diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 2afeeae..9f084d7 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -466,14 +466,15 @@ etc.
Limit maximum sampling frequency
-User agents may mitigate certain threats by
-limiting the maximum [=sampling frequency=].
+User agents and [=extension specifications=] may mitigate certain threats by defining a [=sensor
+type=]'s [=sensor type/maximum sampling frequency=].
What upper limit to choose depends on the [=sensor type=],
the kind of threats the user agent is trying to protect against,
the expected resources of the attacker, etc.
-Limiting the maximum [=sampling frequency=] prevents use cases
-which rely on low latency or high data density.
+Limiting the [=sensor type/maximum sampling frequency=] prevents use cases which rely on low
+latency or high data density.
Stop the sensor altogether
@@ -489,9 +490,9 @@ or in a different application.
An alternative to [=limit maximum sampling frequency|limiting the maximum sampling frequency=] is to
limit the number of [=sensor readings=] delivered to Web application developer,
-regardless of what frequency the sensor is polled at.
+regardless of the [=sampling frequency=].
This allows use cases which have low latency requirement
-to increase [=sampling frequency=]
+to increase the [=sampling frequency=]
without increasing the amount of data provided.
Discarding intermediary readings prevents certain use cases,
@@ -721,33 +722,57 @@ define ways to uniquely identify each one.
## Sampling Frequency and Reporting Frequency ## {#concepts-sampling-and-reporting-frequencies}
-For the purpose of this specification, sampling frequency for a [=platform sensor=] is
-defined as a frequency at which the user agent obtains [=sensor readings=] from the underlying
+For the purpose of this specification, a [=platform sensor=]'s sampling frequency is
+defined as a frequency at which a [=platform sensor=] obtains [=sensor readings=] from the
+underlying [=device sensor=]. The way such [=sensor readings=] are obtained is
+The [=platform sensor=]'s [=sampling frequency=] may not correspond to the [=device sensor=]'s
+actual sampling rate, which, for the purpose of this specification, is opaque.
+Note: System-level APIs for [=sensor readings=] and the underlying hardware interface to the sensors
+themselves may be built for polling or events. For a polling-based [=device sensor=], the [=platform
+sensor=]'s [=sampling frequency=] would be the rate at which a new reading is requested from the
+system or hardware. For an event-based [=device sensor=], a [=platform sensor=] provides a requested
+sampling frequency to the system or hardware, and events are generated at that frequency or below.
+Events may not be generated if the sensor reading has not changed.
+A [=device sensor=] may provide bounds for the sampling frequency value it can accept from a
+[=platform sensor=] in the form of a minimum sampling frequency and a
+maximum sampling frequency. A [=platform sensor=]'s [=sampling
+frequency=] must not be less than the [=device sensor=]'s [=device sensor/minimum sampling
+frequency=] or greater than its [=device sensor/maximum sampling frequency=].
+A [=platform sensor=]'s [=sampling frequency=] is determined based on the provided
+{{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} of the [=set/items=] in its [=ordered set|set=] of [=activated sensor
+objects=]. The calculation is [=implementation-defined=], but the outcome value must lie within the
+bounds set by the [=platform sensor=]'s [=sensor type=]'s [=sensor type/minimum sampling
+frequency|minimum=] and [=sensor type/maximum sampling frequency|maximum=] sampling frequencies and
+its [=device sensor=]'s [=device sensor/minimum sampling frequency|minimum=] and [=device
+sensor/maximum sampling frequency|maximum=] sampling frequencies.
+Note: For example, the user agent may estimate the [=sampling frequency=] as a Least Common
+Denominator (LCD) for a set of provided {{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} capped by [=sampling frequency=]
+bounds defined by the underlying platform.
-The user agent can request the underlying platform to deliver [=sensor readings|readings=] at a certain
-rate which is called requested sampling frequency.
+The reporting frequency for a concrete {{Sensor}} object is defined as a frequency at which
+the "reading" event is [=fire an event|fired=] at this object.
-The [=sampling frequency=] is equal to the [=requested sampling frequency=] if the underlying platform
-can support it.
+A {{Sensor}} object cannot access new [=sensor readings|readings=] at a higher rate than the
+user agent obtains them from the underlying platform, therefore the [=reporting frequency=] can
+never exceed a [=platform sensor=]'s [=sampling frequency=], which in turn can never exceed a
+[=device sensor=]'s [=device sensor/maximum sampling frequency=] (when specified).
-The [=sampling frequency=] differs from the [=requested sampling frequency=] in the following cases:
- - the [=requested sampling frequency=] exceeds upper or lower [=sampling frequency=] bounds
- supported by the underlying platform.
+The [=reporting frequency=] differs from the {{Sensor}}'s {{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} in cases such as:
+ - the requested {{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} lies outside the bounds returned by invoking [=get a
+ platform sensor's sampling bounds=] with {{Sensor}}'s associated [=platform sensor=].
- the operating system and/or the [=device sensor=] automatically discard
readings that do not differ enough (in absolute or relative terms) from the
previously reported ones via a hardware or operating system filter.
- - the [=platform sensor=]'s associated [=sensor type=]'s [=threshold check
+ - the {{Sensor}} instance's associated [=sensor type=]'s [=threshold check
algorithm=] fails and the [=platform sensor=]'s [=latest readings=] are not
-The reporting frequency for a concrete {{Sensor}} object is defined as a frequency at which
-the "reading" event is [=fire an event|fired=] at this object.
-A {{Sensor}} object cannot access new [=sensor readings|readings=] at a higher rate than the
-user agent obtains them from the underlying platform, therefore the [=reporting frequency=] can
-never exceed the [=sampling frequency=] for the given [=sensor type=].
## Conditions to expose sensor readings ## {#concepts-can-expose-sensor-readings}
The user agent can expose sensor readings to a given |document| if and only if
@@ -781,6 +806,15 @@ A sensor type must have the following associated data:
- A [=set/is empty|non-empty=] [=ordered set=] of associated [=policy-controlled feature=] tokens
referred to as sensor feature names.
- A [=permission revocation algorithm=].
+- A minimum sampling frequency, a positive number. It is either
+ [=implementation-defined=] or defined by an [=extension specification=]. If both are set, the
+ largest value is used.
+- A maximum sampling frequency, a positive number. It is either
+ [=implementation-defined=] or defined by an [=extension specification=]. If both are set, the
+ smallest value is used.
+The [=sensor type/minimum sampling frequency=] must not be greater than the [=sensor type/maximum
+sampling frequency=].
A [=sensor type=] may have the following associated data:
- A [=default sensor=].
@@ -839,17 +873,19 @@ Note: There are additional privacy concerns when using cached [=sensor readings|
which predate either [=navigating=] to resources in the current [=origin=],
or being granted permission to access the [=platform sensor=]. -->
-A [=platform sensor=] has an associated [=requested sampling frequency=] which is initially null.
-For a non-[=set/is empty|empty=] [=ordered set|set=] of [=activated sensor objects=] the
-[=requested sampling frequency=] is equal to the optimal sampling frequency, which is estimated
-by the user agent by taking into account the {{[[frequency]]|provided frequencies}}
-of [=activated sensor objects|activated=] {{Sensor|Sensors}} and the [=sampling frequency=] bounds
-defined by the underlying platform.
-Note: For example, the user agent may estimate [=optimal sampling frequency=] as a Least Common
-Denominator (LCD) for a set of {{[[frequency]]|provided frequencies}} capped
-by [=sampling frequency=] bounds defined by the underlying platform.
+To get a platform sensor's sampling bounds given a [=platform sensor=]
+ 1. Let |minimumFrequency| be |platformSensor|'s [=sensor type=]'s [=sensor type/minimum sampling
+ frequency=].
+ 1. If |platformSensor|'s connected [=device sensor=] has a [=device sensor/minimum sampling
+ frequency=], set |minimumFrequency| to the maximum of |minimumFrequency| and this value.
+ 1. Let |maximumFrequency| be |platformSensor|'s [=sensor type=]'s [=sensor type/maximum sampling
+ frequency=].
+ 1. If |platformSensor|'s connected [=device sensor=] has a [=device sensor/maximum sampling
+ frequency=], set |maximumFrequency| to the minimum of |maximumFrequency| and this value.
+ 1. Return a [=tuple=] (|minimumFrequency|, |maximumFrequency|).
@@ -866,7 +902,7 @@ The {{Sensor}} object in "idle" [[#sensor-lifecycle|state]] is not among the [=p
In this example there is a [=platform sensor=] instance per [=browsing context=].
The [=latest reading=] [=ordered map|map=] is shared between {{Sensor}} objects from the
-same [=browsing context|context=] and is updated at a rate equal to the [=requested sampling frequency=]
+same [=browsing context|context=] and is updated at a rate equal to the requested [=sampling frequency=]
of the corresponding [=platform sensor=].
@@ -1063,12 +1099,10 @@ with the internal slots described in the following table:
\[[frequency]] |
A double representing frequency in Hz that is used to calculate
- the [=requested sampling frequency=] for the associated [=platform sensor=]
+ the [=sampling frequency=] for the associated [=platform sensor=]
and to define the upper bound of the [=reporting frequency=] for this
- {{Sensor}} object.
- This slot holds the provided {{SensorOptions}}.{{frequency!!dict-member}} value.
- It is initially unset. |
+ {{Sensor}} object. It is initially null.
\[[lastEventFiredAt]] |
@@ -1256,8 +1290,8 @@ to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[frequency]]}} to |options|["{{frequency!!dict-member}}"].
Note: There is no guarantee that the requested |options|["{{frequency!!dict-member}}"]
- can be respected. The actual [=sampling frequency=] can be calculated using
- {{Sensor}} {{Sensor/timestamp!!attribute}} attributes.
+ can be respected. See [[#concepts-sampling-and-reporting-frequencies]] for constraints that
+ may be applied.
Check sensor policy-controlled features
@@ -1283,24 +1317,30 @@ to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
: input
- :: |sensor_instance|, a {{Sensor}} object.
+ :: |sensor|, a {{Sensor}} object.
: output
- :: True if sensor instance was associated with a [=platform sensor=],
+ :: True if |sensor| was associated with a [=platform sensor=],
false otherwise.
- 1. Let |type| be the [=sensor type=] of |sensor_instance|.
+ 1. Let |platformSensor| be null.
+ 1. Let |type| be |sensor|'s associated [=sensor type=].
1. If the device has a single [=device sensor=] which can provide [=sensor readings|readings=]
for |type|, then
- 1. Associate |sensor_instance| with a [=platform sensor=] corresponding
+ 1. Set |platformSensor| to a [=platform sensor=] corresponding
to this [=device sensor=].
- 1. Return true.
1. If the device has multiple [=device sensors=] which can provide [=sensor readings|readings=]
for |type|, then
1. If |type| has an associated [=default sensor=], then
- 1. Associate |sensor_instance| with a [=platform sensor=] corresponding
- to [=default sensor=].
- 1. Return true.
- 1. Return false.
+ 1. Set |platformSensor| to a [=platform sensor=] corresponding
+ to this [=default sensor|default device sensor=].
+ 1. If |platformSensor| is null, return false.
+ 1. Let |bounds| be the result of invoking [=get a platform sensor's sampling bounds=] with
+ |platformSensor|.
+ 1. If |sensor|.{{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} is null, set it to an [=implementation-defined=] value
+ dependent on |type|.
+ 1. If |sensor|.{{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} is less than |bounds|[0], set it to |bounds|[0].
+ 1. If |sensor|.{{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} is greater than |bounds|[1], set it to |bounds|[1].
+ 1. Return true.
Activate a sensor object
@@ -1362,18 +1402,24 @@ to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
: input
- :: |sensor|, a [=platform sensor=].
+ :: |platformSensor|, a [=platform sensor=].
: output
:: None
- 1. If |sensor|'s set of [=activated sensor objects=] [=set/is empty=],
- 1. Set [=requested sampling frequency=] to null.
- 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → value of [=latest reading=].
- 1. [=map/Set=] [=latest reading=][|key|] to null.
- 1. Update the user-agent-specific way in which [=sensor readings=] are obtained from |sensor|
- to no longer provide [=sensor readings|readings=].
+ 1. If |platformSensor|'s set of [=activated sensor objects=] [=set/is empty=],
+ 1. Set |platformSensor|'s [=sampling frequency=] to null.
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → value of |platformSensor|'s [=latest reading=].
+ 1. [=map/Set=] |platformSensor|'s [=latest reading=][|key|] to null.
+ 1. Update the [=implementation-defined=] way in which [=sensor readings=] are obtained
+ from |platformSensor| to no longer provide [=sensor readings|readings=].
1. Return.
- 1. Set [=requested sampling frequency=] to [=optimal sampling frequency=].
+ 1. Set |platformSensor|'s [=sampling frequency=] to an [=implementation-defined=] value based
+ on the {{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} values of the items in its [=activated sensor objects=]
+ [=ordered set|set=].
+ 1. Let |bounds| be the result of invoking [=get a platform sensor's sampling bounds=] with
+ |platformSensor|.
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |platformSensor|'s [=sampling frequency=] is greater than or equal to
+ |bounds|[0] and less than or equal to |bounds|[1].
Update latest reading
@@ -1401,25 +1447,6 @@ to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
1. Invoke [=report latest reading updated=] with |s| as an argument.
-Find the reporting frequency of a sensor object
- : input
- :: |sensor_instance|, a {{Sensor}} object.
- : output
- :: [=reporting frequency=] in Hz.
- 1. Let |frequency| be null.
- 1. Let |f| be |sensor_instance|.{{[[frequency]]}}.
- 1. if |f| is set,
- 1. set |frequency| to |f| capped by the upper and lower [=sampling frequency=]
- bounds for the associated [=platform sensor=].
- 1. Otherwise,
- 1. user agent can assign |frequency| to an appropriate value.
- 1. return |frequency|.
Report latest reading updated
@@ -1436,11 +1463,9 @@ to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
1. If |lastReportedTimestamp| is not set
1. Queue a task to run [=notify new reading=] with |sensor_instance| as an argument.
1. Return.
- 1. Let |reportingFrequency| be result of invoking [=Find the reporting frequency of a sensor object=].
- 1. If |reportingFrequency| is null
- 1. Queue a task to run [=notify new reading=] with |sensor_instance| as an argument.
- 1. Return.
- 1. Let |reportingInterval| be the result of 1 / |reportingFrequency|.
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |sensor_instance|.{{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} is not null.
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |sensor_instance|.{{Sensor/[[frequency]]}} is greater than 0.
+ 1. Let |reportingInterval| be the result of 1 / |sensor_instance|.{{Sensor/[[frequency]]}}.
1. Let |timestampDelta| be the result of [=latest reading=]["timestamp"] - |lastReportedTimestamp|.
1. If |timestampDelta| is greater than or equal to |reportingInterval|
1. Queue a task to run [=notify new reading=] with |sensor_instance| as an argument.
@@ -1567,13 +1592,10 @@ and whose initial [=map/values=] are implementation-dependent.
Note: The user agent must provide the [=mock sensor reading=] that are initially exposed to the {{Sensor}} objects.
-A [=mock sensor=] has an associated [=requested sampling frequency=]. Its default value is implementation-dependent
-but must be set within a [=mock sensor=]'s associated [=sampling frequency=] bounds.
A [=mock sensor=] has an associated [=sampling frequency=] with supported bounds. The default values of
supported bounds are implementation-dependent.
-A [=mock sensor=] must report the [=mock sensor reading=] at the rate of its [=requested sampling frequency=]
+A [=mock sensor=] must report the [=mock sensor reading=] at the rate of its [=sampling frequency=]
if the user agent [=can expose sensor readings=] to the [=current browsing context=]'s [=active document=].
Note: The [=mock sensor=] defined in this specification is not intended be used by non-testing-related web content.
@@ -1625,7 +1647,7 @@ The {{MockSensor}} dictionary provides information about a [=mock sensor=].
:: A double representing frequency in Hz that indicates the minimum supported [=sampling frequency=] of the associated [=mock sensor=].
: {{MockSensor/requestedSamplingFrequency}} member
-:: A double representing frequency in Hz that indicates the [=requested sampling frequency=] of the associated [=mock sensor=].
+:: A double representing frequency in Hz that indicates the [=sampling frequency=] of the associated [=mock sensor=].
A serialized mock sensor is a JSON [=Object=] where a [=mock sensor=]'s fields listed in the {{MockSensor}} dictionary are mapped
using the JSON Key and the associated field's value from the available [=mock sensor=] in [=current browsing context=].
@@ -2003,7 +2025,7 @@ creating multiple instances of the same [=sensor type=] and using simple {{Senso
Conversely, multiple {{Sensor|Sensors}} of the same [=sensor type=] can be created when they
-are intended to be used with different settings, such as: [=requested sampling frequency=],
+are intended to be used with different settings, such as: {{SensorOptions/frequency}},
accuracy or other settings defined in [=extension specifications=].
Definition Requirements