- Login to AWS account
- Go to https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/
- Click on "Create bucket" button
- Enter a unique bucket name
- Click on "Create bucket" button
- A private S3 bucket should be created successfully.
- Create "index.html" file
<html>My index file</html>
- Go to https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/
- Select the newly created S3 bucket
- Click on "Upload" button
- Click on "Add files" button
- Select your "index.html" file
- Click on "Upload" >> "Close"
- Go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront
- Click on "Create distribution" button
- Under "Origin domain", select your newly created private S3 bucket
- Under "S3 bucket access", select
Yes use OAI (bucket can restrict access to only CloudFront)
- Click on "Create new OAI"
- Accept default entry, or, enter a new name
- Click on "Create" button
- Under "Bucket policy", select
Yes, update the bucket policy
- Under "Viewer protocol policy", select
HTTPS only
- Under "Allowed HTTP methods", select
- Under "Settings" > "Price class", select a suitable option
- Under "Settings" > "Default root object", enter
- Click on "Create distribution" button
- Note down the CloudFront distribution ID
Lambda@Edge functions must be created in us-east-1
Go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home?region=us-east-1
Click on "Create function" button
Author from scratch
option -
Enter a function name of your choice
Accept the default ruuntime, i.e.
Node.js 14.x
Click on "Create function" button
Scroll down to "Code source" section
Replace the contents of "index.js" file with
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { // Get the request and its headers const request = event.Records[0].cf.request; const headers = request.headers; // Specify the username and password to be used const user = 'mirage'; const pw = 'secqation'; // Build a Basic Authentication string const authString = 'Basic ' + new Buffer(user + ':' + pw).toString('base64'); // Challenge for auth if auth credentials are absent or incorrect if (typeof headers.authorization == 'undefined' || headers.authorization[0].value != authString) { const response = { status: '401', statusDescription: 'Unauthorized', body: 'Unauthorized', headers: { 'www-authenticate': [{key: 'WWW-Authenticate', value:'Basic'}] }, }; callback(null, response); } // User has authenticated callback(null, request); };
Click on "Deploy" button
Click on "Configuration" tab >> "Permissions"
Under "Execution role", click on the role name
On the IAM role page, click on "Trust relationships" >> "Edit trust relationship"
Replace the line
"Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
with"Service": ["lambda.amazonaws.com","edgelambda.amazonaws.com"]
Click on "Update Trust Policy" button
Return to the Lambda@Edge function page
Click on "Actions" button
Click on
Publish new version
>> "Publish" -
Click on "Add trigger"
Under "Trigger configuration", select
Under "Configure CloudFront trigger" >> "Distribution", select the correct CloudFront distribution ID
Under "CloudFront event", select
Viewer request
Select the
Confirm deploy to Lambda@Edge
checkbox -
Click on "Add" button
Navigate to https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront
Wait until the CloudFront distribution status changes from
This process might take a few minutes to complete
Once enabled, copy the distribution domain name and paste it in a browser window, e.g. https://d7jlhjzn5jgsm.cloudfront.net
You woud be prompted to enter a valid username and password
Only after correct credentials are provided, user would be allowed to access the
When not needed anymore, make sure the S3, CloudFront and Lambda@Edge AWS resources are deleted. This will prvent incurring unnecessary costs.
- Select your CloudFront distribution
- Click on "Disable" button
- Once disabled completely, click on "Delete" button
- Click "Delete" in the confirmation box
S3 Bucket
- Select your S3 bucket
- Click on "Empty" button
- Enter
permanently delete
- Click on "Empty" >> "Exit"
- Select your emptied S3 bucket
- Click on "Delete" button
- Enter name of your S3 bucket in the confirmation box
- Click on "Delete bucket" button
- Wait for a few hours
- Select your lambda@edge function
- Click on "Actions" >> "Delete"
- Refer this link
Note: Replicated functions cannot be deleted instantly