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AsteroidGame | Verilog HDL, DE-10 Lite FPGA

Classic asteroid game with slight modifications in game mechanics. Created using a DE-10 Lite FPGA Board, VGA, a 640 by 480 monitor and Verilog HDL.

Played using 5 switches on the DE-10 Lite board, where turning on a switch destroys an asteriod that collides with the corresponding defense system, trying to prevent the planet's health from reaching 0.

You can find a demo video here


VGAControl.v - The main module for running the game

ClockDivider.v - The main clock divider module for the project

ClockDividerSixty.v - A 60Hz clock divider module

DesClockDivider.v - Clock divider used for the destruction of asteroides in the game

DrawDefense.v - Module for drawing the defense systems of the game

DrawPlanet.v - Module for drawing the planet part of the game

HorizentalVerticalControl.v - Module to itereate through every pixel

destroyAnimation.v - Module for drawing the in-game destruction animation

displayL.v - For displaying the loser screen in the game

healthSetter.v - Module for setting the health score

scoreSet.v - Module for setting the player's score

movingSquare.v - Module for displaying the moving asteriods through the VGA

segmentDisplay.v - Module for displaying to the 7 segment displays on the DE-10 Lite FPGA Board


How to draw 2D shapes and creating animations on the display (Warning: Uses SystemVerilog):

How to use the display with the de-10 lite board:

Drawing Lines with SystemVerilog Prof. Stephen A. Edwards Columbia University Spring 2015:

Image Generator for DE10-Lite FPGA Evaluation Board:

VGA image driver (make a face) on an Intel FPGA:

How to Create VGA Controller in Verilog on FPGA?:

VGA driver for FPGA in VHDL:

Nandland Go Board Project 9 - Introduction to VGA: