diff --git a/docs/UserGuide.md b/docs/UserGuide.md
index 576381ed784..2cd089db7c2 100644
--- a/docs/UserGuide.md
+++ b/docs/UserGuide.md
@@ -1,11 +1,85 @@
+# User Guide
+* Quick Start
+* Features
+ * Viewing help: `help`
+ * Adding a person: `add`
+ * Deleting a person: `delete`
+ * Listing all contacts: `list`
+ * Locating persons by name/tags: `find`
+ * Add an image for contacts: `add-image`
+ * Delete an image for contacts: `delete-image`
+ * Quick import admin contacts: `import`
+* FAQ
+* Command summary
+## Quick start
+1. Ensure you have Java `11` or above installed in your computer.
+2. Download the latest `bookface.jar` from [here](https://github.com/AY2223S2-CS2103-F11-4/tp/releases).
+3. Place `bookface.jar` file in the folder you would like to use as the *home directory*.
+4. Run the application. The following GUI will appear upon first use of the application.
+![GUI upon first use](images/GUIOnInitialUsage.png)
+5. The application is initially loaded with sample data for new users to try out the [features](#Features) listed below.
+Experienced users can delete the sample data and proceed with regular usage.
+## Features
+### Help command: `help`
+Shows a link to the user guide to help new users get familiar with the commands for the application.
+Format: `help`
+### Add user contacts: `add`
+Format: `add [name] [year/course] [phone number] [email] [address]` Optional to add: `t/TAGS`
+* User is *required* to enter **name, status, phone number, email, address**
+* Tags can be optional
+* If the account exists, user can add in related field of interests to share with others
+* `add n/Shenghan s/Year2 Computer-science p/99999999 e/david@gmail.com a/punngol place 696a #12-348` will displays the
+ necessary basic information that are the user's name, year/course, phone number, email, address. Optional fields are tags,
+ for which there are commitment/cca tags, module tags and lastly the general tags for users to enter non-specific typed tags.
+Example (with the addition of tags):
+* `add n/Shenghan s/Year2 Computer-science p/99999999 e/david@gmail.com a/punngol place 696a #12-348 t/developer ct/soccer
+ mt/cs2103` Note that the tags can be placed in any part of the command, and it will not break!
+Tags are categorised according to tag colors:
+* Commitment tags: `coral pink`
+* Module tags: `Dark green`
+* General tags: `default blue`
+### Delete user contacts: `delete`
+Delete a contact.
+Format: `delete INDEX`
+* Show contact details specified by `INDEX`
+* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list.
+* The index *must* be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
+* Extra: Will prompt user to re-confirm again before the contact is erased from BookFace
+ Example:
+* `delete 2` Brings up the 2nd person in the address book and prompt user to confirm before deleting.
### Listing all contacts: `list`
List all contacts in the address book.
Format: `list`
-### Locating persons by name/class/group: `find`
+### Locating persons by name/tags: `find`
Finds persons whose names contain any of the given keywords.
* The search is case-insensitive e.g. `hans` will match `Hans`
@@ -15,24 +89,29 @@ Format: `find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]`
* Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. `OR` search) e.g. `Hans Bo` will return `Hans Gruber`
, `Bo Yang`
-### Add image for contacts
+### Add an image for contacts
-Add a contact image for each contact
-Format: `add-image INDEX [NAME-OF-IMAGE]`
+Add a contact image for each contact.
+Format: `add-image INDEX [PATH-TO-IMAGE]`
* Adds an image to the contact at the specified `INDEX`
* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list.
* The index **must be a positive integer** 1, 2, 3,...
-* The image must be placed in a specific folder for BookFace to locate
* If the image cannot be found or user did not specify a contact image, a default image will be used
+> **Note:** The `[PATH-TO-IMAGE]` provided must be an absolute path, and should not be provided in quotation marks.
+> For instance: `add-image 2 "C:/Users/user/Downloads/weekiat.png"` will be invalid, whereas
+> `add-image 2 C:/Users/user/Downloads/weekiat.png` will be valid.
-* `list` followed by `add-image 2 weekiat.png` adds the image `weekiat.png` to the 2nd person in the address book
+* `list` followed by `add-image 2 C:/Users/user/Downloads/weekiat.png` adds the image `weekiat.png` to the 2nd person in the address book
-## Delete Image for contacts
+## Delete an Image for contacts
Delete the image of a contact.
Format: `delete-image INDEX`
* Deletes the image of contact specified by `INDEX`
@@ -43,9 +122,10 @@ Format: `delete-image INDEX`
* `delete-image 2` deletes the image of the 2nd person in the address book.
-## Quick Import for admin contacts: `import`
+### Quick Import for admin contacts: `import`
Import administrative contacts for relevant faculties.
Format: `import [faculty]`
* Faculty acronyms (e.g. soc)
@@ -56,49 +136,7 @@ Example:
* `import soc` adds all important administrative contact for School of Computing
* `import chs` adds all important administrative contact for College of Humanities and Sciences
-## Add user contacts: `add`
-Format: `add [name] [year/course] [phone number] [email] [address]` Optional to add: `t/TAGS`
-* User is *required* to enter **name, status, phone number, email, address**
-* Tags can be optional
-* If the account exists, user can add in related field of interests to share with others
-* `add n/Shenghan s/Year2 Computer-science p/99999999 e/david@gmail.com a/punngol place 696a #12-348` will displays the
-necessary basic information that are the user's name, year/course, phone number, email, address. Optional fields are tags,
-for which there are commitment/cca tags, module tags and lastly the general tags for users to enter non-specific typed tags.
-Example (with the addition of tags):
-* `add n/Shenghan s/Year2 Computer-science p/99999999 e/david@gmail.com a/punngol place 696a #12-348 t/developer ct/soccer
-mt/cs2103` Note that the tags can be placed in any part of the command, and it will not break!
-Tags are categorised according to tag colors:
-* Commitment tags: `coral pink`
-* Module tags: `Dark green`
-* General tags: `default blue`
-## Delete user contacts: `delete`
-Delete a contact.
-Format: `delete INDEX`
-* Show contact details specified by `INDEX`
-* The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list.
-* The index *must* be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
-* Extra: Will prompt user to re-confirm again before the contact is erased from BookFace
- Example:
-* `delete 2` Brings up the 2nd person in the address book and prompt user to confirm before deleting.
-## Help command: `help`
-Show a list of command to help users to navigate around
-Format: `help`
-* Include list of commands to enable users to refer to in terminal.
## Command summary
@@ -110,7 +148,7 @@ Format: `help`
| **Find** | `find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]`
e.g., `find James Jake` |
| **List** | `list` |
| **Help** | `help` |
-| **Add-Image** | `add-image INDEX [NAME-OF-IMAGE]`
e.g., `add-image 2 weekiat.png` |
+| **Add-Image** | `add-image INDEX [PATH-TO-IMAGE]`
e.g., `add-image 2 C:/Users/user/Downloads/weekiat.png` |
| **Delete-Image** | `delete-image INDEX`
e.g., `delete-image 2` | |
| **Import** | `import [faculty]`
e.g., `import soc, import chs` |
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