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How to generate a big number of specific length in Swift?.md

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49 lines (35 loc) · 1.38 KB


Need a big random number of a specific length in Swift.



How you fix it

=> This problem could be solved using the .random() function available in Swift but in that case, you need to provide the range. If you need a number with 19 digits you need to provide an upper limit of range with 19 digits number which seems a hassle. I devised two solutions for this problem which I am sharing below


  1. Use UUID Strings and filter out all the numbers until you get the desired length
  2. Start from an empty and attach random digits from the range 1-9 until you get the desired length. But please note in this case your loop will iterate n times where n = digits lenght.

1) Using UUID Strings

import Foundation

func generateBigRandomNumber(digits: Int = 19) -> UInt64 {
    var randomDigits = ""

    while randomDigits.count < digits {
        let uuid = UUID().uuidString.replacingOccurrences(of: "-", with: "")
        randomDigits += uuid.filter { $0.isNumber }

    randomDigits = String(randomDigits.prefix(digits))
    return UInt64(randomDigits) ?? 0

1) Using Strings and adding 1 random digit at a time

import Foundation

func generateBigRandomNumberOf(digits: Int) -> String {
    var bigRandomNumber = String()
    for _ in 1...digits {
       bigRandomNumber += "\(Int.random(in: 1...9))"
    return bigRandomNumber