OS | Manjaro |
DE | Plasma |
Terminal | Kitty |
Shell | Bash + Starship |
System Font | Segoe UI Semibold 10 |
Terminal Font | BlexMono Nerd Font Medium 11 |
Panel | Plasma Panel 32 |
Application Style | Oxygen |
Plasma Style | Breeze |
Colors | OneDarkV |
Window Decorations | Breeze |
Icons | Sensual-Breeze-Dark Icons |
Cursors | We10XOS Cursors |
Lauch Feedback | Cursor Static |
Fonts Management | Segoe UI Semibold 10 |
Splash Screen | QuarksSplashDark Custom |
File Manager | Dolphin |
Editor | VS Code |
Browser | Firefox, Vivaldi |
Browser Plugins |
Blending Scrollbar nightTAb, To Google Translate |
Video Player | MPV, VLC |
Screenshot | Flameshot |
Color Picker | KColorChooser |
Torrent | qBitTorrent |
Password Manager | Bitwarden, KeepassXC |
Batch Rename | KRename |
Subtitle | Subtitle Composer |
File Syncronizer | rsync |
Editor | neovim |
Jump Dir | zoxide |
Fuzzy Finder | fzf |
Watch File | entr, inotifywait |
🔍 | Name | Hex |
Black (BG) | #23272e |
Black Bright | #5c6370 |
Red | #e06c75 |
Green | #98c379 |
Yellow | #e5c07b |
Blue | #61afef |
Purple | #c678dd |
Cyan | #56b6c2 |
White | #abb2bf |
Click to expand
Shortcut | Action |
Super + {h,j,k,l}, {⯇,⯆,⯅,⯈} | Focus window {left,down,up,right} direction |
Super + Shift + {h,j,k,l}, {⯇,⯆,⯅,⯈} | Move window to {left,down,up,right} direction |
Super + Ctrl + {h,l}, {⯇,⯈}, {PgDn,PgUp} | Go to {next,prev} workspace |
Super + {1..9} | Go to workspace number {1..9} |
Super + Ctrl + Shift +{h,l},{⯇,⯈},{PgDn,PgUp} | Move window to {next,prev} workspace |
Super + Shift + {1..9} | Move window to workspace number {1..9} |
Super + Alt + {h,j,k,l}, {⯇,⯆,⯅,⯈} | Resize window in {left,down,up,right} direction |
Super + c | Close window |
Super + d | Hide all window |
Super + f | Fullscreen |
Super + Shift + , | Reload window manager |
Super + Shift + . | Reload shortcuts |
Super + Shift + q | Quit window manager |
Alt + Tab | Circle all windows |
Alt + Shift + Tab | Circle all windows in reverse |
Super + Left Click (Hold) | Move window |
Super + Right Click (Hold) | Resize window |
Shortcut | Action |
Super + Space | Launcher |
Super + Enter | Terminal |
Super + , | System |
Super + . | Shortcuts |
Super + a | Package |
Super + b | Browser |
Super + e | File |
Super + g | Games |
Super + p | Picker |
Super + Alt + p | Password |
Super + r | Run |
Super + s | Screenshot |
Super + t | Torrent |
Super + u | UI |
Super + v | VSCode |
Shortcut | Action |
F3 | Find next |
Shift + F3 | Find prev |
F5 | Reload |
F6 | Go to adressbar |
F12 | Devtoos |
F11 | Fullscreen |
Ctrl + b | Toogle bookmarks sidebar |
Ctrl + Shift + b | Toogle bookmarks tollbar |
Ctrl + d | Add to bookmarks |
Ctrl + f | Find |
Ctrl + h | Toogle history sidebar |
Ctrl + Shift + h | Open history page |
Ctrl + l | Select adress bar |
Ctrl + n | New window |
Ctrl + Ctrl + n | New window in private |
Ctrl + Ctrl + o | Open bookmarks page |
Ctrl + t | New tab |
Ctrl + Shift + t | Reopen last tab |
Ctrl + w | Close tab |
Ctrl + Shift + w | Close current window |
Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + PgDn | Next tab |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab, Ctrl + PgUp | Prev tab |
Ctrl + {1..9} | Go to tab number {1..9} |
Ctrl + Shift + {PgDn,PgUp} | Move to {next,prev} tab |
Alt + Home | Go home |
Alt + {⯇,⯈} | Go to {back,next} in history |
Ctrl + {+,-} | Zoom {in,out} |
Shortcut | Action |
F2 | Rename |
F3 | Split, Find next |
Shift + F3 | Find prev |
F4 | Toggle terminal |
Shift + F4 | Open terminal |
F5 | Reload |
F6 | Go to adressbar |
F9 | Toggle sidebar |
F11 | Fullscreen |
Ctrl + Shift + b | Toggle places |
Ctrl + d | Add to places |
Ctrl + Shift + d | Duplicate file |
Ctrl + f | Find |
Ctrl + Shift + f | Open find system |
Ctrl + i | Filter |
Ctrl + l | Select adress bar |
Ctrl + n | New window |
Ctrl + m | Toggle menubar |
Ctrl + t | New tab |
Ctrl + w | Close tab |
Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + PgDn | Next tab |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab, Ctrl + PgUp | Prev tab |
Ctrl + {1..3} | Show {icon,compact,details} mode |
Alt + {1..9} | Go to tab number {1..9} |
Ctrl + Shift + {PgDn,PgUp} | Move to {next,prev} tab |
Alt + Home, Ctrl + Space | Go home |
Alt + {⯇,⯈}, ⯅ | Go to {back,next} in history or up dir |
Ctrl + {+,-} | Zoom {in,out} |
Ctrl + , | Config page |
Ctrl + . | Shortcut page |