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Presentations |
My talks, posters, etc. |
I have given 50+ talks up to 2018. Here I only list some selected talks (in reversed chronological order).
8. Reconstructing the Cluster Mass with Machine Learning.
Talk at the "The STFC DiRAC Facility and HPCAIC's the sixth annual UK Conference at Leicester"
7. Understanding galaxy groups and clusters -- probes with HYENAS and The300.
Invited Seminar talks at NAOC (15.07.24) and Qinghua University (18.07.24) and USTC (05.08.24).
6. The HYENAS group project: X-ray undetected groups and X-ray cavity.
Talk at the "Galaxy Groups in the era of eROSITA and Euclid: a multiwavelength view" conference at Sesto, 01 July, 2024
5. The 300 galaxy clusters: seeing the unseen.
Colloquium talk at KIAA, Beijing University, 16 November, 2023
4. The Three Hundred: The new GIZMO-Simba run.
Talk at the STScl Symposium "Galaxy Clusters 2022: Challenging Our Cosmological Perspectives", virtual, 29 April 2022.
3. Towards a precise understanding of galaxy formation through the second-order effect on the galaxy-stellar-to-halo-mass relation.
Talk at the "Breakthroughs in Galaxy Formation" workshop, Ringberg, Germany, 05 April 2022
2. The Large-Scale Environments: The large-scale distribution of baryons inside the Cosmological hydrodyanmical simulations.
Talk at the 'HUBS workshop', Chongming, Shanghai, 16 October 2018.
1. The Three Hundred.
Talk at the 'Simulated skies for new-generation spectroscopic surveys conference', ESA/ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, 23-25 April 2018.