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Software installation

Christopher Strøm edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 40 revisions

Vortex-AUV installation

Noetic requirements:

sudo apt install protobuf-compiler ros-noetic-rosbridge-server ros-noetic-message-to-tf ros-noetic-geographic-msgs ros-noetic-move-base ros-noetic-move-base-msgs python3-osrf-pycommon python3-openpyxl python-yaml python-enum34 python3-pip


pip3 install pyquaternion smbus scipy websocket-client adafruit_pca9685 rospkg

To get rid of any pesky python2 errors still left behind

sudo apt remove python2
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt install python-is-python3


Step 1: Install dependencies to interface with drivers, Gazebo, etc.

Quick command for installing all dependencies:

sudo apt install protobuf-compiler ros-melodic-rosbridge-server ros-melodic-message-to-tf ros-melodic-geographic-msgs ros-melodic-move-base ros-melodic-move-base-msgs python-catkin-tools python-openpyxl

Explanations for the dependencies:

  1. Install the protobuf library, which is used as interface to Gazebo:
     sudo apt install protobuf-compiler
  2. Install rosbridge-server to interface with sensor and actuator drivers on the physical Manta.
     sudo apt install ros-melodic-rosbridge-server
  3. Install tf. tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time:
     sudo apt install ros-melodic-message-to-tf
  4. Install tf. tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time:
     sudo apt install ros-melodic-geographic-msgs
  5. Install move-base-msgs. This is necessary to perform some actions:
     sudo apt install ros-melodic-move-base
     sudo apt install ros-melodic-move-base-msgs
  6. Install catkin tools, which will be used to build the project:
    sudo apt install python-catkin-tools
  7. Install openpyxl, which is used for parsing an excel sheet in PCA9685_thruster_interface
    sudo apt install python-openpyxl
  8. Install bluerobotics-ping, which is used by the ping360 sonar
    pip install bluerobotics-ping

Step 2: Create a ROS workspace

  1. creating a catkin workspace:

    mkdir -p ~/vortex_ws/src
    cd ~/vortex_ws
  2. building the workspace created:

    cd ~/vortex_ws/
    catkin build
  3. source the current workspace:

    echo "source vortex_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
  4. close the current terminal.

Step 3: Download and build Vortex AUV and vortex_msgs

  1. Enter the folder where you want to clone the repository:

     cd vortex_ws/src
  2. Clone the repository:

      git clone
      git clone
  3. Compile the code by running "catkin build" inside the workspace:

     cd ~/vortex_ws/
     catkin build vortex_msgs
     catkin build

Step 4: Install the ZED-ROS-Wrapper

Official documentation

  1. Download and install ZED SDK

    1. Download from Stereolabs
    2. Enter the directory with the file:
     cd path/to/download/folder
    1. Make the file executable:
     chmod +x
    1. Run the installer:
  2. Enter the catkin workspace:

     cd ~/manta_ws/src
  3. Clone the zed-ros-wrapper repo:

     git clone
  4. Jump up to parent directory:

     cd ../
  5. Install dependencies:

     rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  6. Build the package:

     catkin build
  7. Source the package:

     source ./devel/setup.bash

Vortex-Simulator installation


  • Ubuntu 18
  • ROS melodic
  • Vortex-AUV must be installed


  1. Enter the folder where you want to clone the repository:

    cd vortex_ws/src
  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  3. Compile the code by running "catkin build" inside the workspace:

    cd ~/vortex_ws/
    catkin build