From 0c6760d22724fe56564a204f0324dd345a5ef891 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Yuichiro Tachibana (Tsuchiya)" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2024 16:07:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Auto-install the imported packages (#902)

* Add autoInstall option to the kernel

* Run pyodide.loadPackagesFromImports() at init and file writing

* Send the auto-installed packages to the editor and update the requirements tab content

* Update the auto install event emits a promise to resolve the installed package list

* Update to call loadPackage() only when needed

* Improve the toast notification

* Fix

* Fix

* Update the editor content

* Fix

* Implement module auto-load at each run and split the autoInstall option into moduleAutoLoadOnRun and moduleAutoLoadOnSave

* Revert "Implement module auto-load at each run and split the autoInstall option into moduleAutoLoadOnRun and moduleAutoLoadOnSave"

This reverts commit 61cfd1c72c58be4a0db8d4aaa7b5197696b05d89.

* Rename auto-install to module-auto-load

* Update findImports impl

* Fix to await the auto-load promise in the script runner

* Fix

* Rename messages

* Fix

* Apply formatter

* Add comment

* Refactoring

* Refactoring

* Fix inter-window messaging

* Fix

* Fix

* Fix <Editor /> to handle addRequirements() in an imperative way
 .../stlite-kernel-with-toast.tsx              |  74 ++-
 packages/desktop/electron/worker.ts           |   9 +-
 packages/kernel/src/kernel.ts                 |  46 +-
 packages/kernel/src/module-auto-load.ts       |  71 +++
 packages/kernel/src/types.ts                  |  27 +-
 packages/kernel/src/worker-runtime.ts         |  50 +-
 packages/kernel/src/worker.ts                 |   3 +-
 packages/sharing-common/src/messages.ts       |  24 +-
 packages/sharing-editor/src/App.tsx           |  44 +-
 .../src/Editor/components/Tab.module.scss     |   2 +-
 packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/index.tsx  | 456 ++++++++++--------
 .../src/StliteSharingIFrame/index.tsx         |  24 +-
 packages/sharing/src/App.tsx                  |  31 +-
 streamlit                                     |   2 +-
 14 files changed, 607 insertions(+), 256 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/kernel/src/module-auto-load.ts

diff --git a/packages/common-react/src/toastify-components/stlite-kernel-with-toast.tsx b/packages/common-react/src/toastify-components/stlite-kernel-with-toast.tsx
index 7293fdf29..0892c3f7a 100644
--- a/packages/common-react/src/toastify-components/stlite-kernel-with-toast.tsx
+++ b/packages/common-react/src/toastify-components/stlite-kernel-with-toast.tsx
@@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
 import React from "react";
-import { StliteKernel } from "@stlite/kernel";
-import { toast } from "react-toastify";
+import type { StliteKernel, StliteKernelOptions } from "@stlite/kernel";
+import { toast, ToastPromiseParams } from "react-toastify";
 import ErrorToastContent from "./ErrorToastContent";
-type ToastPromiseParams<TData> = Parameters<typeof toast.promise<TData>>;
-type ToastPromiseMessages<TData> = Partial<
-  Record<keyof ToastPromiseParams<TData>[1], string>
-type ToastPromiseReturnType = ReturnType<typeof toast.promise>;
-function stliteStyledPromiseToast<TData>(
-  promise: ToastPromiseParams<TData>[0],
-  messages: ToastPromiseMessages<TData>
-): ToastPromiseReturnType {
+function stliteStyledPromiseToast<
+  TData = unknown,
+  TError extends Error | undefined = undefined,
+  TPending = unknown
+  promise: Promise<TData>,
+  messages: ToastPromiseParams<TData, TError, TPending>
+): ReturnType<typeof toast.promise> {
   const errorMessage = messages.error;
-  return toast.promise<TData, Error>(
+  return toast.promise<TData, TError, TPending>(
       pending: messages.pending,
       success: messages.success,
-      error: errorMessage && {
-        render({ data }) {
-          return data ? (
-            <ErrorToastContent message={errorMessage} error={data} />
-          ) : (
-            messages.error
-          );
-        },
-        autoClose: false,
-        closeOnClick: false,
-      },
+      error:
+        typeof errorMessage === "string"
+          ? {
+              render({ data }) {
+                return data ? (
+                  <ErrorToastContent message={errorMessage} error={data} />
+                ) : (
+                  <>messages.error</>
+                );
+              },
+              autoClose: false,
+              closeOnClick: false,
+            }
+          : errorMessage,
       hideProgressBar: true,
@@ -37,8 +39,32 @@ function stliteStyledPromiseToast<TData>(
+export interface StliteKernelWithToastOptions {
+  onModuleAutoLoad?: StliteKernelOptions["onModuleAutoLoad"];
 export class StliteKernelWithToast {
-  constructor(private kernel: StliteKernel) {}
+  constructor(
+    private kernel: StliteKernel,
+    options?: StliteKernelWithToastOptions
+  ) {
+    kernel.onModuleAutoLoad = (packagesToLoad, installPromise) => {
+      if (options?.onModuleAutoLoad) {
+        options.onModuleAutoLoad(packagesToLoad, installPromise);
+      }
+      stliteStyledPromiseToast(installPromise, {
+        success: {
+          render({ data }) {
+            return `Auto-loaded${
+              data ? ": " + =>", ") : " packages"
+            }`;
+          },
+        },
+        error: "Failed to auto-load packages",
+        pending: "Auto-loading packages",
+      });
+    };
+  }
   public writeFile(...args: Parameters<StliteKernel["writeFile"]>) {
     return stliteStyledPromiseToast<void>(this.kernel.writeFile(...args), {
diff --git a/packages/desktop/electron/worker.ts b/packages/desktop/electron/worker.ts
index 6ab704cfc..1b9e12482 100644
--- a/packages/desktop/electron/worker.ts
+++ b/packages/desktop/electron/worker.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 import { parentPort } from "node:worker_threads";
-import { startWorkerEnv } from "@stlite/kernel/src/worker-runtime";
+import {
+  startWorkerEnv,
+  type PostMessageFn,
+} from "@stlite/kernel/src/worker-runtime";
 import { loadNodefsMountpoints } from "./worker-options";
-function postMessage(value: any) {
+const postMessage: PostMessageFn = (value) => {
   console.debug("[worker thread] postMessage from worker", value);
 const handleMessage = startWorkerEnv(
   process.env.PYODIDE_URL as string,
diff --git a/packages/kernel/src/kernel.ts b/packages/kernel/src/kernel.ts
index 62d230408..0d840cea8 100644
--- a/packages/kernel/src/kernel.ts
+++ b/packages/kernel/src/kernel.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 // Ref:
+import type { PackageData } from "pyodide";
 import { PromiseDelegate } from "@stlite/common";
 import type { IHostConfigResponse } from "@streamlit/lib/src/hostComm/types";
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import type {
+  ModuleAutoLoadMessage,
 } from "./types";
 import { assertStreamlitConfig } from "./types";
@@ -117,6 +119,13 @@ export interface StliteKernelOptions {
   idbfsMountpoints?: WorkerInitialData["idbfsMountpoints"];
+  moduleAutoLoad?: WorkerInitialData["moduleAutoLoad"];
+  onModuleAutoLoad?: (
+    packagesToLoad: string[],
+    installPromise: Promise<PackageData[]>
+  ) => void;
   onProgress?: (message: string) => void;
   onLoad?: () => void;
@@ -143,11 +152,10 @@ export class StliteKernel {
   public readonly hostConfigResponse: IHostConfigResponse; // Will be passed to ConnectionManager to call `onHostConfigResp` from it.
-  private onProgress: StliteKernelOptions["onProgress"];
-  private onLoad: StliteKernelOptions["onLoad"];
-  private onError: StliteKernelOptions["onError"];
+  public onProgress: StliteKernelOptions["onProgress"];
+  public onLoad: StliteKernelOptions["onLoad"];
+  public onError: StliteKernelOptions["onError"];
+  public onModuleAutoLoad: StliteKernelOptions["onModuleAutoLoad"];
   constructor(options: StliteKernelOptions) {
     this.basePath = (options.basePath ?? window.location.pathname)
@@ -157,6 +165,7 @@ export class StliteKernel {
     this.onProgress = options.onProgress;
     this.onLoad = options.onLoad;
     this.onError = options.onError;
+    this.onModuleAutoLoad = options.onModuleAutoLoad;
     if (options.worker) {
       this._worker = options.worker;
@@ -168,7 +177,8 @@ export class StliteKernel {
     this._worker.onmessage = (e) => {
-      this._processWorkerMessage(;
+      const messagePort: MessagePort | undefined = e.ports[0];
+      this._processWorkerMessage(, messagePort);
     let wheels: WorkerInitialData["wheels"] = undefined;
@@ -209,6 +219,7 @@ export class StliteKernel {
       streamlitConfig: options.streamlitConfig,
       idbfsMountpoints: options.idbfsMountpoints,
+      moduleAutoLoad: options.moduleAutoLoad ?? false,
@@ -337,7 +348,7 @@ export class StliteKernel {
    * @param msg The worker message to process.
-  private _processWorkerMessage(msg: OutMessage): void {
+  private _processWorkerMessage(msg: OutMessage, port?: MessagePort): void {
     switch (msg.type) {
       case "event:start": {
@@ -364,6 +375,27 @@ export class StliteKernel {
         this.handleWebSocketMessage && this.handleWebSocketMessage(payload);
+      case "event:moduleAutoLoad": {
+        if (port == null) {
+          throw new Error("Port is required for moduleAutoLoad event");
+        }
+        this.onModuleAutoLoad &&
+          this.onModuleAutoLoad(
+  ,
+            new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+              port.onmessage = (e) => {
+                const msg: ModuleAutoLoadMessage =;
+                if (msg.type === "moduleAutoLoad:success") {
+                  resolve(;
+                } else {
+                  reject(msg.error);
+                }
+                port.close();
+              };
+            })
+          );
+        break;
+      }
diff --git a/packages/kernel/src/module-auto-load.ts b/packages/kernel/src/module-auto-load.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69f1f04be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kernel/src/module-auto-load.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import type { PackageData, PyodideInterface } from "pyodide";
+import type { ModuleAutoLoadMessage } from "./types";
+import type { PostMessageFn } from "./worker-runtime";
+function findImports(pyodide: PyodideInterface, source: string): string[] {
+  return pyodide.pyodide_py.ffi._pyodide._base
+    .find_imports(source)
+    .toJs() as string[];
+export async function tryModuleAutoLoad(
+  pyodide: PyodideInterface,
+  postMessage: PostMessageFn,
+  sources: string[]
+): Promise<void> {
+  // Ref: `pyodide.loadPackagesFromImports` (
+  const importsArr = => findImports(pyodide, source));
+  const imports = Array.from(new Set(importsArr.flat()));
+  const notFoundImports = imports.filter(
+    (name) =>
+      !pyodide.runPython(`__import__('importlib').util.find_spec('${name}')`)
+  );
+  const packagesToLoad = notFoundImports
+    .map((name) =>
+      (
+        pyodide as unknown as {
+          _api: { _import_name_to_package_name: Map<string, string> };
+        }
+      )._api._import_name_to_package_name.get(name)
+    )
+    .filter((name) => name) as string[];
+  if (packagesToLoad.length === 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const channel = new MessageChannel();
+  postMessage(
+    {
+      type: "event:moduleAutoLoad",
+      data: {
+        packagesToLoad,
+      },
+    },
+    channel.port2
+  );
+  try {
+    const loadedPackages = await pyodide.loadPackage(packagesToLoad);
+    channel.port1.postMessage({
+      type: "moduleAutoLoad:success",
+      data: {
+        loadedPackages,
+      },
+    } as ModuleAutoLoadMessage);
+    channel.port1.close();
+    return;
+  } catch (error) {
+    channel.port1.postMessage({
+      type: "moduleAutoLoad:error",
+      error: error as Error,
+    } as ModuleAutoLoadMessage);
+    channel.port1.close();
+    throw error;
+  }
diff --git a/packages/kernel/src/types.ts b/packages/kernel/src/types.ts
index 35179673c..31434bfbb 100644
--- a/packages/kernel/src/types.ts
+++ b/packages/kernel/src/types.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import type { PyodideInterface } from "pyodide";
+import type { PyodideInterface, PackageData } from "pyodide";
 export type PyodideConvertiblePrimitive =
   | string
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ export interface WorkerInitialData {
   streamlitConfig?: StreamlitConfig;
   idbfsMountpoints?: string[];
   nodefsMountpoints?: Record<string, string>;
+  moduleAutoLoad: boolean;
@@ -161,12 +162,34 @@ export interface OutMessageWebSocketBack extends OutMessageBase {
     payload: Uint8Array | string;
+export interface OutMessageModuleAutoLoadEvent extends OutMessageBase {
+  type: "event:moduleAutoLoad";
+  data: {
+    packagesToLoad: string[];
+  };
 export type OutMessage =
   | OutMessageStartEvent
   | OutMessageProgressEvent
   | OutMessageErrorEvent
   | OutMessageLoadedEvent
-  | OutMessageWebSocketBack;
+  | OutMessageWebSocketBack
+  | OutMessageModuleAutoLoadEvent;
+export interface ModuleAutoLoadMessageBase {
+  type: string;
+export interface ModuleAutoLoadSuccess extends ModuleAutoLoadMessageBase {
+  type: "moduleAutoLoad:success";
+  data: {
+    loadedPackages: PackageData[];
+  };
+export interface ModuleAutoLoadError extends ModuleAutoLoadMessageBase {
+  type: "moduleAutoLoad:error";
+  error: Error;
+export type ModuleAutoLoadMessage = ModuleAutoLoadSuccess | ModuleAutoLoadError;
  * Reply message to InMessage
diff --git a/packages/kernel/src/worker-runtime.ts b/packages/kernel/src/worker-runtime.ts
index 3cc8875d4..f2b9dc3f0 100644
--- a/packages/kernel/src/worker-runtime.ts
+++ b/packages/kernel/src/worker-runtime.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { PromiseDelegate } from "@stlite/common";
 import { writeFileWithParents, renameWithParents } from "./file";
 import { validateRequirements } from "@stlite/common/src/requirements";
 import { mockPyArrow } from "./mock";
+import { tryModuleAutoLoad } from "./module-auto-load";
 import type {
@@ -34,15 +35,34 @@ async function initPyodide(
   return loadPyodide({ ...loadPyodideOptions, indexURL: indexUrl });
+export type PostMessageFn = (message: OutMessage, port?: MessagePort) => void;
 const self = global as typeof globalThis & {
   __logCallback__: (levelno: number, msg: string) => void;
   __streamlitFlagOptions__: Record<string, PyodideConvertiblePrimitive>;
   __scriptFinishedCallback__: () => void;
+  __moduleAutoLoadPromise__: Promise<unknown> | undefined;
+function dispatchModuleAutoLoading(
+  pyodide: Pyodide.PyodideInterface,
+  postMessage: PostMessageFn,
+  sources: string[]
+): void {
+  const autoLoadPromise = tryModuleAutoLoad(pyodide, postMessage, sources);
+  // `autoInstallPromise` will be awaited in the script_runner on the Python side.
+  self.__moduleAutoLoadPromise__ = autoLoadPromise;
+  pyodide.runPythonAsync(`
+from streamlit.runtime.scriptrunner import script_runner
+from js import __moduleAutoLoadPromise__
+script_runner.moduleAutoLoadPromise = __moduleAutoLoadPromise__
 export function startWorkerEnv(
   defaultPyodideUrl: string,
-  postMessage: (message: OutMessage) => void,
+  postMessage: PostMessageFn,
   presetInitialData?: Partial<WorkerInitialData>
 ) {
   function postProgressMessage(message: string): void {
@@ -88,6 +108,7 @@ export function startWorkerEnv(
+      moduleAutoLoad,
     } = initData;
     const requirements = validateRequirements(unvalidatedRequirements); // Blocks the not allowed wheel URL schemes.
@@ -133,6 +154,7 @@ export function startWorkerEnv(
     // Mount files
     postProgressMessage("Mounting files.");
+    const pythonFilePaths: string[] = [];
     await Promise.all(
       Object.keys(files).map(async (path) => {
         const file = files[path];
@@ -150,6 +172,10 @@ export function startWorkerEnv(
         console.debug(`Write a file "${path}"`);
         writeFileWithParents(pyodide, path, data, opts);
+        if (path.endsWith(".py")) {
+          pythonFilePaths.push(path);
+        }
@@ -241,6 +267,12 @@ with"${mountedSitePackagesSnapshotFilePath}", "r") as tar_gz_file:
       await micropip.install.callKwargs(requirements, { keep_going: true });
       console.debug("Installed the requirements");
+    if (moduleAutoLoad) {
+      const sources = =>
+        pyodide.FS.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf8" })
+      );
+      dispatchModuleAutoLoading(pyodide, postMessage, sources);
+    }
     // The following code is necessary to avoid errors like `NameError: name '_imp' is not defined`
     // at importing installed packages.
@@ -422,6 +454,8 @@ server.start()
       type: "event:loaded",
+    return initData;
   const pyodideReadyPromise = loadPyodideAndPackages().catch((error) => {
@@ -448,7 +482,7 @@ server.start()
-    await pyodideReadyPromise;
+    const { moduleAutoLoad } = await pyodideReadyPromise;
     const messagePort = event.ports[0];
@@ -543,6 +577,18 @@ server.start()
         case "file:write": {
           const { path, data: fileData, opts } =;
+          if (
+            moduleAutoLoad &&
+            typeof fileData === "string" &&
+            path.endsWith(".py")
+          ) {
+            // Auto-install must be dispatched before writing the file
+            // because its promise should be set before saving the file triggers rerunning.
+            console.debug(`Auto install the requirements in ${path}`);
+            dispatchModuleAutoLoading(pyodide, postMessage, [fileData]);
+          }
           console.debug(`Write a file "${path}"`);
           writeFileWithParents(pyodide, path, fileData, opts);
diff --git a/packages/kernel/src/worker.ts b/packages/kernel/src/worker.ts
index 6be09cef7..66eb07390 100644
--- a/packages/kernel/src/worker.ts
+++ b/packages/kernel/src/worker.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { startWorkerEnv } from "./worker-runtime";
+const postMessage = (self as DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope).postMessage;
 self.onmessage = startWorkerEnv(
-  self.postMessage
+  (event, port) => postMessage(event, port ? [port] : undefined)
diff --git a/packages/sharing-common/src/messages.ts b/packages/sharing-common/src/messages.ts
index e0d47409c..c0e2057b4 100644
--- a/packages/sharing-common/src/messages.ts
+++ b/packages/sharing-common/src/messages.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import type { PackageData } from "pyodide";
  * Messages from editor to app
@@ -38,9 +40,27 @@ export type ForwardMessage =
   | InstallMessage;
- * Reply message
+ * Reply to a forward message.
 export interface ReplyMessage {
   type: "reply";
-  error?: any;
+  error?: Error;
+ * Messages from app to editor
+ */
+export interface BackwardMessageBase {
+  type: string;
+  data?: unknown;
+  stlite: true; // To distinguish from other messages such as from the Streamlit app like
+export interface ModuleAutoLoadSuccessMessage extends BackwardMessageBase {
+  type: "moduleAutoLoadSuccess";
+  data: {
+    packagesToLoad: string[];
+    loadedPackages: PackageData[];
+  };
+export type BackwardMessage = ModuleAutoLoadSuccessMessage;
diff --git a/packages/sharing-editor/src/App.tsx b/packages/sharing-editor/src/App.tsx
index 8eee17b03..445f7b077 100644
--- a/packages/sharing-editor/src/App.tsx
+++ b/packages/sharing-editor/src/App.tsx
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
 import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useRef } from "react";
 import "./App.css";
-import { embedAppDataToUrl, AppData, File } from "@stlite/sharing-common";
+import {
+  embedAppDataToUrl,
+  AppData,
+  File,
+  BackwardMessage,
+} from "@stlite/sharing-common";
 import { LoaderFunctionArgs, useLoaderData, redirect } from "react-router-dom";
 import { useAppData } from "./use-app-data";
 import StliteSharingIFrame, {
+  StliteSharingIFrameProps,
 } from "./StliteSharingIFrame";
-import Editor, { EditorProps } from "./Editor";
+import Editor, { EditorProps, EditorRef } from "./Editor";
 import PreviewToolBar from "./components/PreviewToolBar";
 import { extractAppDataFromUrl } from "@stlite/sharing-common";
 import {
@@ -83,6 +89,7 @@ function App() {
   }, [initialAppData, initializeAppData]);
   const iframeRef = useRef<StliteSharingIFrameRef>(null);
+  const editorRef = useRef<EditorRef>(null);
   const handleFileWrite = useCallback<EditorProps["onFileWrite"]>(
     (path, value) => {
@@ -208,6 +215,37 @@ function App() {
+  const handleIframeMessage = useCallback<
+    StliteSharingIFrameProps["onMessage"]
+  >(
+    (e) => {
+      if ( !== true) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const msg = as BackwardMessage;
+      switch (msg.type) {
+        case "moduleAutoLoadSuccess": {
+          if ( > 0) {
+            const additionalRequirements =;
+            const editor = editorRef.current;
+            if (editor == null) {
+              return;
+            }
+            editor.addRequirements(
+     => r + " # auto-loaded")
+            );
+            updateAppData((cur) => ({
+              ...cur,
+              requirements: cur.requirements.concat(additionalRequirements),
+            }));
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    [updateAppData]
+  );
   return (
     <div className="App">
       {!embedMode && (
@@ -222,6 +260,7 @@ function App() {
+              ref={editorRef}
@@ -246,6 +285,7 @@ function App() {
                   title="stlite app"
+                  onMessage={handleIframeMessage}
diff --git a/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/components/Tab.module.scss b/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/components/Tab.module.scss
index a7d149b3b..96fab0704 100644
--- a/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/components/Tab.module.scss
+++ b/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/components/Tab.module.scss
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
   border-top: var(--c-primary) var.$tab-highlight-height solid;
   margin-top: -(var.$tab-highlight-height);
   border-bottom: none;
-  position: relative
+  position: relative;
 $tabPaddingLeft: 0.5rem;
diff --git a/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/index.tsx b/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/index.tsx
index 9942c7c7f..0f6b912a8 100644
--- a/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/sharing-editor/src/Editor/index.tsx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import React, {
+  useImperativeHandle,
 } from "react";
 import MonacoEditor, { OnMount } from "@monaco-editor/react";
 import { AppData } from "@stlite/sharing-common";
@@ -25,6 +26,9 @@ let newFileCount = 1;
 const REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME = "requirements";
+export interface EditorRef {
+  addRequirements: (requirements: string[]) => void;
 export interface EditorProps {
   appData: AppData;
   onFileWrite: (path: string, value: string | Uint8Array) => void;
@@ -33,239 +37,275 @@ export interface EditorProps {
   onRequirementsChange: (requirements: string[]) => void;
-function Editor({
-  appData,
-  onFileWrite,
-  onFileRename,
-  onFileDelete,
-  onRequirementsChange,
-}: EditorProps) {
-  // Keep the tab order
-  const [tabFileNames, setTabFileNames] = useState<string[]>(
-    Object.keys(appData.files)
-  );
-  const fileNames = useMemo(
-    () =>
-      Object.keys(appData.files).sort((a, b) => {
-        const aIdx = tabFileNames.indexOf(a);
-        const bIdx = tabFileNames.indexOf(b);
-        // If the key is not found in `tabFileNames` unexpectedly, put its tab at the right most.
-        if (aIdx === -1) {
-          return 1;
-        }
-        if (bIdx === -1) {
-          return -1;
-        }
-        // Sort the keys of appData.files according to `tabFileNames`.
-        return aIdx - bIdx;
-      }),
-    [appData, tabFileNames]
-  );
-  const [currentFileName, setCurrentFileName] = useState<string | null>(
-    fileNames.length > 0 ? fileNames[0] : null
-  );
+const Editor = React.forwardRef<EditorRef, EditorProps>(
+  (
+    { appData, onFileWrite, onFileRename, onFileDelete, onRequirementsChange },
+    ref
+  ) => {
+    // Keep the tab order
+    const [tabFileNames, setTabFileNames] = useState<string[]>(
+      Object.keys(appData.files)
+    );
-  const currentFile =
-    typeof currentFileName === "string" ? appData.files[currentFileName] : null;
+    const fileNames = useMemo(
+      () =>
+        Object.keys(appData.files).sort((a, b) => {
+          const aIdx = tabFileNames.indexOf(a);
+          const bIdx = tabFileNames.indexOf(b);
-  const editorRef = useRef<Parameters<OnMount>[0]>(null);
-  const monacoRef = useRef<any>(null);
-  const handleEditorDitMount = useCallback<OnMount>((editor, monaco) => {
-    editorRef.current = editor;
-    monacoRef.current = monaco;
-  }, []);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    return () => {
-      const monaco = monacoRef.current;
-      if (monaco) {
-        // Clear all the existing models. Ref:
-        // If we don't do it, the previous content will remain after changing the sample apps.
-        // @ts-ignore
-        monaco.editor.getModels().forEach((model) => model.dispose());
-      }
-    };
-  }, []);
+          // If the key is not found in `tabFileNames` unexpectedly, put its tab at the right most.
+          if (aIdx === -1) {
+            return 1;
+          }
+          if (bIdx === -1) {
+            return -1;
+          }
-  const handleSave = useCallback(() => {
-    if (currentFileName == null) {
-      return;
-    }
-    const editor = editorRef.current;
-    if (editor == null) {
-      return;
-    }
+          // Sort the keys of appData.files according to `tabFileNames`.
+          return aIdx - bIdx;
+        }),
+      [appData, tabFileNames]
+    );
+    const [currentFileName, setCurrentFileName] = useState<string | null>(
+      fileNames.length > 0 ? fileNames[0] : null
+    );
-    const value: string = editor.getValue();
-    if (currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME) {
-      const requirements = parseRequirementsTxt(value);
-      onRequirementsChange(requirements);
-      return;
-    }
+    const currentFile =
+      typeof currentFileName === "string"
+        ? appData.files[currentFileName]
+        : null;
-    onFileWrite(currentFileName, value);
-  }, [onFileWrite, onRequirementsChange, currentFileName]);
+    const editorRef = useRef<Parameters<OnMount>[0]>(null);
+    const monacoRef = useRef<any>(null);
+    const handleEditorDitMount = useCallback<OnMount>((editor, monaco) => {
+      editorRef.current = editor;
+      monacoRef.current = monaco;
+    }, []);
+    useEffect(() => {
+      return () => {
+        const monaco = monacoRef.current;
+        if (monaco) {
+          // Clear all the existing models. Ref:
+          // If we don't do it, the previous content will remain after changing the sample apps.
+          // @ts-ignore
+          monaco.editor.getModels().forEach((model) => model.dispose());
+        }
+      };
+    }, []);
-  const handleBinaryFileChange = useCallback(
-    (data: Uint8Array) => {
+    const handleSave = useCallback(() => {
       if (currentFileName == null) {
-      if (typeof currentFileName !== "string") {
+      const editor = editorRef.current;
+      if (editor == null) {
-      onFileWrite(currentFileName, data);
-    },
-    [onFileWrite, currentFileName]
-  );
-  const [addedFileName, setAddedFileName] = useState<string>();
-  const focusTabNext = useCallback((fileName: string) => {
-    setCurrentFileName(fileName);
-    setAddedFileName(fileName);
-  }, []);
+      const value: string = editor.getValue();
+      if (currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME) {
+        const requirements = parseRequirementsTxt(value);
+        onRequirementsChange(requirements);
+        return;
+      }
-  const handleFileUpload = useCallback<FileUploaderProps["onUpload"]>(
-    (files) => {
-      files.forEach((file) => {
-        if (file.type.startsWith("text")) {
-          const text = new TextDecoder().decode(;
-          onFileWrite(, text);
-          focusTabNext(;
-        } else {
-          onFileWrite(,;
-          focusTabNext(;
+      onFileWrite(currentFileName, value);
+    }, [onFileWrite, onRequirementsChange, currentFileName]);
+    const handleBinaryFileChange = useCallback(
+      (data: Uint8Array) => {
+        if (currentFileName == null) {
+          return;
+        }
+        if (typeof currentFileName !== "string") {
+          return;
-        setTabFileNames((cur) => [...cur,]);
-      });
-    },
-    [onFileWrite, focusTabNext]
-  );
+        onFileWrite(currentFileName, data);
+      },
+      [onFileWrite, currentFileName]
+    );
-  const handleFileDelete = useCallback(
-    (fileName: string) => {
-      const confirmed = window.confirm(`Delete ${fileName}?`);
-      if (!confirmed) {
-        return;
-      }
+    const [addedFileName, setAddedFileName] = useState<string>();
+    const focusTabNext = useCallback((fileName: string) => {
+      setCurrentFileName(fileName);
+      setAddedFileName(fileName);
+    }, []);
+    const handleFileUpload = useCallback<FileUploaderProps["onUpload"]>(
+      (files) => {
+        files.forEach((file) => {
+          if (file.type.startsWith("text")) {
+            const text = new TextDecoder().decode(;
+            onFileWrite(, text);
+            focusTabNext(;
+          } else {
+            onFileWrite(,;
+            focusTabNext(;
+          }
+          setTabFileNames((cur) => [...cur,]);
+        });
+      },
+      [onFileWrite, focusTabNext]
+    );
-      onFileDelete(fileName);
-      setTabFileNames((cur) => cur.filter((f) => f !== fileName));
-    },
-    [onFileDelete]
-  );
+    const handleFileDelete = useCallback(
+      (fileName: string) => {
+        const confirmed = window.confirm(`Delete ${fileName}?`);
+        if (!confirmed) {
+          return;
+        }
-  const handleCreateFile = useCallback(() => {
-    const fileName = `file${newFileCount}.py`;
-    newFileCount += 1;
+        onFileDelete(fileName);
+        setTabFileNames((cur) => cur.filter((f) => f !== fileName));
+      },
+      [onFileDelete]
+    );
-    onFileWrite(fileName, "");
-    focusTabNext(fileName);
-    setTabFileNames((cur) => [...cur, fileName]);
-  }, [onFileWrite, focusTabNext]);
+    const handleCreateFile = useCallback(() => {
+      const fileName = `file${newFileCount}.py`;
+      newFileCount += 1;
-  const showTextEditor =
-    currentFile?.content?.$case === "text" ||
-    currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME;
+      onFileWrite(fileName, "");
+      focusTabNext(fileName);
+      setTabFileNames((cur) => [...cur, fileName]);
+    }, [onFileWrite, focusTabNext]);
-  const defaultRequirementsTextValue = useMemo(
-    () => appData.requirements.join("\n"),
-    [appData.requirements]
-  );
+    const showTextEditor =
+      currentFile?.content?.$case === "text" ||
+      currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME;
-  const [isDarkTheme, setIsDarkTheme] = useLocalStorage(
-    "editor-theme",
-    isDarkMode()
-  );
+    const defaultRequirementsTextValue = useMemo(
+      () => appData.requirements.join("\n"),
+      [appData.requirements]
+    );
-  return (
-    <div className={styles.container}>
-      <ResizableHeader
-        resizableArea={
-          <TabBar>
-            { => (
-              <Tab
-                key={fileName}
-                selected={fileName === currentFileName}
-                fileNameEditable={fileName !== appData.entrypoint}
-                initInEditingModeIfSelected={fileName === addedFileName}
-                fileName={fileName}
-                onSelect={() => setCurrentFileName(fileName)}
-                onDelete={() => handleFileDelete(fileName)}
-                onFileNameChange={(newPath) => {
-                  onFileRename(fileName, newPath);
-                  setTabFileNames((cur) =>
-           => (f === fileName ? newPath : f))
-                  );
-                  if (fileName === currentFileName) {
-                    setCurrentFileName(newPath);
-                  }
-                }}
-              />
-            ))}
-            <div className={styles.controlButtonGroup}>
-              <AddButton onClick={handleCreateFile} />
-              <FileUploader onUpload={handleFileUpload} />
-            </div>
+    const [isDarkTheme, setIsDarkTheme] = useLocalStorage(
+      "editor-theme",
+      isDarkMode()
+    );
+    useImperativeHandle(
+      ref,
+      () => ({
+        addRequirements: (additionalRequirements) => {
+          const monaco = monacoRef.current;
+          if (monaco == null) {
+            return;
+          }
+          // Handle Monaco Editor's model directly imperatively to update the value. Ref:
+          const uri = monaco.Uri.parse(REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME);
+          const model =
+            monaco.editor.getModel(uri) ??
+            monaco.editor.createModel(
+              defaultRequirementsTextValue,
+              "text",
+              uri
+            );
+          const curValue = model.getValue();
+          const newLineNeeded = curValue !== "" && !curValue.endsWith("\n");
+          const newValue =
+            curValue +
+            (newLineNeeded ? "\n" : "") +
+            additionalRequirements.join("\n");
-            <div className={styles.requirementsTabContainer}>
-              <Tab
-                selected={currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME}
-                fileNameEditable={false}
-                initInEditingModeIfSelected={false}
-                fileName={REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME}
-                onSelect={() => setCurrentFileName(REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME)}
-                onDelete={() => null}
-                onFileNameChange={() => null}
+          model.setValue(newValue);
+        },
+      }),
+      [defaultRequirementsTextValue]
+    );
+    return (
+      <div className={styles.container}>
+        <ResizableHeader
+          resizableArea={
+            <TabBar>
+              { => (
+                <Tab
+                  key={fileName}
+                  selected={fileName === currentFileName}
+                  fileNameEditable={fileName !== appData.entrypoint}
+                  initInEditingModeIfSelected={fileName === addedFileName}
+                  fileName={fileName}
+                  onSelect={() => setCurrentFileName(fileName)}
+                  onDelete={() => handleFileDelete(fileName)}
+                  onFileNameChange={(newPath) => {
+                    onFileRename(fileName, newPath);
+                    setTabFileNames((cur) =>
+             => (f === fileName ? newPath : f))
+                    );
+                    if (fileName === currentFileName) {
+                      setCurrentFileName(newPath);
+                    }
+                  }}
+                />
+              ))}
+              <div className={styles.controlButtonGroup}>
+                <AddButton onClick={handleCreateFile} />
+                <FileUploader onUpload={handleFileUpload} />
+              </div>
+              <div className={styles.requirementsTabContainer}>
+                <Tab
+                  selected={currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME}
+                  fileNameEditable={false}
+                  initInEditingModeIfSelected={false}
+                  fileName={REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME}
+                  onSelect={() => setCurrentFileName(REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME)}
+                  onDelete={() => null}
+                  onFileNameChange={() => null}
+                />
+              </div>
+            </TabBar>
+          }
+          fixedFooter={
+            showTextEditor && (
+              <Toolbar>
+                <SaveButton onClick={handleSave} />
+                <ThemeSelect isDark={isDarkTheme} onChange={setIsDarkTheme} />
+              </Toolbar>
+            )
+          }
+        />
+        <div className={styles.editorArea}>
+          <div
+            // NOTE: Keep the monaco-editor component being mounted
+            // and control its visibility with the hidden attribute here
+            // instead of mounting/unmounting the component according to the file type
+            // because it leads to flickering.
+            hidden={!showTextEditor}
+            style={{ height: "100%" }}
+          >
+            <MonacoEditor
+              path={
+                typeof currentFileName === "string"
+                  ? currentFileName
+                  : undefined
+              }
+              defaultValue={
+                currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME
+                  ? defaultRequirementsTextValue
+                  : currentFile?.content?.$case === "text"
+                  ? currentFile.content.text
+                  : undefined
+              }
+              onMount={handleEditorDitMount}
+              theme={isDarkTheme ? "vs-dark" : "vs"}
+            />
+          </div>
+          {currentFileName != null &&
+            currentFile?.content?.$case === "data" && (
+              <BinaryFileEditor
+                path={currentFileName}
+                data={}
+                onChange={handleBinaryFileChange}
-            </div>
-          </TabBar>
-        }
-        fixedFooter={
-          showTextEditor && (
-            <Toolbar>
-              <SaveButton onClick={handleSave} />
-              <ThemeSelect isDark={isDarkTheme} onChange={setIsDarkTheme} />
-            </Toolbar>
-          )
-        }
-      />
-      <div className={styles.editorArea}>
-        <div
-          // NOTE: Keep the monaco-editor component being mounted
-          // and control its visibility with the hidden attribute here
-          // instead of mounting/unmounting the component according to the file type
-          // because it leads to flickering.
-          hidden={!showTextEditor}
-          style={{ height: "100%" }}
-        >
-          <MonacoEditor
-            path={
-              typeof currentFileName === "string" ? currentFileName : undefined
-            }
-            defaultValue={
-              currentFileName === REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME
-                ? defaultRequirementsTextValue
-                : currentFile?.content?.$case === "text"
-                ? currentFile.content.text
-                : undefined
-            }
-            onMount={handleEditorDitMount}
-            theme={isDarkTheme ? "vs-dark" : "light"}
-          />
+            )}
-        {currentFileName != null && currentFile?.content?.$case === "data" && (
-          <BinaryFileEditor
-            path={currentFileName}
-            data={}
-            onChange={handleBinaryFileChange}
-          />
-        )}
-    </div>
-  );
+    );
+  }
 export default Editor;
diff --git a/packages/sharing-editor/src/StliteSharingIFrame/index.tsx b/packages/sharing-editor/src/StliteSharingIFrame/index.tsx
index e6722d445..a6dc89985 100644
--- a/packages/sharing-editor/src/StliteSharingIFrame/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/sharing-editor/src/StliteSharingIFrame/index.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import React, { useRef, useMemo, useImperativeHandle } from "react";
+import React, { useRef, useMemo, useImperativeHandle, useEffect } from "react";
 import {
@@ -15,13 +15,20 @@ export interface StliteSharingIFrameProps extends Omit<IFrameProps, "src"> {
   sharingAppSrc: string;
   initialAppData: AppData;
   messageTargetOrigin: string;
+  onMessage: (event: MessageEvent) => void;
 const StliteSharingIFrame = React.forwardRef<
-    { sharingAppSrc, initialAppData, messageTargetOrigin, ...iframeProps },
+    {
+      sharingAppSrc,
+      initialAppData,
+      messageTargetOrigin,
+      onMessage,
+      ...iframeProps
+    },
   ) => {
     const iframeRef = useRef<HTMLIFrameElement>(null);
@@ -66,6 +73,19 @@ const StliteSharingIFrame = React.forwardRef<
+    useEffect(() => {
+      const windowMessageEventListener = (event: MessageEvent) => {
+        if (event.source === iframeRef.current?.contentWindow) {
+          onMessage(event);
+        }
+      };
+      window.addEventListener("message", windowMessageEventListener);
+      return () => {
+        window.removeEventListener("message", windowMessageEventListener);
+      };
+    }, [onMessage]);
     return (
       // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title
diff --git a/packages/sharing/src/App.tsx b/packages/sharing/src/App.tsx
index 41ba5a7c2..be5d068a1 100644
--- a/packages/sharing/src/App.tsx
+++ b/packages/sharing/src/App.tsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import {
+  ModuleAutoLoadSuccessMessage,
 } from "@stlite/sharing-common";
 import StreamlitApp from "./StreamlitApp";
 import {
@@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ function isEditorOrigin(origin: string): boolean {
   return origin === process.env.REACT_APP_EDITOR_APP_ORIGIN;
+let communicatedEditorOrigin = "";
 function convertFiles(
   appDataFiles: AppData["files"]
 ): StliteKernelOptions["files"] {
@@ -83,11 +86,35 @@ st.write("Hello World")`,
           requirements: appData.requirements,
           prebuiltPackageNames: [],
+          moduleAutoLoad: true,
         _kernel = kernel;
-        const kernelWithToast = new StliteKernelWithToast(kernel);
+        const kernelWithToast = new StliteKernelWithToast(kernel, {
+          onModuleAutoLoad: (packagesToLoad, installPromise) => {
+            console.log("Module auto-load started", packagesToLoad);
+            installPromise
+              .then((loadedPackages) => {
+                console.log("Module auto-load success", loadedPackages);
+                window.parent.postMessage(
+                  {
+                    type: "moduleAutoLoadSuccess",
+                    data: {
+                      packagesToLoad,
+                      loadedPackages,
+                    },
+                    stlite: true,
+                  } as ModuleAutoLoadSuccessMessage,
+                  process.env.REACT_APP_EDITOR_APP_ORIGIN ??
+                    communicatedEditorOrigin // Fall back to the origin of the last message from the editor app if the REACT_APP_EDITOR_APP_ORIGIN env var is not set, i.e. in preview deployments.
+                );
+              })
+              .catch((error) => {
+                console.error("Auto install failed", error);
+              });
+          },
+        });
         // Handle messages from the editor
         onMessage = (event) => {
@@ -95,6 +122,8 @@ st.write("Hello World")`,
+          communicatedEditorOrigin = event.origin;
           const port2 = event.ports[0];
           function postReplyMessage(msg: ReplyMessage) {
diff --git a/streamlit b/streamlit
index 026039e5d..f76a269dc 160000
--- a/streamlit
+++ b/streamlit
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 026039e5dff8f4c3d37e0c6b6932ff177a20d800
+Subproject commit f76a269dc4695f0e4724c6a6c52bbfb3e8b99f86