- Added LiquidHaskell support
- Added more memory efficient subtypes for R, V3, BV, I, PV, H, C, BPV, ODD, TPV
- Added LiquidHaskell support: liquidhaskell >= 0.8.10
- Sucessfully tested with: liquidhaskell- and Stackage lts-18.6
- Added a LiquidHaskell flag to build: stack build --flag cl3:do-liquid
- LiquidHaskell | when: Random, Storable, or Derived instances are enabled
- LiquidHaskell | when: There is any number n.nne^-x see Issue#1762 for my 128eps threshold, eventhough rationals are supposed to be supported
- Added more memory efficient subtypes for R, V3, BV, I, PV, H, C, BPV, ODD, TPV, and APS
- Namely: Cl3_R, Cl3_V3, Cl3_BV, Cl3_I, Cl3_PV, Cl3_H, Cl3_C, Cl3_BPV, Cl3_ODD, Cl3_TPV, and Cl3_APS
- Added smart constructors to covert to/from the more memory efficient subtypes
- Added a "weigh" based benchmark to verify that the more memory efficient subtypes are actually more memory efficent
- Added a WeighStorableCl3 benchmark; command to run: stack bench cl3:bench-cl3-weigh
- Added a NbodyMassiv benchmark; command to run: stack bench cl3:bench-cl3-massiv-nbody
- Modified existing NbodyGameCl3 benchmark; command to run: stack bench cl3:bench-cl3-nbody
- LiquidHaskell found some interesting unsaftey in the definition of 'tan' and 'tanh'
- Hopefully it's solved with a judicious use of 'reduce' for instances above R and I, in the affected 'tan' and 'tanh' calls
- Corrected spelling error sp: simi to semi, in the definition of a random unit vector
- 'abssignum' why not calculate 'abs' once and use it twice
- 'absolute' only constructs an R
- Added work around for GHC 8.10 regression of Issue #15304 reproducing code changes from GHC MR 2608 in the source files
- Added 'BangPatterns' language extension
- Added 'MultiWayIf' language extension
- Added 'Control.DeepSeq' dependency for 'NFData' and 'rnf'
- Added class instance for 'NFData'
- Added 'randUnitary' for a random Unitary value in APS
- Added CPP flags to Cl3 be able to turn off derived instances and the random dependancy
- Added CPP flags to JonesCalculus to turn off the random dependancy
- Added new function 'mIx' for the Inverse Hodge Star operator
- Added new function 'timesI' to easily multiply 'i' times something
- Fixed 'compare' so that there will be a total order when comparing I with other I values
- Refactored 'compare' so that lets were moved to a higher level
- Refactored 'abs' so that (2*) was changed to (x + x) and common computations were let floated
- Refactored 'abs' to reduce duplicate code with a helper function
- Refactored 'signum' to inline more Double precesion math into the returned value
- Refactored 'signum' to reduce duplicate code with a helper function
- Added 'reimMag' helper function for calculating the magnitude of the real and imaginary grades of APS
- Refactored 'recip' to use a helper function, moved some shared calculations to a 'let' binding
- Removed the final 'reduce' from the Fractional instances
- Refactored 'log' to convert the 'sqrt' from inside the log to a '(/2)'
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'log' to specialize the values at +/- 1 to be purly imaginary
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'sqrt' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'sqrt' to specialize the values at 0 to be purly real
- Refactored complex implementation of 'sqrt' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'sin' to specialize the values at 0 to be purly real
- Refactored complex implementation of 'tan' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'tan' to specialize the value at 0 to be purly real
- Refactored real implementation of 'asin' to re-derive the implemenation to inline more Double precision math into the various constructors
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'asin' to specialize the value at 0 to be purly real
- Refactored complex implementation of 'asin' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored real implementation of 'acos' to re-derive the implemenation to inline more Double precision math into the various constructors
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'acos' to specialize the value at 0 to be purly real
- Refactored complex implementation of 'acos' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored complex implementation of 'acos' to specialize the value at 0 to be purly real
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'atan' to re-derive the implemenation to inline more Double precision math into the various constructors
- Refactored complex implementation of 'atan' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored complex implementation of 'tanh' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'asinh' to re-derive the implemenation to inline more Double precision math into the various constructors
- Refactored complex implementation of 'asinh' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored real implementation of 'acosh' to re-derive the implemenation to inline more Double precision math into the various constructors
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'acosh' to re-derive the implemenation to inline more Double precision math into the various constructors
- Refactored complex implementation of 'acosh' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored real implementation of 'atanh' to re-derive the implemenation to inline more Double precision math into the various constructors
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'atanh' to inline more Double precision math into the 'I' constructor
- Refactored imaginary implementation of 'atanh' to specialize the value at 0 to be purly real
- Refactored complex implementation of 'atanh' to inline more Double precision math into the 'C' constructor
- Refactored 'lsv' same as 'abs'
- Refactored 'lsv' to guard the sqrt function so that negative values
- Refactored 'lsv' to use a helper function to reduce duplicated code
- Added 'loDisc' helper function to calculate lsv for PV and TPV
- Implemented hlint's suggestion to remove parens around pattern for 'spectraldcmp' helper function 'dcmp'
- Refactored 'dcmp' to order based on the RHS and to commonize the BPV and APS constructors
- Implemented hlint's suggestion to remove parens around pattern for 'eigvals' helper function 'eigv'
- Refactored 'eigv' to order based on the RHS and to commonize the BPV and APS constructors
- Added 'dup' helper function to duplicate a value in a tuple
- Implemented hlint's suggestion to remove parens around pattern for 'project' helper function 'proj'
- Refactored 'project' to use helper functions for single and double vector grade constructors
- Added 'biTriDProj' helper function for generating projectors for double vector grades
- Added 'triDProj' helper function for generating projectors for single vector grades
- Refactored 'boost2colinear' to specialize and inline more Double precision math
- Refactored 'isColinear' to be calculated with Double precision math with a helper function 'colinearHelper'
- Corrected 'isColinear' to properly test for colinear even with non-reduced values
- Added 'colinearHelper' function to calculate if the biparavector portion is colinear
- Refactored 'hasNilpotent' to be calculated with Double precision math with a helper function 'nilpotentHelper'
- Added 'nilpotentHelper' function to calculate if the biparavector portion is nilpotent
- Implemented hlint's suggestion to remove '$' from 'projEigs'
- Refactored 'reduce' to factor out a shared comparison and use a helper function
- Refactored 'reduce' to re-order some of the comparisons to ones that are more common
- Removed the old value of 'mI'
- Performed the multiplication that was in 'tol' and 'tol''
- Refactored 'recip'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'sqrt'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'tan'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'asin'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'acos'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'atan'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'tanh'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'asinh'' to be in a point free style
- Refactored 'atanh'' to be in a point free style
- Added random projectors, nilpotnents, and unitary cliffors, to the Random instance of Cl3
- Refactored 'rangePV' to be more uniform and within the required range
- Refactored 'rangeH' to be more uniform and within the required range
- Refactored 'rangeC' to be more uniform and within the required range
- Refactored 'rangeBPV' to be more uniform and within the required range
- Refactored 'rangeODD' to be more uniform and within the required range
- Refactored 'rangeTPV' to be more uniform and within the required range
- Refactored 'rangeAPS' to be more uniform and within the required range
- Refactored 'randUnitV3' to be more uniform and not to be biased to the poles
- Refactored 'randProjector' to inline more Double precision math into the PV constructor
- Refactored 'randNilpotent' to inline more Double precision math into the BPV constructor
- Added 'randUnitary' to generate random unitary Cliffors
- Refactored 'vectorHelper' to use 'randUnitV3'
- Rewrote the tests to use Criterion instead of QuickCheck
- Changed the tests Arbitrary to 'randomRIO'
- Changed the test's random input to be 5,000,000 Cliffors
- Refactored the tests to use 'mIx'
- Refactored the tests '≈≈' to be a mean squared error calculation compared to a threshold
- Refactored the tests 'poles' to use a 'closeTo' function instead of '≈≈' to compare with eigenvalues
- Added to the tests a 'closeTo' function to compare against eigenvalues in the complex plane using a Euclidean distance
- Found various improvements while preparing for NPFL specialized Jordan for BPV and APS
- Removed all
$! and replaced with $ , found that this resolved compile time and space issues updated ghc track #15304 - Removed -fno-worker-wrapper from the cabal file
- Greatly simplified the implementation of boost2colinear also discovered while preparing for NPFL
- Factored out the view pattern (reduce -> cliffor) on several functions so it wasn't repeated in every pattern match
- Added -fno-worker-wrapper to work around the compile time and space issues in ghc > 8.0
- Tested with GHC 7.8.4 and 8.4.2
- Lowered version bounds to support lts-2.22, base >= 4.7, QuickCheck >= 2.7
- Explicitly imported <$> from Control.Applicative to support the earlier versions of Base & GHC for the tests
- Used Stack to test different versions of GHC.
- Removed {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-top-binds #-} from Cl3.hs to better support earlier versions of GHC, and it was no longer needed.
- Loosened version bound for QuickCheck to work better with earlier versions of Stackage LTS snapshots.
- Improved spectraldcmp's documentation to clairify that spectraldcmp requires an implementation of the real, imaginary, and complex implememtation of the function.
- First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.