The RedisSMQ EventBus enables your applications to subscribe to various system events using a Publish-Subscribe (PubSub) architecture.
By default, most events in RedisSMQ are not published to the EventBus. To utilize the EventBus, you must first enable it in your RedisSMQ Configuration.
For detailed information, refer to the EventBus API.
RedisSMQ supports several events that you can subscribe to:
- TConsumerEvent
- TConsumerHeartbeatEvent
- TConsumerMessageHandlerRunnerEvent
- TConsumerMessageHandlerEvent
- TConsumerConsumeMessageEvent
- TConsumerDequeueMessageEvent
- TProducerEvent
- TQueueEvent
To enable the EventBus, add the following configuration:
const { Configuration } = require('redis-smq');
const config = {
eventBus: {
enabled: true,
For more details on configuration, see RedisSMQ Configuration.
To create an instance of the EventBus, use the following code:
import { EventBus } from 'redis-smq';
EventBus.getSetInstance((err, eventBus) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to create EventBus instance:', err);
} else {
console.log('EventBus instance created successfully');
// You can now use the eventBus instance
The example below demonstrates how to subscribe to a TConsumerConsumeMessageEvent:
eventBus.on('consumer.consumeMessage.messageAcknowledged', (messageId, queue, messageHandlerId, consumerId) => {
console.log(`Message acknowledged: ${messageId} from queue: ${queue} handled by: ${messageHandlerId}, consumed by: ${consumerId}`);
// Add your event handling logic here
To properly shut down the EventBus instance, call the shutDown method:
EventBus.shutDown((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error shutting down EventBus:', err);
} else {
console.log('EventBus shut down successfully');
By following these steps, you can effectively integrate the RedisSMQ EventBus into your applications, allowing for streamlined event handling and improved communication between system components.