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Warwick Game Design Society Constitution

1 Name

The name of the society shall be Warwick Students’ Union Game Design Society

2 Aims and Objectives

2.1 - The Society shall have written statement of aims and objectives providing a clear understanding of the society. This shall be subject to review annually by the Game Design Society Executive Committee

2.2 - The society aims and objectives shall be: 2.2.1 - To provide an environment for people to develop video games, card games, board games, escape rooms, equipment-less games and other types of game; 2.2.2 - To showcase games made by members for the purposes of feedback; 2.2.3 - To participate in and host Game Jam events, including international events such as Global Game Jam and Ludum Dare; 2.2.4 - To invite guest speakers, both from within the society and from the games industry, to provide informative talks on various aspects of game design and the game industry; 2.2.5 - To provide a social space for people to discuss game development, both online and in person; 2.2.6 – To expose members to new paradigms of game development, such as Virtual Reality game development, which they may not otherwise have the chance to pursue; 2.2.7 – To expose Society members to industry professionals and provide career opportunities equally to all members. 2.2.8 - To host regular teaching sessions that teach people how to make games.

2.3 - The Society, its Executives, its funds and all its activities shall be subject to the provisions of the By-Laws, Regulations and Policy of the University of Warwick Students’ Union.

2.4 - The Society shall be subject to a disciplinary code as laid down by the Students’ Union and administered by the Societies Executive.

2.5 - Any alterations to the Society Constitution must be ratified by the Societies Executive. A provisional copy must be sent to the Societies Officer for approval before the new constitution may take effect.

2.6 - If the Society has issues arising not mentioned in a personalised Constitution, then this document will become the default. Any issues may be dealt with by contacting your Societies Coordinator.

3 Memberships

3.1 - Memberships of the Society shall be open to all full, associate and honorary members of the Students’ Union upon payment of the required Societies Federation subscription.

3.2 - Memberships of the Society are to be renewed in October of every academic year.

3.3 - All members of the society shall be entitled to vote in elections, provided they have joined the society and paid the appropriate subscription fee no less than seven days before the election takes place.

3.4 - The following shall not be entitled to hold the office of an Executive position in the society: 3.4.a - An Associate or Honorary member of the Students’ Union or Societies Federation; 3.4.b - Any person who has received payment for the provision of services to the society (not including reimbursement of personal expenditure on behalf of the society).

3.5 - The Society must have a minimum of 30 members by the sixth week of term one. If the minimum membership is not met a meeting with the Society, Societies Coordinator and Societies Officer will be scheduled to discuss the future of the Society.

3.6 - It is the responsibility of the Society Executive Committee to ensure that those attending their events are members of the Union.

4 Executive Committee

4.1 - The Society’s Executive Committee shall be made up of at least three voting officers of whom two shall be the President and the Treasurer respectively.

4.2 - The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day to day running of the society and may decide upon any matter that has not yet been decided upon by the General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall further be responsible for: 4.2.a - Organising the activities of the Society in such a way as to include the greatest possible number of Society members; 4.2.b - Managing the expenditure of the Society’s funds in a responsible fashion and in line with the aims, objectives and planned activities of the Society whilst adhering to the SU’s financial regulations; 4.2.c - Formulating and submitting an annual bid for funds from the Societies Executive prior to any specified deadline which shall include a statement of activities and objectives for the coming year and detailed justification of the figures contained in the bid; 4.2.d - Formulating and submitting any additional bids for funds from the Societies Executive or groups within the Students’ Union; 4.2.e - Assisting any review of the Society’s activities and use of funds carried out by a standing committee or group of the Students’ Union that has granted funds to the Society; 4.2.f - Upholding the Constitution of the Society and ensuring that its aims and objectives reflect the Society activities; 4.2.g - Ensuring that all society activity abides by the By-laws, regulations and policy of Warwick SU; 4.2.h - Executive Committee members must attend assigned training to ensure they are equipped to organise the Society.

4.3 - Core officers 4.3.1 - The Core Officer Duties shall include: 4.3.1.a - To attend the Society’s Annual General Meeting; 4.3.1.b - To attend Societies Council and complete mandatory training sessions/courses; 4.3.1.c - To be reasonably available on online messaging platforms used for Executive Committee communications.

The core officers shall be: 4.3.2 - President 4.3.2.a - The President should organise and oversee the running of The Society; 4.3.2.b - The President should chair committee meetings and provide an Agenda of topics to be discussed during the meeting; 4.3.2.c - The President should produce an annual report detailing the society’s achievements over the past year at the AGM; 4.3.2.d – The President should organise internal and external speaker arrangements for the year; 4.3.2.e – The President is responsible for delegating and assigning tasks to other members of the Executive Committee where appropriate; 4.3.2.f – The President is responsible for ensuring other members of the Executive Committee understand and execute their roles correctly, as described in this document; 4.3.2.g – The President has overall say on the direction of the Society and has the tie-breaking vote in decisions; 4.3.2.h – The President is responsible for informing the Societies Coordinator of any relevant changes to the Executive Committee, including immediately after the Annual General Meeting.

4.3.3 - Treasurer 4.3.3.a - The Treasurer should be responsible for the finances of the Society; 4.3.3.b - The Treasurer should maintain an up-to-date record of their group account in addition to the record kept by the SU finance office; 4.3.3.c - All funds should be held and processed through the groups Students’ Union bank account. No money should be held in personal bank accounts; 4.3.3.d - The Treasurer should submit grant funding applications at least once a year, and before any relevant deadlines; 4.3.3.e – The Treasurer should maintain an inventory of Society equipment.

4.4 - Additional Officers 4.4.1 – Additional Officers must also be reasonably available on online messaging platforms used for Executive Committee communications

The additional officers shall be: 4.4.2 – Secretary 4.4.2.a – The Secretary should take minutes at Committee meetings; 4.4.2.b – The Secretary should book rooms for Society events and maintain a document of all bookings the Society has made; 4.4.2.c – The Secretary must ensure all Committee meeting minutes are available to all Society members.

4.4.3 – Media Officer 4.4.3.a – The Media Officer shall ensure the Facebook, Twitter, Discord and other social media used by the Society are kept up-to-date with event information; 4.4.3.b – The Media Officer is responsible for the Society website being up-to-date and functional; 4.4.3.c – The Media Officer shall be responsible for organising publicity events for the Society, including distribution of electronic and physical publicity material.

4.4.4 Events Officer 4.4.4.a The Events Officer should organise special one-off events outside of the normal event schedule, including transport to and from such events where appropriate; 4.4.4.b The Events Officer should work alongside the Media Officer to ensure the correct information regarding these events is disseminated.

4.4.5 Careers Officer 4.4.5.a The Careers Officer should work alongside the careers contacts on campus to organise an event promoting careers in the Games Industry once a year; 4.4.5.b The Careers Officer should liaise with contacts in the Games Industry to keep up to date with careers being offered by those contacts; 4.4.5.c The Careers Officer should work alongside the Media Officer to ensure members are informed about the roles that are available in the Games Industry.

4.4.6 Teaching Coordinator 4.4.6.a The Teaching Coordinator is responsible for planning the topics to be covered in the regular teaching sessions. 4.4.6.b The Teaching Coordinator should work alongside the Secretary and Media Officer to communicate the plan for the teaching sessions. 4.4.6.c The Teaching Coordinator should conduct the majority of the teaching sessions. 4.4.6.d In the event that the Teaching Coordinator is unable to lead a teaching session, they are responsible for distributing all relevant resources to allow another society member to lead the session.

4.5 – Committee Roles 4.5.1 – Committee Roles are intended to support the Executive Committee (Core Officers plus Additional Officers).

4.5.2 – Committee Roles are not Executive Offices and do not entitle the holder to additional voting rights.

4.5.3 – Committee Roles are assigned by simple majority vote by the Executive Committee during the first committee meeting of a newly-elected Committee.

The Committee Roles to be assigned shall be: 4.5.4 – Equal Opportunities 4.5.4.a – The Equal Opportunities Officer shall ensure the society is welcoming to students of all backgrounds and provides a safe environment to all students, especially to: (1) Women; (2) Students with disabilities (both physical and mental); (3) People of Colour / Black and Minority Ethnic students; (4) LGBTUA+ students (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Undefined, Asexual/Aromantic and those identifying in a manner subject to similar prejudice and discrimination); (5) International students; (6) Postgraduate students; (7) Part-time and Mature students; 4.5.4.b – The role of Equal Opportunities Officer, if it is not elected during the first Committee meeting, shall default to the President.

4.5.5 – Welfare Officer 4.5.5.a – The Welfare Officer shall be the first point of contact for students with issues relating to their wellbeing; 4.5.5.b – The Welfare Officer shall attend a training session at the start of the year for Welfare Officers; 4.5.5.c – The Welfare Officer is responsible for distributing information about student wellbeing activities that may be relevant to Society members; 4.5.5.d – The Welfare Officer will work with the Executive Committee to ensure the Society provides a stress-free (or stress-minimal) site of nourishment and enjoyment; 4.5.5.e - The role of Welfare Officer, if it is not elected during the first Committee meeting, shall default to the same person who holds the Equal Opportunities Officer role.

4.5.6 – Vice President 4.5.6.a – The Vice President fulfils the roles and responsibilities of the President if the President is unable to carry out their duties temporarily; 4.5.6.b – The role of Vice President, if it is not elected during the first Committee meeting, shall default to the Secretary.

4.5.7 – Health and Safety Officer 4.5.7.a – The Health and Safety Officer shall fill out the annual Risk Assessment form for the Society before the relevant deadline; 4.5.7.b – The Health and Safety Officer will ensure events are reasonably free of hazards and that Society members are aware of the mitigation strategy for any hazards that cannot be removed entirely; 4.5.7.c - The role of Health and Safety Officer, if it is not elected during the first Committee meeting, shall default to the Treasurer.

4.6 – Auxiliary Roles 4.6.1 – Auxiliary Officers shall be elected by the Executive Committee where appropriate to help with certain Society tasks 4.6.1.a – Auxiliary Officers are expected to assist in taking time slots during Society-run Game Jam events; 4.6.1.b – Auxiliary Officers should take an interest in the running of the Society and attend a reasonable number of Committee meetings.

5 Meetings

5.1 - The Executive must meet approximately once per week to ensure the Society is operated to a high standard.

5.2 - The Society Executive shall call at least one General Meeting per year for the purposes of discussing plans and activities for the coming year. This must be held by Week 10, Term 2. This GM may also be used to hold Society Officer elections.

5.3 - The Society Executive shall give at least seven days’ notice of any General Meeting to all members via Society email and such notice shall include details of any elections to be held.

5.7 - The Executive shall call further meetings either at its own initiative or at the request of 10% of the membership or the request of the Societies Officer.

6 Elections

6.1 - Elections shall be held online or at a quorate general meeting in line with By-Law 10 Appendix D

6.2 - Votes will be counted by a Single Transferrable Vote electoral system.

6.3 - Any amendments to the constitution must be made by the end of term 3.

6.4 - The renewed Constitution, with up to date signatures, must be sent to the Societies Coordinator before the end of term 3.

7 Handover

7.1 – The outgoing Executive Committee members, to the best of their ability, will assist incoming Officers of the same type learn their new role.