Traditional programming languages use a model of computation where individual instructions are executed in order. However, when building distributed systems this model fails to match the reality of how your application code is actually executed. Bloom is a language which allows programmers to build applications as a series of unordered statements while also providing facilities for imposing a particular ordering of events when necessary.
During this talk we will explore building applications in Bud, which is a prototype of Bloom implemented as a domain specific language in Ruby. We will discuss the concepts of logical monotonicity, disorderly collections, the CALM principle which is the root of the Bloom language, and how to use he Bloom language to identify critical sections of your code where a coordiation library should be used to ensure consistency.
Christopher Meiklejohn is a Software Engineer with Basho Technologies, Inc. where he focuses on building rich web applications for Riak using Erlang and JavaScript. Before joining Basho, he worked at Swipely, a loyalty program startup based in Providence where he maintained critical infrastructure components written in Ruby. Christopher currently serves as one of the maintainers of
Christopher speaks frequently at meetups about JavaScript and Rich Internet Applications, co-organized DowncityJS, and has most recently spoken at Web Unleashed '12 and Clojure/West '13. Christopher is also a graduate student in computer science at Brown University, in Providence RI.