diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb b/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3c7a7692 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +{ + "comment": "Comentariu", + "@comment": { + "description": "Comment, additional information" + }, + "equipment": "Echipament", + "@equipment": { + "description": "Equipment needed to perform an exercise" + }, + "useDefaultServer": "Folosește serverul implicit", + "@useDefaultServer": { + "description": "Toggle button allowing users to switch between the default and a custom wger server" + }, + "successfullyDeleted": "S-a șters", + "@successfullyDeleted": { + "description": "Message when an item was successfully deleted" + }, + "set": "Serie", + "@set": { + "description": "A set in a workout plan" + }, + "labelBottomNavWorkout": "Workout", + "@labelBottomNavWorkout": { + "description": "Label used in bottom navigation, use a short word" + }, + "reset": "Resetare", + "@reset": { + "description": "Button text allowing the user to reset the entered values to the default" + }, + "password": "Parolă", + "@password": {}, + "invalidUsername": "Introdu, te rugăm, un nume de utilizator valid", + "@invalidUsername": { + "description": "Error message when the user enters an invalid username" + }, + "impression": "Impresie", + "@impression": { + "description": "General impression (e.g. for a workout session) such as good, bad, etc." + }, + "setNr": "Seria {nr}", + "@setNr": { + "description": "Header in form indicating the number of the current set. Can also be translated as something like 'Set Nr. xy'.", + "type": "text", + "placeholders": { + "nr": {} + } + }, + "noWorkoutPlans": "Nu ai niciun de antrenament", + "@noWorkoutPlans": { + "description": "Message shown when the user has no workout plans" + }, + "muscles": "Mușchi", + "@muscles": { + "description": "(main) muscles trained by an exercise" + }, + "dayDescriptionHelp": "O descriere a ceea ce se face în această zi (de exemplu, „zi de tragere”) sau ce părți ale corpului sunt antrenate (de ex.: „piept și umeri”)", + "@dayDescriptionHelp": {}, + "loginInstead": "Ai deja un cont? Log in", + "@loginInstead": {}, + "success": "Succes", + "@success": { + "description": "Message when an action completed successfully, usually used as a heading" + }, + "passwordTooShort": "Parola e prea scurtă", + "@passwordTooShort": { + "description": "Error message when the user a password that is too short" + }, + "repetitionUnit": "Unitate de repetiții", + "@repetitionUnit": {}, + "weightUnit": "Unitate de greutate", + "@weightUnit": {}, + "email": "Adresă de e-mail", + "@email": {}, + "newWorkout": "Plan de antrenament nou", + "@newWorkout": { + "description": "Header when adding a new workout" + }, + "searchNamesInEnglish": "Caută nume și în engleză", + "@searchNamesInEnglish": {}, + "username": "Nume de utilizator", + "@username": {}, + "exercise": "Exercițiu", + "@exercise": { + "description": "An exercise for a workout" + }, + "customServerHint": "Introdu adresa propriului server, altfel va fi folosită cea implicită", + "@customServerHint": { + "description": "Hint text for the form where the users can enter their own wger instance" + }, + "useCustomServer": "Folosește un server personalizat", + "@useCustomServer": { + "description": "Toggle button allowing users to switch between the default and a custom wger server" + }, + "notes": "Notițe", + "@notes": { + "description": "Personal notes, e.g. for a workout session" + }, + "register": "Înregistrează-te", + "@register": { + "description": "Text for registration button" + }, + "searchExercise": "Caută un exercițiu pentru a-l adăuga", + "@searchExercise": { + "description": "Label on set form. Selected exercises are added to the set" + }, + "registerInstead": "Nu ai un cont? Înregistrează-te acum", + "@registerInstead": {}, + "usernameValidChars": "Un nume de utilizator poate conține numai litere, cifre și caracterele @, +, ., - și _", + "@usernameValidChars": { + "description": "Error message when the user tries to register a username with forbidden characters" + }, + "labelWorkoutPlans": "Planuri de antrenament", + "@labelWorkoutPlans": { + "description": "Title for screen workout plans" + }, + "proteinShort": "P", + "@proteinShort": { + "description": "The first letter or short name of the word 'Protein', used in overviews" + }, + "userProfile": "Profilul tău", + "@userProfile": {}, + "labelWorkoutLogs": "Jurnale de antrenament", + "@labelWorkoutLogs": { + "description": "(Workout) logs" + }, + "rirNotUsed": "RîR nu e folosit", + "@rirNotUsed": { + "description": "Label used in RiR slider when the RiR value is not used/saved for the current setting or log" + }, + "successfullySaved": "S-a salvat", + "@successfullySaved": { + "description": "Message when an item was successfully saved" + }, + "exerciseList": "Lista exercițiilor", + "@exerciseList": {}, + "musclesSecondary": "Mușchi ajutători", + "@musclesSecondary": { + "description": "secondary muscles trained by an exercise" + }, + "labelDashboard": "Tablou de bord", + "@labelDashboard": { + "description": "Title for screen dashboard" + }, + "exerciseName": "Numele exercițiului", + "@exerciseName": { + "description": "Label for the name of a workout exercise" + }, + "labelBottomNavNutrition": "Nutriție", + "@labelBottomNavNutrition": { + "description": "Label used in bottom navigation, use a short word" + }, + "invalidUrl": "Te rugăm să introduci o adresă URL validă", + "@invalidUrl": { + "description": "Error message when the user enters an invalid URL, e.g. in the login form" + }, + "sameRepetitions": "Dacă faci n.r de repetări și greutatea la fel pentru toate seriile, poți completa doar un rând. De exemplu, pentru 4 serii, introdu 10 la repetări și devine automat „4 x 10”.", + "@sameRepetitions": {}, + "logout": "Deconectează-te", + "@logout": { + "description": "Text for logout button" + }, + "supersetWith": "superset cu", + "@supersetWith": { + "description": "Text used between exercise cards when adding a new set. Translate as something like 'in a superset with'" + }, + "customServerUrl": "URL-ul instanței wger", + "@customServerUrl": { + "description": "Label in the form where the users can enter their own wger instance" + }, + "login": "Log in", + "@login": { + "description": "Text for login button" + }, + "reps": "Repetiții", + "@reps": { + "description": "Shorthand for repetitions, used when space constraints are tighter" + }, + "passwordsDontMatch": "Parolele nu se potrivesc", + "@passwordsDontMatch": { + "description": "Error message when the user enters two different passwords during registration" + }, + "invalidEmail": "Te rugăm să introduci o adresă de email validă", + "@invalidEmail": { + "description": "Error message when the user enters an invalid email" + }, + "labelWorkoutPlan": "Plan de antrenament", + "@labelWorkoutPlan": { + "description": "Title for screen workout plan" + }, + "category": "Catogorie", + "@category": { + "description": "Category for an exercise, ingredient, etc." + }, + "rir": "RîR", + "@rir": { + "description": "Shorthand for Repetitions In Reserve" + }, + "exercises": "Exerciții", + "@exercises": { + "description": "Multiple exercises for a workout" + }, + "workoutSession": "Sesiune de antrenament", + "@workoutSession": { + "description": "A (logged) workout session" + }, + "confirmPassword": "Confirmă parola", + "@confirmPassword": {} +}