From 5a99fe673823f68b9df5e4cf23eac835a5183070 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bbk <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2023 11:06:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] auto localReleaseAssets

 flatpak/scripts/             | 14 +++++++++-----
 flatpak/scripts/flatpak_packager.dart |  4 ++++
 flatpak/scripts/flatpak_shared.dart   |  8 +++++++-
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/flatpak/scripts/ b/flatpak/scripts/
index 8d3874517..336d2b586 100644
--- a/flatpak/scripts/
+++ b/flatpak/scripts/
@@ -9,11 +9,15 @@ If uploading to Flathub for the first time, follow the official contributing gui
 To run a local build:
-1. Build the Linux release using Flutter.
+1. Build the Linux release using Flutter. `flutter build linux --release`
 2. Add the new release version and date to the start of the "releases" list in the "spec.json" file (and adjust other parameters in the file if needed).
-3. Run "dart flatpak_packager.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json -n pubspec.yaml" in this folder.
-4. Run "dart manifest_generator.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json -n pubspec.yaml" in this folder.
+3. Run `dart flatpak_packager.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json -n pubspec.yaml` in this folder.
+4. Run `dart manifest_generator.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json -n pubspec.yaml` in this folder.
 5. Test the Flatpak using the guide at, using the generated json manifest as your Flatpak manifest.
+cd flatpak_generator_exports
+flatpak-builder --user --install flatpak-build-dir de.wger.flutter.json
 # Builds based on data fetched from Github
@@ -21,9 +25,9 @@ To generate and publish a release on Github:
 1. Create a new release on Github using the app's version name for the tag (e.g. "1.0.0"), without any assets for now.
 2. Build the Linux release using Flutter.
-3. Run "dart flatpak_packager.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json --github -n pubspec.yaml" in this folder.
+3. Run `dart flatpak_packager.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json --github -n pubspec.yaml` in this folder.
 4. Upload the generated tar.gz file as a Github release.
-5. Run "dart manifest_generator.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json --github -n pubspec.yaml" in this folder.
+5. Run `dart manifest_generator.dart --meta ../flatpak_meta.json --github -n pubspec.yaml` in this folder.
 6. Upload your Flathub manifest file to your Flathub Github repo, overwriting any old manifest file you may have there. If you're building for only certain architectures and the "flathub.json" file is not in your Flathub Github repo yet, upload that too.
 All of this can be automated via Github Actions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_packager.dart b/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_packager.dart
index 5346a6056..644b266a1 100644
--- a/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_packager.dart
+++ b/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_packager.dart
@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ class PackageGenerator {
     shaByArch.putIfAbsent(arch, () => sha256);
+    final localReleaseAssetsFile = await File('${outputDir.path}/local_release_assets.json')
+      .writeAsString('[{"arch": "${arch.flatpakArchCode}", "tarballPath": "$packagePath"}]');
+    print('Generated ${localReleaseAssetsFile.path}');
     tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
diff --git a/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_shared.dart b/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_shared.dart
index f411aabef..e3e238546 100644
--- a/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_shared.dart
+++ b/flatpak/scripts/flatpak_shared.dart
@@ -249,6 +249,12 @@ class FlatpakMeta {
   static FlatpakMeta fromJson(File jsonFile) {
     try {
       final dynamic json = jsonDecode(jsonFile.readAsStringSync());
+      final localReleaseAssetsFile = File(
+        '${Directory.current.path}/flatpak_generator_exports/local_release_assets.json'
+      );
+      if (localReleaseAssetsFile.existsSync()) {
+        json['localReleaseAssets'] = jsonDecode(localReleaseAssetsFile.readAsStringSync());
+      }
       return FlatpakMeta(
           appId: json['appId'] as String,
           lowercaseAppName: json['lowercaseAppName'] as String,
@@ -270,7 +276,7 @@ class FlatpakMeta {
               throw Exception(
                   'Architecture must be either "${CPUArchitecture.x86_64.flatpakArchCode}" or "${CPUArchitecture.aarch64.flatpakArchCode}"');
-            final tarballPath = '${jsonFile.parent.path}/${raMap['tarballPath'] as String}';
+            final tarballPath = raMap['tarballPath'] as String;
             final preShasum = Process.runSync('shasum', ['-a', '256', tarballPath]);
             final shasum = preShasum.stdout.toString().split(' ').first;
             if (preShasum.exitCode != 0) {