clean: true,
+  },
+  optimization: {
+    usedExports: true,
+    minimize: true,
+    splitChunks: {
+      chunks: 'all',
+    },
+  },
+  performance: {
+    hints: false,
+    maxEntrypointSize: 512000,
+    maxAssetSize: 512000,
+  },
+  plugins: [new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(['REACT_APP_BASE_URL'])],