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Mental Gym

Documenting practices on various coding platforms such as LeetCode, Kattis, HackerRank, etc. Additionally, adding code snippets to show how to implement certain data structures and algorithms (DSA) from scratch.

DSA from scratch

Category Algorithm Description Implementation Link
Comparison-based Bubble Sort Simple comparison-based sorting Bubble Sort
Comparison-based Insertion Sort Builds the final sorted array one item at a time Insertion Sort
Comparison-based Selection Sort Selects the smallest element from an unsorted list in each iteration and places that element at the beginning Selection Sort
Comparison-based Merge Sort Divides the array into halves, sorts them and merges them back together Merge Sort
Comparison-based Quick Sort Divides the array into partitions and sorts them recursively Quick Sort
Comparison-based Random Quick Sort Uses a random pivot to divide the array into partitions and sorts them recursively Random Quick Sort
Non-comparison-based Bucket Sort Distributes elements into buckets and sorts each bucket individually Bucket Sort
Non-comparison-based Counting Sort Counts the number of objects having distinct key values and uses arithmetic to determine the positions of each key Counting Sort
Non-comparison-based Radix Sort Sorts numbers by processing individual digits Radix Sort

Common Operations for Array

Linked List

Singly Linked List

Doubly Linked List

Stack and Queue

Stack using Linked List

Stack using Array

Queue using Linked List

Queue using Array

Deque using Linked List

Deque using Array

Binary Heap

Basic heap properties

Min Heap implementation

Max Heap implementation

HashMap / Hash Table

Direct Addressing Table (simplified hash table)

Common Operations

Creating HashMap using Array

Open Addressing

Separate Chaining


Binary Tree

Array Representation of Tree

Binary Search Tree



Adjacency Matrix

Adjacency List

Graph Traversal DFS

Graph Traversal BFS

Application: Detect Cycle

Application: Topological Sort

Application: Check Bipartite

Single-Source Shortest Path: Bellman Ford

Single-Source Shortest Path: Dijkstra

Single-Source Shortest Path: BFS on unweighted graph

Single-Source Shortest Path: Modified Dijkstra

Single-Source Shortest Path: DFS on weighted trees

Single-Source Shortest Path: DP on DAG

Boilerplate Code


Kadane's Algorithm
Sliding Window
Prefix Sum
Two Pointers

Linked List:

LeetCode Questions

Gradually adding the questions in different languages (Python, Julia & C++)

Arrays & Hashing
Question Description Difficulty Type Solution
1. Two Sum Find two indices in a vector such that the
numbers add up to a target value
Easy Arrays, Hashing two sum two sum
242. IsAnagram Determine if two strings are
anagrams of each other
Easy Hashing is anagram is anagram
217. Contains Duplicate Check if a vector contains
any duplicates
Easy Arrays, Hashing contains duplicate contains duplicate
36. Valid Sudoku Determine if a 9x9 Sudoku
board is valid
Medium Arrays, Hashing valid sudoku valid sudoku
128. Longest Consecutive Sequence Find the length of the longest
consecutive elements sequence
Medium Arrays, Hashing longest consecutive sequence
271. Encode and Decode Strings Encode a list of strings to a
single string and decode it back to the list
Medium Arrays, String Manipulation encode decode string
49. Group Anagrams Group strings into
Medium Hashing, Sorting group anagrams
219. Close Duplicates Check if a vector contains
duplicates within a given range
Easy Sliding Window close duplicates
1343. NumOfSubarrays Count subarrays with average greater
than or equal to a threshold
Medium Sliding Window num of subarrays
1929. Concatenation of Array Return array ans of length 2n where
ans[i] == nums[i] and ans[i + n] == nums[i]
Easy Arrays concatenation array concatenation array

Two Pointers
Question Description Difficulty Type Solution
125. Valid Palindrome Determine if a string is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases Easy Two Pointers is palindrome
15. Three Sum Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero Medium Two Pointers three sum
11. Container With Most Water Find two lines that together with the x-axis form a container, such that the container contains the most water Medium Two Pointers container with most water
Two Sum Part 2 Find two indices in a sorted array such that they add up to a specific target Medium Sliding Window two sum part 2 two sum part 2
Trapping Rain Water Calculate how much water can be trapped after raining Hard Sliding Window trapping rain water trapping rain water

Question Description Difficulty Type Solution
20. Valid Parenthesis Determine if the input string has valid parentheses Easy Stack valid parenthesis

Sliding Window
Question Description Difficulty Type Solution
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Find the maximum profit you can achieve from one transaction Easy Sliding Window best time to buy and sell stock
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters Medium Sliding Window longest substring without repeating characters
424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement Find the length of the longest substring containing the same letter you can get after performing k replacements Medium Sliding Window longest repeating character replacement
76. Minimum Window Substring Find the minimum window substring of s such that every character in t is included Hard Sliding Window minimum window substring

Linked List
Question Description Difficulty Type Solution
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new sorted list Easy Linked List merge two sorted lists merge two sorted lists

Kattis Problems

Kattis Problems
Problem ID Description Difficulty Type Solution
hip hip Print "Hipp hipp hurra!" 20 times Easy Easy Coding Challenges hip hip
storafmaeli Check if it's anniversary Easy Easy Coding Challenges storafmaeli
fyrirtækjanafn Filter out consonants from input Easy Easy Coding Challenges fyrirtækjanafn
peningar Calculate values accumulated from circular cells Easy Easy Coding Challenges peningar
framvindustika Print progress bar and % Medium Easy Coding Challenges framvindustika
message Extract letters from nested list to form a message Easy Easy Coding Challenges message
bidendalausbid Calculate waited time in minutes Easy Easy Coding Challenges bidendalausbid
hlaupafmaeli Check birthday for leap year Medium Easy Coding Challenges hlaupafmaeli
lidaskipting2 Find min and max number of competitive teams that can be formed Easy Easy Coding Challenges lidaskipting2
fleytitala Find min and max number of competitive teams that can be formed Medium Easy Coding Challenges fleytitala
subaruba Ubbi dubbi game Medium Array subaruba
gangur Count passing pairs of people Easy Array gangur
taktsvedjur Calculate scores with multipliers Easy Array taktsvedjur