HTTPolice is a validator or “linter” for HTTP requests and responses. It can spot bad header syntax, inappropriate status codes, and other potential problems in your HTTP server or client.
The final report generated by HTTPolice looks like this:
pip3 install mitmproxy-HTTPolice
The network traffic sniffed by mitmproxy tool can be filtered and passed as an input to HTTPolice, which in turn can generate an HTML report containing full requests and responses. Analysing, storing and sharing of a well structured auto-generated HTML report is a lot easier than trying to organize the data manually.
Run following commands:
$ cd /home/secqation/Desktop/TheDemo/3b-jenkins-pipeline/ $ ./
Check the contents of file. What is it doing?
rm Input/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/* rm Output/mitmproxy/* rm Output/robotframework/* docker-compose down docker-compose up -d --build mitmproxy docker-compose up -d --build selenium-hub firefox chrome docker exec -it mitmproxy openssl x509 -in /home/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem -inform PEM -out /tmp/mitmproxy-ca-cert.crt docker exec -it mitmproxy mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ docker exec -it mitmproxy cp /tmp/mitmproxy-ca-cert.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mitmproxy.crt docker exec -it mitmproxy update-ca-certificates docker-compose up --build robotframework docker-compose logs mitmproxy docker-compose ps docker-compose logs robotframework tree Output ls -la Output/mitmproxy
Check the contents of docker-compose.yml file. How did we configure proxy? Notice the use of environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY
version: "3.9" services: firefox: image: selenium/node-firefox:4.0.0-rc-1-prerelease-20210804 shm_size: 2gb container_name: firefox depends_on: - selenium-hub environment: - SE_EVENT_BUS_HOST=selenium-hub - SE_EVENT_BUS_PUBLISH_PORT=4442 - SE_EVENT_BUS_SUBSCRIBE_PORT=4443 - HTTP_PROXY=http://mitmproxy:8080 - HTTPS_PROXY=https://mitmproxy:8080 volumes: - "robo-downloads:/home/seluser/Downloads" - "./Input/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/:/tmp/.mitmproxy/" - "./Input/scripts:/scripts" command: sh -c "/scripts/ && exec /opt/bin/" depends_on: - mitmproxy chrome: image: selenium/node-chrome:4.0.0-rc-1-prerelease-20210804 shm_size: 2gb container_name: chrome depends_on: - selenium-hub environment: - SE_EVENT_BUS_HOST=selenium-hub - SE_EVENT_BUS_PUBLISH_PORT=4442 - SE_EVENT_BUS_SUBSCRIBE_PORT=4443 - HTTP_PROXY=http://mitmproxy:8080 - HTTPS_PROXY=https://mitmproxy:8080 volumes: - "robo-downloads:/home/seluser/Downloads" - "./Input/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/:/tmp/.mitmproxy/" - "./Input/scripts:/scripts" command: sh -c "/scripts/ && /opt/bin/" depends_on: - mitmproxy selenium-hub: image: selenium/hub:4.0.0-rc-1-prerelease-20210804 container_name: selenium-hub ports: - "4442:4442" - "4443:4443" - "4444:4444" environment: - HTTP_PROXY=http://mitmproxy:8080 - HTTPS_PROXY=https://mitmproxy:8080 volumes: - "robo-downloads:/home/seluser/Downloads" - "./Input/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/:/tmp/.mitmproxy/" - "./Input/scripts:/scripts" command: sh -c "/scripts/ && exec /opt/bin/" depends_on: - mitmproxy robotframework: build: context: ./Input/robotframework/ dockerfile: Dockerfile image: robotframework:latest container_name: robotframework environment: - HTTP_PROXY=http://mitmproxy:8080 - HTTPS_PROXY=https://mitmproxy:8080 - HUB_HOSTNAME=selenium-hub volumes: - "./Input/robotframework/demo-test-suite:/robo-vault/robo-tests" - "./Output/robotframework:/robo-vault/test_results" - "./Input/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/:/tmp/.mitmproxy/" - "./Input/scripts:/scripts" command: sh -c "/scripts/ && exec ./" depends_on: - mitmproxy - firefox - chrome mitmproxy: build: context: ./Input/mitmproxy dockerfile: Dockerfile image: mitmproxy:latest container_name: mitmproxy volumes: - "./Input/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/:/home/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy/" - "./Output/mitmproxy/:/home/mitmproxy/Output/" volumes: robo-downloads: name: robo-downloads
Also take a note of the volume mappings (especially for "mitmproxy" service)
Check the contents of Dockerfile for mitmproxy service.
FROM mitmproxy/mitmproxy RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install procps curl -y ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8 VOLUME /home/mitmproxy/.mitmproxy CMD ["mitmdump","-w","+/home/mitmproxy/Output/traffic.mitm","--set","ssl_insecure=true"]
Notice that the intercepted traffic is being saved into a file called traffic.mitm. This file is saved in an Output folder that has a corresponding volume mapping in our host machine.
Once the script execution completes successfully, locate the traffic.mitm output file in path
Check the contents of docker-compose-httpolice.yml file
version: "3.9" services: HTTPolice: build: context: . dockerfile: ./Input/HTTPolice/Dockerfile image: httpolice:latest container_name: httpolice volumes: - "./Output/mitmproxy/:/home/mitmproxy/Output/" command: mitmproxy -s "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/" -r /home/mitmproxy/Output/traffic.mitm --set httpolice_mark=comment --no-server # command: mitmdump -r /home/mitmproxy/Output/traffic.mitm -s "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ -o html /home/mitmproxy/Output/http_report.html" # command: mitmdump --no-server -r /home/mitmproxy/Output/traffic.mitm --anticache --showhost --flow-detail 4 --ssl-insecure -s "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/" # command: mitmproxy --no-server -r /home/mitmproxy/Output/traffic.mitm --anticache --showhost --ssl-insecure -s "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/"
Run HTTPolice in interactive mode using Docker Compose run command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-httpolice.yml run HTTPolice
Filter out unwanted traffic. Press [F] key on keyboard and enter a filter expression
: set view_filter '! ~u firefox|mozilla' : set view_filter '! (~t "image/")' : set view_filter '(~t text/)'
Export the filtered HTTP requests and responses using HTTPolice commad
: @shown /home/mitmproxy/Output/httpolice_report.html
Once the HTML report is exported, open it in a bowser (and analyze)
$ firefox httpolice_report.html
Press [Q] key on keyboard. When promptetd, press [Y] key to exit the interactive mitmproxy shell