diff --git a/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/aws/api-reference.md b/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/aws/api-reference.md
index 2651d0c2..c0a86f60 100644
--- a/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/aws/api-reference.md
+++ b/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/aws/api-reference.md
@@ -12,25 +12,1547 @@ sidebar_position: 100
## Resources
+### Api
+- *Implements:* IAwsApi
+Base class for AWS API.
+#### Initializers
+bring aws;
+new aws.Api(props?: ApiProps);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| props
| ApiProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiProps
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| connect
| Add a inflight handler to the api for CONNECT requests on the given path. |
+| delete
| Add a inflight handler to the api for DELETE requests on the given path. |
+| get
| Add a inflight handler to the api for GET requests on the given path. |
+| head
| Add a inflight handler to the api for HEAD requests on the given path. |
+| options
| Add a inflight handler to the api for OPTIONS requests on the given path. |
+| patch
| Add a inflight handler to the api for PATCH requests on the given path. |
+| post
| Add a inflight handler to the api for POST requests on the given path. |
+| put
| Add a inflight handler to the api for PUT requests on the given path. |
+##### `connect`
+connect(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiConnectOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for CONNECT requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiConnectOptions
+##### `delete`
+delete(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiDeleteOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for DELETE requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiDeleteOptions
+##### `get`
+get(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiGetOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for GET requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiGetOptions
+##### `head`
+head(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiHeadOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for HEAD requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiHeadOptions
+##### `options`
+options(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiOptionsOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for OPTIONS requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiOptionsOptions
+##### `patch`
+patch(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiPatchOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for PATCH requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiPatchOptions
+##### `post`
+post(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiPostOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for POST requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiPostOptions
+##### `put`
+put(path: str, inflight: IApiEndpointHandler, props?: ApiPutOptions): void
+Add a inflight handler to the api for PUT requests on the given path.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `inflight`Required
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiPutOptions
+#### Static Functions
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| renderCorsHeaders
| Generates an object containing default CORS response headers and OPTIONS response headers. |
+| renderOpenApiPath
| Converts input path to a valid OpenAPI path (replaces `:` based path params with `{}`). |
+| from
| If the api is an AWS RestApi, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+##### `onLiftType`
+bring aws;
+aws.Api.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
+aws.Api.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
+###### `obj`Required
+- *Type:* IResource
+##### `renderCorsHeaders`
+bring aws;
+aws.Api.renderCorsHeaders(corsOptions?: ApiCorsOptions);
+Generates an object containing default CORS response headers and OPTIONS response headers.
+###### `corsOptions`Optional
+- *Type:* ApiCorsOptions
+The CORS options to generate the headers from.
+##### `renderOpenApiPath`
+bring aws;
+aws.Api.renderOpenApiPath(path: str);
+Converts input path to a valid OpenAPI path (replaces `:` based path params with `{}`).
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+The path to convert (assumes path is valid).
+##### `from`
+bring aws;
+aws.Api.from(api: Api);
+If the api is an AWS RestApi, return a helper interface for working with it.
+###### `api`Required
+- *Type:* Api
+The cloud.Api.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| url
| str
| The base URL of the API endpoint. |
+| deploymentId
| str
| RestApi deployment id. |
+| invokeUrl
| str
| Invoke URL. |
+| restApiArn
| str
| RestApi arn. |
+| restApiId
| str
| RestApi id. |
+| restApiName
| str
| RestApi id. |
+| stageName
| str
| RestApi stage name. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `url`Required
+url: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The base URL of the API endpoint.
+##### `deploymentId`Required
+deploymentId: str;
+- *Type:* str
+RestApi deployment id.
+##### `invokeUrl`Required
+invokeUrl: str;
+- *Type:* str
+Invoke URL.
+##### `restApiArn`Required
+restApiArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+RestApi arn.
+##### `restApiId`Required
+restApiId: str;
+- *Type:* str
+RestApi id.
+##### `restApiName`Required
+restApiName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+RestApi id.
+##### `stageName`Required
+stageName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+RestApi stage name.
+### Bucket
+- *Implements:* IAwsBucket
+Base class for AWS Buckets.
+#### Initializers
+bring aws;
+new aws.Bucket(props?: BucketProps);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| props
| BucketProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* BucketProps
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| addCorsRule
| Add cors configuration to the bucket. |
+| addFile
| Add a file to the bucket from system folder. |
+| addObject
| Add a file to the bucket that is uploaded when the app is deployed. |
+| onCreate
| Run an inflight whenever a file is uploaded to the bucket. |
+| onDelete
| Run an inflight whenever a file is deleted from the bucket. |
+| onEvent
| Run an inflight whenever a file is uploaded, modified, or deleted from the bucket. |
+| onUpdate
| Run an inflight whenever a file is updated in the bucket. |
+##### `addCorsRule`
+addCorsRule(value: BucketCorsOptions): void
+Add cors configuration to the bucket.
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* BucketCorsOptions
+##### `addFile`
+addFile(key: str, path: str, encoding?: str): void
+Add a file to the bucket from system folder.
+###### `key`Required
+- *Type:* str
+The key or name to associate with the file.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+The path to the file on the local system.
+###### `encoding`Optional
+- *Type:* str
+The encoding to use when reading the file.
+Defaults to "utf-8".
+##### `addObject`
+addObject(path: str, content: str): void
+Add a file to the bucket that is uploaded when the app is deployed.
+TODO: In the future this will support uploading any `Blob` type or
+referencing a file from the local filesystem.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `content`Required
+- *Type:* str
+##### `onCreate`
+onCreate(fn: IBucketEventHandler, opts?: BucketOnCreateOptions): void
+Run an inflight whenever a file is uploaded to the bucket.
+###### `fn`Required
+- *Type:* IBucketEventHandler
+###### `opts`Optional
+- *Type:* BucketOnCreateOptions
+##### `onDelete`
+onDelete(fn: IBucketEventHandler, opts?: BucketOnDeleteOptions): void
+Run an inflight whenever a file is deleted from the bucket.
+###### `fn`Required
+- *Type:* IBucketEventHandler
+###### `opts`Optional
+- *Type:* BucketOnDeleteOptions
+##### `onEvent`
+onEvent(fn: IBucketEventHandler, opts?: BucketOnEventOptions): void
+Run an inflight whenever a file is uploaded, modified, or deleted from the bucket.
+###### `fn`Required
+- *Type:* IBucketEventHandler
+###### `opts`Optional
+- *Type:* BucketOnEventOptions
+##### `onUpdate`
+onUpdate(fn: IBucketEventHandler, opts?: BucketOnUpdateOptions): void
+Run an inflight whenever a file is updated in the bucket.
+###### `fn`Required
+- *Type:* IBucketEventHandler
+###### `opts`Optional
+- *Type:* BucketOnUpdateOptions
+#### Static Functions
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| from
| If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+##### `onLiftType`
+bring aws;
+aws.Bucket.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
+aws.Bucket.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
+###### `obj`Required
+- *Type:* IResource
+##### `from`
+bring aws;
+aws.Bucket.from(bucket: Bucket);
+If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it.
+###### `bucket`Required
+- *Type:* Bucket
+The cloud.Bucket.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| bucketArn
| str
| AWS Bucket arn. |
+| bucketDomainName
| str
| Bucket domain name. |
+| bucketName
| str
| AWS Bucket name. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `bucketArn`Required
+bucketArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Bucket arn.
+##### `bucketDomainName`Required
+bucketDomainName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+Bucket domain name.
+##### `bucketName`Required
+bucketName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Bucket name.
### BucketRef
-A reference to an external S3 bucket.
+A reference to an external S3 bucket.
+#### Initializers
+bring aws;
+new aws.BucketRef(bucketName: str);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| bucketName
| str
| *No description.* |
+##### `bucketName`Required
+- *Type:* str
+#### Methods
+##### Inflight Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| bucketRegion
| Get the region of the bucket. |
+##### `bucketRegion`
+inflight bucketRegion(): str
+Get the region of the bucket.
+#### Static Functions
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+##### `onLiftType`
+bring aws;
+aws.BucketRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
+aws.BucketRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
+###### `obj`Required
+- *Type:* IResource
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| bucketArn
| str
| The ARN of this bucket. |
+| bucketDomainName
| str
| The domain name of this bucket. |
+| bucketName
| str
| The Name of this bucket. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `bucketArn`Required
+bucketArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The ARN of this bucket.
+##### `bucketDomainName`Required
+bucketDomainName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The domain name of this bucket.
+##### `bucketName`Required
+bucketName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The Name of this bucket.
+### Counter
+- *Implements:* IAwsCounter
+Base class for AWS Counters.
+#### Initializers
+bring aws;
+new aws.Counter(props?: CounterProps);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| props
| CounterProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* CounterProps
+#### Static Functions
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| from
| If the table is an AWS Counter, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+##### `onLiftType`
+bring aws;
+aws.Counter.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
+aws.Counter.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
+###### `obj`Required
+- *Type:* IResource
+##### `from`
+bring aws;
+aws.Counter.from(counter: Counter);
+If the table is an AWS Counter, return a helper interface for working with it.
+###### `counter`Required
+- *Type:* Counter
+The cloud.Counter.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| initial
| num
| The initial value of the counter. |
+| dynamoTableArn
| str
| AWS Dynamodb arn. |
+| dynamoTableName
| str
| AWS Dynamodb name. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `initial`Required
+initial: num;
+- *Type:* num
+The initial value of the counter.
+##### `dynamoTableArn`Required
+dynamoTableArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Dynamodb arn.
+##### `dynamoTableName`Required
+dynamoTableName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Dynamodb name.
+### Domain
+AWS implementation of `cloud.Domain`.
+#### Initializers
+bring aws;
+new aws.Domain(props: DomainProps);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| props
| DomainProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `props`Required
+- *Type:* DomainProps
+#### Static Functions
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+##### `onLiftType`
+bring aws;
+aws.Domain.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
+aws.Domain.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
+###### `obj`Required
+- *Type:* IResource
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| domainName
| str
| The domain name. |
+| acmCertificateArn
| str
| The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate arn value. |
+| hostedZoneId
| str
| The hosted zone id value. |
+| iamCertificate
| str
| The IAM certificate identifier value. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `domainName`Required
+domainName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The domain name.
+##### `acmCertificateArn`Optional
+acmCertificateArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate arn value.
+##### `hostedZoneId`Optional
+hostedZoneId: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The hosted zone id value.
+##### `iamCertificate`Optional
+iamCertificate: str;
+- *Type:* str
+The IAM certificate identifier value.
+### Function
+- *Implements:* IAwsFunction
+Base class for AWS Functions.
+#### Initializers
+bring aws;
+new aws.Function(handler: IFunctionHandler, props?: FunctionProps);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| handler
| IFunctionHandler
| *No description.* |
+| props
| FunctionProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `handler`Required
+- *Type:* IFunctionHandler
+##### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* FunctionProps
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| addEnvironment
| Add an environment variable to the function. |
+| addLambdaLayer
| Add a Lambda layer to the function. |
+| addNetwork
| Adds the host to the specified network. |
+| addPolicyStatements
| Add policy statements to the function's IAM role. |
+##### `addEnvironment`
+addEnvironment(name: str, value: str): void
+Add an environment variable to the function.
+###### `name`Required
+- *Type:* str
+###### `value`Required
+- *Type:* str
+##### `addLambdaLayer`
+addLambdaLayer(layerArn: str): void
+Add a Lambda layer to the function.
+###### `layerArn`Required
+- *Type:* str
+##### `addNetwork`
+addNetwork(config: NetworkConfig): void
+Adds the host to the specified network.
+###### `config`Required
+- *Type:* NetworkConfig
+##### `addPolicyStatements`
+addPolicyStatements(...policies: Array): void
+Add policy statements to the function's IAM role.
+###### `policies`Required
+- *Type:* PolicyStatement
+#### Static Functions
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| context
| Returns the current Lambda invocation context, if the host is an AWS Lambda. |
+| from
| If the inflight host is an AWS Lambda, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+##### `onLiftType`
+bring aws;
+aws.Function.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
+aws.Function.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
+###### `obj`Required
+- *Type:* IResource
+##### `context`
+bring aws;
+Returns the current Lambda invocation context, if the host is an AWS Lambda.
+> [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-context.html](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-context.html)
+##### `from`
+bring aws;
+aws.Function.from(host: IInflightHost);
+If the inflight host is an AWS Lambda, return a helper interface for working with it.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+The inflight host.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| env
| MutMap<str>
| Returns the set of environment variables for this function. |
+| functionArn
| str
| AWS Function arn. |
+| functionName
| str
| AWS Function name. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `env`Required
+env: MutMap;
+- *Type:* MutMap<str>
+Returns the set of environment variables for this function.
+##### `functionArn`Required
+functionArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Function arn.
+##### `functionName`Required
+functionName: str;
-#### Initializers
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Function name.
+### FunctionRef
+A reference to an external Lambda function.
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.BucketRef(bucketName: str);
+new aws.FunctionRef(functionArn: str);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| bucketName
| str
| *No description.* |
+| functionArn
| str
| *No description.* |
-##### `bucketName`Required
+##### `functionArn`Required
- *Type:* str
@@ -42,33 +1564,62 @@ new aws.BucketRef(bucketName: str);
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| bucketRegion
| Get the region of the bucket. |
+| invoke
| Invokes the function with a payload and waits for the result. |
+| invokeAsync
| Kicks off the execution of the function with a payload and returns immediately while the function is running. |
-##### `bucketRegion`
+##### `invoke`
-inflight bucketRegion(): str
+inflight invoke(payload?: Json): Json?
-Get the region of the bucket.
+Invokes the function with a payload and waits for the result.
+###### `payload`Optional
+- *Type:* Json
+payload to pass to the function.
+If not defined, an empty string will be passed.
+##### `invokeAsync`
+inflight invokeAsync(payload?: Json): void
+Kicks off the execution of the function with a payload and returns immediately while the function is running.
+###### `payload`Optional
+- *Type:* Json
+payload to pass to the function.
+If not defined, an empty string will be passed.
#### Static Functions
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
-| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
-##### `onLiftType`
+##### `onLiftType`
bring aws;
-aws.BucketRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+aws.FunctionRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
@@ -79,31 +1630,31 @@ needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
other capabilities to the inflight host.
-###### `host`Required
+###### `host`Required
- *Type:* IInflightHost
-###### `ops`Required
+###### `ops`Required
- *Type:* MutArray<str>
-##### `toInflight`
+##### `toInflight`
bring aws;
-aws.BucketRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+aws.FunctionRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
-###### `obj`Required
+###### `obj`Required
- *Type:* IResource
@@ -113,14 +1664,12 @@ NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
-| bucketArn
| str
| The ARN of this bucket. |
-| bucketDomainName
| str
| The domain name of this bucket. |
-| bucketName
| str
| The Name of this bucket. |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| functionArn
| str
| The ARN of this function. |
-##### `node`Required
+##### `node`Required
node: Node;
@@ -132,83 +1681,264 @@ The tree node.
-##### `bucketArn`Required
+##### `functionArn`Required
-bucketArn: str;
+functionArn: str;
- *Type:* str
-The ARN of this bucket.
+The ARN of this function.
-##### `bucketDomainName`Required
+### Queue
+- *Implements:* IAwsQueue
+Base class for AWS Queues.
+#### Initializers
-bucketDomainName: str;
+bring aws;
+new aws.Queue(props?: QueueProps);
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| props
| QueueProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* QueueProps
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| setConsumer
| Create a function to consume messages from this queue. |
+##### `setConsumer`
+setConsumer(handler: IQueueSetConsumerHandler, props?: QueueSetConsumerOptions): Function
+Create a function to consume messages from this queue.
+###### `handler`Required
+- *Type:* IQueueSetConsumerHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* QueueSetConsumerOptions
+#### Static Functions
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| from
| If the queue is an AWS SQS, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+##### `onLiftType`
+bring aws;
+aws.Queue.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
+aws.Queue.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
+###### `obj`Required
+- *Type:* IResource
+##### `from`
+bring aws;
+aws.Queue.from(queue: Queue);
+If the queue is an AWS SQS, return a helper interface for working with it.
+###### `queue`Required
+- *Type:* Queue
+The cloud.Queue.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| queueArn
| str
| AWS Queue arn. |
+| queueName
| str
| AWS Queue name. |
+| queueUrl
| str
| AWS Queue url. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `queueArn`Required
+queueArn: str;
- *Type:* str
-The domain name of this bucket.
+AWS Queue arn.
-##### `bucketName`Required
+##### `queueName`Required
-bucketName: str;
+queueName: str;
- *Type:* str
-The Name of this bucket.
+AWS Queue name.
+##### `queueUrl`Required
-### Domain
+queueUrl: str;
-AWS implementation of `cloud.Domain`.
+- *Type:* str
-#### Initializers
+AWS Queue url.
+### QueueRef
+A reference to an external SQS queue.
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.Domain(props: DomainProps);
+new aws.QueueRef(queueArn: str);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| props
| DomainProps
| *No description.* |
+| queueArn
| str
| *No description.* |
-##### `props`Required
+##### `queueArn`Required
+- *Type:* str
+#### Methods
+##### Inflight Methods
-- *Type:* DomainProps
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| queueUrl
| Get the queue URL. |
+##### `queueUrl`
+inflight queueUrl(): str
+Get the queue URL.
#### Static Functions
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
-| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
-##### `onLiftType`
+##### `onLiftType`
bring aws;
-aws.Domain.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+aws.QueueRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
@@ -219,31 +1949,31 @@ needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
other capabilities to the inflight host.
-###### `host`Required
+###### `host`Required
- *Type:* IInflightHost
-###### `ops`Required
+###### `ops`Required
- *Type:* MutArray<str>
-##### `toInflight`
+##### `toInflight`
bring aws;
-aws.Domain.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+aws.QueueRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
-###### `obj`Required
+###### `obj`Required
- *Type:* IResource
@@ -253,15 +1983,12 @@ NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
-| domainName
| str
| The domain name. |
-| acmCertificateArn
| str
| The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate arn value. |
-| hostedZoneId
| str
| The hosted zone id value. |
-| iamCertificate
| str
| The IAM certificate identifier value. |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| queueArn
| str
| The ARN of this queue. |
-##### `node`Required
+##### `node`Required
node: Node;
@@ -273,141 +2000,61 @@ The tree node.
-##### `domainName`Required
-domainName: str;
-- *Type:* str
-The domain name.
-##### `acmCertificateArn`Optional
-acmCertificateArn: str;
-- *Type:* str
-The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate arn value.
-##### `hostedZoneId`Optional
+##### `queueArn`Required
-hostedZoneId: str;
+queueArn: str;
- *Type:* str
-The hosted zone id value.
+The ARN of this queue.
-##### `iamCertificate`Optional
-iamCertificate: str;
-- *Type:* str
-The IAM certificate identifier value.
+### Secret
-### FunctionRef
+- *Implements:* IAwsSecret
-A reference to an external Lambda function.
+Base class for AWS Secrets.
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.FunctionRef(functionArn: str);
+new aws.Secret(props?: SecretProps);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| functionArn
| str
| *No description.* |
-##### `functionArn`Required
-- *Type:* str
-#### Methods
-##### Inflight Methods
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| invoke
| Invokes the function with a payload and waits for the result. |
-| invokeAsync
| Kicks off the execution of the function with a payload and returns immediately while the function is running. |
+| props
| SecretProps
| *No description.* |
-##### `invoke`
-inflight invoke(payload?: Json): Json?
-Invokes the function with a payload and waits for the result.
-###### `payload`Optional
-- *Type:* Json
-payload to pass to the function.
+##### `props`Optional
-If not defined, an empty string will be passed.
+- *Type:* SecretProps
-##### `invokeAsync`
-inflight invokeAsync(payload?: Json): void
-Kicks off the execution of the function with a payload and returns immediately while the function is running.
-###### `payload`Optional
-- *Type:* Json
-payload to pass to the function.
-If not defined, an empty string will be passed.
#### Static Functions
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
-| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
-##### `onLiftType`
+##### `onLiftType`
bring aws;
-aws.FunctionRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+aws.Secret.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
@@ -418,31 +2065,31 @@ needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
other capabilities to the inflight host.
-###### `host`Required
+###### `host`Required
- *Type:* IInflightHost
-###### `ops`Required
+###### `ops`Required
- *Type:* MutArray<str>
-##### `toInflight`
+##### `toInflight`
bring aws;
-aws.FunctionRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+aws.Secret.toInflight(obj: IResource);
Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
-###### `obj`Required
+###### `obj`Required
- *Type:* IResource
@@ -452,12 +2099,13 @@ NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
-| functionArn
| str
| The ARN of this function. |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| name
| str
| Get secret name. |
+| secretArn
| str
| AWS Secret ARN. |
-##### `node`Required
+##### `node`Required
node: Node;
@@ -469,38 +2117,50 @@ The tree node.
-##### `functionArn`Required
+##### `name`Optional
-functionArn: str;
+name: str;
- *Type:* str
-The ARN of this function.
+Get secret name.
+##### `secretArn`Required
-### QueueRef
+secretArn: str;
-A reference to an external SQS queue.
+- *Type:* str
-#### Initializers
+AWS Secret ARN.
+### SecretRef
+A reference to an existing secret.
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.QueueRef(queueArn: str);
+new aws.SecretRef(secretArn: str);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| queueArn
| str
| *No description.* |
+| secretArn
| str
| *No description.* |
-##### `queueArn`Required
+##### `secretArn`Required
- *Type:* str
@@ -512,33 +2172,54 @@ new aws.QueueRef(queueArn: str);
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| queueUrl
| Get the queue URL. |
+| value
| Retrieve the value of the secret. |
+| valueJson
| Retrieve the Json value of the secret. |
-##### `queueUrl`
+##### `value`
-inflight queueUrl(): str
+inflight value(options?: GetSecretValueOptions): str
-Get the queue URL.
+Retrieve the value of the secret.
+###### `options`Optional
+- *Type:* GetSecretValueOptions
+##### `valueJson`
+inflight valueJson(options?: GetSecretValueOptions): Json
+Retrieve the Json value of the secret.
+###### `options`Optional
+- *Type:* GetSecretValueOptions
#### Static Functions
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
-| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
-##### `onLiftType`
+##### `onLiftType`
bring aws;
-aws.QueueRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+aws.SecretRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
@@ -549,31 +2230,31 @@ needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
other capabilities to the inflight host.
-###### `host`Required
+###### `host`Required
- *Type:* IInflightHost
-###### `ops`Required
+###### `ops`Required
- *Type:* MutArray<str>
-##### `toInflight`
+##### `toInflight`
bring aws;
-aws.QueueRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+aws.SecretRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
-###### `obj`Required
+###### `obj`Required
- *Type:* IResource
@@ -583,12 +2264,12 @@ NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
-| queueArn
| str
| The ARN of this queue. |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| secretArn
| str
| The ARN of the secret. |
-##### `node`Required
+##### `node`Required
node: Node;
@@ -600,79 +2281,107 @@ The tree node.
-##### `queueArn`Required
+##### `secretArn`Required
-queueArn: str;
+secretArn: str;
- *Type:* str
-The ARN of this queue.
+The ARN of the secret.
-### SecretRef
+### Service
-A reference to an existing secret.
+- *Implements:* IAwsService
-#### Initializers
+Base class for AWS Services.
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.SecretRef(secretArn: str);
+new aws.Service(handler: IServiceHandler, props?: ServiceProps);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| secretArn
| str
| *No description.* |
+| handler
| IServiceHandler
| *No description.* |
+| props
| ServiceProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `handler`Required
+- *Type:* IServiceHandler
-##### `secretArn`Required
+##### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* ServiceProps
+#### Methods
+| **Name** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- |
+| addEnvironment
| Add an environment variable to the function. |
+| addNetwork
| Adds the host to the specified network. |
+| addPolicyStatements
| Add policy statements to the function's IAM role. |
+##### `addEnvironment`
+addEnvironment(name: str, value: str): void
+Add an environment variable to the function.
+###### `name`Required
- *Type:* str
-#### Methods
-##### Inflight Methods
+###### `value`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| value
| Retrieve the value of the secret. |
-| valueJson
| Retrieve the Json value of the secret. |
+- *Type:* str
-##### `value`
+##### `addNetwork`
-inflight value(options?: GetSecretValueOptions): str
+addNetwork(config: NetworkConfig): void
-Retrieve the value of the secret.
+Adds the host to the specified network.
-###### `options`Optional
+###### `config`Required
-- *Type:* GetSecretValueOptions
+- *Type:* NetworkConfig
-##### `valueJson`
+##### `addPolicyStatements`
-inflight valueJson(options?: GetSecretValueOptions): Json
+addPolicyStatements(...policies: Array): void
-Retrieve the Json value of the secret.
+Add policy statements to the function's IAM role.
-###### `options`Optional
+###### `policies`Required
-- *Type:* GetSecretValueOptions
+- *Type:* PolicyStatement
@@ -680,17 +2389,17 @@ Retrieve the Json value of the secret.
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
-| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
-##### `onLiftType`
+##### `onLiftType`
bring aws;
-aws.SecretRef.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
+aws.Service.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
@@ -701,31 +2410,31 @@ needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
other capabilities to the inflight host.
-###### `host`Required
+###### `host`Required
- *Type:* IInflightHost
-###### `ops`Required
+###### `ops`Required
- *Type:* MutArray<str>
-##### `toInflight`
+##### `toInflight`
bring aws;
-aws.SecretRef.toInflight(obj: IResource);
+aws.Service.toInflight(obj: IResource);
Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
-###### `obj`Required
+###### `obj`Required
- *Type:* IResource
@@ -735,12 +2444,14 @@ NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
-| secretArn
| str
| The ARN of the secret. |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| env
| MutMap<str>
| Returns the set of environment variables for this function. |
+| clusterName
| str
| AWS ECS cluster name. |
+| serviceName
| str
| AWS ECS service name. |
-##### `node`Required
+##### `node`Required
node: Node;
@@ -752,367 +2463,493 @@ The tree node.
-##### `secretArn`Required
+##### `env`Required
-secretArn: str;
+env: MutMap;
+- *Type:* MutMap<str>
+Returns the set of environment variables for this function.
+##### `clusterName`Required
+clusterName: str;
- *Type:* str
-The ARN of the secret.
+AWS ECS cluster name.
+##### `serviceName`Required
-## Classes
+serviceName: str;
-### Api
+- *Type:* str
-A helper class for working with AWS apis.
+AWS ECS service name.
-#### Initializers
+### Topic
+- *Implements:* IAwsTopic
+Base class for AWS Topics.
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.Api();
+new aws.Topic(props?: TopicProps);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
+| props
| TopicProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `props`Optional
-#### Static Functions
+- *Type:* TopicProps
+#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| from
| If the api is an AWS RestApi, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+| onMessage
| Run an inflight whenever an message is published to the topic. |
+| subscribeQueue
| Subscribing queue to the topic. |
-##### `from`
+##### `onMessage`
-bring aws;
-aws.Api.from(api: Api);
+onMessage(inflight: ITopicOnMessageHandler, props?: TopicOnMessageOptions): Function
-If the api is an AWS RestApi, return a helper interface for working with it.
-###### `api`Required
+Run an inflight whenever an message is published to the topic.
-- *Type:* Api
+###### `inflight`Required
-The cloud.Api.
+- *Type:* ITopicOnMessageHandler
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* TopicOnMessageOptions
-### ApiEndpointHandler
-A helper class for working with AWS api endpoint handlers.
-#### Initializers
+##### `subscribeQueue`
-bring aws;
-new aws.ApiEndpointHandler();
+subscribeQueue(queue: Queue, props?: TopicSubscribeQueueOptions): void
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
+Subscribing queue to the topic.
+###### `queue`Required
+- *Type:* Queue
+###### `props`Optional
+- *Type:* TopicSubscribeQueueOptions
#### Static Functions
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| toFunctionHandler
| Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling requests from a `cloud.Api`. |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| from
| If the topic is an AWS SNS, return a helper interface for working with it. |
-##### `toFunctionHandler`
+##### `onLiftType`
bring aws;
-aws.ApiEndpointHandler.toFunctionHandler(handler: IApiEndpointHandler, headers?: MutMap);
+aws.Topic.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
-Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling requests from a `cloud.Api`.
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
-###### `handler`Required
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
-- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
-The `onRequest` handler.
+###### `host`Required
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
-###### `headers`Optional
-- *Type:* MutMap<str>
+###### `ops`Required
-HTTP response headers to add to all responses (used by CORS).
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
+##### `toInflight`
+bring aws;
-### AwsInflightHost
+aws.Topic.toInflight(obj: IResource);
-Represents an inflight host on AWS.
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
-#### Static Functions
+###### `obj`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| isAwsInflightHost
| Returns `true` if `obj` implements `IAwsInflightHost`. |
+- *Type:* IResource
-##### `isAwsInflightHost`
+##### `from`
bring aws;
-aws.AwsInflightHost.isAwsInflightHost(obj: any);
+aws.Topic.from(topic: Topic);
-Returns `true` if `obj` implements `IAwsInflightHost`.
+If the topic is an AWS SNS, return a helper interface for working with it.
-###### `obj`Required
+###### `topic`Required
-- *Type:* any
+- *Type:* Topic
+The cloud.Topic.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| topicArn
| str
| AWS Topic arn. |
+| topicName
| str
| AWS Topic name. |
-### Bucket
-A helper class for working with AWS buckets.
+##### `node`Required
-#### Initializers
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `topicArn`Required
+topicArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Topic arn.
+##### `topicName`Required
+topicName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Topic name.
+### Website
+- *Implements:* IAwsWebsite
+Base class for AWS Websites.
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.Bucket();
+new aws.Website(props: WebsiteProps);
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
+| props
| WebsiteProps
| *No description.* |
+##### `props`Required
-#### Static Functions
+- *Type:* WebsiteProps
+#### Methods
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| from
| If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+| addFile
| Add a file to the website during deployment. |
+| addJson
| Add a JSON file with custom values during the website's deployment. |
-##### `from`
+##### `addFile`
-bring aws;
-aws.Bucket.from(bucket: Bucket);
+addFile(path: str, data: str, options?: AddFileOptions): str
-If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it.
+Add a file to the website during deployment.
-###### `bucket`Required
+If the path conflicts with file path from the website's static assets, an error will be thrown.
-- *Type:* Bucket
+###### `path`Required
-The cloud.Bucket.
+- *Type:* str
+the file path it will be uploaded as.
+###### `data`Required
+- *Type:* str
+the data to write to the file.
-### BucketEventHandler
-Utility class to work with bucket event handlers.
+###### `options`Optional
-#### Initializers
+- *Type:* AddFileOptions
-bring aws;
+configure the file's options.
-new aws.BucketEventHandler();
+##### `addJson`
+addJson(path: str, data: Json): str
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
+Add a JSON file with custom values during the website's deployment.
+If the path conflicts with file path from the website's static assets, an error will be thrown.
+###### `path`Required
+- *Type:* str
+the file path it will be uploaded as.
+###### `data`Required
+- *Type:* Json
+the data to write to the file.
#### Static Functions
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| toTopicOnMessageHandler
| Converts a `cloud.IBucketEventHandler` to a `cloud.ITopicOnMessageHandler`. |
+| onLiftType
| A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight. |
+| toInflight
| Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource. |
+| from
| If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it. |
-##### `toTopicOnMessageHandler`
+##### `onLiftType`
bring aws;
-aws.BucketEventHandler.toTopicOnMessageHandler(handler: IBucketEventHandler, eventType: BucketEventType);
+aws.Website.onLiftType(host: IInflightHost, ops: MutArray);
-Converts a `cloud.IBucketEventHandler` to a `cloud.ITopicOnMessageHandler`.
-###### `handler`Required
-- *Type:* IBucketEventHandler
-the handler to convert.
+A hook called by the Wing compiler once for each inflight host that needs to use this type inflight.
+The list of requested inflight methods
+needed by the inflight host are given by `ops`.
-###### `eventType`Required
+This method is commonly used for adding permissions, environment variables, or
+other capabilities to the inflight host.
-- *Type:* BucketEventType
+###### `host`Required
-the event type.
+- *Type:* IInflightHost
+###### `ops`Required
+- *Type:* MutArray<str>
-### Counter
-A helper class for working with AWS Counters.
-#### Initializers
+##### `toInflight`
bring aws;
-new aws.Counter();
+aws.Website.toInflight(obj: IResource);
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
+Generates an asynchronous JavaScript statement which can be used to create an inflight client for a resource.
+NOTE: This statement must be executed within an async context.
-#### Static Functions
+###### `obj`Required
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| from
| If the table is an AWS Counter, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+- *Type:* IResource
-##### `from`
+##### `from`
bring aws;
-aws.Counter.from(counter: Counter);
+aws.Website.from(website: Website);
-If the table is an AWS Counter, return a helper interface for working with it.
+If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it.
-###### `counter`Required
+###### `website`Required
-- *Type:* Counter
+- *Type:* Website
-The cloud.Counter.
+The cloud.Bucket.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| path
| str
| Absolute local path to the website's static files. |
+| url
| str
| The website's url. |
+| bucketArn
| str
| AWS Bucket arn. |
+| bucketName
| str
| AWS Bucket name. |
-### Function
-A helper class for working with AWS functions.
-#### Initializers
+##### `node`Required
-bring aws;
-new aws.Function();
+node: Node;
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `path`Required
-#### Static Functions
+path: str;
-| **Name** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- |
-| context
| Returns the current Lambda invocation context, if the host is an AWS Lambda. |
-| from
| If the inflight host is an AWS Lambda, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+- *Type:* str
+Absolute local path to the website's static files.
-##### `context`
+##### `url`Required
-bring aws;
+url: str;
-Returns the current Lambda invocation context, if the host is an AWS Lambda.
+- *Type:* str
-> [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-context.html](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-context.html)
+The website's url.
-##### `from`
-bring aws;
+##### `bucketArn`Required
-aws.Function.from(host: IInflightHost);
+bucketArn: str;
-If the inflight host is an AWS Lambda, return a helper interface for working with it.
+- *Type:* str
-###### `host`Required
+AWS Bucket arn.
-- *Type:* IInflightHost
-The inflight host.
+##### `bucketName`Required
+bucketName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Bucket name.
+## Classes
-### Queue
+### ApiEndpointHandler
-A helper class for working with AWS queues.
+A helper class for working with AWS api endpoint handlers.
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.Queue();
+new aws.ApiEndpointHandler();
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
@@ -1125,86 +2962,79 @@ new aws.Queue();
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| from
| If the queue is an AWS SQS, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+| toFunctionHandler
| Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling requests from a `cloud.Api`. |
-##### `from`
+##### `toFunctionHandler`
bring aws;
-aws.Queue.from(queue: Queue);
+aws.ApiEndpointHandler.toFunctionHandler(handler: IApiEndpointHandler, headers?: MutMap);
-If the queue is an AWS SQS, return a helper interface for working with it.
+Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling requests from a `cloud.Api`.
-###### `queue`Required
+###### `handler`Required
-- *Type:* Queue
+- *Type:* IApiEndpointHandler
-The cloud.Queue.
+The `onRequest` handler.
+###### `headers`Optional
+- *Type:* MutMap<str>
-### QueueSetConsumerHandler
-Utility class for working with the queue consumer handler.
+HTTP response headers to add to all responses (used by CORS).
-#### Initializers
-bring aws;
-new aws.QueueSetConsumerHandler();
-| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
-| --- | --- | --- |
+### AwsInflightHost
+Represents an inflight host on AWS.
#### Static Functions
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| toFunctionHandler
| Converts a queue consumer handler to a function handler. |
+| isAwsInflightHost
| Returns `true` if `obj` implements `IAwsInflightHost`. |
-##### `toFunctionHandler`
+##### `isAwsInflightHost`
bring aws;
-aws.QueueSetConsumerHandler.toFunctionHandler(handler: IQueueSetConsumerHandler);
+aws.AwsInflightHost.isAwsInflightHost(obj: any);
-Converts a queue consumer handler to a function handler.
-###### `handler`Required
+Returns `true` if `obj` implements `IAwsInflightHost`.
-- *Type:* IQueueSetConsumerHandler
+###### `obj`Required
-The queue consumer handler.
+- *Type:* any
-### Topic
+### BucketEventHandler
-A helper class for working with AWS topics.
+Utility class to work with bucket event handlers.
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.Topic();
+new aws.BucketEventHandler();
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
@@ -1217,40 +3047,48 @@ new aws.Topic();
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| from
| If the topic is an AWS SNS, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+| toTopicOnMessageHandler
| Converts a `cloud.IBucketEventHandler` to a `cloud.ITopicOnMessageHandler`. |
-##### `from`
+##### `toTopicOnMessageHandler`
bring aws;
-aws.Topic.from(topic: Topic);
+aws.BucketEventHandler.toTopicOnMessageHandler(handler: IBucketEventHandler, eventType: BucketEventType);
-If the topic is an AWS SNS, return a helper interface for working with it.
+Converts a `cloud.IBucketEventHandler` to a `cloud.ITopicOnMessageHandler`.
-###### `topic`Required
+###### `handler`Required
-- *Type:* Topic
+- *Type:* IBucketEventHandler
-The cloud.Topic.
+the handler to convert.
+###### `eventType`Required
+- *Type:* BucketEventType
+the event type.
-### TopicOnMessageHandler
+### QueueSetConsumerHandler
-A helper class for working with AWS topic on message handlers.
+Utility class for working with the queue consumer handler.
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.TopicOnMessageHandler();
+new aws.QueueSetConsumerHandler();
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
@@ -1263,40 +3101,40 @@ new aws.TopicOnMessageHandler();
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| toFunctionHandler
| Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling messages from a `cloud.Topic`. |
+| toFunctionHandler
| Converts a queue consumer handler to a function handler. |
-##### `toFunctionHandler`
+##### `toFunctionHandler`
bring aws;
-aws.TopicOnMessageHandler.toFunctionHandler(handler: ITopicOnMessageHandler);
+aws.QueueSetConsumerHandler.toFunctionHandler(handler: IQueueSetConsumerHandler);
-Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling messages from a `cloud.Topic`.
+Converts a queue consumer handler to a function handler.
-###### `handler`Required
+###### `handler`Required
-- *Type:* ITopicOnMessageHandler
+- *Type:* IQueueSetConsumerHandler
-The `onMessage` handler.
+The queue consumer handler.
-### Website
+### TopicOnMessageHandler
-A helper class for working with AWS buckets.
+A helper class for working with AWS topic on message handlers.
-#### Initializers
+#### Initializers
bring aws;
-new aws.Website();
+new aws.TopicOnMessageHandler();
| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
@@ -1309,25 +3147,25 @@ new aws.Website();
| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
-| from
| If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it. |
+| toFunctionHandler
| Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling messages from a `cloud.Topic`. |
-##### `from`
+##### `toFunctionHandler`
bring aws;
-aws.Website.from(website: Website);
+aws.TopicOnMessageHandler.toFunctionHandler(handler: ITopicOnMessageHandler);
-If the bucket is an AWS Bucket, return a helper interface for working with it.
+Returns a `cloud.Function` handler for handling messages from a `cloud.Topic`.
-###### `website`Required
+###### `handler`Required
-- *Type:* Website
+- *Type:* ITopicOnMessageHandler
-The cloud.Bucket.
+The `onMessage` handler.
@@ -1516,7 +3354,7 @@ Resources.
### IAwsApi
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsApi
+- *Implemented By:* Api, IAwsApi
A shared interface for AWS api.
@@ -1608,7 +3446,7 @@ RestApi stage name.
### IAwsBucket
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsBucket
+- *Implemented By:* Bucket, IAwsBucket
A shared interface for AWS buckets.
@@ -1661,7 +3499,7 @@ AWS Bucket name.
### IAwsCounter
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsCounter
+- *Implemented By:* Counter, IAwsCounter
A shared interface for AWS Counter.
@@ -1703,7 +3541,7 @@ AWS Dynamodb name.
- *Extends:* IAwsInflightHost
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsFunction
+- *Implemented By:* Function, IAwsFunction
A shared interface for AWS functions.
@@ -1781,7 +3619,7 @@ AWS Function name.
- *Extends:* IInflightHost
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsFunction, IAwsInflightHost
+- *Implemented By:* Function, Service, IAwsFunction, IAwsInflightHost, IAwsService
Represents an `IInflightHost` on AWS.
@@ -1846,7 +3684,7 @@ The tree node.
### IAwsQueue
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsQueue
+- *Implemented By:* Queue, IAwsQueue
A shared interface for AWS queues.
@@ -1897,9 +3735,91 @@ AWS Queue url.
+### IAwsSecret
+- *Implemented By:* Secret, IAwsSecret
+Shared interface for AWS Secrets.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| secretArn
| str
| AWS Secret ARN. |
+##### `secretArn`Required
+secretArn: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS Secret ARN.
+### IAwsService
+- *Extends:* IAwsInflightHost
+- *Implemented By:* Service, IAwsService
+Shared interface for AWS Services.
+#### Properties
+| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| node
| constructs.Node
| The tree node. |
+| clusterName
| str
| AWS ECS cluster name. |
+| serviceName
| str
| AWS ECS service name. |
+##### `node`Required
+node: Node;
+- *Type:* constructs.Node
+The tree node.
+##### `clusterName`Required
+clusterName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS ECS cluster name.
+##### `serviceName`Required
+serviceName: str;
+- *Type:* str
+AWS ECS service name.
### IAwsTopic
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsTopic
+- *Implemented By:* Topic, IAwsTopic
A shared interface for AWS topics.
@@ -1939,7 +3859,7 @@ AWS Topic name.
### IAwsWebsite
-- *Implemented By:* IAwsWebsite
+- *Implemented By:* Website, IAwsWebsite
A shared interface for AWS website.
diff --git a/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/cloud/website.md b/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/cloud/website.md
index 0a0ebde3..276abf3d 100644
--- a/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/cloud/website.md
+++ b/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/cloud/website.md
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ The website's custom domain object.
### IWebsite
-- *Implemented By:* Website, IWebsite
+- *Implemented By:* Website, Website, IWebsite
Base interface for a website.
diff --git a/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/std/resource.md b/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/std/resource.md
index 68a8b0c7..843ab9f7 100644
--- a/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/std/resource.md
+++ b/api_versioned_docs/version-latest/04-standard-library/std/resource.md
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Operations to lift on the object.
- *Extends:* ILiftable
-- *Implemented By:* BucketRef, Domain, FunctionRef, QueueRef, SecretRef, Api, Bucket, Counter, Domain, Endpoint, Function, OnDeploy, Queue, Schedule, Secret, Service, Topic, Website, Container, Policy, Resource, State, AutoIdResource, Resource, Test, TestRunner, Button, Field, FileBrowser, HttpClient, Section, Table, ValueField, VisualComponent, IAwsFunction, IAwsInflightHost, IApiEndpointHandler, IBucketEventHandler, IFunctionHandler, IOnDeployHandler, IQueueSetConsumerHandler, IScheduleOnTickHandler, IServiceHandler, IServiceStopHandler, ITopicOnMessageHandler, IResourceFactory, ISimulatorInflightHost, ISimulatorResource, IHostedLiftable, IInflight, IInflightHost, IResource, ITestHandler, IButtonHandler, IFieldHandler, IFileBrowserDeleteHandler, IFileBrowserGetHandler, IFileBrowserListHandler, IFileBrowserPutHandler, IHttpClientGetApiSpecHandler, IHttpClientGetUrlHandler, ITableScanHandler, IPredicateHandler
+- *Implemented By:* Api, Bucket, BucketRef, Counter, Domain, Function, FunctionRef, Queue, QueueRef, Secret, SecretRef, Service, Topic, Website, Api, Bucket, Counter, Domain, Endpoint, Function, OnDeploy, Queue, Schedule, Secret, Service, Topic, Website, Container, Policy, Resource, State, AutoIdResource, Resource, Test, TestRunner, Button, Field, FileBrowser, HttpClient, Section, Table, ValueField, VisualComponent, IAwsFunction, IAwsInflightHost, IAwsService, IApiEndpointHandler, IBucketEventHandler, IFunctionHandler, IOnDeployHandler, IQueueSetConsumerHandler, IScheduleOnTickHandler, IServiceHandler, IServiceStopHandler, ITopicOnMessageHandler, IResourceFactory, ISimulatorInflightHost, ISimulatorResource, IHostedLiftable, IInflight, IInflightHost, IResource, ITestHandler, IButtonHandler, IFieldHandler, IFileBrowserDeleteHandler, IFileBrowserGetHandler, IFileBrowserListHandler, IFileBrowserPutHandler, IHttpClientGetApiSpecHandler, IHttpClientGetUrlHandler, ITableScanHandler, IPredicateHandler
A liftable object that needs to be registered on the host as part of the lifting process.