This is a a plugin for Redmine version 2.2.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.2. It is compatible with the following Redmine versions:
Thanks to speedy for his internalization modification & dnoise for his original works.
This plugin uses graphics to represent total workloads and also the workload involved in the following tasks:
Average time assigned to issues. The plugin shows the amount of hours per issues within a project
as well as the total of hours assigned to that project. Different colours are assigned to each issue.
This application also represents the % of hours used against the % of hours estimated for a issue. It
also indicates the amount of extra time used over the initial estimate. In addition to this, the plugin also advise if a project doesn’t have assigned and also beginning and end dates.
This plug-in determines the timing of an application, showing different status: on time, delayed, etc
This plugin is especially helpful in organisations with a high workload and/or an organisation with
scarce human resources
Redmine 2.2.0 / Redmine 2.2.1 / Redmine 2.2.2
Follow the Redmine plugin installation steps at:
Cd to your redmine plugins/ dir
Git-clone the plugin from this repo into a folder in there (git clone git:// redmine_dnoise_workload)
Run the plugin migrations +rake redmine:plugins:migrate+
Restart your Redmine web servers (e.g. mongrel, thin, mod_rails)
Login to your Redmine install as an Administrator
Setup the permissions for the Workload module for your roles
The Workload module in the Project’s page isn’t used. So, you can enable / disable it with no effects to the Workload page at all
Fix: when chart’s header stays at the top, it pushes the data up
Hide the number zero when the total hour for the issue of that day is zero. This might happened for parent issue
Fix: issues in the chart aren’t showing if they are in the first week of the calendar
Change the page header to make it similar to other Redmine pages
The chart’s header will stay at the top when the scrolling the graph up/down. This way, it is easier to see the date
Change the default view to current user’s workload to speed up processing time
Modified for Redmine version 2.2.0
Add the +View Workload+ permission