You need Oracle database (version 10.2 or later) with SYS and SYSTEM user access.
If you are on a Mac OS X 10.6 then use these instructions to install local Oracle DB Other option is to use Linux VM and install Oracle DB on it.
If you are on Linux (or will use Linux virtual machine) and need Oracle DB just for running tests then Oracle DB XE edition is enough. See Oracle XE downloads page for download links and instructions.
If you are getting ORA-12520 errors when running tests then it means that Oracle cannot create enough processes to handle many connections (as during tests many connections are created and destroyed). In this case you need to log in as SYSTEM user and execute e.g.
alter system set processes=200 scope=spfile;
to increase process limit and then restart the database (this will be necessary if Oracle XE will be used as default processes limit is 40).
If no Oracle database with SYS and SYSTEM user access is available, try the docker approach.
Install Docker
Pull docker-oracle-xe-11g image from docker hub
docker pull wnameless/oracle-xe-11g
Start a Oracle database docker container with mapped ports. Use port 49161
to access the database.
docker run -d -p 49160:22 -p 49161:1521 wnameless/oracle-xe-11g
Check connection to the database with sqlplus
. The user is system
, the password is oracle
sqlplus64 system/oracle@localhost:49161
The oracle enhanced configuration file spec/spec_config.yaml
should look like:
# copy this file to spec/config.yaml and set appropriate values
# you can also use environment variables, see spec_helper.rb
name: 'xe'
host: 'localhost'
port: 49161
user: 'oracle_enhanced'
password: 'oracle_enhanced'
sys_password: 'oracle'
non_default_tablespace: 'SYSTEM'
timezone: 'Europe/Riga'
oracle_enhanced is tested with MRI 2.1.x and 2.2.x, and JRuby 1.7.x and 9.0.x.x.
It is recommended to use RVM to run tests with different Ruby implementations.
Create Oracle database schema for test purposes. Review
to see default schema/user names and database names (use environment variables to override defaults)SQL> CREATE USER oracle_enhanced IDENTIFIED BY oracle_enhanced; SQL> GRANT unlimited tablespace, create session, create table, create sequence, create procedure, create trigger, create view, create materialized view, create database link, create synonym, create type, ctxapp TO oracle_enhanced; SQL> CREATE USER oracle_enhanced_schema IDENTIFIED BY oracle_enhanced_schema; SQL> GRANT unlimited tablespace, create session, create table, create sequence, create procedure, create trigger, create view, create materialized view, create database link, create synonym, create type, ctxapp TO oracle_enhanced_schema;
If you use RVM then switch to corresponding Ruby. It is recommended to create isolated gemsets for test purposes (e.g. rvm create gemset oracle_enhanced)
Install bundler with
gem install bundler
Install necessary gems with
bundle install
Configure database credentials in one of two ways:
- copy spec/spec_config.yaml.template to spec/config.yaml and modify as needed
- set required environment variables (see DATABASE_NAME in spec_helper.rb)
Run tests with
rake spec