Register plugin
* Register plugin
* @param comp Plugin
* @param config Other configurations
static use(comp: any, config?: any): void;
- addLocale: Add language pack
- useLocale: Set current language pack
- getLocale: Get current language pack's name
static addLocale: (langName: string, lang: {
[x: string]: string;
}) => void;
static useLocale: (langName: string) => void;
static getLocale: () => string;
For example, add traditional Chinese, and use it:
Editor.addLocale('zh-TW', {
btnHeader: '標頭',
btnClear: '清除',
btnBold: '粗體',
const MyEditor = () => {
return (
<Editor renderHtml={/* ... */} />
interface Selection {
start: number; // Start position, start at 0
end: number; // End position
text: string; // Selected text
Clear selection, note that this method will move cursor to start, if you only want to clear selections but do not want to move cursor, please use setSelection
* Clear selection
clearSelection(): void;
Get selection
* Get selection
* @return {Selection}
getSelection(): Selection;
Set current selection, if to.start
is same as to.end
, cursor will move to to.start
BTW, in this method, "text" in Selection take no effect.
* Set current selection
* @param {Selection} to
setSelection(to: Selection): void;
Insert markdown text, see below for a complete example.
* Insert markdown text
* @param type
* @param option
insertMarkdown(type: string, option?: any): void;
Insert a placeholder, and replace it after the Promise resolved, for example, when uploading a image, you can insert a placeholder, and replace the placeholder to image's url after upload.
* @param placeholder
* @param wait
insertPlaceholder(placeholder: string, wait: Promise<string>): void;
Insert text
* Insert text
* @param {string} value The text you want to insert
* @param {boolean} replaceSelected Replace selected text or not
* @param {Selection} newSelection New selection
insertText(value?: string, replaceSelected?: boolean, newSelection?: {
start: number;
end: number;
}): void;
Set text and trigger onChange event. Note that you should't call this method in onChange callback.
* @param {string} value
* @param {any} event
setText(value?: string, event?: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>, newSelection?: Selection): void;
Get text value
* Get text value
* @return {string}
getMdValue(): string;
Get rendered html source code
* Get rendered html source code
* @returns {string}
getHtmlValue(): string;
Listen or unlisten events, events:
- change: Editor's content has changed
- fullscreen: Full screen status changed
- viewchange: View status changed, such as show / hide preview area, or menu bars
- keydown: Press the keyboard key
on(event: EditorEvent, cb: any): void;
off(event: EditorEvent, cb: any): void;
Listen or unlisten keyboard events
interface KeyboardEventListener {
key?: string; // Key name, use this property at first, such as "z"
keyCode: number; // Key code, if key name not exists, use this, such as 90
withKey?: ('ctrlKey' | 'shiftKey' | 'altKey' | 'metaKey')[]; // Press other keys at same time?
callback: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void; // Callback
onKeyboard(data: KeyboardEventListener): void;
offKeyboard(data: KeyboardEventListener): void;
* Set view status
* You can hide or show: editor(md), preview(html), menu bar(menu)
* @param enable
setView(to: {
md?: boolean;
menu?: boolean;
html?: boolean;
}): void;
Get view status
getView(): {
menu: boolean;
md: boolean;
html: boolean;
Enter or exit full screen
* Enter or exit full screen
* @param {boolean} enable Enable full screen?
fullScreen(enable: boolean): void;
Is full screen enable or not
isFullScreen(): boolean;
The actual elements of the editor can be reached by the following APIs. Please note: you MUST understand what you are doing, otherwise do not manipulate the actual elements of the editor.
Get edit area elements
getMdElement(): HTMLTextAreaElement | null;
Get preview area element
getHtmlElement(): HTMLDivElement | null;
insertMarkdown('bold'); // **text**
insertMarkdown('italic'); // *text*
insertMarkdown('underline'); // ++text++
insertMarkdown('strikethrough'); // ~~text~~
insertMarkdown('quote'); // > text
insertMarkdown('inlinecode'); // `text`
insertMarkdown('hr'); // ---
* text
* text
* text
1. text
2. text
3. text
| Head | Head | Head | Head |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Data | Data | Data | Data |
| Data | Data | Data | Data |
insertMarkdown('table', {
row: 2,
col: 4

insertMarkdown('image', {
imageUrl: ""
insertMarkdown('link', {
linkUrl: ""