All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.9.0 (2022-11-14)
- [VIC-795] added fork auto sync config (5cc6e8a)
- 🎸 diakonie templates: rm logo, consistent signature (e1cfa8e)
- 🎸 updated email templates (5f343ae)
- add email template for daily notification (15b5d66)
- add ghcr registry (1dc4f96)
- add login path to base url (9ed7fba)
- add optional language code that defaults to German (02e7cf1)
- added mail templates for reassignement (e3be924)
- adjust theming for email templates (87095d8)
- adjusted templates for reassignments (a350872)
- create english template in custom directory (08bf125)
- different texts for single or multiple enquiries (cd54ab7)
- en template translation and json config (ca47b66)
- implemented dynamic change from template source (d07607c)
- no names in advice seekers' emails (2094b27)
- provide name of initiating consultant (64386ad)
- render subject depending on given language (42384fb)
- render text depending on given language (2c60768)
- set default language if language has been set to null before (815d3f0)
- set English template for reassign confirmation (5323a7b)
- texts for caritas (6d41661)
- ddo-91-mail-templates: button link to login page (46b92d0)
- ddo-91-mail-templates: implemented new design for email templates (682ae20)
- ddo-91-mail-templates: updated subject for daily enquiry notification (c43eb60)
- 🐛 template fix (c7bece9)
- add diakonie prefix to subject (86219c1)
- added mac files to gitignore (7b687ad)
- added missing dependency (d563ecb)
- added new image folder (2078b2a)
- added new resources (d4b456e)
- added path switch (7df67b0)
- added path switch for refactoring (14fa4b1)
- added picture to new path (ea6bfbd)
- adjusted resource path (0a110ad)
- attempt at avoiding network issues by inlining images (e1b08e9)
- changed naming from env variable (70741d0)
- changed path to templates (4f5a3b4)
- changed templates source path (34fe1e0)
- Diakonie header in English templates (e4db9b0)
- excluded javax.mail dependency (2f920f9)
- fix Sonar bugs (b84e75b)
- fixed sonar issues (7f10539)
- fixed sonar issues and fixed duplicated code (3ada7dd)
- force safe log4j version (96e7e58)
- formatted code (9cd2640)
- gendered subject (00892b3)
- impl. requested changes on github (199c08c)
- java doc (24678b3)
- merged conflict (8df80d4)
- refactored getRecipients function (0ba893d)
- remove name of asker and signature in emial templates (74cb9c1)
- remove name_sender (53b98a9)
- remove text decoration from anchors (b250433)
- removed dev dependencies (d4ede65)
- removed unused import (4cf540d)
- revert unrelated change (6f967fd)
- set German template for reassign confirmation (206f637)
- sonar issues (e105e41)
- typo in English language code (9645d4a)
- update log4j (2685d37)
- update organisation name (97eab43)
- updated path to mailservice.jar (a0456de)
- updated version from commons-io (19d4436)
- use Diakonie template with correct padding (f00a9e5)
1.8.0 (2021-12-14)
- adjust theming for email templates (87095d8)
- implemented dynamic change from template source (d07607c)
- added mac files to gitignore (7b687ad)
- added missing dependency (d563ecb)
- added new image folder (2078b2a)
- added new resources (d4b456e)
- added path switch (7df67b0)
- added path switch for refactoring (14fa4b1)
- added picture to new path (ea6bfbd)
- adjusted resource path (0a110ad)
- attempt at avoiding network issues by inlining images (e1b08e9)
- changed naming from env variable (70741d0)
- changed path to templates (4f5a3b4)
- changed templates source path (34fe1e0)
- excluded javax.mail dependency (2f920f9)
- fixed sonar issues (7f10539)
- fixed sonar issues and fixed duplicated code (3ada7dd)
- formatted code (9cd2640)
- impl. requested changes on github (199c08c)
- java doc (24678b3)
- merged conflict (8df80d4)
- refactored getRecipients function (0ba893d)
- remove text decoration from anchors (b250433)
- removed dev dependencies (d4ede65)
- removed unused import (4cf540d)
- revert unrelated change (6f967fd)
- sonar issues (e105e41)
- update organisation name (97eab43)
- updated path to mailservice.jar (a0456de)
- updated version from commons-io (19d4436)
1.7.0 (2021-06-15)
- prevent sending possible mails of stacktrace (945abf3)
1.6.0 (2021-04-12)
- switched java version for docker build, github actions and maven build (c9edef4)
1.5.0 (2021-03-22)
- provide endpoint to send free html error mails (9505a84)
1.4.0 (2021-03-01)
- extended mail error logging (0ab89b1)
1.3.0 (2020-11-23)
- restrict release action to branches starting with release (b39d7b7)
- update spring boot and dependencies (b1c648a)
- update deprecated logging property (db35a6a)
1.2.1 (2020-10-28)
1.2.0 (2020-10-28)
- update swagger to openapi and define model for generation (6a82e2e)
1.1.2 (2020-10-12)
1.1.1 (2020-10-12)
- Initial Commit (74bddd8)
- added npm install for github release action (c79c680)