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Accelerating Neural Audio Synthesis

The thesis text itself is available here.

This is the code accompanying my Master's thesis at ETH Zürich titled Accelerating Neural Audio Synthesis. The goal was to create a fast model for synthesizing musical audio in real time, based on DDSP and RAVE. The resulting DDSP-based model, DDSP-CNN-Tiny, has less than 2500 parameters and runs at over 800x real-time on a CPU, while maintaining the quality of the original DDSP-full with 6M parameters.

Audio examples for the different models are available here.

This is research code that needs modifying to be reusable (there are some hardcoded file paths, for instance), and active maintenance is not planned. Nevertheless, parts of the code can be useful for others:

Training DDSP-CNN-Tiny

Since this was the most successful model, we include here the exact command to train it:

nas_prepare_job \
  -g ddspae-cnn.gin \
  -p  train_util.train.num_steps=100000 \ 
      TFRecordProvider.with_jukebox=False \
      TFRecordProvider.centered=True \
      TFRecordProvider.frame_rate=50 \
      CustomDilatedConvDecoder.causal=True \ \
  -d /users/vvolhejn/datasets/violin4/'*'.tfrecord-train'*'

This generates a script that is then submitted to SLURM via sbatch. The -p argument overrides Gin parameters given in ddspae-cnn.gin and some implicitly loaded Gin files. The TFRecordProvider properties specify some dataset metadata (e.g. pitch/loudness frames per second), because this metadata is unfortunately not specified in the .tfrecord files used by DDSP. The CustomDilatedConvDecoder modify the decoder architecture.

The generated script (slightly cleaned up) is:

# 0829-ddspae-cnn
#SBATCH --job-name=0829-ddspae-cnn
#SBATCH --time=16:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=amdrtx
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu
#SBATCH --mem=32G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --account=vvolhejn
#SBATCH --output=/users/vvolhejn/slurm-%j.out

source ~/.bashrc

conda activate nas


# This is some workaround to get CUDA working via Conda
export XLA_FLAGS="--xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir=/users/vvolhejn/miniconda3/envs/nas/lib"


# 0829-ddspae-cnn is an automatically generated name, the initial
# digits determining the date (Aug 29) on which the model was created
mkdir -p /users/vvolhejn/models/0829-ddspae-cnn

wandb enabled

srun nas_run \
  --mode=train \
  --alsologtostderr \
  --save_dir="$SAVE_DIR" \
  --allow_memory_growth \
  --gin_search_path=/users/vvolhejn/thesis/gin/ \
  --gin_file=ddspae-cnn.gin \
  --gin_file=datasets/tfrecord.gin \
  --gin_param="TFRecordProvider.file_pattern='$TRAIN_TFRECORD_FILEPATTERN'" \
  --gin_param="batch_size=8" \
  --gin_param="checkpoints_to_keep=1" \
  --gin_param="train_util.train.num_steps=100000" \
  --gin_param="TFRecordProvider.with_jukebox=False" \
  --gin_param="TFRecordProvider.centered=True" \
  --gin_param="TFRecordProvider.frame_rate=50" \
  --gin_param="CustomDilatedConvDecoder.causal=True" \
  --gin_param="" \
  --gin_param="train_util.train.steps_per_save=1000" \
  --gin_param="train_util.train.steps_per_summary=1000" \
  --gin_param="F0LoudnessPreprocessor.compute_f0=False" \

The model can then be evaluated using scripts/ via

scripts/ violin4:latest 0829-ddspae-cnn

Here the dataset to evaluate on is loaded from a W&B artifact - see section below on how to create one.

Dataset creation

To turn audio files into a .tfrecord dataset usable by DDSP, use ddsp_prepare_tfrecord: see scripts/ or scripts/ for usage examples.

For timbre transfer, you need dataset statistics to match the loudness and pitch (octave) of the source audio to the distribution the model was trained on. See scripts/

Finally, the dataset can be uploaded to a W&B artifact using scripts/ The evaluation script mentioned above works with datasets from W&B, but the older training script still uses .tfrecord files directly -- sorry!