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v9.0.0 ‐ Release testing instructions

Anne Mirasol edited this page Dec 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

In Stripe 9.0.0, we have removed the Stripe Link autofill modal, and added Link in the Payment element.


  1. Go to Stripe settings > Settings tab > Advanced settings and disable the legacy checkout experience.
  2. Go to Stripe settings > Payment Methods tab and enable Link by Stripe as a payment method.
  3. Create a WooCommerce shortcode checkout page if you don't already have one.

Block checkout, unregistered user

  1. For this test, you need an email address that has NOT yet been registered with Link.
  2. Add a product to your cart and go to block checkout.
  3. Enter your email address, billing and shipping details, and enter a phone number.
  4. Under Payment options, select Credit / Debit card.
  5. Enter 4242424242424242 with a future expiry date and any 3-digit CVC number.
  6. An option to save your payment details with Link should slide out.
  7. Verify that the email address and phone number in the Link registration box are pre-filled, reflecting the same email address and phone number you entered Step 3.
  8. Leave the Save your info... option checked, and complete the purchase. This should register your email and save the payment information with Link.
  9. Verify in wp-admin Orders that the payment pushed through as expected, and the order has been set to Processing or Completed.

Block checkout, registered user

  1. For this test, you need an email address that has is already registered with Link. You may use the email address you used in the "Block checkout, unregistered user" test flow.
  2. Add a product to your cart and go to block checkout.
  3. Enter your email address, billing and shipping details, and enter a phone number.
  4. Under Payment options, select Credit / Debit card.
  5. As the email address you are using is already registered with Link, Stripe will attempt to load the saved information connected to that email address.
    • If you see two buttons that say Use ····4242 and Pay another way, click Use ····4242, and the challenge code will be requested.
    • If you see a request to enter the challenge code, enter 000000 to continue.
  6. Complete the purchase.
  7. Verify in wp-admin Orders that the payment pushed through as expected, and the order has been set to Processing or Completed.

Classic/Shortcode checkout, unregistered user

Follow the steps in "Block checkout, unregistered user", but use the shortcode checkout page instead.

Classic/Shortcode checkout, registered user

Follow the steps in "Block checkout, registered user", but use the shortcode checkout page instead.

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